Syllable Awareness of Indonesian Children with Developmental
Yanti Br Sitepu, Harwintha Yuhria Anjarningsih and Myrna Laksman-Huntley
Linguistics Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Syllable Awareness, Phonological Representation, Dyslexia.
Abstract: Goswami (2010) revealed that children had the ability to detect and manipulate the component sounds that
comprise words at different grain sizes. They differ from dyslexic children who have difficulties to recognize
them. For instance, English dyslexic children showed disabilities to count the number of syllables and were
unable to manipulate syllables due to their lack of phonological representation. Therefore, the present study
aims to characterize the syllabic awareness of Indonesian dyslexic children. Five dyslexics from Pantara
Inclusive Primary School, Jakarta and 25 children from Kwitang 8 Primary School, Depok (chronological
age-matched control) were administered two experimental tasks: syllable counting and syllable reversal. This
study used quantitative and qualitative methods using a case control study. The instrument consisted of words
taken from the 10,000 highest frequency words in a linguistic corpus of Indonesian language. The results
generally suggested: 1) dyslexics found difficulties to count and replace syllables for words that have two and
three syllables; 2) dyslexics tended to alter CCV syllable to CV syllable; 3) dyslexics substituted phonemes
during syllable reversal task; and 3) four out of five control groups were unable to replace syllables in three-
syllable-reversal task. This study supports the phonological representation hypothesis of dyslexic children
suggested by Goswami (2010).
Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulties and a
neurological condition caused by a different wiring of
the brain ( Young children who have
been diagnosed with dyslexia normally have
language difficulties when they are three or four years
old. They tend to be late in talking, show unclear
speech, talk with a long-winded and unsystematic
speech, and have difficulties in distinguishing sounds
(Reid, 2011; Solek and Kristiantini, 2015). Therefore,
when they enter school, they generally have
difficulties in reading, spelling, writing (Lyon et al.,
2003), and speech perception (Brady et al., 1989;
Snowling, 2000; Ziegler, et al., 2009; Sitepu et al.,
2017). Dyslexics also seem to have difficulties to
identify syllables and letter sounds, and because of
those disabilities, they are considered lazy or stupid
(Hurford, 1998). In addition, most of those
difficulties are attributed to a deficit in phonological
awareness (Fawcett and Nicolson, 1995).
In terms of phonological awareness, Fawcett and
Nicolson (1995) defined phonological awareness as a
metalinguistic skill involving knowledge about the
sounds that make up words. However, it has been
suggested that dyslexics’ poor performance in
phonological awareness tasks may reflect
inaccuracies in the phonological representations of
the words that they are asked to analyze. Swan and
Goswami (1997) revealed that phonological
awareness skills of dyslexic children depend on the
accuracy of the underlying phonological
representations of words. Phonological awareness
develops as a natural part of language acquisition. At
the time children learn sounds, their brains develop
phonological representations of the sound structure of
individual words. Hence, normal children first gain
awareness of syllables when they turn to three years
old and they are able to distinguish syllable like /ba/
and /ga/ perceptually within the first month of life
(Goswami, 2010).
The ability of children to distinguish syllables has
been examined by Liberman et al (1974). They
measure the syllable awareness ability of American
children by asking them to clap their hands once for
words which have one syllable (i.e., dog), clap their
hands two times when they heard words which have
two syllables (i.e., tur-key), and clap their hands three
times for words that have three syllables (i.e., pres-i-
Sitepu, Y., Anjarningsih, H. and Laksman-Huntley, M.
Syllable Awareness of Indonesian Children with Developmental Dyslexia.
DOI: 10.5220/0007171706010606
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 601-606
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dent). As a result, the criterion is passed by 90 per
cent of the 6-year-old children. Similar evidence of
success at the syllable level has been found by
Treiman and Baron (1981). It is reported that good
awareness of syllables was demonstrated by 5-year-
old American pre-readers when they were asked to
count the number of syllables. For instance, when
they were asked to count the number of syllable of
rabbit, the children were able to set out two counters.
Furthermore, Cossu et al (1988) asked Italian pre-
readers (aged 4-5, and 7-8) to tap out the number of
syllables in words like gatto ‘cat’, melone ‘melon’
and termometro ‘thermometer’. Criterion is also
reached by 80 per cent of the aged 5 children and 100
per cent of the school-age sample. Hoein et al (1995)
tested the Norwegian pre-schoolers using a similar
syllable-counting test, and the performance is 83 per
cent correct (i.e., telephone = 3 marks).
Based on the success at the syllable level by the
normal children and the differences with the children
who have reading disorders, Swan and Goswami
(1997) compared the phonological awareness skill of
English dyslexic children, poor readers and their
chronological age-matched control group by
administering syllable tapping task of words with one
syllable (e.g. clock, queen), three syllables (e.g.
hospital, potatoes) and four/five syllables (e.g.
television, electricity). The results suggested that
dyslexic children showed significantly lower syllable
awareness skill than the chronological age-matched
control (ps < .01), but were significantly higher than
the group of poor readers (p < 0.05) and all subjects
were equally proficient at the syllabic analysis of
short and long words.
Similar with the finding of Swan and Goswami
(1997), Bruck (1992) also found the same results with
dyslexic children selected from the patient population
of a clinic specializing in the assessment and
treatment of specific reading disorders. Children were
asked to listen to a non-word on a tape recorder and
then were asked to use blocks as counters to indicate
the number of syllables in the non-word. Bruck
(1992) found dyslexic children made more errors than
their chronological-age matched controls on all
phonological awareness measures, especially on the
syllable awareness, such as the dyslexic children
made syllable counting errors (f(1,26)=9,41, p<0,05).
Dyslexic children also made fewer overshoot
responses on digraph errors in the phoneme counting
task [f (1.26) =13.94, p<.0.01), and made single-letter
deletion responses on digraph errors in the deletion
task [f (1.13) =6.71, p<0, 05].
In line with the aforementioned investigations,
this study aims to characterize the syllable awareness
skill of Indonesian dyslexic children. These tasks are
devised to measure the syllable awareness of
Indonesian dyslexic children and their chronological
age-matched control groups, particularly analyzing
the children’s ability to recognize short and long
words containing simple consonant-vowel sounds
and consonant clusters. On the one hand, this study
will uncover new findings regarding the syllable
awareness of Indonesian dyslexic children and help
parents and therapists to examine the syllable
knowledge of children. On the other hand, the result
findings can show what kind of syllable is the most
difficult for dyslexic children. The scope is only on
the investigation of the production and recognition of
syllable awareness of Indonesian children by
administering them with syllable counting and
syllable reversal tasks.
In addition, based on the previous studies, it is
observed that results of normal children examined by
Treiman and Baron (1981), Cossu et al. (1988) and
the control group of Bruck (1992) are in line with
those of Goswami (2010). They differ from the
phonological awareness skill of dyslexics found by
Bruck (1992). The finding provides strong evidence
that dyslexic children suffer from a disorder in
syllable awareness skill which persists in 7 or 8-year-
old children. The comparison between the normal and
dyslexic children indicates that the children with
dyslexia are deficient in all areas of phonological
awareness. However, despite showing persisting
phonological awareness deficits of dyslexics
remaining as a crucial stumbling block for the
acquisition of fluent words recognition skills, the data
show that Bruck (1992) did not collect IQ or
intelligence level information for the normal children.
Moreover, Bruck (1992) asked children to count
the number of syllables in non-words that contained
two, three and four syllables. Along the same line, the
present study intends to see whether the Indonesian
children with dyslexia in an orthographically
transparent language also show poor performance in
syllable awareness like the findings of Bruck (1992),
and Swan and Goswami (1997). The current study
uses simple CV words and consonant clusters that
contain two and three syllables only. It is also
investigated whether any deficit uncovered also
reflects inaccuracies in the phonological
representations of the words as proposed by the
phonological representation hypothesis of Goswami
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
The method of this study is quantitative and
qualitative with a case control study approach.
Dyslexic children and control groups are observed
and interviewed. The children are administered with
two syllable awareness tasks: syllable counting and
syllable reversal tasks. Then, the correct answer is
counted. The syllable awareness skill of Indonesian
children with dyslexia is compared with the skill of
chronological age-matched control groups by using t-
test independent (SPSS). The children’s skill is
investigated by asking them to count the number of
syllables of 48 words (24 words with two syllables
and 24 words with three syllables, and the words
contain simple CV syllables and consonant clusters).
Examples of syllable counting and syllable reversal
for words with two syllables and simple words type
are bayi ‘baby’, daging ‘meat’, gizi ‘nutrition’; for
three syllables with clusters : drama drama’, global
‘global’, gratis ‘for free’, three syllables for simple
words: merdeka ‘independent’, bakteri bacteria’,
bendera ‘flag’; three syllables with clusters : promosi
‘promotion’, presiden president’, pribadi ‘private’.
This study involves five Indonesian children with
dyslexia from Pantara Inclusive Primary School
based in Tebet, Jakarta. To qualify for the study, the
dyslexic children needed to attain an IQ score above
91 on the WISC-R (Wechsler, average IQ in
Wechsler ranging from 91 to 110), aged 7-9 (3 males
(aged 7-8), 2 females (aged 8-9)); living in an urban
area; speaking Bahasa Indonesia; and having parents
who graduated at least from high school. All the
children with dyslexia had been diagnosed as
dyslexics. The dyslexics are referred to as DA
(IQ=92), DB (IQ=92), DC (IQ=92), DD (IQ=96), DE
(IQ=93), and as for the control groups, CA, CB, CC,
CD and CE.
The chronological age-matched control group is
selected from Kwitang 8 Primary School, Pancoran
Mas, Depok. Inclusion criteria of the control group
are children aged 7 or who already studied in primary
school; without any psychological interference;
living in urban areas; having average level of
intelligence; having no speaking problems as
experienced by children with deafness or muteness;
and were fluent in Bahasa Indonesia. The intelligence
test for the control group was conducted in mass on
May 29th, 2017. None of the children selected for the
control group showed below-average level of
intelligence. The children were 7 years old (n=5), 8
years old (n=15) and 9 years old (n=5). The control
group selected shows the same age and sex with those
of children with dyslexia.
The test administrations is the following. First, the
children hear words on a recorder and clap their hands
as counters to indicate the number of syllables.
Second, the children are asked to move the last
syllable to the front of the words. All words used at
the syllable reversal task are similar with the words
used during the syllable counting task. All words used
in these tasks are taken from 10,000 words with the
highest frequency according to a linguistic corpus of
Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesianwac corpus) in 2016.
Subjects are tested individually. Two
experimental tasks are administered to all children,
among them: syllable counting and syllable reversal
test. As for the syllable counting tasks, subjects are
asked to count the number of syllables (clapping
hands) of words they hear from the recorder (i.e.,
simple words: bayi ‘baby’ (two times); merdeka
‘independent’ (three times); consonant clusters:
drama ‘drama’ (two times), presiden ‘president’
(three times). If children count the syllables
incorrectly or do not say anything, then the children
get a null score. Afterwards, they are asked to replace
the last syllable of each word and place the syllable to
become the first syllable. For example, when they are
asked to replace the last syllable of bayi (baby), they
have to say yiba. For the words which consist of three
syllables, when they are asked to replace the last
syllable of presiden (president), they have to move
den forward (become first syllable) and say denpresi.
3.1 Results of t-test Independent Test
The syllable counting and syllable reversal ability of
words with two syllables and three syllables of
dyslexic children are compared with that of control
group by using t-test independent statistic test. The
average score of syllable counting of the child with
dyslexia A (DA) with that of control group A (CA)
shows that for two syllable-words, mean DA=24,
SD=0; mean CA=23.00, SD=1.000, t=0.00, p=0.413
or p>0.05, and for three syllables: mean DA=0.00,
SD=0; mean CA=15.60, SD=5.899, t=-2.41, p=0.073
or p>0.05. As for the syllable reversal task, the result
shows mean DA=1.00, SD=0; mean CA=17.60,
SD=17.60, t=-2.08, p=0.105, or p>0.05; for the three
syllables, the result shows mean DA=0.00, SD=0;
mean CA=15,60, SD=5.899, t=-2.41, p=0.073 or
p>0.05, as for the control group, the result shows
mean DA=4.00, SD=0.
For DB compared with CB, the result of words
with two syllables shows mean DB=24.00, SD=0;
Syllable Awareness of Indonesian Children with Developmental Dyslexia
mean CB=23.20, SD=0.837, t=-19.33 p=0.43 or
p>0.05, and for words with three syllables, mean
DB=11.00, SD=0; mean CB=23.00, SD=1.000, t=-
20.82, p=0.000 or p<0.05. As for the syllable reversal
task of two syllables, the result shows mean DB=4.00,
SD=0; mean CB=18.00, SD=6.058, t=-2.230, p=0.90
or p>0.05, and for words which have three syllables,
mean DB=0.00, SD=0; mean CB=15.60, SD=5.899,
t=-2.41, p=0.073 or p>0.05.
For the comparison of the performance of DC
with that of CC, the statistic result shows mean
DC=24.00, SD=0; mean CC=23.20, SD=0.837,
t=0.873, p=0.432, or p>0.05, and for words which
have three syllables, mean DC=11.00, SD=0;
CC=23.00, SD=1.000, t=-10.954, p=0.000, or
p<0.000. As for the syllable reversal task, DC shows
mean=1.00, SD=0; mean CC=20.60, SD=2.074, t=-
6.62, p=0.001, or p<0.05; for the words which have
three syllables, mean DC=0.00, SD=0; mean
CC=17.20, SD=3.564, t=-4.40, p=0.012, or p<0.05.
For the comparison of the ability of DD with that
of CD, the statistic result in counting shows mean
DD=18.00, SD=0; mean CD=23.40, SD=0.894, t=-
5.51, p=0.005, or p<0.05, as for the result of three
syllables shows mean DD=7.00, SD=0; mean
CD=32.40, SD=0.894 t=-16.73, p=0.000, p<0.05. As
for the task of syllable reversal, the result shows mean
DD=17.00, SD=0; mean CD=11.80, SD=12.00,
t=0.39, p=0.713 or p>0.05; for the words which have
three syllables, the result shows mean DD=3.00,
SD=0; mean CD=11.60, SD=12.03, t=-0.65, p=0.550,
In the comparison of the ability of DE with that of
CE, the statistic result in counting syllable of words
with two syllables shows mean DE=2.00, SD=0;
mean CE=21.20, SD=6.261, t=-2.79, p=0.049 or
p<0.05, as for the words of three syllables shows
mean DE=22.00, SD=0; mean CE=23.20, SD=1.789,
t=-0.61, p=0.573, p>0.05). For the task of replacing
syllables, DE shows mean DE=2.00, SD=0;
CE=24.00, SD=0.000, t=0; for the words which have
three syllables, the result shows mean DE=0.00,
SD=0; mean CE=22.60, SD=0.894, t=-23.06,
p=0.000, or p<0.05. In summary, 4 out of 5 children
with dyslexia have difficulty in syllable counting (see
figure 1) (DB, DC, DD, DE) and 2 out of 5 dyslexic
children have difficulties in syllable reversal task
(DB, DE). The percentage of syllable awareness skill
of Indonesian dyslexic children with the control
group can be seen at Figure 1 and 2.
Figure 1: Syllable awareness ability of dyslexic children.
Figure 2: Syllable awareness ability of control group.
Based on the aforesaid quantitative measures, the
present study’s results differ from the normal
children’s skill in general, similar with the finding of
Cossu et al. (1988) who ask Italian children aged 7-8-
year-old to tap out the number of syllables in words.
Criterion is reached by 100% of the school-age
sample, 80% of the 5-year-old, and 67% of the 4-
year-old. In addition, the present result is also
consistent with Treiman and Baron (1981, look at
Goswami, 2010) who found 90% of 6-year-old and
100% of 7-year-old succeeded to count the number of
syllables. The results also support Swan and
Goswami (1997) and Bruck (1992) who found that
the dyslexics show significantly lower results than the
chronological age-matched control in syllable
counting task. Although Bruck (1992) did not collect
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
the IQ data of normal children, this study shows that
the disability of dyslexics may not be confounded by
either IQ or intelligence level differences. Yet, the
present study is inconsistent with previous findings
suggesting that all subjects were equally proficient at
the syllabic analysis of short and long words, because
this study result shows that Indonesian dyslexic
children find difficulties to count syllables neither
short nor long words.
3.2 Results of the Qualitative Analysis
Based on the qualitative research, it is observed that
dyslexic children tend to change complex syllable
structures to become simple ones during the syllable
counting task. Two out of five dyslexic children also
tend to substitute vowels during the syllable reversal
task, but mostly, dyslexic children are not able to
replace syllable and they tend to shorten the length of
3.3 Syllable Structure
Dyslexic children tend to alter syllable structure
during the syllable reversal task. They alter the
syllable structure of CVC to CCV [(DA; n=5), (DB;
n=5)]; CCV to CVC [(DC; n=1), (DD; n=2), (DE;
n=2)]; CV to CCV [(DA; n=1), (DB; n=4), (DC; n=1),
(DE; n=8)]; CV to CVC [(DA; n=1), (DB; n=2), (DC;
n=2), (DD; n=7), (DE; n=7)]; CVC to CV (DA;
n=13), (DB; n=9), (DC; n=8), (DD n=5) and (DE;
n=2)]. For instance: when DA is asked to replace sing
of the word pusing ‘dizzy‘ (CV-CVC) forward, he
answers sipung (CV-CVC) instead of singpu (CVC-
CV). As for the alteration of CCV to be CV, dyslexic
children tend to alter CCV to be CV syllables [(DA;
n=12), (DB; n=5) and (DC; n=3), (DE; n=16)]. For
instance, when DA is asked to replace fik of word
spesifik ‘specific‘ (CCV-CV-CVC), he says visiti
(CV-CV-CV) instead of fikspesi; and DB alters studi
‘study‘ (CCV-CV) to ditus (CV-CVC) instead of
3.4 Phoneme Substitution and Word
It is observed that DA and DB do not replace syllables
but tend to alter vowel sounds to /i/. DA alters /a/
sound to be /i/ (n= 24), /u/ sound to be /i/ (n=4), and
/ɛ/ to be /i/ (n= 14). For instance, planet ‘planetto be
plipi; gratis ‘for free‘ to be gritis. As for DB, he alters
wanita woman to be ‘tiwani‘. The dyslexics also
show varying performances during the syllable
awareness tasks. The dyslexics cannot execute the
instruction syllable DA, DC and DE given by the
examiner. As for the syllable reversal task, they are
unable to replace syllables as instructed. For example,
when DE is asked to replace the syllable of the word
gratis for free‘, she says oke instead of tisgra. For the
word kopi ‘coffee‘, DE says kopi pahit ‘bitter coffee
instead of piko.
Based on the results of this study, the difficulties to
distinguish syllable structure and to do syllable
segmentation indicated that Indonesian children with
dyslexia have phonological awareness deficit due to
their lack of phonological representation in the brain
(Goswami, 2010). Indonesian dyslexics find
difficulties to count the number of syllables for words
that have three syllables and contain simple syllable
structures and consonant clusters. Furthermore,
dyslexics also tend to substitute CVC and CCV to CV
syllables and substitute vowel sounds. Hence, the
study result is consistent with the finding of Swan and
Goswami (1997) that dyslexic children’s
performance in counting the number of syllables is
significantly lower than that of the control group, but
inconsistent with the finding stating that there is no
difference in the length of syllables. In addition, the
result also supports the finding of Bruck (1992) that
finds dyslexics are less successful than control group
in identifying words which contain simple syllable
structure. Moreover, the average ability of the control
group to count the number of syllable is 97%. This is
consistent with the ability of Italian children
suggested by Cossu et al (1988), and Treiman and
Baron (1981).
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education