Students’ Perception toward the Use of IPA Symbols in
Pronunciation Class: An Empirical Study in EFL Classroom
Lia Maulia Indrayani and Rudi Suherman
English Department, Faculty of Cultural Science, Universitas Padjajaran, Sumedang Indonesia,
Keywords: The IPA symbols, students’ perception, EFL classroom.
Abstract: The IPA symbol is one of the key elements in studying English. Being able to recognize the symbols is
generally acknowledged can help the EFL students in identifying word at the level of pronunciation. This
paper attempts to present the comprehensive pictures of what students, who are taking English education as
their major at one of teacher training institution in Bandung, have in their mind toward the use of IPA symbols
when they took Pronunciation class. It also aims to depict the students’ knowledge in regard with the IPA
symbols, and its function according to their own perspective. This study will employ a qualitative descriptive
research design embracing the characteristics of an empirical study. The data were obtained from two stage
of questionnaires; close-ended and openended questionnaires and retrospective interview. The findings were
expected to provide insight and suggest EFL lecturer to give more exposure on teaching IPA symbols to
prospective EFL teachers. Teaching IPA symbols comprehensively will equip them with better pronunciation
and help them in teaching pronunciation to their students in the foreseeable future.
Introducing the IPA symbols as the key element in
teaching English is considerably important in EFL
classroom (Lintunen, 2013; Mirza, 2013). Due to its
statue, the IPA symbols particularly in English
language enable students to grasp hints of how a word
should be uttered in accordance with universal
A word generally consists of two basic element
namely vowel and consonant sound. By knowing the
characteristic of each vowel and consonant sounds,
the student may be able to pronounce the word
correctly and succinctly. Therefore, the discussion or
at least a diagram describing about the IPA symbols
usually encloses at the front page of English
Despite of its importance in EFL setting
(Lintunen, 2013), the IPA symbols generally do not
have much exposure in the classroom, they are
sometimes utterly ignored (Mirza, 2013). It may due
to time limit of the course, for example, in one of local
campus in Indonesia, pronunciation course generally
consist of 14 meeting in one semester, excluding mid
and posttest. The IPA symbols discussion is
sometimes taken up only one or two meeting. It is
embedded to the course not as the independent course
Therefore, the students who are primarily
expected as prospective EFL teachers don’t get
sufficient understanding about what IPA symbols are.
The symbols are only comprehended at the surface
level. They studied about vowel and consonant very
shallow, these elements, vowel and consonant,
become their common knowledge, yet never been
studied in depth.
This study focuses on students’ perception toward
the IPA symbols that being introduced to them in
pronunciation class. The class had been taken when
the students were as the first year of their study. This
study is an empirical study as the students are asked
about their experience studying and dealing with the
IPA symbol and the IPA symbol’s position
throughout their journey as EFL prospective teachers,
and its importance for their carrier as EFL teachers.
Indrayani, L. and Suherman, R.
Students’ Perception toward the Use of IPA Symbols in Pronunciation Class: An Empirical Study in EFL Classroom.
DOI: 10.5220/0007164802190223
In Proceedings of the Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference
on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education (CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017) - Literacy, Culture, and Technology in Language Pedagogy and Use, pages 219-223
ISBN: 978-989-758-332-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The International Phonetics or known as the IPA
symbols is a universal transcription system for
phonetics and phonology. McMahon(2002:23)
argued that The IPA symbol have considered
essentially as an alternative writing system which
allows us to express a larger range of sound than the
English spelling system would .
The IPA transcription will not tell the students the
meaning of a word from a particular language, and
knowing the transcription does not result in native
like pronunciation. However, it will comfort them,
the students, how the native pronounces and helps
them raising sort of awareness which can lead to other
activities that focus on pronunciation (Mirza, 2013)
English language consist of twenty different
vowel sounds including eight different diphthongs
and twenty four consonant phonemes. Each
consonant and vowel has its own feature, in which has
hierarchy of difficulty to master (Kelly, 2000; Mirza,
2013). Both vowel and consonant phonemes,
regardless its level of difficulty, have to be studied by
those whom primarily work as EFL teachers or other
related field.
There are several previous researches in regard
with the topic of IPA symbols in the context of
English as a foreign language or second language
such as Muhibunir (2013), and Mirza (2013). Both
research mainly focused on English consonant sounds
as part essential elements in IPA symbols that is
necessarily to be introduced to the EFL students.
Muhibunir (2013) conducted the research on
Teachers’ perspective on Error in English consonant
sounds made by Saudi EFL teachers. It attempted to
investigate the teachers opinion regarding the error
made by EFL students in Saudi Arabia. The
participants were the EFL teacher who were teaching
in the preparatory year program in the researcher’s
campus, Najran University, the study revealed that
the error were made due to several reasons one of
which is lack of proper attention toward the subject.
It was then suggested that teaching sound system
should give more highlight in EFL context.
In line with Muhibunir, Mirza (2013) investigated
the introducing the IPA symbols to Bangladeshi
students. The aim of the study was to uplift and help
the EFL learner to have a better pronunciation
through introducing the symbols by developing self
correcting condition where the
students were able to revise the pronunciation’s error
they made. The study revealed that learners heavily
rely on their prior knowledge of English letters while
reading English word in transcription. It was also
found out that all the IPA symbols for English
consonant phonemes were not equally difficult for
them to master.
This study employed a qualitative research study
methodology which embraced a characteristic of
empirical study as the method and approach since the
researcher conduct the research based on what has
happened to the participants and gain the information
from it scientifically.
The researcher accepts the data without any
attempt to manipulate it and develop a good
relationship with the research participants. This study
is also categorized as a descriptive case study since
the study describes a phenomenon in the real life. The
phenomenon was found in the research site,
specifically in class speaking for professional context
in one of the Teacher Training Institution in Bandung.
The researcher involves 15 participants of
Teacher Training Institution students majoring
English Education. They are taken as the research
participants in voluntary bases. There are some
criteria in selecting the participants. The first is the
participants should have taken pronunciation class or
Introduction to Phonology since the study aims to
find out their perception toward the class they have
taken in previous semester, the second criteria is the
students are willingly to share their perception
without having a feeling of being judged or assessed.
These criteria are paramount important to meet as it
will increase the reliability of this paper.
The data are obtained from two stage of
questionnaire; open ended and closed ended
questionnaire given to the participant, consisting of
15 different questions with agree and disagree option
and interview which was addressed to each
participant individually. It aims to gain the data
deeply and reveal the valuable information that
doesn’t reveal in questionnaire.
This study will apply retrospective interview with
semi structure mode. The data gain from both
sources; questionnaire and interview will be
discussed and interpreted in the following section.
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
4.1 Result of Questionnaire and
The data of this research was gained from
questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was
used as the first data, whereas interview was used as
the comparative data to support the questionnaire
result in providing validity and reliability of this
study. The questionnaire consist of 15 different
questions, the result of the questionnaire are
presented as follows.
Table 1: The Result of Questionnaire.
( % )
( % )
I know about what the IPA symbols are
The IPA symbol recognition is very important for word pronunciation
The IPA symbol helps me pronouncing a word better.
By knowing the IPA symbols, I can read the phonetic transcription of a certain
The IPA symbol helps me identify the word phonetic transcription.
I feel confident pronouncing an English word after studying the IPA symbols
I can study and understand the concept vowels and consonant by myself.
The IPA symbols are quite complicated to be understood.
Lecturer’s explanation really help me in understanding the IPA symbol concept
I need an assistance to understand the concept of the IPA symbols.
I need more time to understand the concept of the IPA symbols.
IPA symbol can be taught to senior high school students.
If am a teacher, I will teach my student the IPA symbols.
IPA symbols must be studied independently as a single course not embedded to
e.g. pronunciation class.
The IPA symbol must be studied more than one semester.
4.2 Discussion
Based on the result of the questionnaire administered
to the respondents, more than 60 % of the respondent
out of 15 students (93%) believed that they knew the
IPA symbols. Even more, 100 % of the respondents
believed that the IPA symbols recognition was very
important for word pronunciation. More 70 %
respondents agreed that The IPA symbols also helped
them to have better word pronunciation, and helped
to recognize phonetic transcription of certain word
(93% and 100% respectively).
This finding indicated that the respondents were
fully aware of the vital status of IPA symbols for their
pronunciation skill. This result was supported by
several respondents in the interview, such as;
“IPA symbol will make every student having better
pronunciation and increase their speaking skill “
“I think the IPA symbols are important in speaking or
pronunciation class, because we can’t speak English
well without knowing the symbol of sounds “
Besides helping the students in pronunciation.
Learning the IPA symbol was able to elevate students
‘confidence. As it can be seen from the result
questionnaire number 6 in which 93 % of the
respondent felt confident in pronouncing English
word. It is probably due to the expand knowledge of
the student on the concept of the IPA symbol that they
never studied before.
The finding was also in line with study from
Lintunen (2013), Lucaz (2013), and Mirza (2013)
which also showed that students who were able to
recognize the IPA symbols had better confidence than
those were not. It was also supported by the
interview result below;
“I think I have better pronunciation now, and feel
confident to speak English after learning the IPA
symbols in introduction to pronunciation class “
Some students also clearly stated that they could
read the word transcription after learning the IPA
symbols. They also stated that they could make use of
English dictionary to find a new word without
worrying of mispronounce it.
“I can’t read the word transcription confidently, I
was blank about it, but now, not anymore “
Students’ Perception toward the Use of IPA Symbols in Pronunciation Class: An Empirical Study in EFL Classroom
“I can find unfamiliar word on dictionary without
worrying of mispronounce the word”
Even though the most of the respondents agreed
upon the importance of IPA symbol for their
pronunciation and speaking skill, they disagreed if
studying the IPA symbol was fun or enjoyable. It can
be seen from the percentage related to this
questionnaire. 13 students (87%) agreed that the IPA
symbol was not easy matter to study, and most of the
respondent didn’t enjoy learning about it. It might
because the level of difficulty. It can be perceived
from the questionnaire related to their perception
toward IPA symbols difficulty.
These perception can be drawn on questionnaire
number 7 (seven) in which 10 students (67%) of the
respondents felt that IPA symbol was quite
complicated when it comes as a self-study subject. It
was supported by the result of interview below
“I have no Idea what the IPA symbols were, I thought
it was science subject in Indonesian”
I never understand the IPA symbol mostly, if I learn
it at home, it was just bunch of symbols
This finding is in line with the questionnaire
number 9 (nine). All respondents agreed as it shown
in 15 students (100%) of the result that they needed
an assistance in understanding the concept of IPA
symbols. Therefore, all respondents agreed that
lecturer’s explanation help them in understanding the
IPA symbols concept. Furthermore, some of the
respondents clearly stated that the lecturer’s presence
and the explanation was very important for them.
“When I learn the IPA symbol, I really depended on
my lecturer’s explanation “
‘I didn’t know what to do, I don’t understand what I
read until my lecturer came and explain about it
It is also in line with Mirza (2013) in which
Bengali Students the same experience in
comprehending the IPA symbol had. For them, the
level of difficulty of each vowel and consonant
phonemes was not the same, or on the other word, it
had hierarchy of difficulty. It was further stated
below by first year student of this study.
“I think some (symbols) are easy, other is difficult, or
even there are very difficult to understand “
“I don’t understand when there is very similar
symbols or when there is long and short sound
It can be understood that there are some subtle
concepts in the IPA symbol, which sometimes make
the students fail to comprehend its concept such as
between long and short phonemes, or among
consonant or vowel that orthographically different
but slightly different when they were pronounced.
As prospective EFL teachers, they were also
asked their opinion toward the implementation of the
IPA symbols to Indonesian students, 73 % agreed that
IPA symbol could be taught to senior high school
students. Furthermore, 10 students (67%) would
teach the IPA symbol given that they were EFL
This finding indicated that even though the IPA
symbols concept might not easy to follows, they
could see the fruitfulness of comprehending the IPA
symbols either for them as prospective teachers or for
their future students. Furthermore, it might indicate
that the IPA symbol should be taught or incorporated
to lower level of curriculum such as senior high
school. This finding was also supported by the result
of the interview as follows;
I wish I had learned about the IPA symbol when I
was as senior high school students “
I think I would have better pronunciation, if I had
known about it long before I study here (at STKIP)”
Finally, although the idea of placing the IPA
symbol as an independent subject was hypothetically
untrue, it received positive respond. 80% of the
respondents agreed that the IPA symbol should be
study independently, and more than 50 % of the total
respondents agreed that the IPA symbol can be
studied more than one semester. Therefore, studying
the IPA symbol more intensively can help the
respondents to understand the concept better.
By placing the IPA symbol as an independent
subject, it will gradually eliminate the myth
surrounding the IPA symbol itself in which many
students from different years consider it as important
element to be studied but hard to comprehend.
The data obtained from two different instruments
reveal certain tendency as follows:
Firstly, the students is aware of the importance of
the IPA symbol in increasing their pronunciation
CONAPLIN and ICOLLITE 2017 - Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and the Second English Language Teaching and Technology
Conference in collaboration with the First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education
skill. Further, it also helps to improve their speaking
skill. However, they don’t have sufficient prior
knowledge about it. Therefore students need more
time to study about what the IPA symbols are and
their features.
Secondly, Teacher has and important role in
teaching the IPA symbol to the students, it is in line
with Lucaz (2013) who stated “ needless to say .“ it is
also the teaching style, teacher student rapport,
manner of correcting error .determining classroom
dynamic “. Therefore, before teaching, an EFL
teacher should equip himself/herself with decent and
sufficient knowledge of the IPA symbols. He/she also
needs to be a role model and simplify the IPA
symbols concept.
Thirdly, learning about the IPA symbol does not
make students having native like pronunciation, but it
at least help them acquire the basic and vital concept
of other activities that lead to other pronunciation
activities and elevate their confidence when
pronouncing an English word.
Lastly, the idea of making the IPA symbols as
independent subject can be an alternative solution.
The more time provided will certainly make them, the
prospective EFL teachers, have more chance to
understand the concept, and help them in teaching
pronunciation to their students in the foreseeable
I would like to thank to my lecturer, Dr Lia Maulia
Indrayani, who has been willing to be the co-author
of this paper, and has been willing to assert valuable
assistance and suggestion in conducting this research.
The sincere thankful is also address to all STKIP
Persatuan Islam students who have been willing to
participate in this study.
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Students’ Perception toward the Use of IPA Symbols in Pronunciation Class: An Empirical Study in EFL Classroom