Development Return on Investment in Hospitality Industry
Based on Website
Budhi Pamungkas and Nanang Fattah
Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.
Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: ROI, Enhanced ROI, Websites, Hotel.
Abstract: In Indonesia, a web-based business has become a natural thing, but investing using information technology is
still rare. Without using a clear basis for calculation, the majority of businesses lay in Indonesia provides
jugdement that the use of information technology in business is a complicated thing to do, wasting money,
and not important. Therefore, it takes a special technique for assessing the investment in information
technology. One of the easiest techniques is using Enhanced ROI (Return on Investment). The purpose of this
research is (1) Obtaining a picture / description about the growth of the hospitality industry in Bandung, which
uses e-commers. (2) Identify driving factors and obstacles in the implementation of ROI models development
of the hospitality industry in Bandung, which uses e-commers. (3) Formulate a strategy to implement a
development model ROI, 4) The application of the model development Enhanched ROI. (5) Trial ROI model
development in the hospitality industry in Bandung, which uses e-commers. (6) Develop a ROI model in the
hospitality industry in Bandung, which uses e-commers.
In the era of globalization that is as sophisticated as
the current spread of information will be more easily
and quickly by using media based on information
technology, not least the information about the
business. Shopping items online has started bustling
in various groups, from children, teenagers, and
adults. Consumers no longer have to deal with having
to visit the product directly, they can reach the
product wherever and whenever he wants. By using
online media, businesses not only bring these
products closer to the internal market, but also was
able to bring to the world market. In this way, use of
information technology investment in the business is
considered to be an easier way and lucrative
investment than offline by holding direct sale to a
customer by a salesman. Business in Indonesia is
indeed a matter of course, but it is unfortunate invest
using information technology (IT) are still rare.
According to McLeod and Schell (2008)
Management Information System is a computer-
based system that provides information for some
users of the needs similar. Such information is
available in the form of periodic reports, special
reports, and outputs from the simulation of existing
information. Without using a clear basis for
calculation, the majority of businesses lay in
Indonesia Provides jugdement that the use of
information technology in business is a complicated
thing to do, wasting money, and not important.
Procurement of information technology investment
company considered a kind of website can create
swell spending and declining profits. The above
judgment is not entirely wrong, and not entirely true.
Procurement of information technology investment
that is not appropriate will indeed cause swelling loss
of business, but also vice versa investment right
information technology can help businesses in
developing their business advantage.
In this globalization era, the population of Internet
users in Indonesia is increasing rapidly. Tourism and
hospitality industry is always there in the first row to
take advantage of the latest technology, including
using the Internet as the main tool for promotion and
increase sales role in the hospitality industry. E-
commerce plays an important role in the hospitality
industry. The emergence of e-commerce in the hotel
industry creating an urgent need with a simple
solution is to focus on speed and accuracy of the
benefits of using the website or social media.
Management of e-commerce and website is one of the
Pamungkas, B. and Fattah, N.
Development Return on Investment in Hospitality Industry Based on Website.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 864-869
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
main tools to promote and increase sales in the
hospitality industry.
Based on BPS’s data on the number of inns and
hotels in Bandung can be seen that Bandung has
adequate provision of accommodation services to
accommodate tourists who come to Bandung both
foreign tourists and domestic tourists by total rooms
available as much as 16.150 rooms. With these
conditions, the city of Bandung as one of the busiest
cities in West Java is good for business, education and
tourism has demonstrated its readiness in the process
of development of tourism industry in Indonesia. The
increasing market potential of e-commerce in
Indonesia, become a reason for the importance of
utilizing e-commerce in the hotel industry, because it
can be a solution for consumers to book hotels
without being confined by space and time and the
majority of tourists use the Internet and social media
to make hotel reservations.
Different to investment in general that pivot on
tangible benefits, such investments online, many
pivot on intangible benefits. Therefore, it takes a
special technique for assessing the investment in
information technology. One of the easiest technique
is to use a method Enhanched ROI (Return On
Investment). Enhanced ROI is a valuation technique
based on the theory of information technology
investments Economic Information
Enhanced ROI ever used in a study conducted by
Chandra (2012) in the retail industry at Jumbo
Supermarkets Manado illustrates that the use of
enhanced ROI in the assessment of investment in
information technology is an effective technique. The
same is done by Hendri Sopryadi at the College of
ABC illustrates that e-learning is an effective project
to improve services to students.
Based on the phenomenon of the increase in the
potential of internet users in Indonesia, but the use of
investing using information technology (IT) are still
rare. Without using a clear basis for calculation. So
researchers interested in studying about ROI Model
Application Development in the Hospitality Industry
Website Based on the Hospitality Industry in
2.1 Definition and Benefits of E-
Based on the marketing mix, promotional products
can be made through e-commerce. According
Varmaat (2007) E-commerce or electronic commerce
stands (in the electronic trading), is a business
transaction that occurs in the electronic networks,
such as the internet. Anyone who can access a
computer, has a connection to the internet, and have
a way to pay for goods or services they buy, can
participate in e-commerce and According Wong
(2010) understanding of electronic commerce is the
purchase, sale and marketing of goods and services
through electronic systems. Such as radio, television
and computer network or internet.
E-commerce has some merit, be it organizations,
companies and society itself, following some of the
benefits of e-commerce (Suyanto, 2003). For
organizations ecommerce owners can expand the
market place to the market of national and
international, can easily find more customers,
suppliers better and business partners that best
matches from all over the world, lowering the cost of
manufacture, processing, distribution, storage, and
search information using the papers, and the time
between capital outlay and acceptance of products
and services.
For consumers, e-commerce allows customers to
shop or conduct transactions 24 hours a day
throughout the year from almost any location,
providing more choice to customers, they can choose
a variety of products from many vendors, provides
products and services that are not expensive to
customers with how to visit many places and conduct
quick comparisons, customers can receive the
relevant detailed information in seconds, not days or
weeks and the benefits to the community, e-
commerce allows people to work in the house and not
have to leave the house to shop. This results in
lowering the density of traffic flow and reduce air
pollution streets, allowing people in third world
countries and rural areas to enjoy the variety of
products and services that will be difficult they get no
2.2 Financial Performance
According to Sutrisno (2009) "the company's
financial performance is an achievement achieved by
the company in a certain period that reflects the level
of the company's health."
The final result of the process of financial
recording is, the financial statements. The financial
statements are a reflection of the achievements of the
company's management at a certain period. "To
understand the condition of the company, the
necessary analysis of the company's financial
statements" (Suad and Enny, 2006).
Development Return on Investment in Hospitality Industry Based on Website
The factors that affect the company's financial
performance by Susan (2006) are:
2.2.1 Liquidity Performance
"Liquidity is the ability of companies to repay all
short-term obligations at maturity" (Susan).
Measurements contained in liquidity are as follows:
Current Ratio;
Quick Ratio;
Cash Ratio;
Working Capital to Total Assets Ratio.
2.2.2 Leverage Performance
"Leverage shows how much the company needs
funds financed by a loan" (Susan, 2006).
Measurements contained in leverage that is, as
Total Debt to Total Assets Ratio;
Total Debt to Total Equity Ratio;
Time Interest Earned Ratio;
Fixed Charge Coverage Ratio;
Debt Service Coverage Ratio.
2.2.3 Performance Activities
"Activities that is, to measure the performance of
asset utilization effectiveness in generating sales of an
enterprise" (Susan, 2006). Measurements contained
in that activity, as follows:
Total Assets Turnover;
Receivabel Turnover;
Receivabel Collection Period;
Inventory Turnover;
Average Day’s Inventory.
2.2.4 Performance Activities
"Activities that is, to measure the performance of
asset utilization effectiveness in generating sales of an
enterprise" (Susan, 2006). Measurements contained
in that activity, as follows:
Gross Profit Margin (GPM);
Operating Profit Margin (OPM);
Net Profit Margin (NPM);
Return On Asset (ROA);
Return On Equity (ROE);
Return On Investment (ROI);
Earning Per Share (EPS);
2.2.5 Performance Market Value
"The performance of the market value used to
measure the extent to management's ability to create
a market value that exceeds the cost of capital"
(Susan, 2006: 64). Measurements contained in market
value are as follows:
Price Earning Ratio (PER);
Price to Book Value (PBV).
From the above it can be concluded that the
financial ratios reflect certain aspects. Financial ratios
are very helpful to facilitate the analysis of financial
performance used by internal and external parties in
2.3 Profitability
One of the goals of the company is to benefit as
much as possible. Thus, to determine a company's
profits have been achieved or not, the need for a
measuring instrument. It stretcher in line with the
statement Arfan and Teddy (2009) "profitability is the
company's main objective in generating a return on
capital that had been planted by the investor or owner
of the company."
Profitability measurement tool is as follows:
2.3.1 Gross Profit Margin (GPM)
"This ratio indicates the company's ability to generate
gross profit (because the value is taken numerator is
the gross profit) on sales" (Alexandri, 2009).
2.3.2 Operating Profit Margin (OPM)
"This ratio describes what is commonly called" pure
profit "earned on any income received from sales
made" (Syamsuddin, 2007).
2.3.3 Net Profit Margin (NPM)
NPM calculates the extent to which the company's
ability to produce a net profit at the level of certain
sales. Profit margins are high indicates the company's
ability to generate high profits at a certain level of
sales. "In general, a low ratio indicates inefficiency of
management" (Susan, 2006).
2.3.4 Return on Assets (ROA)
"This ratio measures a company's ability to generate
profits based on the level of certain assets" (Susan,
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
2.3.5 Return On Equity (ROE)
"This ratio measures a company's ability to generate
profits based on the share capital of certain" (David
and Kurniawan, 2010). According to James and John
(2009) "Return On Equity (ROE) is the ratio of net
income to total capital, which measures the rate of
return on the investment made by the investor."
2.3.6 Return On Investment (ROI)
"This ratio shows the company's ability to generate
net profit by its assets" (David and Kurniawan, 2010).
2.3.7 Earning Per Share (EPS)
"EPS describe the amount of benefits to be obtained
for each share," (Susan, 2006). From the above
statement, then the company's profitability is
efficiency in using its assets and capital to generate
profits. The better a company manages its capital and
assets, the profit generated will be increase well.
The method used in this research is quantitative The
research was conducted in 2017. The location and
object of the study was conducted in the hospitality
industry in Bandung City. Sampling is done by
purposive sampling method. Respondents selected
were respondents who had the following
characteristics: (1). hotel business actors, (2). know
clearly about the variables studied. Qualitative
research usually uses non probability sampling
(including in the purposive sampling) (Arikunto,
2010; Riduwan, 2010).
Based on its purpose, this research is descriptive.
Through this type of descriptive research can be
obtained a description of how the effectiveness of the
ROI enhancement approach in the hotel industry in
Bandung and what are the driving factors and
inhibition arising from the ROI in the hotel industry
of Bandung with Enhanced ROI method.
In the city of Bandung has a lot of spread-star hotels
as previously described. On the statistical data
recorded that the number of hotels in Bandung each
year has increased as follows:
Table 1: Total Lodging / Hotels and According to the
classification in Bandung.
Total of Hotels
stars Hotels
stars Hotels
stars Hotels
stars Hotels
stars Hotels
Source : BPS
From Table 1.1 it can be seen that the growth in
the number of hotels in the city experienced a
significant increase, from 2011 to 2012 increased 37,
from 2012 to 2013 increases 17. In addition other data
according to the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant
Association (IHRA), West Java, the number of five-
star hotel in Bandung was as follows:
Table 2: Total Member Lodging / Hotels and According to
the classification in Bandung.
stars Hotels
stars Hotels
stars Hotels
stars Hotels
stars Hotels
Melati Hotels
Melati Hotels
Melati Hotels
Source: Association of Hotel’s and Restaurant of Indonesia.
From both the data then obtained by the difference
in the number of five-star hotel. This happens because
the hotel registration as a member in the set is
voluntary while the statistical data is the data
collection shall be conducted by the city government.
Based on the description of the hotel classification
and the number of hotels that are not less then the
consumer is confronted by many diverse choices,
therefore, various kinds of ways to be able to market
of hospitality services in order to attract consumers,
Development Return on Investment in Hospitality Industry Based on Website
especially the tourists as the main target market.
Backed by the development of Internet technology
(IT), hospitality promotion now also experiencing
significant growth which promotions are made
through the website, with consumer expectations are
easier to reach out and get information about
hospitality as you wish. In other words, the website is
expected to provide added value and revenue for the
hotel itself.
In tune with previous studies, entitled ROI in
social media: A look at arguments, Fisher (2009)
stated that social media is a place that has the potential
to interact with customers and establish how they
think because customers are more valuable to the
company than just purchases made in early, so
companies need to be able to give a very important
factor for the impact that may provide future
customers through social media. The other reason is
that without realizing it, everyone especially the
competitors can certainly start to do it first.
Meanwhile, according to Mohammad (2013) in the
Enhanced Framework for Building Successful
Website for Informative Companies (2013) that no
doubt when companies use the internet as a medium
to sell their goods due to several reasons such as cost
effectiveness, reach more customers, identify
customer needs, comfort for customers, and
communicate with customers.
Supported by the results of a survey conducted by
Lonely planet quoted shows that the
largest percentage of 16% is occupied by the
predilection of young people in the development of a
website to check for flight or hotel for six hours. That
they do this voluntarily to seek information from the
results of the recommendations they get via
instagram, of course, it can also indicate that the
enthusiasm of young people for technology and social
media today are very high. Therefore, it can be a great
opportunity for the hospitality business to further
spread its wings to reach consumers wherever they
are. So the hope of increasing hotel revenue can be
Technological developments in the current era of
globalization led to the business world are also
involved with all the ease and speed in terms of
information dissemination. Therefore, consumers no
longer have to mess with having to visit the product
directly, they can reach the product wherever and
whenever he wants. By using online media,
businesses not only bring these products closer to the
internal market, but also was able to bring to the
world market.
One business that may be able to apply digital
marketing or digital promotions, namely the
hospitality business. As happened in the city of
Bandung, with the increasing number of star hotels
and five-star hotel occupancy demand higher
business growth led to the better-star hotel. Therefore,
especially the hospitality businesses are expected to
take advantage of this opportunity to increase ROI
(Return On Investment) as the financial performance
in order to measure the earnings of companies in the
form of assets.
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Development Return on Investment in Hospitality Industry Based on Website