Javanese Characters Values on Modern Javanese Novels of Post-
reformation: A Sociological Literature Analysis
Djoko Sulaksono, Budi Waluyo and Dewi Pangestu Said
Javanese Language Department, Faculty of Teacher and Training, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Javanese characters, modern Javanese novels of post-reformation, Javanese local wisdom.
Abstract: Nowadays character education has faced many problems until it has been degraded. So, the characters
formation in Indonesia does not maximize. Based on this analysis, an alternative way is needed to overcome
the decline in character education. One of the media that can be used to infuse values of character education
is Javanese literature.The aims of this research are to analyze and explain more about the Javanese character
in the Javanese novel. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using sociological literature methods. In
this research, Javanese novel used as the object of research is categorized as modern Javanese novels of post-
reformation. The data collected techniques were listening and taking notesand deep interviews with many
experts, especially experts of Javanese novels. The data analysis used a content analysis technique. Results of
this research show modern Javanese novels of post-reformation that contain values of characters education or
Javanese characters relevant to socio-cultural conditions in the modern era. Characters values in these novels
include responsibility, hardwork, honestly, and politeness. Therefore, introducing Javanese literature,
especially modern Javanese novels of post-reformation indirectly can grow a sense of belonging to Javanese
language and Javanese literary work, that is, a form of Javanese local wisdom.
Novel is one of the results of Javanese literature that
needs to be preserved. Novel is a literary work that
includes a variety of prose that reveals a story
containing some supporting elements such as
characters, plot, background, point of view, and some
other imaginative elements (Wardani, 2009: 16;
Nurgiyantoro, 2009: 4). Novel is definitely an
imaginative work, in this case, a work written by the
author on the basis of his or her imagination, can
derive from a process of personal experiences,
people’s experiences, social conflicts of society, and
other literary works. Nevertheless, there is no doubt
that some novels are the results of the author's
personal experiences that are poured in a novel-
shaped writing.
Many types of novels can be identified, including
novels of abstract idealism, psychological novels,
educational novels, serious novels, and popular
novels (Sulaksono, 2016). Viewed from the language
use, a novel can be categorized into novel translations
and non-translation novels. A novel is translated if it
has been adapted using another language. For
example, some novels by J. K. Rowling are translated
into Indonesian. Or some of Pramoedya Ananta
Toer's novels are translated into various languages,
including translated into Russian and English (Tsao,
2012). Meanwhile, non-translation novels are novels
that are still original or still use the original language
of the author. One of the non-translated novels is a
Javanese novel.
The novel in Javanese or subsequently written in
Javanese is a literary work produced by several
Javanese authors who use the Javanese language. The
beginnings of a Javanese are related to the story in
several newspapers and magazines. Initially the
Javanese novelist was the author of a series of works
in several Javanese magazines, such as Panjebar
Semangat and Jayabaya (Damono, 2001: 375). In the
tradition of writing Javanese novels, various genres
of Javanese novels include novel genres of struggles,
detective, social problems, emancipation of women,
and novels that tell stories about romance or often
referred to by the term panglipur wuyung novel. In a
literary language, a panglipur wuyungnovel is called
a novelty or dime novel. The famous Javanese
novelistswith a style of wuyung panglipurare Any
Asmara, Esmiet, Suparto Brata, and many others.
Sulaksono, D., Waluyo, B. and Said, D.
Javanese Characters Values on Modern Javanese Novels of Post-reformation: A Sociological Literature Analysis.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 232-236
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
As one of the various literary works, a novel has
the vision and message to be conveyed by the author
through his work (Carlin, 2011). By analyzing a
Javanese novel, the reader indirectly represents a
development that features one or more of a social
character that is rumic and involves many complex
events occurring in society (Stanton, 2007: 90). It can
be said every literary work, just like a novel, contains
one or more character education that the author wants
to communicate to the reader. Character education
can be reflected from the nature and character of the
characters and the conflicts contained in the series of
stories. Therefore, this article discusses specifically
and deeply about character education in Javanese
novels, especially regarding the value of character
education derived from Javanese culture. Javanese
language and literature embody the values of
Javanese life, such as norms, beliefs, customs,
conceptions, and symbols that live and thrive in
Javanese society, tolerance, compassion, mutual
cooperation, andhap asorand humanity, respect, love,
and others (Ferzacca, 2002: 97; Joseph and Efron:
2005). Character education extracted from the
substance of Javanese language and literature can be
a pillar of nation's character education. Thus, it has
become a harmonious thing when using Javanese
literary works for character education media,
especially the character that represents the attitude of
the Javanese society (Siegel, 2016: 30).
The approach used in analyzing the values of
character or Javanese-related character values is the
approach of literary sociology. The sociology of
literature seeks to study a literary work by
considering sociological or societal aspects. The
sociology of literature can be defined as an
understanding of literary works by considering the
social aspects (Ratna, 2013: 41). By using the
approach of sociology of literature, it is expected that
the values of Javanese character in the Javanese
novels can be explained in more details. As an
implication, the results of the study of Javanese's
moral values in this novel can be used to teach
alternative literary materials of Javaneseat formal
schools as well as at universities. This is because the
Javanese novel materials used in the Javanese
literature learning at universities are still lacking.
Thus, this research is expected to add a reference to
the Javanese novels. In addition, it can also be used
as a vehicle for character education to the younger
This is a descriptive qualitative research using a
literature sociology approach. The sociology of
literature as previously mentioned in the discussion
attempts to study literature and its relation to society.
This research also outlines Javanese literary works, in
this case, the Javanese novels of post-reformation and
sought some of the values of Javanese characteras a
representation of the attitude and character of the
Javanese community. The main source of data is
Javanese novels of post-reformation. In particular, the
purpose of this research is to describe and explain the
values of character education in the post-reformation
of Javanese novels. Javanese novelswritten after the
2000s were selected because they are relevant and
almost identical to the present social situation. The
data collection phase used the method reference and
taking notesand in-depth interviews with some
literary experts and Javanese linguists to strengthen
the results of the study. The data show content
analysis techniques with the following stages such as
data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion
(Moleong, 2014). To test the validity of data, the
triangulation of data sources and triangulation theory
are needed.
The study of literary works especially novels is
widely undertaken. As Anwar (2009) in his article
puts, "History Appearances and Phenomenology in
Kadiroen's Hikayat and Student Hidjo". The article
mentioned in the literary novel contains the values
and historical facts that represent the socio-political
situation at the time. The research that specifically
discusses the Javanese novel has also been done by
Prabowo (2013) in his article "Dynamics of Javanese
Novel Writers of 1960-1965: Ani Asmara". In his
article, Prabowo discusses one of the authors of a
famous Javanese novel in 1960-1965, the Any
Asmara. The article outlines that Any Asmara is a
novelist who is regarded as a novelist of renewal. He
has not followed the rules of the novel authorship that
is considered conventional. Any Asmara tends to
make novels relevant to the situation and the
community at that time.
This study has a novelty compared to some
previously reviewed studies. The novelty is judged
from the object of his study in the form of post-reform
Javanese novels. If Prabowo's research focuses only
on Javanese authors in the 1960-1965 era, the
Javanese Characters Values on Modern Javanese Novels of Post-reformation: A Sociological Literature Analysis
research in particular and in-depth discusses the
novels of post-reformation Javanese. The novels
chosen to be the source of data in this research are
Kinanthi novels, Pisungsun Kang Wingit, and
Candhikala Kapuranta. The three novels are written
in the post-reformation era, after 2000. The
discussion of the three novels in specific is stated as
3.1 Kinanthi Novel
The novel entitled "Kinanthi" is written by Margareth
Widy Pratiwi. The Kinanthi novel uses a variety of
standard Javanese with modern spellings. Kinanthi's
novel tells about an inharmonious family. The main
character is a child named Kinanthi. She was left dead
by his father and abandoned by his mother. Finally,
Kinanthi lives and is cared for by his grandfather.
Increasingly complicated family problems make
Kinanthi also participate in the problems that ensnare
his mother.
When viewed from the story, this novel tells about
the social problems and background of a family life.
Problems in the family can often be solved, but
sometimes it cannot be solved because it is too heavy
and can even damage a family (Retsikas, 2010).
Kinanthi's novel reveals one example of an
unbreakable family problem.
The value of character education in Javanese
taken from Kinanthi's first novel is the value of
responsibility. A responsibility is the attitude and
behavior of a person to carry out duties and
obligations that he should do to himself and others in
the surrounding environment (Suyadi, 2013: 9).
Attitude of responsibility in the Kinanthi Novel is
represented through a figure of Sumpama, and
grandfather Kinanthi. Sumpama is willing to take
care of Kinanthi who was left dead by his father and
left by his mother. He felt he had a responsibility to
nurture and raise his grandson. Responsibility is also
seen through Sumpama who is trying to defend
Kinanthi even though in the end he must be treated at
the hospital for being hurt by the attack of the debt
collector's men.
The next character value is the value of politeness.
This is reflected in the use of Javanese language that
still adheres to the rules of base uploads. Javanese
community is known for the speech levels, namely
ngoko, krama, and krama inggil. The value of
courteous characters in the Kinanthi novel is reflected
in the Kinanthi character. When he talks to his
grandfather, he uses a variety of krama inggil. The use
of manners of krama inggil serves to respect the other
people. It is endeared by Endraswara that the
principle of respect includes social rules that play a
role in the interaction of Javanese society (2003: 83).
In addition, the use of various krama inggil is also a
reflection of the attitude of the Javanese Soul of
3.2 Pisungsun Kang Wingit Novel
Pisungsun Kang Wingit novel was written by Top S.
Danusubroto in 2002. This novel tells about the story
of struggle and romance with the main characters
Supriyanto and Tilarsih. Both are lovers from the
same village, namely Cisumur Village. Due to
economic problems, Supriyanto had to go to
Semarang to find work and leave Tilarsih. After a
series of problems traversed, then finally Supriyanto
and Tilarsih reunited. Although there was something
uncomfortable, Tilarsih and Supriyanto make a
relationship that causes Tilarsih pregnant out of
wedlock. However, at the end of the story Supriyanto
and Tilarsih can reunite and build the family with the
The value of manners derived from this novel is
the value of hardworking and work ethic. Hard work
shows a genuine effort in overcoming the obstacles
and problems that are being experienced (Arthur,
2005: 241). Hard work here is seen at the time
Supriyanto overcomes the economic problems of his
family by working in Semarang. The work ethic is
stated by Sulaksono (2016: 72) as a work spirit
possessed by a person. A good work ethic attitude
was shown by Supriyanto who got him the job he had
dreamed of from childhood, to become a teacher.
Although in the end he must stop being a teacher for
a reason.
Furthermore, it is the unyielding value that is
identified as an attitude possessed by a person who
has a soul of struggle to obtain something that is the
goal of his life. Unyielding attitude in Javanese
society can be reflected from the slogan "Rawe-rawe
rantas, malang putra". In Pisungsun Kang Wingit
nove, unyielding attitude is shown by Supriyanto who
wishes to become a teacher and become a partner of
Tilarsih. Although a variety of problems is solved, the
fighting spirit of Supriyanto does not fade. He
remains enthusiastic and focused to fight for what has
become his life purpose.
3.3 Candhikala Kapuranta Novel
Candhikala Kapuranta novel is a Javanese novel set
in Solo area where a strong primordial influence from
Keraton Solo exists. The novel was written by
Sugiarta Sriwibawa in 2002. Candhikala Kapuranta's
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
novel tells the story of Munasih, a village woman who
is seeking her fortune and working in Solo City.
Because of his innocence and being tempted by the
lure of much money, Munasih was recruited as
unskilled laborers and brought to work in Delhi,
India. After several years of working there, he
returned to Solo and studied dancing until he became
a famous star of human puppetdancers in Solo City.
This led him to various problems, until he was finally
killed by Harja Cakil, the man whom his love rejected
by Munasih.
Like other Javanese novels, Candhikala
Kapuranta's novel contains some Javanese character
values reflected in the characters, storylines, and
social conflicts in them. The first Javanese character's
worth is honesty. It is an attitude that represents
openness, where someone who has an honest attitude
will reveal and act in accordance with what should be
(Suyadi, 2013: 9). In other words, honesty is
behaviors and words based on facts. The honest
attitude in Candhikala Kapuranta's novel is reflected
in the character of Munasih. When he was taken to
Delhi to become a hired laborer, he felt anxious and
worried. Her worry is groundless because of
anything, but because she still carries the groceries
given by her employer. Although not much, in the
heart Munasih intends to return the money when his
employer expenditures in Java. The honest attitude in
the Candhikala Kapuranta novel is a good
representation of Javanese society. This honest
attitude is in line with the Javanese phrase "Sapa jujur
bakale mujur" or who is acting and acting honestly
will surely benefit.
The second is the value of the standalone
character. This is also reflected in the character
Munasih. Munasih who went to Solo City to find
work and lighten the burden of people have
independent soul. Since childhood he was always
trained to be independent, the attitude to do
something for his own effort and not rely on others.
This makes him able to survive in working in Solo
City. His skillful and independent attitude made him
feel like his master and was trusted to hold something
important. This independent attitude was also seen
when Munasih was in Delhi working as a laborer.
A concept of the value of character or Javanese
character value is always present in every work of
Javanese literature, especially novels. This cannot be
separated from the purpose of making a literary work
as a means or media to convey ideas and ideas owned
by the author. Ideas can vary, ranging from the
expression of feelings, visualization of social life, the
description of experience that can also be a policy
criticism taken by the authorities.
The Javanese novel is one of Javanese literary works
of the genre of prose. The Javanese novel is a
representation of the social life which the author
poured into a narrative writing that has plots,
characters, settings, and commands, in addition to
some other building elements. Each literary work
must have a purpose or message to be conveyed by
the author of the work. Literary works in the form of
novels contain the values or messages from the
author. Javanese novel comes from the author who in
fact has a Javanese social-cultural background
containing the value of character and character that
comes from the philosophy of social life and Javanese
culture. Therefore, using an approach of sociology of
literature revealed some values of character and
manners of Java contained in the Javanese novels of
post-reformation. After analyzing some of the
Javanese novels written in the post-reform era, some
values of Javanese characters or character are found,
such as responsibility, courtesy, hard work, work
ethic, unyielding, honest and independent. Some of
these characters are representations of the character
of the Javanese community, in addition to some
characters such as mutual help, love, tolerance, and
gentlemen. The values reflected in the three post-
reformation Javanese novels can be used as examples
to the younger generation and society in general
concerning good character and manners.
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