Character Development Base on Religion: Introducing TCB Concept
for Better Life
Sri Cahyati and Dasim Budimansyah
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia,
Keywords: Religion, School Culture, TCB Concept, Character Building.
Abstract: The human character should not be just consisting of intelligent, but also good attitude and personality.
However, nowadays the young generation seems have lost the model of right behavior. The modern education
should be form this human character to be more prepare for facing today’s challenges without losing their
religious values. This study intent on analyzing the concept of character development based on religion or be
known as TCB (Taqwa Character Building). This qualitative approach with case study method reveals the
concept of character development as a delegation of school culture. The results showed that TCB is an
applicable concept of the character development at schools in this modern era. But will the TCB concept be
able to develop human character for a better life in the future.
The research about character building in schools is
important and interesting to do because of these
following reasons: First, the low interest of young
people in imitating ethical behavior. The failure on
education occurs because educational products
nowadays no longer have a pure sensitivity based on
morality and sense of humanity (Elmubarok, 2008).
Second, the lowness of adolescent’s moral
degradation. The result from the survey of Indonesian
Child Protection Commission in 2016 says that the
number of victims of child sexual abuse increasingly
every year (Kompas, 2017). Third, debility of
children control. Based on a study at Texas A & M
University that written by Maloyed (2010) on his
dissertation "The Religious Foundation of Civic
Virtue" was found that in developing the citizen’s
benefaction, religion is very important, because there
is a religious tradition in every nation that made an
issue about viability to be a good citizen.
The Education should stimulate the mental
discipline that constantly with high moral standards
(Smith, 1986) so people know which are true and
what is not true, what is good and what is evil, and
also aware of what should be and what should not be.
This is because education should be able to give
guidance to higher feelings (Barnadib, 1996). The
school as institution has a strategic role in the task, in
giving examples, learning, conditioning, and
reinforcement high moral, especially when children
do not get the character education in the home
(Elmubarok, 2008; Budimansyah, 2010). But in the
context of schools, character education practiced in
schools during this impact is still far from the
expectations (Raka, 2011; Budimansyah, 2010). The
situation can be described with the increasingly
rampant bad behavior that often appears in children
(Fitri, 2012; Wiyani, 2012), as well as the
development of an attitude of pupils against teachers
are often not grounded with politeness (Roziqin,
In order to solve those problems, there must be an
understanding that modern education is not just a
molding of knowledge like in the past, but more than
that, because that is a transformation where human
could have not only knowledge but also could
develop their attitude and personality, be intelligent,
and also have a good character (Alwasilah, 2009)
include the moral knowledge, moral feelings, and
moral actions (Lickona, 1992). Therefore, moral
education must be implemented in an integrated
manner to form the character and personality of the
learners compactly, that reflected on their behavior of
speaking, acts, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, works,
and good works (Zuriah, 2007).
The development of TCB concept in the school
culture is conducted emphatically at the Darul Hikam
Junior High School with seven values of piety
Cahyati, S. and Budimansyah, D.
Character Development Base on Religion: Introducing TCB Concept for Better Life.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 318-322
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(sincere, patient, disciplined, trustful, caring,
intelligent, and charity), adopting a culture of merit
and the concept of a studentship’s pillar. It’s based on
the understanding that the school's cultural
characteristic must be studied and built as soon as
possible as the provision for the future. Because the
school is where seeding values, good values that
should be well-preserved as well as values that
contain the seeds of change. As a result, the school
must continually organize and develop a variety of
programs and activities. However, the actual
condition in Indonesian Education needs a program
character school culture that could form and develop
the character of learners, develop various traditions
and habits that lead to the comparative and
competitive advantages of schools.
This research using qualitative approach based on two
reasons. First, the issues that examined on this
research is the religious character based on
development: introducing the concept of TCB for a
better life requires direct observation at school so it
need a certain amount of field data which is actual and
contextual. Second, the selection of the approaching
is based on the interconnectedness of the problems
that examined in a number of the primary data of the
subject that cannot be separated from its natural
setting. The research on the culture at school is using
case studies. The analysis of this case studies on this
research reveal everything that became a habitual
character at schools. In line with the foregoing
(Creswell, 2015). The reveal methods of the case
studies can be used to describe an event or activity of
an individual or a few individuals who come from
The subjects of the research on this study are: (1)
Head Master Darul Hikam Junior High School (2)
Associate Head of school Curricula; (3) the
Coordinator of the TCB; (4) students. The collection
data was done by observation, interview and analysis
documentation (Cresswell, 2015). Meanwhile, the
development of instruments based on the theory of
school culture and moral development. The data
analysis such as, explore and encodes data, encode a
description and theme building, presenting and
reporting qualitative findings, and interpret findings
and validating the accuracy of findings through
analytical techniques from (Miles and Huberman,
Based on the results of the TCB Concept, Taqwa
Character Building (TCB) is a system, method or
method designed to build a cautious character. This
concept was applied to all principals, principals,
teachers and especially the students. TCB is the spirit
for developing the educational process in Darul
Hikam. The following representation of character
development through TCB Culture School is
presented in the following table 1:
Table 1: Character Development through TCB School
Culture Refresher.
The concept of
TCB School
is done by
local schools
to participate
in any daily
activities at
the school
Get used to be
and behave in
with the
concept of
character and
culture 10
that follow
The Method an
implementation of
seven values are
performed in daily
life starts from the
beginning of the
study until the end
of learning. In
practicing not only
persuasive but also
made through habits
and example
(modeling) of good
teachers, principals
or students.
programs in
the coaching
skills of
(civic skill).
the pillars of
that was
applied in
junior high
student of
Darul Hikam
efforts as
students are (1)
social care; (2)
(3) the interest
and aptitude;
insights; and
(5) the
The Method a
Developing habits
(habits); Give the
experience) the
TCB training for
new student
workbook, charging
a TCB, Teacher
Guide and method
of applying
reward and
Source: The researchers, 2017
From these tables it can be concluded that the
contribution of building the taqwa character values to
Character Development Base on Religion: Introducing TCB Concept for Better Life
a better life is one of the programs of character
education values, the concept of character and culture
10 (ten) overachievers as follows: (1) regular prays
and diligent to pray in Congregation; (2) the
discipline, learn/work hard;(3) the Association of
Islamic green and clean non-smoking; (4) the Islamic
Association, especially men and women; (5) the
words are spoken and polite attitude; (6) the compact
and caring fellow comrades; (7) be honest and
responsible tasks; (8) independently and pioneer in
virtue; (9) the tradition of amar ma'rufnahimunkar;
and (10) the tradition of achievement and become a
champions on demands of modern century with
behavior changing, and the moral decadence of
adolescents through the habitual of good cultural
behavior at Darul Hikam Junior High School by
giving priority to the character values that created
concisely, typical implementation that enforceable in
daily life.
The TCB concept in education should not merely
getting best of knowledge and technical skills only.
However, the purpose of education has to rely on the
child himself who can develop the achieve for perfect
human life that could be meet all the needs of life and
inner life. Therefore, one of the offer from the
solution is through character education at school
(Zamroni, 2011). ON developing the virtues of
citizenship, religion is one of the most important
foundations, because religion is closely related to the
values of Pancasila for society as the basic capital of
national defense. It is one of great importance for the
generation of the nation. Therefore, the younger
generation must increase national awareness and as a
national resistance form of their responsibility to the
state (Fennema and Tillie, 2001; Maloyed, 2010).
The concision value on the TCB concept is the
internalized self-behavior that will become habitual,
that the behavior manifests the best results, (Zamroni,
2011). These values are in line with the understanding
that civic virtue is the willingness of citizens to place
public interests above personal gain (Mongoven,
2009; Dagger, 1997; Heilmn and Chen, 2005).
Similarly, the attitude of citizens in placing
themselves as individuals, providing benefits to the
surrounding environment, the virtues are reflected in
the motivation of Bandung Gardening where urban
agriculture is aimed at the development of the city
that heading towards the better thing and gives a
feeling of security and comfort their environment
(Prasetiyo, 2016). The TCB as a concept of value for
a better life is able to give a big contribution for an
active interest and to reinforced positive opinion
(Dagger, 1997; Gerteis, 2002; Osman, 2014; Algan
and Chuc, 2009) those positive things affect the
image of an organization either or the culture
development that held at schools. And so do in social
life, ought to create a good and efficient environment
according to the expected goal that through the
habitual of the value of AIDDA
(Awareness/Awareness, Interest, Desire /Desire,
Decision/Action, Action/Action) (Budimansyah et
al., 2016).
When the analysis was using 2 (two) theories in
the process of character formation as Lickona said, 10
(ten) goodness values and money guidance in the
form of 18 (eighteen) character values that must be
implanted to the learner, so there are some values of
characters that are closely related with the school
culture of taqwa character building. some of great
differences between moral education (here described
as cognitive development approaches to moral
education) and character education (Althof and
Berkowitz, 2006). Character building training is not
intended just for adding insight or knowledge, but the
main and most important to create the change
(Soedarsono, 2002), it is in line with the
implementation of taqwa character building that was
applied at Darul Hikam Junior High School to form a
better personality in the future.
The school culture is a basic pattern assumptions
of the inventions, discovery or development by a
particular group when he learned to do the
overcoming the problems that already successful and
validity considered them (Emirbayer, 1992; Lievens
and Anseel 2004). Closely related to civic virtue for a
better life, an attitude component which is very good
in acting in a community, such as applying the habit
in social relationships that was applied by the students
in a social community. In sight of Cak Nur in
establishing the modern Indonesia is peaceful,
conducive to all religions and races. The behavior of
citizens in a good community identified the existence
of social interactions that provide positive impacts on
the lives of individuals on society (Yong, 2011;
Meiring, 2003; Peterson and Park, 2006).
The education roles (character education, moral
education) are explored through character education
at school (Harris, 2006; Aaronson, 1995; Althof and
Berkowitz, 2006). Implementation value of the TCB
is not only intended for students but also for the
teachers, the principal and all the citizens at school.
The benefits when the teacher built this character
education is providing a positive impact to the
students, nature’s law for character education is more
directional, regularly and directly to the children.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
The TCB concept as a school culture that develops
the education system by taking into account and
develop the aspects of intelligence (cognitive),
behavior (psychomotor) and feelings (affective)
proportionately because it applies the process of
learning, training and habituation effectively, so the
schools are able to build habits or characters to make
the learner have a good personality. Besides that, the
schools have an important role in preparing the
nation's generation to have a good quality and
character. The personality or character of the learner
is not obtained instantaneously, nor is it innate and
requires a long time process for its figuration. As a
characteristic school, the role is very big because
many are hoping that this kind of school could make
the students become the dignified humans and
become the next characteristic generation. With
various efforts that made in developing civilized
citizens, making the superior Indonesian education
system and bringing its goals maximally for a better
life in reality, in this case is able to form the learners
to have a certain character and good achievement.
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