Determinant Micro Financing Repayment In Bank Bri Syariah Kcp
Mira Wahyuni, Eeng Ahman and Suci Aprilliani Utami
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia, and
Keywords: Determinants of Micro Financing Repayment, NPF, Logistic Regression.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the determinant of micro financing repayment. This research was
triggered by phenomena delay in micro financing repayment by customers who caused increase NPF (Non
Performing Financing) a bank because of repayment disorder. The method of this research used explanatory
survey by data collecting technique with primary and secondary data from the bank and by interviewed
through questionnaire to micro financing customers. This research obtained 117 samples consits of 65 good
customers and 52 bad customers in this research. To get data this research use Probability Sampling. Analysis
instrument which used by logistic regression method. The result of this research showed that multivariates
analysis to six independen variables, only earning business variable and loan period which are significantly
affected to micro financing repayment. While, educational level, loan amount, collateral value, and numbers
of family did not significantly to micro financing repayment.
(businesses, micro, small, and medium enterprises) is
one of the drivers of the economy in Indonesia,
business sectors that are able to withstand the global
economic crisis that hit the economy (Rahma, 2016).
However, in the process usually every SMALL
MEDIUM ENTERPRISES face a constraint one of
limited capital.
Microfinancing is meant to provide market-based
sector that have constraints in the capital, but the
micro financing has no guarantee of a great asset, so
the possibility of financing risk is assessed fairly, one
of one of the problems that often arise on this micro
financing financing is problematic, or Non
Performing Financing (NPF).
NPF problems related to factors that affect the
repayment of financing. These factors are derived
from principle 5 c that is used to analyze the worth or
whether the customer received financing, i.e.
Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral and
Condition of Economy (Arifin, 2006). Development
micro, small, and medium enterprises) is one of the
drivers of the economy in Indonesia, SMALL
MEDIUM ENTERPRISES proved to be the business
sectors that are able to withstand the global economic
crisis that hit the economy (Rahma, 2016). However,
in the process usually every SMALL MEDIUM
ENTERPRISES face a constraint one of limited
Microfinancing is meant to provide market-based
sector that have constraints in the capital, but the
micro financing has no guarantee of a great asset, so
the possibility of financing risk is assessed fairly, one
of one of the problems that often arise on this micro
financing financing is problematic, or Non
Performing Financing (NPF).
NPF problems related to factors that affect the
repayment of financing. These factors are derived
from principle 5 c that is used to analyze the worth or
whether the customer received financing, i.e.
Character, Capacity, Capital, Collateral and
Condition of Economy (Arifin, 2006).
Wahyuni, M., Ahman, E. and Utami, S.
Determinant Micro Financing Repayment In Bank Bri Syariah Kcp Cimahi.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 768-772
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Total Financing Troubled.
Source: Laporan keuangan BRI Syariah 2017.
The value of NPF (Non Performing Financing)
are great according to Fradian (2016) is influenced by
several factors, countermeasures against the risk of
occurrence of NPF one is the bank need to do an
analysis of the financing in the form of feasibility
usahadan the characteristics of the customer. These
characteristics is a condition of potential borrowers
and become a determinant for financing analysis to
determine a viable financing received. Characteristics
of clients who allegedly influential businessmen
against the smooth repayment of financing can be
seen from the personal characteristics, karakterstik
effort, the characteristics of the financing received,
these characteristics is derived from analysis of
financing based on the principle of 5 c.
Based on the phenomenon of the existence of the
risk financing which result in high value the troubled
financing, it is necessary to know the factors that
affect the ability of the customer in restoring the
financing as an anticipation of the bank for can
prevent a rise in the value of the troubled financing,
therefore the author is interested in further
researching related returns this financing by taking
the title "Determinant of returns on micro financing
Bank BRI Syariah KCP Cimahi".
The troubled financing can occur due to an error of
analysis undertaken by the bank in its cost, to give it
the proper analysis is required in order that the
financing granted to the client can be run in
accordance with the agreement have been exchanged.
In the literature the book Islamic Financial
Management works (Veithzal, 2008) mentioned that
analysis can be done by the bank in assessing
potential borrowers that later will be financing, could
use 5 c principles, those principles is as follows:
Character means the nature or character of the
customer loan takers, both in private life and in
business environments;
Capacity means that the ability of the customer
to run businesses and return the loans taken;
Capital means that the magnitude of the
necessary capital of the borrower;
Collateral means that the guarantees have been
given to the borrower-owned bank;
the Condition means that the State of the
customer's business or prospects or not.
Based on 5 principles, can be determined several
factors that affect the rate of return refund financing.
Factors thought to affect repayment of the financing
was divided into three categories, including factors
based on individual characteristics (level of
education, the number of family dependants), the
characteristics of the business (business turnover),
and characteristics of the financing (amount of
financing, the value of the collateral and loan term).
Approach on this research using quantitative
research. the methods used for data retrieval in this
research using survey method with the eksplanatori
approach. Sampling techniques using probability
sampling is the sampling technique using a formula
approach slovin so obtained 117 respondents, from
two subpopulations i.e. 65 categories smoothly and
57 categories not smoothly. Data collection
techniques in the study is a questionnaire, the study
of librarianship, and observations. Technique of data
analysis used in this study i.e., logistic regression
analysis with the help of SPSS tool 22. As for the
hypothesis testing using the children's Test Model
(Overall Model Fit), test the feasibility of the
regression Model (Goodness of fit), a test of
Determination Coefficients (R2), the regression
Coefficient Test.
Multiple logistic regression analysis with dummy
variables bound with a level of significance of α = 5%
done stage i.e. the estimation of regression Test
consists of binominal logistic children's Model
(Overall Model Fit), test the feasibility of the
Determinant Micro Financing Repayment In Bank Bri Syariah Kcp Cimahi
regression Model (Goodness of fit test for the
determination of the Coefficients), (R2), and a test of
Regression Coefficients.
Table 1: The Overall Model Test Results.
Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients
Step 1
Source: Research result
With a confidence level of 95% (real rate (α) =
0050) the difference between the value of chi-square
countdown with chi square table is 17.492 with p-
value of 0.008 is smaller than α (0.05) mean the
addition of a free variable capable of fixing the model
so it can be expressed as a fit, or in other words, the
model could be used so that there is a combined
influence (more than one factor X) that impact factor
Y. Therefore, it was concluded that at least one factor
between levels education, business turnover, loan
amount, loan term, the value of the collateral, the
number of family dependants return to micro
Table 2: Feasibility Test of Regression Models.
Source: Research result
Based on table 2 Regression Model Feasibility
Test, it can be seen that H0 is acceptable because the
value significance of the larger models of the real
extent of 0.05. It is seen from figure probablitias
0.512 > 0.05. In conclusion with the 95% confidence
level can logistic regression model that is believed to
be used has been quite able to explain the data can
further be argued that the model viable and could be
R2 indicates the estimated variation of the
independent variables the dependent variable is able
to explain. R2 is usually formed in percent to be able
to know with certainty how far independent variable
was able to explain the variable dependennya. As for
the determination of the coefficient of test results can
be seen in the table below:
Table 3: Coefficiency Determination of Test Result.
-2 Log likelihood
Cox & Snell R
R Square
Source: Research result
Based on table 3 can be explained that the value
of the Negelkerke R-Square is the dependent variable
0.186 means that which can be explained by the
independent variable is of 18.6%, and 81.4% the rest
is explained by variables other than the variable
research or in other words variable, educational level,
turnover business, loan amount, loan term, the value
of collateral, as well as the number of family
dependants can account for the variation of a variable
refund financing amounting to 18.6%.
Table 4: The Results of Hypothesis Testing.
Step 1
Number of
a. Variable(s) entered on step 1: Education, Turnover, Loan, Time
period, Agunan, Number of family dependents.
Source: Research result.
The test results of the statistics by using the
logistic regression showed variable levels of
education the negative effect. This does not
correspond to the initial hypothesis, these negative
results showed higher educated customer refund
financing thus tend not to swing.
The results of this study supports previous
research results i.e. Marantika (2013), Rochmawati
(2012), Widayanthi (2012), Arinta (2014) concluded
that the level of education does not have significant
influence towards the repayment of the credit,
because the affect the rate of repayment is a character
from the clients, rather than depend on a high level of
education because of the low level of education that
will impact directly to the more rapid advancement of
a business but cannot ensure the good character of a
Based on the results of the statistical test variable
positive effect business turnover, this corresponds to
the initial hypothesis where turnover factor with
regards to the amount of the gross income earned
from running a business, the turnover greatly
influences the repayment of financing, so that
suspected the larger business turnover generated by
the customer's business, it will be smoother returns
pembiayaannya. .
The results of this research is supported by
previous studies include research conducted by
Kiswati (2015), Marantika (2013), Arinta (2014)
stating that some of the most influential business
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
positf and significantly to the rate of return financing,
these results indicate that the greater the effort
generated turnover of customer, then the customer's
ability in repaying credit dipinjamnya will be more
Based on the results of the statistical test variable
loan amount negative effect, this corresponds to the
initial hypothesis where the larger the value of these
loans will directly increase the burden of the
installment to be paid, so that the large amount of the
loan does not smoothly clients in return for financing.
This same research results with the results of
research conducted Wongnaa (2013), Arinta (2014)
Muhammamah (2008) which claimed that the
variable loan amount is negative and not significant
effect against the repayment of the credit.
Based on the results of the statistical test variable
loan term positive effect, this corresponds to the
initial hypothesis where the longer the loan period,
then the monthly installment of dependents is
relatively small, so that the burden of the customer in
financing payment will be lighter. Therefore, the
longer the loan period, potentially increasing the
financing of return smoothly.
The results of this research are supported by
previous research carried out by Widayanthi (2012),
Sari (2011) that the loan term berepengaruh variable
is positive and significant, since a variable loan term
both have influence significantly to the rate of credit
payback by looking at the theory that the period of
repayment of the credit is due a debtor in paying the
entire value of the loans have been given including
the payment of interest, the means by the repayment
period of loans taken longer then a debtors will be
more smoothly in the repayment of the credit.
Based on the results of the statistical test that
variable the value of the collateral effect positive
towards the repayment of financing, then the fifth
hypothesis was accepted as this corresponds to the
initial hypothesis of research where the collateral
value of the factors related to the objects value that
must be sacrificed to get a financing, the higher the
valuables that were sacrificed (collateral), then the
customer will be more smoothly in the repayment of
financing because the customer does not want to lose
such precious objects.
The results of this study supports previous
research i.e. research conducted by Safitri (2007),
Sari (2011) declaring variables collateral effect is
positive and significant, because it has no effect as to
avoid the amount of collateral that are submitted not
much different, and berapun denotes the collateral
given customer does not affect the rate of return for
credit directly, the greater the value of the collateral
the client causes the client the more smoothly in the
repayment of the credit.
Based on the results of the statistical test that
variable number of dependent families showed the
direction coefficient is negative, the results of this
research are the same as the research done by Safitri
(2007), Shaik (2014) stating the number of variables
the negative effect and dependents have no effect,
because the number of dependent families related to
the magnitude of the costs of daily living must be
issued. The fewer the number of dependents then
spending to meet the needs of family life are also
getting smaller, so that the allocation of earnings for
the larger mortgage payment and credit returns in the
end the more smoothly.
Based on the research that has been done by
researchers, the conclusion can be drawn as follows:
Education level correlates negatively, but do
not affect significantly to the smooth reversion
of microfinancing on the Bank BRI Syariah
Business Turnover correlates positively, but
influential significantly to the smooth reversion
of microfinancing on the Bank BRI Syariah
Loan amount correlates negatively, but do not
affect significantly to the smooth reversion of
microfinancing on the Bank BRI Syariah
Loan term correlated positively, but influential
significantly to the smooth reversion of
microfinancing on the Bank BRI Syariah
Collateral Value correlates positively, but not
influential significantly to the smooth
financing of return on Bank BRI Syariah
The number of family dependants negatively
correlated, but not significantly to the smooth
financing of return on Bank BRI Syariah
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ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy