Media in EFL Classroom
Song Vs. Picture
Westi Haryanti Utami and Muhamad Nova
Postgraduate Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: EFL Teacher’s Perception, Media, Picture, Song, Technology Integration.
Abstract: Since both visual and auditory media can bring both negative and positive impacts on English language
teaching and learning process, an issue of the effectiveness of a song and a picture as a teaching media
arises. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the Indonesian EFL teachers’ preferences in using auditory
media, i.e. song, and visual media, i.e. picture. By conducting a qualitative research study, the researchers
administered a questionnaire to 30 English teachers in Bandung, Indonesia. The result revealed that these
teachers prefer to use the picture than using the song. Even though the picture is mostly used in the
classroom, the existence of song in the classroom is more beneficial for the teacher. Reflecting up on the
teachers’ responses, mostly these teachers prefer to provide the song as teaching media, while the picture is
served as supportive media. Each media has a different role in teaching and learning process, whether as a
teaching media or a supportive media. Further research in comparing the effectiveness of both media is
In this modern era, the need for technology in an
English as foreign language (henceforth EFL)
teaching and learning process is increasing. It
happens due to the positive impact given by the
technology-based media which can help the teacher
in delivering the learning material effectively (Syafii
2016). Then, from the students’ view, their
motivation and interest are enhanced in participating
in the learning process, especially for the application
of song (Rafiee, Kassaian, and Dastjerdi 2010) and
picture (Wu 2008). Therefore, the use of technology-
based media in language teaching and learning
process is viewed as an effective tool in language
Similar view has also been concerned by the
Indonesian government. The Indonesia Ministry of
Education and Culture has regulated the technology
to be integrated into teaching and learning activities
in the classroom. As mandated in Ministry of
Education and Culture Regulations, r. 22 on
Learning Principles Section, it is believed that the
teaching and learning process can be more effective
and efficient with the integration of technology in
the classroom (Ministry of Education and Culture,
2016). With the technology integration, it is
expected that the classroom becomes more
conducive and the learning activties becomes more
focus. Thus, the English teachers in Indonesia are
required to provide technology-based media in
delivering the learning material in the classroom.
As a teaching tool, the effectiveness of
technology-based media utilization in EFL
classroom has been proven by several scholars. For
example, song, as an auditory media, is identified to
be able in serving an enjoyable learning environment
which can reduce the students’ anxiety and stress
(Debreceny 2015; Rafiee et al. 2010), providing the
students with repetitions of the authentic target
language (Şevik 2011), and enhancing the students’
target language reproduction creatively (Yarmakeev
et al. 2016). Another example is picture, as a visual
media, which is believed in helping the students in
understanding the context of learning by having a
real visualization (Wu 2008), stimulating their idea
(Syafii 2016), and helping them in remembering
(Alhamami 2016) and noticing (Mohammadnia and
Khalili 2014) the target language vocabulary.
However, other studies also found the negative
views of both applications of song and picture as a
teaching media. The use of a song is viewed as a
distraction in the learning process (Şevik 2011). On
Utami, W. and Nova, M.
Media in EFL Classroom - Song Vs. Picture.
DOI: 10.5220/0007167803870392
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 387-392
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the other hand, the use of picture can hinder the
information received by the students since it divides
the students’ focus into their ears and eyes in the
classroom (Kiany and Jalali 2008). As the result, the
issue of the effectiveness of a song, an auditory
media, and a picture, a visual media, as a teaching
media needs to be investigated especially from
teachers’ view.
Thus, the current study aimed to explore the
utilization of both song and picture in EFL
classroom. Indifferent to previous studies which
only focus on one media in a single study, the
current study investigated the use of both media by
exploring the English teachers’ preferences in using
song and picture in teaching. Taking the English
teachers’ opinion and experiences as the main data,
the result of this data is expected to contribute for
other English teachers; these teachers’ views on both
media can be a reflection for utilizing the media in
the classroom and also help them in deciding the
appropriate media for teaching
The study was conducted using a qualitative
approach. In this study, 50 English teachers teaching
in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia were contacted to
participate in the study. These teachers are selected
since they have implemented technology-based
media in teaching in the classroom. However, only
30 English teachers agreed to participate in this
study which consists of 16 Senior High School (ST)
English teachers and 14 Junior High School English
teachers. A questionnaire was used in collecting the
data. This questionnaire consisted of four questions,
including two yes/no questions related to the media
utilization and two open-ended questions related to
the English teachers’ reasons for using the media.
These English teachers’ answers were then analyzed
and interpreted qualitatively.
3.1 Media Usage Preference
From the two yes/no questions provided in the
questionnaire, the finding related to utilization of
both media are identified. All of these English
teachers have provided a picture in the classroom,
but, not all teachers provide song in the classroom;
there are four English teachers who have not
provided song in the classroom and interestingly, all
of these four English teachers are Junior High
School teachers. What Şevik’s study (2011) revealed
may also become one reason for not applying the
song in the classroom since the students are in Junior
High School level in which these students can be
distracted easily. Therefore, the result indicates that
these English teachers prefer to provide a picture in
the classroom rather than a song, with the total
number of teachers who have provided picture is 30
teachers and 26 teachers who have provided song.
Further views on these media are discussed in the
following section.
3.2 English Teachers’ View on Media
In line with their utilization of the media, the
teachers’ views on these media were investigated by
revealing their reason for using the media in the
classroom. From the English teachers’ answers to
two open-ended questions, various reasons for
utilizing the media are identified. It is interesting to
note that these teachers’ reasons for having the
media depend on the purpose of the media itself. To
make it clear, the English teachers’ views are
described on the following sub-sections.
3.2.1 English Teachers’ View on Picture
Picture as a visual media in the classroom is viewed
to be beneficial for the teachers. Different teachers
have different experiences in utilizing this
technology-based media in the classroom. From
their answers, there are six reasons of providing
picture in the classroom, including the use of picture
for supporting learning material, building
background knowledge, storytelling, providing
visual example, enhancing students’ memory, and
raising students’ interest.
Mostly, thirteen teachers viewed it supporting the
learning material given in the classroom. Four
examples of their answers can be shown as follows:
(JT-8) “It can make the students be more focus and
concentrate more on learning material.”
(JT-12) “It helps me to explain the learning material
(ST-7) “I can describe the learning context easier
and the students can see the picture and
they can understand what is being
discussed in the classroom.”
(ST-8) “It is easier to describe the abstract concept
of learning using picture.”
These teachers’ answers are in line with Wu’s
finding (2008) which the English teachers believe
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
that giving a visualization through a picture can
enhance students’ understanding of the lesson and
thus, it can help the students having a better
comprehension of learning.
Moreover, three other teachers mentioned that
they used it for brainstorming and building their
background knowledge. This activity can recall the
students’ background knowledge and the students
wanted to use it before starting the lesson. The
teachers provided the picture as a hook to stimulate
students’ learning and guide them to the learning
(ST-1) “I want to warm up the students’ knowledge”
(ST-9) “Picture is served as the brainstorming in
introductory of the lesson.”
(ST-14) “Picture can stimulate the students in
brainstorming activities.”
Besides, four teachers also served the picture in
storytelling. Sometimes, the description of the
character is needed and picture helps the teacher in
describing the character easier. Moreover, the
visualization of the setting of the story can be shown
clearer for the students to enhance their
understanding on the story plot.
(JT-4) “I want to introduce the character in the
(JT-10) “The picture can foster the students’
imagination in storytelling in the
(ST-10) “I want to give real visualization in
(ST-16) “Picture is used in teaching narrative, so
the students can know the character and
setting of the story.”
On the other hand, four teachers mentioned that
they want to give examples through a picture.
Giving a visual example is also viewed as a positive
reason for having this media in the classroom. These
teachers mostly provided the picture for showing
certain activities in the learning material learned to
the students to enhance their understanding.
(JT-2) “The picture makes the students observe the
example at once.”
(JT-3) “I can provide examples for students.”
(JT-6) “I want to give examples, so I use pictures.”
(ST-4) “I use a picture to give some examples of the
learning material.”
These three reasons mentioned by the teachers,
i.e. brainstorming, storytelling, and giving a visual
example, are in line with the result of Mohammadnia
and Khalili’s study (2014) who revealed that the
students can notice the lesson and what has been
discussed in the classroom since the picture can help
the students noticing the vocabulary used and make
them understand the lesson easier. Thus, providing a
picture as a teaching media can enhance the
students’ learning process.
Meanwhile, two other teachers stated that they
used a picture to help the students in memorizing the
learning material. These teachers believe that the
existence of picture can lengthen the students’
memory on the learning material. They view it as an
effective way to memorize certain learning material
through the picture.
(JT-9) “Picture can help the students in memorizing
the learning material faster.”
(ST-12) “It supports the learning material and helps
the students easier in memorizing the
learning material.”
As Alhamami (2016) has revealed before that
picture can foster students’ ability in memorizing
what they have learned. These students will store the
picture in their memory and it can help them when
they re-call certain learning material. Thus,
providing a picture can help them recalling the
learning material easier.
Other two teachers also mentioned that picture
can increase the students' interest in learning.
Providing interesting picture which is related to the
learning topic can gain students’ attention to be
more focus on learning. Moreover, one teacher even
added that the use of picture can avoid the boredom
in the classroom since the picture is interesting for
the students.
(JT-1) “It can increase students' interest in
(JT-14) “Picture raises students’ interest in taking
participation in teaching and learning
activities in the classroom. So the students
can be more active and enthusiasm.”
(ST-12) “It also avoids the boredom in the
classroom sometimes.”
Interestingly, one English teacher even wrote
that the easy access to get any picture as the reason
for using the picture in the classroom. With the easy
access, this teacher can use many pictures in the
classroom to help the students in learning. This
teacher mentioned that the picture becomes the
easiest technology-based media to be taken from the
(JT-5) “It is the easiest media to be taken on the
From these teachers’ answers, the picture is
utilized in various ways in the classroom. It can be
used at the beginning of the lesson, as building
background knowledge. Then, it can also be
provided in the learning activities, as supporting
learning material, supporting media for storytelling,
Media in EFL Classroom - Song Vs. Picture
providing visual example, and raising students’
interest. Even, it can also be served as learning to
enhance students’ memory. Thus, the use of picture
in the classroom can be considered as a supportive
3.2.2 English Teachers’ View on Song
Song, as an auditory media, is also chosen as a
preferable media for English teaching and learning
process by the teachers. Different teachers have
different ways in utilizing the song in the classroom.
From their answers, there are eight reasons of
providing a song in the classroom, including the use
of song for practicing listening comprehension,
teaching grammar and tenses, teaching
pronunciation, teaching vocabulary, brainstorming
activity, providing authentic example, enhancing
students’ feeling, avoiding learning boredom, and
being a positive learning reinforcement.
Most of these teachers used the song not only for
delivering learning material, but also for teaching a
certain skill. Eleven teachers wrote that the reason
for using a song in the classroom because they want
to practice students’ listening comprehension. Four
of their answers can be shown as follows:
(JT-1) “Song can make improvement in learning and
teaching activities, especially in listening
(JT-10) “I want to improve students’ listening
(ST-4) “It can gain the students’ attention, and
relaxation activities, and also for listening
practice especially.”
(ST-5) “Songs can practice the student' listening
Meanwhile, two other teachers used the song in
teaching grammar and tenses. Some of the structure
of the sentence in a song is sometimes different with
traditional grammar and thus, the teacher can show it
to the students and clarify on how a sentence is
(ST-6) “Some songs have different sentence
structure and tenses and I want to show it
to the students.”
(ST-14) “Song can be the real grammar practice for
the students.”
It was also identified by Yarmakeev et al. (2016)
who revealed that a song can help the students in
dealing with verbal clichés and colloquial expression
which is closely related to grammar pattern and thus,
through a song, the students can enhance their
grammar comprehension.
Then, three other teachers mentioned that they
can teach pronunciation with a song. Some songs
they select pronounce the words in a correct way and
the students can learn how to pronounce the words
from the song provided.
(JT-9) “Song can empower the students’
(ST-7) “The students can practice their
pronunciation by listening to the singer.”
(ST-10) “I want to improve their pronunciation.”
In line with what Yarmakeev et al.’s findings
(2016) revealed, a song also can be used for
enhancing productive skill, like speaking and
practicing their pronunciation. By providing a song,
it is viewed that the students can learn how to
pronounce words better.
Meanwhile, another teacher stated that a song is
used for teaching vocabulary. Some songs use words
which are rarely used and heard by the students.
Thus, by providing a song in teaching, it is viewed
that it can enrich students’ vocabulary mastery.
(ST-16) “It can give new vocabulary for the students
and it can raise their vocabulary mastery.”
On the other hand, two other teachers mentioned
that the song was applied in starting the lesson as a
brainstorming activity.
(JT-4) “I used to start the lesson, but sometimes it is
not really related to the subject lesson.”
(JT-11) ” It is for warming up or brainstorming.”
A song can turn down the tension and makes the
students feel relax in teaching and learning activities
(Debreceny 2015) and thus, by putting the song at
the beginning of the lesson, the teacher can warm up
their students and can check their readiness toward
the lesson.
Besides, three other teachers stated that they can
give real examples of language expression through
song. Since a song is an authentic material, these
Indonesian English teachers seek the benefits of the
song by having a real and factual example of how
language is expressed through a song.
(JT-2) “I want to provide the factual example of the
lesson that I teach.”
(JT-12) “I use it to help the students by providing
authentic learning material.”
(JT-15) “Song can give the real example of
sentences or language expression.”
Moreover, four teachers also considered
students’ feeling in the classroom. These teachers
believe that using a media in the classroom also need
to consider students’ feelings. Thus, these teachers
provided song as a media since it is appealing to the
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
(JT-8) “Song fosters students' interest especially
auditory learners.”
(JT-13) “Students love songs and It can also raise
their motivation in learning”
(ST-3) “Song consists of art and aesthetics and
appealing to learners.”
(ST-11) “The students like to sing a song.”
On the other hand, two teachers also mentioned
that the song they used can avoid the learning
boredom. One teacher added that the special purpose
of having a song is to use it as an ice breaker.
(ST-1) “It makes less boring activities in the
(ST-5) “Songs can be an icebreaker in the middle of
learning to avoid learning boredom in the
middle of teaching and learning practices.”
As what has been mentioned by Debreceny
(2015), using a song can turn down the tension and
makes the students feel relax in teaching and
learning activities. Thus, the use of song can make
the students release their tension in learning and not
getting bored with the lesson.
Interestingly, one English teacher wrote that
song is used as reinforcement in the classroom.
Since it can gain students’ interest, it can be a
positive reinforcement for the students in learning.
(JT-6) “The students love music, particularly for
familiar and popular songs, and it can also
be used as reinforcement sometimes.”
These last three reasons mentioned by the
teachers are in line with Rafiee et al.’s finding
(2010) who revealed that a song can serve an
enjoyable learning environment. Thus, the song
provided can reduce students’ anxiety, make them
enjoy the teaching and learning activities, and avoid
the learning boredom in the classroom.
From the teachers’ responses, the song has been
utilized in various ways in the classroom. It can be
used at the beginning of the lesson, such as
brainstorming activity. Then, it can also be provided
in the learning activities, such as practicing listening
comprehension, teaching grammar and tenses,
teaching pronunciation, teaching vocabulary, and
providing authentic example. Even, it can also be
served as a positive reinforcement to enhance
students’ feelings and to avoid the learning
boredom. Thus, the use of song in the classroom can
be considered as a teaching media.
The utilization of both visual and auditory media in
English teaching and learning process is served for
different purposes. These Indonesian EFL teachers
viewed these media are beneficial and it also has its
own functions and applications in teaching and
learning process.
Even though the picture is mostly used in the
classroom, but the existence of song in the
classroom is more beneficial for the teacher. It can
be seen from the teachers’ responses that the song
provides more benefits than the picture. A song can
provide eight benefits, including the use of song for
practicing listening comprehension, teaching
grammar and tenses, teaching pronunciation,
teaching vocabulary, brainstorming activity,
providing authentic example, enhancing students’
feeling, avoiding learning boredom, and being a
positive learning reinforcement. On the other hand, a
picture can provide six benefits, including the use of
picture for supporting learning material, building
background knowledge, supporting media for
storytelling, providing visual example, enhancing
students’ memory, and raising students’ interest.
It is interesting to note that each media has its
own function in the classroom. Mostly the teachers
prefer to provide the song as a teaching media, as it
is mentioned that they use the song for teaching
listening, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
Meanwhile, the picture is served as a supportive
media, especially in storytelling and explaining the
learning concept. As a supportive media, the use of
picture is limited. The picture is only provided to
support the learning material, i.e. example and
visualization and is not served as the main activity of
learning or the main sources of learning material.
Indifferent from picture, the song is provided in the
classroom as the main sources of learning and, even,
as the tool in practicing language ability.
Although each media can bring benefits for
English teaching, their existence in the classroom
also needs to be reconsidered, whether the media can
enhance the effectiveness of learning or, in the
opposite, it becomes the learning distraction in the
classroom. Therefore, further research in
investigating the effectiveness of both media is
needed to be conducted by other researchers.
This research was funded by Indonesia Endowment
Fund for Education Scholarship (LPDP), Ministry of
Finance, Republic of Indonesia (Grant No.
Media in EFL Classroom - Song Vs. Picture
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CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education