The Implementation of the Cooperative Learning Model of the Type
of Cooperative Script to Improve the Students’ Learning Outcomes on
the Sharia Economic Course
Rendra Gumilar, Raden Dian Hardiana and Neni Nuraeni
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia,,
Keywords: Learning Model, Cooperative Script, Learning Outcomes.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the implementation of the cooperative learning model of the type of cooperative
script to improve the students’ learning outcomes on the Sharia Economic Course in the Department of
Economics Education at Siliwangi University, Tasikmalaya. The method that was used in this study was quasi
experimental design. The samples in this study was the college students who took the sharia economic course
for four classes, which involved 80 college students. The result of this research showed that there were
differences in the learning outcomes of the students who were given the treatment of the cooperative model
the type of cooperative script better than with using the conventional model or lecturing.
Learning is a process of the effort done by someone
for an alteration of the new behaviour entirely, as a
result of their own experiences in the interaction with
its environment (Slameto, 2015). Learning outcomes
are the alterations that occur in the students regarding
the cognitive aspects, affective and psychomotor as a
result of the learning activities (Susanto, 2016).
The importance of the results of the study in the
process of learning exceedingly affects the
development of cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor; for the students’ in attitude, making
decisions, and solving problems either individually or
as a group. To produce an optimal students’ learning
outcome, it is the time that learning is directed toward
the better; which is not simply memorizing the
material; and the teachers must leave behind the
classical-learning habit namely lecturing method
(Rosen and Tager, 2013).
The habit of memorizing in the process of learning
still dominates the learning process; this has resulted
the less maximum of the students’ learning outcomes.
Based on the pre-research data in Siliwangi
University at Tasikmalaya, West Java Province on the
sharia-economic course obtained the average results
of the students’ learning outcomes for the third year
in semester 5 were very low. The sharia-economic
itself is a branch of science which helps the people
Islamic economics itself is a branch of science that
helps people in realizing their well-being through the
allocation and distribution of the scarce resources in
accordance with the purpose which is determined
based on the sharia-without curb the individual
freedom excessively; creating an imbalance of
macro-economic and ecological; or weaken family
solidarity and social development and moral bond
that exists in society (Chapra, 2015). The broadness
of the scope of sharia-economic discipline indicates
the need of the learning methods that support the
achievement of learning objectives, which is the
maximum learning outcomes.
Given the importance of learning outcomes, a
strategic solution is needed to optimize students’
learning outcomes through the study of the literature
that influences it. In order to optimize the students’
learning outcomes, there are many theories that
underlie the changes of the paradigm of the students’
low learning outcomes including the learning theory
of Vygotsky's constructivism that the learning
process is influenced by social factors; that students
can understand their knowledge in groups or
communities; interactions with the immediate
environment; and the ability to communicate or
language (Liu and Mathews, 2005). Thus
constructivism learning can provide the students the
ease of learning and thinking of the social
environment; and teachers must consider what
Gumilar, R., Hardiana, R. and Nuraeni, N.
The Implementation of the Cooperative Learning Model of the Type of Cooperative Script to Improve the Students’ Learning Outcomes on the Sharia Economic Course.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 876-879
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
students need to know to enable developing their
knowledge (Amineh and Asl, 2015). Because the
cooperative learning model is more emphasis on
innovation, reasoning, and skilled in communication
the students become active in learning, motivated,
and improve academic achievement (Adebayo and
Judith, 2014).
In addition, it is expected that the cooperative
learning in the classroom can create an interactive
classroom atmosphere from various facets of
different cognitive levels (Ali, 2015). Therefore, to
improve the students' learning outcomes, there are
influencing factors such as the methods used by the
teachers. Laguador (2014) argued that the learning
process requires methods and a proper way in order
to make changes in the learning process; in
accordance with the needs of the students in the latest
innovations and development. One of the methods
that is recommended can optimize the students’
learning outcomes is a cooperative learning model
that is the cooperative script type which is the method
that emphasize the principle of cooperative learning
to work with sharing experiences; communicate
creating a good relationship between students;
cultivate the leadership skills; as well as provide an
opportunity for other students to work with their
respective responsibilities (Akcay and Doymus,
Based on the opinion that related to the
cooperative learning model, the cooperative script
type, this type can be used as a solution to optimize
the students’ learning outcomes in sharia economic
course. In order to address this problem specifically,
the researchers formulate the research problem as
Are there differences in the learning outcomes
of the students who are in the class using the
cooperative model of the cooperative script
type both before and after treatment?;
Are there differences in the learning outcomes
of the students who use the conventional model
in the class both before and after treatment?;
Are there differences in the learning outcomes
of the students between who use the
cooperative model of the cooperative script
type and use the conventional model?.
Based on the formulation of the problems, the aim
of this research is to examine the influence of the
cooperative learning model of the cooperative script
type on the students’ learning outcomes in sharia
economic course.
2.1 Learning Outcome
Learning outcome is patterns of actions, values,
understandings, attitudes, appreciation, and skill
(Suprijono, 2015). Based on the theory of Gegne
(Suprijono, 2015), the learning outcomes include: 1)
Verbal Information, which is the ability to express the
knowledge in the form of language, both oral and
written. It has the capability to respond specifically
into specific stimuli. This capability does not need
manipulation of symbol, problem solving, or
implementation of the rule; 2) Intellectual Skill,
which is the ability to present the concepts and
symbols. Intellectual Skill consists of categorizing
ability, the ability of analytical-synthesizing fact-
concept and developing scientific principles.
Intellectual skill is the ability in performing typical
cognitive activities; 3) Cognitive Strategy, which is
the ability to channel and direct the cognitive activity
itself. These capability includes the use of concept
and principle in solving problems; 4) Motoric Skill,
which is the ability to perform a series of physical
movement in the affair and coordination, in order to
materialize the reflex of physical movement; 5)
Attitude, which is the ability to accept and reject the
object based on the assessment of it. The attitude in
the ability to internalize and externalize values is the
ability to make the values as a standard of behaviour.
2.2 Cooperative Learning Model of the
Type of Cooperative Script
The learning model of cooperative script is a learning
method that the students working in pairs and taking
turn verbally in summarizing the portions of the
material being studied (Suprijono, 2015).
Cooperative Script is to create couple groups; share
the discourse of teaching materials; the students learn
the discourse and make a summary; get the result of
the discussion by one then respond by the others;
exchange the roles; summarize; evaluate and
reflection (Ngalimun, 2016).
According to Lambiotte in Huda (2014), the
Learning Model of Cooperative Script has several
advantages, namely: 1) To generate ideas or new
concept, critical thinking skill, and developing the
courage in delivering new things that are believed to
be true; 2) To teach the students to trust the teachers
and be more confident to think, to seek information
and other resources, and to learn from other students;
3) To encourage students in practicing problem
solving through expressing their ideas verbally and
The Implementation of the Cooperative Learning Model of the Type of Cooperative Script to Improve the Students’ Learning Outcomes on
the Sharia Economic Course
comparing it to the other students; 4) To help the
students learning to respect students who are smart
and less smart and to accept differences; 5) To
motivate the students who are less intelligent to be
able to express their thoughts; 6) To make it simple
for the students to discuss and do social interaction;
and 7) To improve the creative thinking skill..
The method that was used in this research is Quasi
Experiment that used pre-test and post-test control
group design the research variables, namely, x1 : the
cooperative model of the Cooperative Script type, the
independent variable as the treatment; y : Learning
Outcomes, as the dependent variable. The analysis of
this research used the parametric inferential statistics
by using t-test sample related that was aimed to
identify the differences of the progress of the
university students’ learning outcomes. There were
two groups of classes which were the experiment
class that used the cooperative model of Cooperative
Script type and the control class that used
conventional model that often used by the teachers
during the learning process. This research was
conducted in the Department of Economic Education
the Faculty of Teacher-training and Education in
Siliwangi University at Tasikmalaya, West Java
Province. The instrument that used was test to
determine the students’ learning outcomes using the
indicator of learning outcomes.
H1: There are differences in the learning outcomes of
the students who use the cooperative learning model
of the cooperative script type, before and after
The testing criteria explained H
rejected if t
. The calculation result was obtained that t
10,06 and t
= 1,9954; turned out that t
> t
then H
rejected and H
accepted. It meant that there
were differences in the learning outcomes of the
students who used the cooperative learning model of
the cooperative script type during before and after
The students’ pre-test and post-test result in the
experimental class showed the improvement of
learning outcomes, meant that the post-test result was
better than the pre-test result. In addition, the average
gain in the students’ learning outcome was in medium
category. The measurement of statistical data was
obtained from the score analysis of students’ pre-test
and post-test learning outcomes in the experimental
class, for more detail is presented in the Table 1, as
Table 1: N-Gain Learning Outcomes of Experimental
H2: There are differences in learning outcomes of
the students that use conventional model in before
and after treatment.
The testing criteria explained H
rejected if t
. The calculation result was obtained that t
6,94 and t
= 2,00; turned out that t
> t
was rejected and H
was accepted. It meant that
there were differences in the learning outcomes of the
students who used the conventional model during
before and after treatment.
The result of students’ pre-test and post-test in the
control class showed an improvement in the learning
outcomesmeant that the post-test score was better
than the pre-test score. In addition, the average gain
of students’ learning outcomes was in the low
category. The measurement of the statistical data was
obtained from the score analysis of students’ pre-test
and post-test learning outcomes in the experimental
class, for more detail is presented in the Table 2, as
Table 2: N-Gain of the Learning Outcomes of Experimental
H3: There are differences in the learning
outcomes of the students between who use the
cooperative learning model of the cooperative script
type and use conventional model.
The testing criteria explained that H
rejected if
> t
. The calculation result was obtained that
= 0,16 and t
= 2,00; turned out that t
> t
then H
was rejected and H
was accepted. It meant
that there were differences in the gain of learning
outcomes of the students between who used the
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
cooperative model of cooperative script type and who
used lecturing method.
The N-gain score in experimental class was 0,39
with medium interpretation; while in the control class
obtained N-gain score 0,20 with low interpretation. It
meant that the N-gain score in experimental class was
bigger and higher than the control class. For more
detail, it is presented in the Table 3, as follows:
Table 3: Summary of N-Gain Results of the Post-test in
Experimental Class and Control Class.
Control Class
The result of this research showed that there were
differences in the learning outcomes of the students
who were given the treatment of the cooperative
model the type of cooperative script better than with
using the conventional model or lecturing. Therefore,
the cooperative model of the cooperative script type
was more effective to improve the university
students’ learning outcomes; despite the learning
outcomes in both experimental and control class were
increase after the learning, the learning outcomes tend
to be higher in the experimental class.
The suggestions from the researchers to the
lecturer and the teacher are to observe the character
of both the subject and the students; do not acquaint
the students to listen constantlly; engage the students
as the object that can solve the problem, while the
lecturer as the facilitator.
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The Implementation of the Cooperative Learning Model of the Type of Cooperative Script to Improve the Students’ Learning Outcomes on
the Sharia Economic Course