Theolinguistic Study of Directive Speech Acts Performed by Islamic
Preacher in Friday Sermon in Bandung Indonesia
Cipto Wardoyo, Lina Marlina, Wahyudi Darmalakasana, Ija Suntana, and Dadang Kahmad
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. AH Nasution 105 Cibiru, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Theolinguistics, Speech Acts, Islamic Friday Sermon.
Abstract: Theolinguistic study tries to explain the relationship between linguistics and religion. Religious rituals in
Islamic teachings are closely related to verbal activities such as pray, daily prayer, sermons, and wedding
ceremony. One method of delivering the teachings of Islam is through Friday sermons. The speech of
preacher in Islamic Friday sermons is relevant to be approached pragmatically by using the theory of speech
acts. This research tries to focus on studying directive speech acts performed by khatib (Islamic preacher) in
Friday sermons. The data in this study was taken from the recording Friday sermon mosque in the Bandung,
West Java, Indonesia. The result shows that the strategy of directive speech acts using suffix lash and
“kan” also has higher number among the finding data. The directive speech acts strategy using inclusive
pronoun “kita” indicates that khatib want to be more polite. The strategy of directive speech acts using
prohibition words also has quite high number. Khatib asked attendees to fear God, be thankful, always
remember and pray to God, khatib supported his argument with Quranic verses and prophetic tradition.
Friday's sermon as a form of oral discourse has a
unique and specific characteristics, because it is an
important pillar or sequence in the Friday prayer
service. Some researchers have done some research
previously, especially Friday sermons in Indonesia
from linguistic and communication scientific points
of view (Saddhono: 2011, 2012, Sukarno, 2013;
Suharyo, 2012; Muzaiyanah, 2016). Furthermore,
this research differs with previous studies by
focusing on directive speech acts at Friday sermon
verbal discourses. The verbal discourse of Friday
sermons is an interesting study to be analyzed both
the content of the sermon material and its delivery
strategy by the khatib. (Islamic preacher).
Related to the use of language in specific area,
the study of linguistics which examines the use of
language in religious contexts has transcendental,
supernatural and sacred characteristics. This study is
called Theolinguistics which is a subdiscipline of
science that examines religion from the linguistic
perspective (Van Noppen, 2006; Crystal, 2008).
Religious rituals especially in Islamic teachings are
closely related to verbal activities such as praying,
daily prayer, sermons, and wedding ceremony or
death rituals. The language used in religious rituals
is very interesting to be studied linguistically
because it has a characteristic of different language
Islamic Friday sermon is a formal public
preaching in the Islamic tradition since the prophetic
era in Medina. Friday prayer is a collective ritual
prayer only for male Islamic followers. According to
Albayrak, (2012) Friday sermon became a reflection
of political power because it requires absolute
silence and only the khatib can speak in the mosque
in Friday sermon. During Friday sermon ritual
attendee who speaks, or even he asks another person
not to speak, is acting against Islamic law. This brief
explanation demonstrates the importance of Friday
sermons and the way in which they effectively
convey messages to attendees.
The language of Friday sermon is interesting to
be analyzed linguistically, especially strategies of
the preacher to motivate the Islamic followers to do
good deeds and to avoid committing sin. Friday
sermons are very relevant to be analyzed
pragmatically by using the theory of speech acts.
Speech is a form of speech that was first introduced
by Austin (1962), and then it was developed by
Searle (1975). Generally, speech acts are defined as
speech which is considered as a form of action,
which is reflected in the framework of thinking
within the institution and public agreement in
general (Huang, 2007: 93). So it can be said that the
Wardoyo, C., Marlina, L., Darmalakasana, W., Suntana, I. and Kahmad, D.
Theolinguistic Study of Directive Speech Acts Performed by Islamic Preacher in Friday Sermon in Bandung Indonesia.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 178-183
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
speech act is a speech that is interpreted as an action
based on the framework of thinking and convention
of the societies.
Speech acts are defined by Yule (1996) as
actions performed through utterances. According to
Searle directive (1965) speech act occurs when the
speaker expects the listener to do something. Huang
(2007) states that directive speech acts can be
performed in several types; they are advice,
commands, orders, questions, and requests.
Moreover, Leech (1990) describes that directive
speech has some attitudes, first intention of speaker
that hearer do something such as telling,
commanding, ordering, and asking.
A speech has three levels of action namely
locution, illocution and per locution. Illocution is the
basic act of speech that produces a linguistic phrase
that has meaning. Illocution is the purpose of the
utterance understood by the listener. The act of per
locution is the desired effect of the speaker (Yule,
1996). Grammatically illocutionary force connects
statements with declarative sentences, questions
with interrogative sentences, and commands with
imperative sentences (Alwi, 2002).
The data of this research are taken from Friday
sermons performed by Islamic preacher in Bandung,
Indonesia. The data are taken from 3 Friday sermons
in 3 mosques in Bandung; they are Posada, Trans
Studio and Istiqamah mosques. There are three
Islamic preachers who performed Friday sermon;
they are Aam Amirudin, Evie Effendi, and Abdul
Hamid. The writer used a qualitative method in this
paper, according to Creswell (1994: 2) qualitative is
a process of understanding social or human
problems in the complex building, holistic picture,
formed in verbal languages.
The descriptive interpretative technique through
discourse analysis is used for analyzing the data.
Discourse Analysis has a strong focus on studying
language and it is often used as an analytic tool by
researchers from other disciplines. According to
Listosseliti (2010) the most common sources of data
for discourse analysis tend to be the accounts drawn
from recordings of spoken data. Discourse analysis
is limited by its lack of a formal apparatus by which
to conduct such microanalyses and tends to borrow a
particular method from a range of fields such as
speech act theory and grammar.
There are 34 data of directive speech acts performed
by Islamic preacher in Friday sermon in Bandung
Indonesia. The finding data can be seen from the
table 1 below:
Table 1: Structure of Directive Speech acts in Friday
Structure of
Directive Speech
Using inclusive
words “kita” (we)
20 %
Using infinitive
9 %
Modal +
infinitive verb
3 %
Verb + particle
24 %
Verbal + Suffix
26 %
Prohibition words
18 %
100 %
The table above shows that the strategy using suffix
lashand “kan” also has higher number among the
finding data, they are about 24 % and 26 %. The
directive speech acts strategy using inclusive
pronoun “kita” is about 20 % from the total data.
The strategy of directive speech acts using
prohibition words also has quite high number, it is
18 %. On the other hand, the strategy of directive
speech acts using infinitive verb and modal followed
by infinitive only have 9% and 3 % from the total
2.1 Directive speech acts using inclusive
words “kita”
There are 7 data of directive speech acts using
inclusive words “kita”. The word “kita” (we) is the
first person inclusive pronoun. The use “kita” in
directive speech acts is the strategy of positive
politeness. Finding data shows that khatib tried to
direct congregation to work based on faith, perform
jihad mentality, and ask help to God. The sample
data of directive speech acts using inclusive pronoun
“kita” as follows:
1. Kalau kita mencari nafkah dengan mental
jihad kalau kita jadi guru ngajar dengan
mental jihad( “Rangkuman Hidup” by Aam
Aminudin, 26 April 2017 )
If we are working for making money for
family by performing jihad mentality, and if
we are a teacher so we are teaching by jihad
Theolinguistic Study of Directive Speech Acts Performed by Islamic Preacher in Friday Sermon in Bandung Indonesia
2. Tugas kita di dunia itu berkarya, berkarya dan
berkarya atas dasar iman. ( “Rangkuman
Hidup” by Aam Aminudin, 26 April 2017 )
Our job in this life is work, work and work
based on the faith
3. Ketika diri kita diuji, umat kita diuji, bangsa
kita diuji, tugas kita adalah memohon
pertolongan Allah, tegar dan kuat
menghadapinya (“Rangkuman Hidup” by
Aam Aminudin, 26 April 2017)
While we are being tested, our ummah is being
tasted, our nation is being tasted, our duty is
asking for Allah’s help, be patient and be
strong to face it.
4. Yang harus kita bingkai di sisa quota hidup
kita yang gak tahu berapa Giga lagi.. .
pedulilah terhadap aturanKu, agamaKu nanti
Aku tolong. (“Batas Waktu Kehidupan” by
Evie Effendi, 12 Mei 2017)
What we must remember in our life quota
which we do not how many Giga still
left…take care my rule, my religion, then I
help you.
5. Kita punya anak atau cucu, mereka belum
wajib puasa maka mereka kita ajar berpuasa
(”Ibadah Puasa” by Abdul Hamid, 19 Mei
We have children or grandchildren; they have
not yet gotten an obligation for fasting so we
should teach them to fast.
The data number 1 khatib performed directive
speech acts using imperative performing jihad
mentality while working or teaching based on our
occupation. The term “jihad” in Islamic concept
usually has been distorted; many people think that
Jihad correlate with war or violation. Actually the
concept jihad in Islam is really wide. The term
jihad comes from jahadu means struggling or
striving for God sake.
The datum number 2 Khatib stated that “our job
in this life is work, work, and work” indicates that
he used indirect speech act to ask attendees working
based on the concept of faith (iman). In Islamic faith
Muslim believe in six articles of faith, they are belief
in God, belief in angels, belief in sacred text, belief
in sacred text, belief in messengers of God, belief in
the Day of Judgment, and belief in destiny. The
utterance number 2 Khatib asked attendees to work
based on faith, because The God always monitors
every human activity.
Khatib in datum number 3 said that while people
and Islamic societies are being tested what should
people do is asking for help to God, be patience and
be strong. Based on Quranic teaching people should
worship and ask a help only to Allah, so Muslims
should say You do we worship and You do we ask
for help (Quran, Al Fatihah 1:5)
Khatib in data number 4 stated what should be
done by people in their life such as obey the rule of
God and help the religion of God. The term” religion
of God” refers to Islam because in Surah Ali Imron
verse 19 of Quran, Allah decrees Indeed, the
religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.
The data number 5 khatib asked attendees to
teach children or grandchildren doing fasting in the
month of Ramadan. Fasting in the month of
Ramadan is an obligation ritual for every adult
Muslim; Muslims are prohibited from eating,
drinking and engaging in conjugal sexual
relationships during delight hours from dawn to
2.2 Directive speech acts using infinitive
There are 3 data or 9 % of directive speech acts
using infinitive verbs. In this data finding, khatib
asked attendees to realize that life is perishable,
everything will die, and people must respect their
parents, the data as follow:
1. Sadari bahwa hidup itu fana! ( “Rangkuman
Hidup” by Aam Aminudin, 26 April 2017 )
Realize that the life is perishable!
2. Ingat semua akan binasa : “Kullu nafsin
dzaiqotul maut” (“Batas Waktu Kehidupan” by
Evie Effendi, 12 Mei 2017)
Remember everything will die!
3. Minta ridhonya karena ridho Allah ada pada
ridho orang tua! (“Batas Waktu Kehidupan”
by Evie Effendi, 12 Mei 2017)
Ask the permission from parents because the
permission of Allah based on the permission of
The datum number 1 Khatib asked directly
attendees to realize that the life is perishable. The
life is short, it just seems only transitory, it has been
described in Surah Arrahman ayah 26 All that
exists on the earth will perish”. This imperative
meaning directs people to do the best thing in their
life because the life is short.
In line with the first datum, in the second datum
Khatib asked to remember that everything will die. It
means that people should prepare for their real life
after death, so people must do good deeds. Allah
decrees Kullu nafsin dzaiqotul maut
The third datum shows that khatib asked people
to ask permission to their parents. Respecting
parents and performing good treatment are the most
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
significant aspects of Islam teaching based on Quran
and prophetic tradition (hadith).
2.3 Directive speech acts using modal
and infinitive verb
There only a datum directive speech act using modal
followed by infinitive verb pattern. Khatib used
modal wajib (must) to make strong imperative to
the listeners. The data as follows:
Orang yang sakit berat seperti liver, jantung,
stroke apabila berpuasa akan cepat mati maka ia
boleh tidak berpuasa, tidak hanya boleh tapi
wajib berbuka (”Ibadah Puasa” by Abdul
Hamid, 19 Mei 2017)
Terminal illness such as liver disease, heart
attack, or stroke that while doing fast will
reasonably expect to result in the death of the
patient within a short period of time, so he not
only may absent of fasting but he must break
his fast
The data shows that it is an obligation to save
human life in Islamic teaching, although fasting in
moth of Ramadan is an obligation but people who
have terminal illness they must not do fasting if it is
dangerous for their health. On the other hand, they
can make fasting another day. Islamic teaching
always asks the followers to avoid harmful and try to
find safety way while performing rituals. It is
supported by Quran verses and whoever is ill or on
a journey, the same number of days which one did
not observe fasts must be made up from other days”
(al-Baqarah 2:185).
2.4 Directive speech acts using Verb +
particle lash
There are 6 data of directive speech act pattern
which using verb followed by particle lash.
Particle lash according to Sneddon (1996) is
optionally added to the verb in imperative pattern,
and it is attached with the verb. This particle makes
the imperative form become more polite. The
finding data shows that khotib asking attendees to
fear of Allah, be thankful, always remember and
pray to God. The sample data of directive speech
acts using particle lash” as follows:
1. Wahai orang yang beriman “wataqullah”
takutlah pada Allah… takut pada Allah itu
dengan ilmu (“Batas Waktu Kehidupan” by
Evie Effendi, 12 Mei 2017)
Oh you who believers…”wataqullah”... fear to
Allah...fear to Allah is by knowledge
2. Khatib berwasiat bertakwalah pada Allah
“Haqatu qotih” (“Batas Waktu Kehidupan” by
Evie Effendi, 12 Mei 2017)
Khatib suggests to fear of God
3. Bersyukurlah nanti aku tambahkan (“Batas
Waktu Kehidupan by Evie Effendi, 12 Mei
Appreciate what you have then I will add more
4. Berbisiklah kepada Ku, bulatkan keimanan
pada Ku, Aku ini pencemburu (“Batas Waktu
Kehidupan” by Evie Effendi, 12 Mei 2017)
Whisper to me, round your faith in me, I am
5. Ingatlah Aku nanti Aku ingat kamu, mintalah
pada Ku nanti Aku penuhi, Bersyukurlah nanti
Aku tambahkan. (“Batas Waktu Kehidupan” by
Evie Effendi, 12 Mei 2017)
Remember Me then I remember you, ask Me
then I give it, Be thankful and later I add.
The first datum in the utterance above interprets
that Khatib asked attendees fear to Allah by
knowledge. Fear to Allah is different with other
things in this world, if people fear to the creatures
they should run far away from those creature, on the
other hand, fear to Allah as the Creator means
people should keep close and try to obey His rule.
The second data khatib also still asked attendees to
fear of God (taqwa). The term Taqwa is often
translated as ‘piety’ or ‘God-fearing’, but a better
equivalent would be ‘God-consciousness’ or
mindfulness of God. Taqwa motivates people to
obey the rule of God and avoid the forbidden things
from the God.
The third data khatib asked to be thankful of God
(shukr), the shukr means that people should
appreciate what the God has given, in Islam there
are 3 kind of shukr. First Shukr bil qalb, it means to
realize and appreciate all blessings by and within the
heart. The second is Shukr bil lisaan, it means to say
thanks verbally. The third is Shukr bil jawarah, it
means to people should express their gratitude by
doing righteous deeds. Allah states that "If you are
thankful, surely I will increase you; but if you are
ungrateful indeed, My punishment (is) surely
severe." (Quran Surah Ibrahim, 14: 7)
The fourth data khatib reported directly what the
God said to whisper to Him, whisper in this
utterance means pray using soft voice to God. This
utterance also gives interpretation people should
avoid pray to Him in a loud voice. The fifth data
khatib told the words of God, Allah asks human to
remember Him then He will remember human, ask
Him and then He will accept it and be thankful and
He will add more.
Theolinguistic Study of Directive Speech Acts Performed by Islamic Preacher in Friday Sermon in Bandung Indonesia
2.5 Directive speech acts using Verb +
Suffix “kan
There are 9 data directive speech acts using verb
followed suffix “kan”. The data of directive speech
acts using infinitive verb followed by suffix “kan” as
1. Apabila ada panggilan untuk sholat pada hari
jumat segera tinggalkan transaksi ke
dunianmu. (“Batas Waktu Kehidupan” by Evie
Effendi, 12 Mei 2017)
If there is a call to perform Friday prayer leave
immediately your business transaction
2. Selesaikan masalah dengan doa (“Batas
Waktu Kehidupan” by Evie Effendi, 12 Mei
Solve the problem with prayer
3. Cukupkan ibadahmu pada Ku nanti aku
cukupkan .(“Batas Waktu Kehidupan” by
Evie Effendi, 12 Mei 2017)
Make enough of your worship to Me I will
4. Rencanakan untuk menziarahi ibu yang sudah
ada maupun yang sudah tidak ada (“Batas
Waktu Kehidupan” by Evie Effendi, 12 Mei
Plan to visit your mother who still alive or had
5. Kita dan anak biasakan untuk sahur
sahurlah kamu sesungguhnya dalam sahur
itu ada berkahnya… Wala dengan seteguk air
(”Ibadah Puasa” by Abdul Hamid, 19 Mei
We and our child make a habit to eat sahur ...
Eat sahur actually in the meal of sahoor there
is a blessing ... Although with pure water
6. Pulang ke Jawa Tengah tapi kondisi leuleus,
lesu diperbolehkan berbuka (”Ibadah Puasa”
by Abdul Hamid, 19 Mei 2017)
Return to Central Java but you are in sluggish
conditions, you are allowed to break your fast.
The first data khatib asked attendees if there is a
call to perform Friday prayer so people should leave
immediately their business transaction. Friday
prayer is an obligation for Muslims so if there is a
call for Friday prayer to should come to mosque
The second data states that Muslims should solve
their problems with prayer, because God will help
people who ask a help to Him. Allah decrees in holy
Quran in Surah Ghafir ayah 60 And your Lord says,
"Call upon Me; I will respond to you."
The third data khatib asked attendees to perform
worship a lot to the God, and then He will fulfill
what people need. Allah decrees in Quran “….And
whoever fears Allah - He will make for him a way
out…..And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is
sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His
purpose (at Thalaq: 2-3).
The fourth data shows that Khatib asked
attendees to plan visiting their mother. In Islamic
teaching a mother has a high position. The hardships
suffered by a mother for the baby has made her as an
important person in the human life. So in prophetic
tradition, it has been said that “paradise is at the foot
of mothers. (Hadith Al-Tirmidhi)
The fifth data illustrates that Khatib asked
attendees to make a habit to eat “sahur”, sahur is a
term referring to the meal consumed early in the
morning by Muslims before fasting, before dawn
time during the month of Ramadan. Based on
prophetic tradition sahur (down meal) is important,
prophet Muhammad states that Make sure to have
your sahur meal, for sahur is blessed” (Al- Bukhari
and Muslim)
It explains that people who in a long distance
travelling are allowed to break their fast, but they
should make fasting another day.
2.6 Directive speech acts using
prohibition words
There are 6 data of directive speech acts using
prohibition words. Khatib used the words gak usah,
jangan, tidak bolehto perform negative imperative
to prohibit attendees not to do something. The data
which using prohibition words as follows:
1. Mengaku Muslim menghina Islam itu kan ini
sama saja dengan kemurtadan. Gak usah
marah dengan orang-orang kayak begitu,
tidak perlu...nanti Allah akan memberi ganti.
(“Rangkuman Hidup” by Aam Aminudin, 26
April 2017).
A person who confesses as a Muslim but
insulting Islam it just seems an apostasy. We
do not need to be angry with the person like
that, no need ... God will replace him later.
2. Wala tamutunna” Jangan engkau wafat
sebelum dalam keadaan berserah seutuhnya
pada Ku. (“Batas Waktu Kehidupan” by Evie
Effendi, 12 Mei 2017).
wala tamutunna Do not die before you are
being fully surrendered to Me.
3. Jangan ragu ketika doa pada Ku. (“Batas
Waktu Kehidupan” by Evie Effendi, 12 Mei
Do not hesitate when you are praying to Me.
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
4. Tidak boleh memberikan makanan yang sudah
busuk (”Ibadah Puasa” by Abdul Hamid, 19
Mei 2017).
Do not give food that is rotten.
5. Jangan berdoa “Ya Allah besok lupakan lagi
ya Allah sudah satu piring nanti ingatkan lagi”
(”Ibadah Puasa” by Abdul Hamid, 19 Mei
Do not pray "Oh God make me forget again
tomorrow Oh Allah after I have eaten some
food remind me again".
Data number 1 khatib asked Jamaah not to be
angry with Muslims who insult Islam because Allah
will replace them. Based on Islamic teaching
Muslim should say good words and should avoid
insulting others. The second data khatib said that
Muslims must not die before they fully surrender to
God. The third data khatib prohibited attendees to
hesitate while praying to God, every Muslim should
have positive thinking while they are asking help to
The fourth data Khatib forbid attendees to give
rotten food to the others because it will be harmful
for health. Rotten food will cause stomach-ache for
the people who eat. The fifth data khatib prohibited
attendees to pray that God make him forget while
eating during fasting in the month of Ramadan.
Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded
that the strategy of directive speech acts using suffix
lashand “kan” also has higher number among the
finding data. The directive speech acts strategy
using inclusive pronoun “kita” indicates that khatib
wanted to be more polite. The strategy of directive
speech acts using prohibition words also has quite
high number. Khatib asked attendees to fear of
Allah, be thankful, always remember and pray to
God, khatib supported his argument with Quranic
verses and prophetic tradition.
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Theolinguistic Study of Directive Speech Acts Performed by Islamic Preacher in Friday Sermon in Bandung Indonesia