Authentic Assessment Based on Teaching and Learning Trajectory
Cheaerul Rochman, Dindin Nasrudin, and Rahayu Kariadinata
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. A. H. Nasution No.105, Bandung, Indonesia
{chaerulrochman99, dindin.nasrudin,rahayu.kariadinata}
Keywords: Authentic assessment, teaching learning trajectory, student activity sheet.
Abstract: Authentic assessment is needed by lecturers as a consideration to determine the success of a lesson. The
lecturer must be able to ensure that each step of teaching can be followed by the students. The efforts to ensure
the learning process in every student cannot be obtained authentically. The purpose of this research is to offer
authentic assessment design based on the teaching sequence of lecturer and learning process of student or
Authentic Assessment Based on Teaching Learning Trajectory (AABTLT) using Student Activity Sheet
(SAS). The method used is quasi experimental research. This research indicates that AABTLT by using SAS
can increase student involvement in learning process and increase students' competence gradually. The study
recommends that AABTLT with SAS can be used in a more operational learning process.
Authentic assessment is needed by educators for
determining the success of a lesson. The success of
learning is affected by the understanding of the
effects of content, context, and learning variability in
the learning process (Linda Darling-Hammonda and
Snyder, 2000). Every educators should be able to
ensure every step of teaching can be followed by their
students' learning steps. One of the principles is that
the activities of educators and learners should be
authentic, including classroom learning activities and
all other interactions. Educators as important
components that determines the success of the
learning process and assessment should be able to
obtain the process and learning outcomes of learners
at every step of learning. The development of an
educator's assessment capability is a necessity
because educators are one of the determinants of
authentic assessment success in an educational
One of the models for developing authentic
assessments is authentic assessment based on
teaching and learning sequences or authentic
assessment based on teaching learning trajectory
(AABTLT) or by using Student Activity Sheet (SAS).
There is a pattern of assessment shifts from the
outcome assessment done at the end of the learning
process to the assessment of the process. Some
experts suggest using this authentic assessment as an
effort to improve the process as well as the learning
outcomes. Authentic assessment and feedback from
learners influence the effectiveness of teacher and
student interaction (Dinthera, Dochya, and Segers,
Authentic assessments that take into account the
sequence of teaching and learnering should be done
in the form of a framework(Sztajn, Confrey, Wilson,
and Edgington, 2012). The problems include ensuring
that the instructor's teaching sequence is followed by
the syudents’ learning sequence. The difficulty occurs
when the educators do not have a track record of how
their students understand the concept stages. In
addition, the educators struggle in recording learners'
understanding of concepts and activities when the
learning process takes place. In fact, research show
that authentic assessment by educators through
activities such as portfolios is more effective than just
assessing the outcomes at the end of the learning
In order for educators to be skilled in using
authentic assessments, an assessment framework that
consists of formulating learning objectives, selecting
learning materials, organizing learning activities, and
formative evaluation is strongly needed. This
research attempt to revealed the role of authentic
assessment in teaching and learning sequence or
authentic assessment based on teaching learning
trajectory (AABTLT) by using Student Activity Sheet
Rochman, C., Nasrudin, D. and Kariadinata, R.
Authentic Assessment Based on Teaching and Learning Trajectory.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education (ICSE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 174-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-316-2
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This research was quasi experimental study in which
applying AABTLT using SAS as the treatment for the
experiment in Research Methodology subject. The
authentic assessment was done using 5E cycle that
includes engagement, exploration, explanation,
extension, and evaluation.
The description of 5E cycle application in
AABTLT using SAS is described in table 1.
Table 1: 5E Cycle Application in AABTLT using SAS.
Describing and writing down
learning objectives
Delivering and writing out
Stimulating and transcribing
Doing and planning group and
individual activities
Presenting and responding to
Drafting lesson concepts
Aassessing students groupwork
Presenting the perceived concepts
Responding other students’
Writing out and communicating the
Reinforcing the concepts and the
students’ findings
Writing out the perceived concepts
Giving argument for the concepts
Finding Information to reinforce the
Answering formative questions
Ensuring learning objective
The 5E sequence model was used as material for
filling the SAS in research method for 2 phases, ie 3
meetings before midterm and 3 after midterm exam.
Subjects in this study are students of even
semester in 2016/2017 academic year enrolled in
Research Methodology course as many as 60 people
in Physics Education Studies Program UIN Sunan
Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia. Research
Methodology Topics studied in this research are
Development of Research Instrument. The topic has
a very important position and requires the ability of
consistency and creativity as well as construction of a
strong analytical understanding.
2.1 Classroom Organization
AABTLT is an evaluation technique designed to get
the data of how much understanding and how many
activities the students have done to the material
presented by the lecturer. AABTLT used Student
Activity Sheet (SAS) (Katerine Bielaczyc, 1995).
Each learner (student) has a sheet of paper to write
down all activities during the learning process
(Timothy F Slater, 1996). Although students are
organized into groups of 5 -7 people, they are still free
to get the clarification and instructions from the
The lecturer arranges the order of the teaching
design (teaching trajectory) accompanied by a list of
questions, competencies that must be possessed by
learners in accordance with the 5E framework.
During the learning process, the lecturer asked
questions to measure learners' understanding. The
level of understanding of the learners was measured
from the authentic answers written the students
activity sheet (SAS). The squence of the answer from
the students represents their learning trajectory.
2.2 Research Instruments
The research instrument consists of student activity
sheet (SAS), which is designed following the
sequence of lecturer learning activities in research
methodology course and student work result at the
end of each lesson. This SAS instrument is the source
of information about learners' learning sequence
(learning trajectory).
2.3 Data Collection Technique
The data collected includes the results of all student
activity sheets (SAS) and classroom group discussion
activities. The research methodology problem
presented is a challenging and comprehensive set of
Research data that can be collected in the form of
answers to lecturer questions, answers to questions of
discussion, observations, responses to other students'
presentations, or answers to formative questions. The
overall answers of learners are within the framework
of the 5E model learning cycle(Larkin, 2014).
2.4 Data Analysis Technique
The overall data obtained from SAS will be separated
based on the learning process phase, ie 3 SAS based
on 3 lecture meetings before midterm and 3 SAS
based on 3 lecture meetings after midterm exam. In
each SAS consists of 5 - 7 questions or assignments,
Authentic Assessment Based on Teaching and Learning Trajectory
Any answer or tasks are in the form of a learner
description. Each answer is assessed with a generic
rubric with 0 to 4 scale. 0= not answering, 1= wrong
answer; 2= minimum answer; 3= right but incomplete
answer; 4= right and complete answer.
Scores of all learners on all SAS are processed,
calculated on average, and compared based on the
development of their learning process. Once the data
collection is obtained, it is presented in graphical
form and interpreted.
3.1 Comparison Profile Result of
Based on the results of data processing, the research
has come up with the graphic comparison of the
authentic assessment results based on the teaching
sequence / learning sequence and learning from 60
students for 3 meetings (P2, P3.dan P4) before the
middle and 3rd semester exams (P9, P10 and P11)
after midterm exam.
Based on the data, Figure 1 shows that the results
of the authentic assessment on class B are higher at
each meeting. The average score of students in class
B was higher. It might be caused by the readiness of
students in facing the lecture and the readiness of the
lecturer in presenting the lecture material. When in
class A what was implemented before experience
some deficiencies, it can be fixed in the next class.
Overall, the average score of class B was 1,71 and
class A was 1,66.
Figure 1: The comparison of authentic assessment profile
based on teaching and learning trajectory.
Figure 1 also describes that there is a gradual
improvement on the students’ average score from
meeting 2 to meeting 11. It was possible since the
lecturer improves the way he deliver his lesson. And
for the students, they are aware that the lecturer asked
them to record their activities. Both students’
responses, discussion, assignments and other
3.2 SAS Profile Based on Model 5E
Based on the analysis of students’ SAS related to 5E
cycle in authentic assessment based on teaching
learning trajectory (AABTLT) (Ergin, 2012). The
steps of 5E in every meeting is portrayed in Table 2.
Table 2: SAS Profile is based on the implementation of 5 E
cycle Model in all meetings.
Students and Lecturer
Describing and writing
down learning objectives
Delivering and Writing
Stimulating and
transcribing questions
Doing and planning group
and individual activities
Presenting and responding
to discussions
Drafting lesson concepts
Aassessing students
Presenting the perceived
Responding other students’
Writing out and
communicating the
Reinforcing the concepts
and the students’ findings
Writing out the perceived
Giving argument for the
Finding Information to
reinforce the concepts
Answering formative
Ensuring learning objective
Based on table 2, it can be concluded that the
students activity sheet profile for authentic
assessment based on teaching and learning trajectory
ICSE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sociology Education
through 5E cycle model was categorized as moderate
to good (Rule, 2006). It confirms that students has the
ability to express their understanding relevant to their
lecturer learning model. As in giving real examples in
the learning process (Roelle, 2017; Dyer,
2015; Renkl, 2014; Gulwani, 2014).
3.3 Hypothetical Model of AABTLT,
SAS and Learning Model
Based on data analysis and discussion of research
methodology lecture result by using authentic
assessment using SAS with 5E cycle model
(Campbell, 2006), the correlation between the three
variables is described in figure 2.
Figure 2 shows that there is a correlation between
AABTLT, SAS and learning model in Research
Methodology subject. The learning outcome
improvement was as the result of the synergy and
collaboration of authentic assessment through SAS
using any kind o learning model. This suggested that
educators are recommended to use various learning
Figure 2: the correaltion between AABTLT, Learning
process, SAS and learning outcomes.
It can be concluded that the lecturer’s teaching and
the students’ learning trajectory are represented by
authentic student activity sheets. In addition, SAS
can also represent the students learning sequence and
and how they comprehend the learning authentically.
All students’ answer in SAS can be used as the
process and result assessment in Research
Methodology subject. Furthermore, authentic
assessment based on teaching learning trajectory
(AABTLT) can improve students’ focus and success.
Researcher acknowledges UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung Research Center who has facilitated
researchers in completing the research until the
publication of this paper.
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Authentic Assessment Based on Teaching and Learning Trajectory