Enhancing Family Character Education Trough Family Base Care
Titin Sarwendah and Dasim Budimansyah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
titin.sarwendah@student.upi.edu, budimansyah@upi.edu
Keywords: Character, Family Base Care, Good Citizen.
Abstract: Character education in family environment is the basic in developing new generation character. Error
parenting in giving character education was caused by low level of education, income and the family unit.
This study aimed to analyze the strengthening of environment of character education in developing the
character of a good citizen through Family Base Care Program LKSA Kuncup Harapan Sukagalih,
Sukajadi, Bandung, Indonesia. A qualitative approach with case study method revealed parenting in
influencing children character. The result showed that Family Base Care Program was able to develop the
attitude of self-reliance, honesty and responsibility. But the true character of parents could influence
children’s character. Therefore, how far the activity of Family Base Care Program could strengthen
character education of family environment.
Family function needed to be observed as the duty
which had to be acted by the family as the smallest
social institution which consisted of (a) religion
function; (b) sosio-culture function; (c) affection
function; (d) taking care function; (e) reproduction
function; (f) socialization and education function;
(g)economic function; (h) environment leading
function. Unfortunately, family function hadn’t been
able to be done maximally because in the family
education, leading and children education (including
religion and good character) started not to be
awarded and it had been given to the teacher and
school. Parents contribution to support the children
in self actualizing in social environment started not
to be done because the job increasing and parent’s
activity (Djahiri, 2006; Bawazir, 2007). Parents
contribution would give the true effect on the growth
of the children (Jonyniene, 2015). But generally, the
parents did the mistake by too focus on attention in
effort of giving more to the children (Bateson and
Mead, 1942; Mead, 1963; Gray, 2006; Maria and
Adriani, 2009).
The parenting of different parents came from the
problems which were faced by each family
(Achtergarde, 2015). Research on children with
emotionally unstable parents exhibited adaptation
problems and psychological disorders, especially the
less stable emotions in their children (Radke-Yarrow
et al., 1992). Mother neglect, neglect, quality of
mother interaction and potential of child abuse as a
form of reaction less ready mother in caring the
child with age according to result of research and
assessment of mother (adolescent) 72%, mother
(adult) 70% (Lounds et al., 2006). In this case
marital problems might be a key factor in (Gelfand
et al., 1992) problems that arise beside the lack of
income parents to fulfill the needs of their families
(Lestari, 2008).
The victim of unready parents in building a
household was definitely a child. Children under the
Convention on the Rights of the Child were children
under 18 years of age; WHO (2003) children were
vulnerable aged between 0-14 years; Central Bureau
of Statistics, young population = 0-14 years old,
productive age = 15-64 years old and old age ≥65
years (Maya, 2014) whereas according to Law no. 3
Year 1997 on Children's Court = 8 years but it had
not been 18 years of age; Law No. 39/1999 on
human rights of children <18 years and unmarried,
including children who were still in the womb if it
was for their benefit. By looking at the age
classification of children above showed how
children became vulnerable to crime and other
unpleasant crimes. (Santrock, 2007; Chen and
chand, 2016). The high rate of child abuse, child
abuse, child pornography, and child prostitution
were like the phenomena of the tip of the iceberg
(McCabe, 2008; Simpson, 2011; Toros 2016). With
Sarwendah, T. and Budimansyah, D.
Enhancing Family Character Education Trough Family Base Care.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 375-380
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
90% of the labor of out-of-school children were not
completing the primary education level, this would
greatly affect the quality of the workforce (Achnes,
2010). While data PN Bandung in 2009 showed
there were 87 children had conflict with the law until
the trial process. The case was diverse, but the most
was the case of theft (Aviandari et al., 2010).
Parents' lack of care in family development as
well as Margaret's research led to a condition in
which the child lost the role of primary family care
and was entitled to be placed in an Orphanage to
fulfill their needs (Hurlock, 1999; Hartini, 2001;
Bastaman, 2007; Napitulu, 2007). The development
of cultural psychology today, the pattern of care that
was considered effective in one culture was not
necessarily compatible with different cultures,
(Yuyun, 2012), different social skills (Fadhilah,
2010) so that the need to build the character of the
nation was a fundamental requirement in the process
development because only a nation that had the
character and identity that would be able to compete
in the global era (Budimansyah, 2010). With the
development of good character in our young
generation would certainly help prepare citizens who
had a good character. The character of citizenship,
such as citizenship, developed slowly as a result of
what a person had learnt and experienced in homes,
schools, communities, and civil society
organizations (Kodiran, 2004; Budimansyah and
Suryadi, 2008)
The above issues, the foundation of the author to
examine the application of basic family care in the
education of the character of the family
environment. Because the central family was able to
manage and shape the character of his children.
Which indirectly if the education character of his
family was good then it would give birth to the
character of a good boy and just the opposite.
Where, the problem of this research was the gap
between public expectations to parents to manage
their families as a place to educate children into
young people who had character and had good
citizens character. The problem of the lack of
application of family functions in the character
formation of children would be addressed by three
core activities, namely improvement of family
upbringing, family character building strategy,
action plan of Family Base Care program
development. This activity would be not only until
the development and application but also monitoring
to ensure that the character education process in the
family was able to shape the character of good
This research uses qualitative approach with case
study method (Yin, 2008) to get a clear picture in the
implementation of Family Base Care program
implemented by LKSA Kuncup Harapan in
strengthening character education of family
environment for Sukagalih foster family. LKSA
Kuncup Harapan in Bandung West Java was chosen
as the location of research because LKSA Kuncup
Harapan was made to apply Piloting Project Family
Base Care where the output of this program would
be distributed and made reference by other LKSA.
This study took foster families of 16 people through
a random sample with criteria: complete family,
single parent family, and family with alternative
parenting (grandparents, uncles, aunts) Sukagalih
foster family as informants in the process of data
collection. for approximately one year of research,
the researcher first observed the observation directly
by joining the program or indirectly, then
interviewing, and lastly documentation to the
informant in the whole implementation of Family
Base Care program. Results of data collection
obtained then analyzed using (Milles and Huberman
model, 2012). The data obtained would then be
validated using source triangulation techniques and
data collection techniques.
3.1 Implementation of Family Base
Care Program
One of the flagship programs of the Family Base
Care program was Parenting skills training.
According to the Mr. Sopian, the parenting skill
training activity was followed by at least 40 families
of Sukagalih's foster children with six core sessions:
a) the first and second sessions on the exposure of
the child's situation; b) session three was to educate
and nurture with the heart; c) the fifth session was
emotional control and stress; and d) for the sixth
session was Ananda’s outspoken presentation. As
for the other audio visual materials were film
screenings that included: movies being a good
parent; film how to understand children's behavior;
saved the golden generation of Indonesia;
development of the fetus in the womb; the danger of
pornography damaged the brain; and parenting
experiences. Family Base Care supported programs
included benefit assistance. According to the Mr.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Sopian helped this benefit to help the economic
development of families with the criteria that already
had, had the expertise and intentions to make
business. From the benefit of this assistance each
month from each family in had to submit 10% of net
profits that would benefit from it would be collected
and used as capital for other families who would
receive benefits as well. While the third program
was SNPA (National Standards Child Care) for
children was one of the programs to discuss by
putting forward the opinions of children related to
how parenting had been given by parents, what
rights should be given to the child's parents, how the
punishment should not be done by the child, the
child became more understand and told how had
been taken care of by his family and most important
was the child understood how should they be taken
care of by parents.
For achieving the objectives of the Family Base
Care program as a whole it needed commitment
between the institution, social workers and related
parties so that the running program would achieve
its objectives. According to Mrs. Rara one way to
get this program done well and beneficial to the
family was to do the family assistance through home
visit and further assessment
3.2 Child and Family Responses to
Family Base Care Program
Family Responses Foster children are diverse in both
families who felt helped by the program, providing
insight into how to care for children with a history of
illness, providing awareness that appropriate
parenting was not compatible with parenting; had
friends to discuss in providing nurturing, able to
"brake" the emotions of the mother in the face of his
child's behavior, provided new knowledge, and
provided self-awareness for children. For the
response of foster children to the Family Base Care
program according to the Mr. Sopian and Mrs. Rara,
showed that the children had positive response to the
program that was implemented although initially the
child was confused about the change of attitude that
happened to his parents especially in the care. In
addition, according to Mr. Sopian involvement of
foster children in the program also in the form of
Story Telling in the framework of how the side of
the child's experience was excavated during his
lifetime already baligh already remember something
until today it was dug and we knew that the
development of children like this, so there an
experience that could not be forgotten by a child
who was later told in Story Telling Form.
3.3 Barriers And Challenges Of Family
Base Care Program
Obstacles and challenges during the Family Base
Care program are family characters that respond
well but their implementation in the family
environment is lacking, even rigid. The second is the
bustle of parents to conduct continuous training
because to match the time with the bustle of each
parent is a difficulty in itself. While the obstacles
and challenges faced by Mrs. Rara as a social
worker is the parent character of the child itself.
Because according to Mrs. Rara we should not be
the origin of assessing the behavior of children but
had to be returned to their parents. Not to mention
the challenge when parents who did not accept that
the character of a rebellious child that could plunge
towards the criminal. In addition, the parents of
foster children were not easily sued to quickly
changed the pattern of parenting because the old
pattern of care they had applied to children much
longer than this new program. The solution given by
both the head of LKSA and the Social Worker of
LKSA was more to prioritize parent participation
especially in the voting process to match the time of
training that would be done, went to family one by
one to ask directly the problem that was faced by
family, and emphasized that the nurture process,
growth and development of children was also not
always the same, especially the planting of the
family to change the character changes that began to
enter puberty so that parents could embrace their
children naturally by giving love.
Based on the findings of observations, interviews
and case studies conducted by the researchers, the
impact of family care with character education on
child growth could be described in the table 1:
Table 1: of application program Family Base Care toward
foster family Sukagalih society.
Family and
Child Responses
Got knowledge
and new
science and
also the
awareness that
which was
done was
character and
the bustle of
Did home
visit; put
the parents
voice in
home visit
and family
The child was
more open
and society
the child in
taking the
home visit
and Family
Enhancing Family Character Education Trough Family Base Care
Got economic
helped in the
capital business
form which
parents’ job.
strengthen of
the family in
home visit
the parenting
before and
found the way
to “break” the
emotion when
faced the child.
This program
gave the
process and
it was not
advice to the
family to
always give
home visit
and Family
Source: from research data of 2017
From the table above showed that the overall
agenda of the Family Base Care program conducted
by LKSA Kuncup Harapan which included:
parenting skills training, benefit assistance, SNPA
discussions with children, even family
accompaniment provided a variety of responses both
from the child and the parents themselves. Referring
to the table above, the diversity of responses arises
from the constraints and challenges of the program
itself. Especially the character of the family
environment that was quite difficult to accept the
changes in parenting that had been done. In order to
keep this program in place, the social worker agreed
to make a home visit or family visit as well as to
assist the family in order to keep this program
sustainable. Moreover, the Family Base Care
program was not an instant program that was able to
change the pattern of parenting quickly but requires
a long process and time.
The difference in parenting behavior in Sukagalih
foster children's families could also be attributed to
the personality or character of the parents
themselves where the decline in parental permissive
parenting style had an impact on the child's
behavior. This study also showed how the pattern of
parenting that had been applicable from the past and
used long ago by the community. Parents education
was tried to be developed in increasing knowledge
as parents, especially in parenting. However, some
programs were not evidence-based practices or were
not subject to regular evaluation from a scientific
perspective (Achtergerde et al. Jonynien et al.,
2015). The analysis in this study focused on the
process of change from the parenting pattern of each
family that appeared especially the ability to behave
and respond to the needs of the child (Townshend,
2016). The nurturing strategy in this study had the
flexibility with the location and time needed in each
session so as to provide a sense of security in the
family. Parents' reports of child behavior and
parental pressure shift from using positive parenting
practices (Marinezand Marta, 2016) as well as adult
psychological adjustments and characteristics that
were in their possession as adjustable and non-
adjustable parenting (McKinney et al., 2016).
While this study established the importance of
parenting in producing good children's character
(Lickona, 2012). Although in its development not a
few of parents did not know how to provide good
care for their children (Don et al., 2013). Family
view of character education in child development,
the way parents educated children would be very
influential in the development of children both
emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.
Unfortunately, not all families, in this case the
parents realized the big role in the development of
the character of his children (Lickona, 2012;
Sukiyani, 2013).
Because of the above, parental training was
intended to develop a clearer understanding both in
providing the skills, as well as the knowledge in
measuring the child's behavior and the disorder in
the nurture itself. This study showed that the average
of troubled parenting parents than the parents
involved in the training reported that the behavior of
the child differed mainly from the parent being
trained (Solomon et al, 2016). Parent training
programs help disobedient children. The study also
showed how mothers report a history of domestic
violence and the ongoing rough behavior of their
partners but simply wanted focused services to
address behavioral difficulties and adaptation of
children including improving parent-child
interactions (Marinezand Marta, 2016).
This study wanted to prove the orientation of
parents' attachment in educating their children. The
resulting parenting styles result in a plurality of
social attachments, especially in the absence of
significant change influences with adjustments to the
current developments (Jones, et al., 2015). Because
parents should be able to adjust the pattern of care in
accordance with the needs of children. Where later
changes in parenting could also be appreciated as a
mediation of the transition effects of reduction in
handling cases of juvenile delinquency itself
(Schroeder, and Thomas, 2012). The program also
reduced risk takers and protection factors associated
with child abuse. However, the effect of parenting
programs to reduce depressed parents was still very
limited. Childcare programs had a positive effect for
low, middle and high (Chen and Chan, 2016)
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
The Family Base Care program was an ongoing
program and required solid cooperation between
institutions, social workers and families. Because the
output results could not be seen in the near future
but continued to proceed. In the research results
showed some barriers in this program both from the
aspect of the character of the family environment,
the characteristics of the community who had not
been able to accept the change of care that had been
done. Why this became the most important thing for
the citizen character formers because the family was
the first place children learnt and spent life in
childhood. While in character education, the family
had an important position in the process of culture
and empowerment of habituation or habituation and
intervention because parents had the right to nurture.
Because when the family was able to provide
excellent service in the process of empowerment and
character education culture (Budimansyah, 2010;
Muhtarom et al., 2016; Suryadi and Budimansyah
In giving the stimulus of upbringing came from
the intention in this case either in deliberate,
replicating existing ones or by listening to the
process of exposure of others which then would
elicit the attitude of nonjudgment and compassion. A
good attitude would trigger an emotionally-
structured attention where emotions could be a result
of habitualization, emotions arising from awareness
or the consequence of enforced rules that ultimately
led to safe punishment for children (Townshend,
2016). To establish behavior requires a process that
was not easy as well as Family Base Care programs
that were implemented at this time. During the
process of this program the child would also grow as
well as the treatment of parenting. The application of
character education of this family environment
would give birth to the character of a good citizen as
well as that conveyed by Aristotle (in Winarno,
2009) was the existence of civic virtue (civil virtue)
in him. According to him, there were 4 components
of civic virtue namely (1) temperance (simplicity)
including self-control and avoidance of extremes;
(2) justice; (3) caurage (courage or firmness)
including patriotism and (4) wisdom or prudence
(including wisdom or prudence) including the
capacity for judgment (Heater in Winarno, 2009).
and had a public and private character
(Budimansyah and Suryadi, 2008): a) Became an
independent member of society; b) To fulfill the
personal responsibility of citizenship in economics
and politics; c) Respect the dignity and dignity of
each individual humanity; d) Participated in civic
affairs effectively and wisely; e) Developed healthy
functioning of constitutional democracy. In essence,
the education of the family environment character in
the Family Base Care program is part of Citizenship
Education for the community which was aimed at all
elements of individual community members to
know, understand, understand and implement the
etiquette, orderly and act in accordance with the
norm of law apply in society (Muhtarom et al., 2016;
Suryadi and Budimansyah 2016).
Based on research on strengthening character
education of family environment through Family
Base Care program indicated that Family Base Care
Program was a program that needed continuous
process for the formation of good citizen character
that was young generation able to become
independent member of society having personal
responsibility of citizenship, respecting the dignity
and human dignity of each individual, and
participating in the public sphere. Character
education in the family was part of Citizenship
Education in the community therefore it was needed
good cooperation between the Social Service, the
Education Office, and LKSA (Child Welfare
Institution). For further research could examine the
strengthening of the economy in the family
environment in shaping the character of the child for
this research could continue to be developed. And
for LKSA (Child Welfare Institution) others could
apply Family Base Care program to facilitate
Character education in family environment all over
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