Development of Disaster Mitigation Model in Ecotourism Area of
North Bandung
Wanjat Kastolani
Department of Geography Education, Faculty of Social Sciences Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Ecotourism, Disaster Mitigation.
Abstract: The area of North Bandung is a tourism area that continues to grow. There are various natural tourist
destinations around Mount of Tangkuban Parahu. However, this region has a potential disaster such as
volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and ground movements. As an effort to anticipate losses from the disaster,
mitigation efforts are needed in the North Bandung tourism area. Disaster mitigation in the tourism area is
very important to be done because tourist is usually the center of economic growth and of course the
population, so it is important to develop a special mitigation model for tourist areas. This research intends to
develop disaster mitigation model in North Bandung area. The research method used is descriptive research
method, that is to explore and describe all phenomena or conditions systematically related to the potential of
disaster and mitigation efforts that have been done both by the manager of the tourist area andthe local
community. The output of this research is to get the model of disaster mitigation in nature tourist area of
North Bandung.
Indonesia is one of the countries prone to the
disaster as said by Zein (2010) the high level of
disaster occurrence in Indonesia one of them is
North Bandung area (KBU) an area located in four
administrative areas of Bandung, Bandung City,
Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency and
Cimahi City. The area of North Bandung was
originally an area developed for protected or
conservation areas. It is based on the Governor's
Decree No.181 (1982) on Land Allocation in Core
Area of North Bandung Raya. Due to the rapid
development in this area, it is needed more spatial
arrangement with the birth of West Java Provincial
Regulation no. 1 (2008) About the Control of Space
Utilization Area of North Bandung.
Based on these rules, the development of tourism
in that region get a strong legal basis. The utilization
pattern of North Bandung area is as a protected area
and cultivation area. One form of utilization of the
cultivation area is a tourist area with the provision
does not interfere the hydroorologis function of
North Bandung area.
Being on the fracture of the valley and between
the mountains of Burangrang and Tangkuban Parahu
make make the western bandung district has a
morphology of hills that make it develop ecotuorism
but also make it vulnerable to natural disasters,
especially mountain eruption and landslides.
Quarantelli (1998) in Lestari (2006) describes
disaster as an actual occurrence, more than one
potential or more threat is termed as more than an
actual threat or termed as the realization of danger
In the next development, the area of North
Bandung (KBU) developed into a tourist destination
that is visited by tourist or traveller both from local
and foreign. It issues to this area has a beautiful
scenery because it is in the highlands with rows of
mountains, cool temperatures and diverse tourist
attractions are offered when visiting this region. So
many visited by tourists and should come to have
knowledge about disaster mitigation in the area that
he visited. Annisa (2011) explains that disaster is
anything that happens both due to nature and human
impact itself that has the potential to interfere with
life, harm human beings, cause natural damage
either caused by natural, non-natural or human
The development of North Bandung Area (KBU)
to be a tourist destination will certainly increase the
economic growth of the people in the area,
Kastolani, W.
Development of Disaster Mitigation Model in Ecotourism Area of North Bandung.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 439-445
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
investment in services sector such as hotels,
restaurants, cafes, thematic nature attraction
continues to increase. This condition besides gives
benefit economically, but there is also potential for
disaster in the region.
The disaster vulnerability in North Bandung area
(KBU) is caused by the geographical condition of
the area which is located in the active volcano area
of Tangkuban Parahu, an active fault area of
Lembang fault, and slope conditions of its slope
ranging from 20 -> 40% that potential to occurrence
of land movement. Based on the slope condition
above, it needs a disaster mitigation development
model for the tourism area in North Bandung is
needed. The development of this disaster mitigation
model is intended to keep environmental conditions
from the damage that directly affects to humans to
participate in preventing environmental damage, as
occurs in some developing countries (Akinbile and
Yusof, 2011).
Silverman (2005) stated “methodology as a general
approach to studying research topics” and Kothari
(2004) stated “research methods may be understood
as all those methods/techniques that are used for
conduction of research”.
Research method is a scientific way to get data
and usefulness or a certain purpose. This research
uses descriptive research method and uses
qualitative approach based with research
development (R & D).
Descriptive research method is one of the
research methods for analysis data that are widely
used in research that aims to explain an event. As
stated by descriptive research is a study that aims to
provide or describe a state or phenomenon that
occurs today by using scientific procedures to
answer the problem in actual. Data colletion by
observation, interview, study literature and study
Descriptive research method is a method that
tries to describe, interpret something, such as
existing condition or relationship, developed
opinion, ongoing process, effect or on current
tendency. Based on these two meanings, the
descriptive research method is a method used to
describe, interpret something phenomenon, such as
existing conditions or relationships, developed
opinions, by using scientific procedures to solve
actual problems, in this case is disaster mitigation in
the tourism area of North Bandung.
This research was conducted in Lembang
District, West Bandung Regency. Researchers take
research at these locations because this location is a
tourism area that is highly developed and potentially
affected from the eruption of volcanoes, earthquakes
and ground movements in West Bandung regency.
Samples were taken from several villages: such as
Lembang, Jayagiri, Cikole and Suntenjaya villages.
3.1 Potential Disaster in North
Bandung Tourism Area
The potential of disaster can be caused by two
factors, namely by natural events and man-made
disaster. Based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 24 (2007) there are three factors that cause
the occurrence of disaster that is natural factor, non-
natural and also human factor (social disaster). The
potential of natural disasters in the North Bandung
Tourism Area, based on geographical conditions is
in the active volcano of Tangkuban Parahu area, the
existence of an active fracture that is Lembang fault
and its slope between 50-150, except for a steep
enough valley between 150- 600.
These conditions cause the potency of diverse
disaster, such as the disaster of Tangkuban Perahu
Volcano eruption, the land movement disaster and /
or landslide disasters, and earthquakes that can be
resulted from volcanic eruptions and arising from
active plate shifts in the cesarean area (tectonic
earthquake). The potential for disaster has a wide
range of disaster vulnerabilities, ranging from low,
medium, high, to very high, depending on the
conditions of each region. Based on the geographical
condition of its region, the area that has high to very
high level of vulnerability lies in the area of
Bandung Regency and West Bandung regency. This
is influenced by the factor or condition of the area
itself that is around or close to Mount of Tangkuban
Parahu and located in the Lembang fault region.
Based on that condition, the tourism area in North
Bandung is located in disaster prone areas.
According to the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 24 (2007) about Disaster
Management, it is a condition or geological,
biological, cultural, political, economic, and
technological, geological, geological, hydrological,
climatological, geographical, social, cultural,
political, economic and technological characteristics
of an area for a certain period of time. Reducing the
ability to prevent, reduce, achieve readiness, and
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
reduce the ability to respond to the adverse effects of
certain hazards.
3.1.1 The Danger of Mount of Tangkuban
The eruption of Tangkuban Perahu volcanic is
characterized by small explosive eruptions and
occasionally interspersed with phreatic eruptions by
eruption spans ranging from 2-50 years. Based on
observations since the 19th century, this volcano has
never shown a major magmatic eruption, except the
eruption of ash without being followed by lava
eruptions, hot clouds or incandescent rocks.
Generally, the danger of volcano eruption can be
categorized as primary and secondary hazards.
Primary hazards are a danger as a direct result of
volcanic eruptions, such as: phreatic material, stone
burst (incandescent), ash rain, mud rain, poisonous
gas, hot clouds, and lava flows. The geological and
historical data of the eruption showed that the
recorded eruptions of Tangkuban Parahu volcano in
history are small explosive eruptions, in the form of
phreatic eruptions, poisonous gases and mud bursts,
whereas hot clouds and lava flows have never
occurred. The distribution of phreatic deposits and
stones (glow) from previous eruptions is generally
exposed at a distance of 500-1000 meters from the
eruption center, while the ash rain due to it is
smoother caused its spread wider.
Secondary danger is a danger of direct trial of
volcano eruption. This secondary effect is lava.
Lahar generally occurs when the loose material is a
cloud of hot and ash deposits that accumulate in the
peaks and valleys in the upstream region of the river
come from a peak that is embraced by rainwater,
melting snow or ice or a crater lake containing
water. From the research that has been done, as in
Merapi Mount (Central Java), lava formed when
rainfall reaches 40 mm in 2 hours, and the potential
zone for the occurrence of lava is between the
altitude of 600 m - 450 m (Lavigne et al, 2000).
The dangers of eruption of Tangkuban Parahu
Volcano include small explosive type of intensity
and occasionally interspersed by phreatic eruptions
with eruptive time spans ranging from 2-50 years.
Based on observations since the 19th century, this
volcano never showed a major magmatic eruption,
except the eruption of ash without being followed by
lava eruptions, hot clouds or incandescent rocks.
Phreatic eruption dominates the incidence of
Tangkuban Parahu Mount eruption and followed by
increased solfatara and fumarola temperatures in
several active craters, ie Kawah Ratu, Kawah Baru
and Kawah Domas. The volcanic material that was
thrown in the form of ash which limited to around
the peak of several kilometers. Mud bursts just
happen around the crater. In the event of increased
volcanic activity, it usually appears fumarole or
solfatara white smoke that is sometimes followed by
the emergence of toxic gases CO and CO2.
Furthermore, the Directorate of Volcanology and
Geological Mitigation (DVMBG) then divide the
three levels of Disaster Prone Areas from low to
high, namely: Disaster Prone Area I, Disaster Prone
Area II, Disaster Prone Area III. The description of
the three levels are as follows.
Disaster Prone Area I is a potentially lava-
stricken area. During the eruption, this area has the
potential of falling material such are ash rain and
possibly throwing stones (incandescent). Prone areas
of ash rain without regard to the direction of the
wind and the possibility of exposure to stones
(incandescent). The limit of radiation distribution of
ash rain and stone lontara for KRB I is not
determined because it can be further. So the
residential area located on a larger radius of 5 km
from the eruption center is a disaster prone area I
(KRB I) that potentially hit by ash rain.
Regions is divided based on the potential of its
material (1) KRB II that is potentially experienced
hot clouds. Mount of Tangkuban Parahu according
to the records never issued a hot cloud, but if there is
a hot cloud spread is estimated only limited in the
crater area and follow the valley Cikoneng on the
slopes of the northeast at a distance of ± 5.5 km
from the eruption center (Kawah Ratu),
Cipangasahan Valley through Dawuan to the east G.
Palasari area at a distance of 5.5 km from the
eruption center and eastward through the Rhino
Crater; (2) KRB II which is potentially lava affected.
Lava flows are controlled by the morphology it
passes and usually through areas such as river
valleys in the peak areas. Based on the morphology
of the peak areas, if there is an eruption that
produces lava, the distribution of lava flow is
expected to occupy only the area of Kawah Ratu or
Upas Crater unless there is eruption from the side
then the spread through the lower valley around the
eastern slope. Based on the position of the current
crater (Domas), the area that has the potential of lava
flows is the northeast slope. Lava is a potential that
can be avoided because the flow of movement is
relatively slow ± 5-10km / hour so there is plenty of
time to stay away from the flow; (3) KRB II which
is potentially affected by lava. The lava-stricken
areas are following the hot clouds on the northern
slopes of the river, north-eastern and the eastern
Development of Disaster Mitigation Model in Ecotourism Area of North Bandung
slopes, while the southeastern, southern, southwest
and western slopes are less likely because the lava-
forming material is derived only from pyroclastic
falling deposits; (4) KRB II which has the potential
of drowning heavy ash and pebbles. Heavy ash rain
is a material of eruption-sized lapili to ash both
magmatic and semi magmatic / phreatic eruption
results, while the stone throw (incandescent) in the
form of volcanic bombs and old rock fragments that
were carried away during the eruption. The droplets
of heavy ash rains and the thickest stones
(incandescent) in the peaks and surrounding areas,
the relatively smaller fragments reach a radius
farther away from the eruption center. From
geological data, it is known that heavy ash and stone
incidence reaches 5 km radius from eruption center
and in this radius is Cikole area (southeast slope),
then Sukatinggi area (south slope). Most of the land
uses in this area are forests and plantations and
agricultural land of the population.
The disaster prone area III is an area close to the
source of eruption that is often hit by poison gas,
throwing (glow) phreatic eruption and possible hot
clouds. Due to high levels of vulnerability, this area
is not allowed for residential and commercial
purposes. The implementation of KRB III is solely
to anticipate possible dangers, because the crater
area is a tourism area visited by many tourists. The
limit of material throwing and ash rain on phreatic
eruption is within a radius of 0.5 to 1 km from the
eruption center.
3.1.2 Potential of Tectonic Earthquake of
Lembang Fault
Lembang fault extends more than 22 km and
includes the type of normal faults. The north moves
is relatively down, while the southern part is raised.
The city of Lembang to Cisarua in the west and
Maribaya to Cibodas / Batuloceng in the east is part
of that decline. As a result of this tectonic process
sprawled an escarpment (the straight slope) which is
a slope field of Lembang Fault that can be clearly
seen from Lembang to the east. Based on a study
from the Bandung Basin Research Group (2004)
Lembang fault is an active fault that can produce
shallow earthquakes with a strength of 6.7 - 6.9 on
the Richter Scale, or more.
According to Dam (1994) cited by Yulianto
(2009) the morphology along the fault line shows
distinctly different characteristics. The east side of
the fault that cuts the lava forms a very high
escarpment. Elevation of this escarpment decreases
to the western side so as to show morphology
resembles a hinge. This condition indicates that the
eastern and western side of the fracture may be
move by a different mechanism that is on the east
side have a vertical motion component (dip-slip)
more dominant than the strike slip component while
the opposite occurs on the west side of the fault.
These mechanism differences may indicate
segmentation along the fault. The only report that
shows the existence of segmentation on Lembang
Fault is given by Dam (1994) in Yulianto (2009). If
the Lembang Fault consists of only one segment that
moves together then the raised earthquake can reach
7 Richter scale and if more than one segment and
move together, then the earthquake potential will be
more than 7 on the Richter scale.
3.1.3 Potential of Land Movement
West Java Province is most vulnerable to earth
movement / landslide disaster compared to other
provinces in Indonesia. It is not separated because of
geological conditions, rainfall, population activity,
slope and other factors. Principally, ground motion
or the term landslide generally occurs when the
driving force on the slope is greater than the
retaining force. The retaining force is affected by
rock strength, and soil density. While the driving
force is influenced by the magnitude of the angle of
the slope, water, and the load and the gravity of the
soil. Meanwhile the factors that trigger the
movement of the soil are rainfall, vibration and
human activity. Human activities in this case relate
to land use, such as forest clearance arbitrarily,
planting too heavy tree species with too dense
spacing, mining, cutting / slope for roads or
settlements that do not meet technical standards.
The mechanism of ground movement is usually
triggered by high and long rainfall so that the water
content in the soil increases (saturated water), soil
weight increases, the bond between the grains
decreases, and the soil carrying capacity decreases,
plus the runoff from the slopes Relatively steep and
unstable so that it moves to find a new balance and
there is movement of the land. Based on the physical
condition of the northern area of Bandung is a
mountain with a slope of the slope between 50-150,
except for steep enough valley cliffs between 150-
600, coupled with unstable soil conditions and high
rainfall makes the natural tourism area of North
Bandung is very vulnerable to the soil movement.
The condition of ecotourismarea of North
Bandung with the vulnerability of disaster from
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Tangkuban Parahu Mount, Lembang Fault and
ground movement of course require an effort to
reduce disaster risk (mitigation).
The existence of natural tourism area in North
Bandung surely have big risk if disaster happened.
Disaster risk is the potential loss caused by a disaster
in an area and a certain period of time that can be
death, injury, illness, life threatened, loss of security,
displacement, damage or loss of property, and
disruption of community activities. To reduce the
risk of such a large disaster is required mitigation.
According to Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 24 (2007) on Disaster Management, that
mitigation means a series of efforts to reduce
disaster risks, both through physical development
and awareness and enhancement of the ability to
deal with disaster threats.
Mitigation efforts can be carried out in the form
of structural mitigation by strengthening buildings
and infrastructure, such as building codes,
engineering designs, and construction to hold and
strengthen structures or construct landslide retaining
structures, retaining walls, and so on. In addition
mitigation efforts can also be done in a non-
structural form, such as avoiding disaster areas by
way of building away from disaster areas that can be
known through spatial and regional planning and by
empowering the community and local government
Institutional strengthening, whether government,
community, or private is a key factor in disaster
mitigation efforts. Institutional strengthening in the
form of preparedness, early warning systems,
emergency response, barrack management and
disaster evacuation aims at creating a powerful
community so as to minimize the impact of
The role of society or community in mitigation
efforts has a positive value in efforts to improve
disaster management capacity, so it is able to reduce
disaster risk in North Bandung area where they live.
Experience in the implementation of disaster
management oriented towards community
empowerment and independence will refer to: (1)
undertake disaster risk reduction efforts with
communities in disaster prone areas, so that the
community will be able to manage disaster risk
independently, (2) avoid new vulnerability &
dependency (3) disaster risk management is an
integral part of the process of development and
management of natural resources for the
sustainability of community life in disaster prone
areas, (4) multisectoral, multi-disciplinary and
multicultural approaches.
Based on the importance of society or
community participation in disaster mitigation, it is
necessary to develop disaster mitigation model for
ecotourismarea in North Bandung based on
community. Models are simplifications of the real
world. The model can also be applied in various
forms of problems including community-based
disaster mitigation. Through the preparation of
community-based mitigation model, the resulting
model can be applied to various regions in
Indonesia. The modeling can be done by developing
a conceptual model of community-based disaster
mitigation. To test the model, selected tourism area
in North Bandung.
The development of a community-based
mitigation model will be able to explore the
potential of local wisdom. Understanding the
potential of local wisdom within a particular
community will be widely explored through a
participatory approach. People with "skills" (local
knowledge, local technology, local institutions) they
possess will easily understand, and accept their
planning and designing steps if the "language" they
are using can be understood. Local people generally
have local knowledge and ecological wisdom in
predicting and mitigating natural disasters in their
areas. Such local knowledge is usually derived from
the rich empirical experience of interacting with the
ecosystem. For example, local people living on the
slopes of Mount Merapi have the ability to predict
the likelihood of eruptions. Another example is the
local wisdom of the P.Simelue community in
reading the natural phenomena of the coast has
saved thousands of people from the Tsunami disaster
on 26 December 2004. Early warning through
warnings of "shouts" of semong, (sea water receding
and having to flee), obtained from generation to
generation, Learned from disasters some decades
ago. In the vicinity of EcotourismArea of North
Bandung in Suntenjaya Village Lembang District,
West Bandung Regency there is also local wisdom
namely Batuloceng site that is in the form of a stone
which looks like human body is meditated (semadi).
This stone according to the local community was
able to make a sound and shine as a sign of an
earthquake. The sacred stone is an inscription of the
relics of the Pajajaran Kingdom found around the
16th Century. The site is a bell-shaped stone with a
diameter of 30 cm and a height of 50 cm.
The development of disaster mitigation model
with community participation (mitigation based
Development of Disaster Mitigation Model in Ecotourism Area of North Bandung
community) in North Bandung ecotourismarea has
strategic value to place community participation as
main stakeholder in effort to reduce disaster risk in
the area. Because who can understand the
opportunities and obstacles at the local level only the
community or the local community itself, where
they live their life. Because local communities
should be involved in the identification and problem
solving related to vulnerability to disasters and
information must be obtained in ways and languages
that can be understood by the community.
The development of community-based mitigation
model must be done systematically by government
institutions / institutions by providing legal
protection and community empowerment efforts. In
the business of community development, it can also
invite tourism entrepreneurs to allocate their
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for the
empowerment of surrounding communities in
increasing knowledge and ability of disaster
The biggest obstacle and challenge of applying
community participation is how to ensure that
participative management is not distorted and
manipulated by certain groups, such as village elites
and so on. Therefore, the development of public
policy formulation systems / mechanisms, including
conflict resolution, as well as capacity building for
communities and social capital are urgently required.
Indeed, the development of participatory
management is not easy. Tourists Managers have
usually outgrown the material for the licensing
process from the local community, so that if any
programs related to the community usually become
resistant, they already feel they are paying. Another
issue related to the development of a community-
based disaster mitigation model is the obstacles to
community participation.
According to Hetifah (2000) in Wikantiyoso
(2010) suggested three main obstacles to good
participation: First, structural obstacles that make the
climate or environment less conducive to
participation. Among these are the lack of awareness
of the various parties to the importance of
participation as well as the policies and rules that are
less supportive for participation to work; Second, the
internal constraints of the community themselves,
among them lack of initiative, unorganized and lack
the capacity to engage productively in the decision-
making process. This occurs, among others, due to
lack of information; Third, it is an obstacle due to
the lack of mastery of participatory methods and
In the implementation of disaster mitigation
model in the tourism area in North Bandung based
on Society or community there are findings that the
values of local wisdom also began to fade along with
the growth of tourism business. Because the tourism
sector is more economically profitable, so the
environment is getting depressed. With the
development of this mitigation model, people are
encouraged to re-explore the local wisdom of their
ancestral heritage so that there is expected synergy
between the development of tourist areas with a
sustainable environment.
Disaster mitigation is a series of efforts to reduce
disaster risks through physical development and
awareness raising and capacity building for disaster
threats. Mitigation efforts can be done in the form of
structural and non structural mitigation. One form of
non-structural mitigation is to empower
communities and local governments. FAO (1993)
argued that "the land is a segment of the earth's
surface and the attributes of the biosphere which are
reasonably stable or cyclically foreseeable" whose
existence must necessarily be maintained primarily
by humans as a creature that utilizes land on the
surface of the earth.
In the implementation of disaster management
carried out one of them is involving community
participation. The participation of local communities
in disaster mitigation is very strategic to implement
because they are the ones who have knowledge and
depend on their life in the region. Local people
generally have local knowledge and ecological
wisdom in predicting and mitigating natural
disasters in their areas.
The development of disaster mitigation model in
North Bandung EcotourismArea is an effort to
collect all local potentials (local wisdom and local
knowledge) of local technology, local culture and
local traditions that have been "tested" able to
contribute in disaster mitigation so as to be
structured systemically and Become a reference for
community empowerment elsewhere to use it in an
effort to reduce disaster risks
One example of the local wisdom of Sunda,
namely in Gawir in Awian, is contained in the
meaning of bamboo plant as one of the conservation
of research results showed Uchimura (1997) and
Widjaya (2004) in Yani (2012) revealing the fact
that the population of The world of bamboo consists
of 75 genera and 1250 - 1350 species and in
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Indonesia there are 157 where this amount 10% of
world bamboo species. 50% of Indonesia's bamboo
is endemic and 50% has been utilized by the
community. Such diversity is certainly an excellent
potential if developed.
Other studies have shown that bamboo
theoretically has mechanical properties that
distinguish them from other plants, such mechanical
properties are as follows (Modification and
development of Frick (1997) and Suseno (1999)
bamboo has moisture on the stem so good for
conservation. Sentences of local wisdom are
profound in particular for the conservation and
mitigation of disasters.
In addition the community can also be given
additional knowledge related to the plant that is
characterized by Ocshe et al. (1961) described that
the suitable vegetation to be a crop of erosion impact
reduction is (1) easily reproduced (2) does not
require fertile soil (3) ) Has a root system that can
bind the soil structure (4) grows rapidly by
producing leaf or midrib (5) resistant to pests,
diseases and drought (6) easily eradicated if the land
is to be used (7) has no such discomforting
properties and the twisted tendrils (8) have a benefit
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