Local Wisdom as Income Generator
Increasing Mutual Life and Lifeskill through Local Indeginous
Nani Sutarni, Puspita Wulandari and Fajar Nugraha Asyahidda
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
nanisutarni@upi.edu, {puspitawulandari, nugrahafajar}@student.upi.edu
Keywords: Community, Local Wisdom, Mutual Life.
Abstract: Community has a pattern of intense interaction and mutual care for each other more than other communities.
The similarity of interests created by the noble values espoused and trusted by individuals in it. Community
Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu live among the people, with a variety of different values of
local wisdom but able to live together in harmony. Local knowledge is reflected in the rituals and way of life
such as getting dressed is a manifestation of what they believe. Life skills needed to maximize the local
wisdom and potential of the community in accordance with the needs so as to improve the quality of their
lives. This is done by integrating a wide range of knowledge and skills held for more independent living
communities that are based on the concept of etnopedagogik. Furthermore, life skills developed by the quality
of quality management that focuses on problem solving, creative thinking and critical thinking,
communication and interpersonal skills, self-awareness and empathy and cope with emotions and stress.
Community is a group of people interacting intensely
between one and the other. Mutual care which is
owned by the community is also more than they
should. This is what makes the relationship
individuals in the community are closely intertwined.
Especially when the community is formed on the
basis of common interest or concern and noble values
espoused or believed by the individuals in it, the
closeness they will be much more intertwined than
the general public (Bruggemann, 2017).
Community life in the midst of society, in a
society means there can be several communities at
once. The aspect is the assumption that society is a
group of people living in a region (greater) than the
rest of the Community (usually) are included in a
group of people (Perkins, 2002). There are things that
makes the basis of a community that is individual in
it has a purpose, confidence, the same needs between
one and the other (Göncüolu-Eser, 2004). This
similarity of various communities tends to have a
high intensity as well as the growing community
sentiment strengthens the relationships in it
(Zakioriva, 2016). The intense of relations in the
community became a major supporter of the factor in
the realization of a service will be held.
Wulandari (2015, p. 70) describes the
peculiarities of communities Dayak Hindu Budha
Bumi Segandhu Indramayu who live in the
community in general. Various typical view of this
community is a manifestation of what they believe. It
can be seen from the meaning of the name of the
Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu
(Wulandari, Hufad, and K, 2016). Their time together
in a community-Indramayu Losarang village can not
be concluded that they are the same thing. This
community has a variety of typical things and
identifies those of society at large.
They were a homogeneous group in the middle of
the heterogeneity of the community. No denying that
various peculiarities which they have in a society
more or less effect on aspects of life that satisfy their
needs. An example is their specificity in terms of
clothes that are a bit much into consideration for the
wider community to accept them in a living together
with other communities.
Empowerment of local wisdom through life skill
development will certainly be something new in
theory but not in practice (Matarrita-Cascante, 2017).
This means that the educator or related Government
elite only served to empower what already exists in
the community into something more can be marketed
widely in the community. Various local products such
as various typical accessories simply generated by the
Sutarni, N., Wulandari, P. and Asyahidda, F.
Local Wisdom as Income Generator - Increasing Mutual Life and Lifeskill through Local Indeginous.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 469-471
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
community can be an extra income (Murdoch, 2015).
Religious rituals are performed by the community can
also be a medium of education for the community.
Required cooperation between the Government and
educators, elite community to innovate and empower
local wisdom through life skill development
The benefits of empowering indigenous
communities Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu
Indramayu through the development of life skills is a
community can still actualize themselves in society at
large with no abandon local knowledge of the identity
of culture, education, elite education and relevant
government to contribute actively in the preparation
of human competent and able to compete in a global
world, and the progress in the national education
system to realize the educational process more
democratic society, pay attention to the diversity of
needs or circumstances or human region by
encouraging the active participation of the people in
In an effort to give the right for the community
empowerment, community service was conducted
with methods of action research (Banerjee, 2016).
Action research in the devotion local wisdom in
community empowerment Dayak Hindu Budha
Segandhu Indramayu for improvement of community
life skill. The activity begins with a dedication to the
program activities planning service to suit the needs
of the community, the implementation of the
activities of the devotion, then do the evaluations
systematically to devotion. In the activities of the
devotion, reflection and feedback from the
community that aims to let devotion performed
according to plan close to the planned service. The
following is the process of the application of the
methodology in the empowerment of the local Dayak
community wisdom of Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu
Life Skill Development through Indramayu.
This devotion is a collaboration between Dayak
Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu, Indonesia
University of Education cooperated in this program,
starting from the collection of necessary data,
devotion in the development of life skills, product
marketing services to the community. If described,
for educational travel alone means a community has
good facilities. It can be seen from the venue for the
ritual adequate in the sense that is able to
accommodate all members of the community who
underwent ritual every Friday night Keliwon. Just
needed a more mature program management or for
programs that carried educative tour can run properly
in accordance with the land and the available time.
Service product that is produced in this empowerment
will be held centrally by the community itself
(Isikhan, 2016). The University only as a facilitator in
empowerment as well as marketing in every products
services that they produced. Although in terms of
planning production (production planning) are filled
at the University. This is because the University is
seen as the party that was able to "know the terrain".
The sustainability of the production plan is the active
cooperation of the parties with the University
community. Accounting bookkeeping (accounting-
book keeping) and the audit process (auditing) are
held by the University as well as the representatives
of the members of the community. This is to avoid
arbitrariness of either party during the program in
The entire community from all walks of the
market potential for this program. It is based on a lack
of local wisdom-based educational tourism that exists
particularly in the educational Tour. Indramayu is
made every Friday night for 2 days one night.
Marketing conducted through the media (Facebook
and brochures) are believed to be more effective and
efficient (Couldry, 2003). Products in the form of
bracelets, necklaces and belts will be marketed only
every Friday night to coincide with the educative tour.
It is aimed at "keeping the moment".
Aspects of human resources are expected to be
met through the development of life skills promoted
in the program. Increased community member
qualifications will further strengthen the power of
communities Dayak Hindu Budha Bumi Segandhu
Indramayu in society at large. Community initially
empowered through this program, but is expected to
further community better able to empower their own
communities through skills development that is
personal, social, academic and vocational (Pfister,
Etnopedagogik provide a path to educational
practices based on local knowledge in different
spheres of life such as environment, agriculture,
economy and system of government. It is based on the
view etnopedagogik that local knowledge is a source
of innovation and skills that can be empowered for
the welfare of local wisdom is a collection of facts,
the concept of local beliefs and how local people view
the world.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
Life skill is the interaction of various knowledge
and skills that will be crucial is owned by an
individual (Bastian, 2005), it is intended that people
can live independently. This opinion is reinforced by
Kent Davis (2000) that life skills are "user private"
for the body of an individual, to an individual is able
to maintain, grow into himself, able to work together,
to give a logical solution to the problem is there,
unable to protect themselves, as well as achieve the
goal aspired in his life (Fallis, 2013)
Empowerment of local wisdom through life skill
development would be something new in theory but
not in practice (Parpart, 2003). That is elite educator
or relevant government only served to empower what
already exists in the community into something more
could be marketed widely in the community
(Blackwell, 1999). A variety of local products such as
various accessories typical simplicity generated by
the community can be an additional income.
Religious ritual which is run by the community can
also be a medium of education for the community at
large. Required cooperation between the elite
educators, governments and communities to innovate
to empower indigenous communities through the
development of life skills.
Residential buildings and community ritual is a
manifestation of the trust of the community.
Relatively modern architecture combined with
images that tells about the values instilled by the
community life. Not unlike the building, a community
clothing is also a manifestation of the confidence they
have. How respect for nature, and efforts to merge
with nature, just by wearing black and white shorts
for male members of the community. Clothes
community comes with additional accessories such as
bracelets and necklaces typical of the community.
Community has a few rituals that is the natural history
of the Koran sense, Friday night ritual, ngungkum,
mepe and ruatan palace rituals. Planting the right
empowerment of local knowledge for the
development of community life skill Dayak Hindu
Budha Bumi Segandhu Indramayu do with training
accessories directly manufacture and procurement of
educational tours to the inheritance of the local
cultural values in society and provide additional
income to the community materially.
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Local Wisdom as Income Generator - Increasing Mutual Life and Lifeskill through Local Indeginous