The Analysis of Green Marketing Strategy and Product Atributes on
Purchase Decision of Green Products
Agus Supandi Soegoto, Frederik G. Worang and Regina Saerang
Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business Sam Ratulangi University Manado, Manado, Indonesia,,
Keywords: Marketing Strategies, Product Attributes, Green Products, Purchasing Decision.
Abstract: The current offer of green products are increasingly diverse, including product attributes and quality, along
with the increasing competition and public awareness of the use of green products in life. This study aims
to determine if the application of Green Marketing Strategy and Product Attributes can influence the
decision to buy products by consumers who shop for green products. The sample of this research is 75
respondents with descriptive associative method and multiple linear regression analysis technique. The
results shows the Green marketing strategy and product attributes simultaneously significant affects
purchasing decision of green products. Green Marketing Strategy has a positive and significant effect on the
purchase of green products and Product Attributes is influential but not significant to the purchase of green
products. The results of the significance test show that the proper use of Marketing Strategy by the
company management will encourage consumers to make purchases, including repeated buying, while
Product Attributes although it affects the decision of usage, it is not the main consideration in deciding to
buy green products offered by the company.
Currently marketing is growing rapidly, supported
by the reliability of information technology, so
consumer mobility and product mobility are the
main concern of corporate managers. Speed of
transactions and services, has become a major part in
marketing a product. Marketing is to sell high
quality products of enterprises through certain
channels (Cheng, 2016). Issues on globalization of
the company today is also followed by the
emergence of global warming issues that occur
everywhere in most cities in the world. The market
for green products in Indonesia today is very
dynamic. Green products have their own consumers
and continues to grow. Indonesia Green Site (2011)
states Indonesia's market with 237 million residents
proved once again to become one of the important
markets in the world for the latest products and
trends, including the trend of environmentally
friendly products.
Catalyze Communications (2011) states
Indonesian consumers are now starting to spend
money with hearts, not just based on their
purchasing power. While Laroche et al. (2001) states
consumers adapt to the situation by considering
environmental issues when shopping and through
their buying behavior. Xiangxiang (2015) states It is
better for productive cities based on industrial
resources conservation when developing their
tourism resources. Green products help conserve
energy to preserve and enhance natural environment
resources and reduce or eliminate the use of toxic
substances, pollution and waste (Shabani et al.,
Green marketing as the marketing of products
that have been assumed to be safe against ecological
marketing. Chaudhary et al. (2011) the term of
"green marketing" first revealed in the late 1970s.
Green marketing is the consistency of all activities
that design services and facilities for the satisfaction
of human needs and wants, with no impact on the
natural environment (Ottman, 2011). Green
marketing also refers to an organization that puts its
efforts in to promoting, pricing, and distributing
products with eco-concerns (Sarkar, 2012).
While Kotabe and Helsen, (2008) stated that
multinational companies are increasingly promoting
global marketing strategies and achieving high
success, for example, Nestle is successful by using
common brand names applied to many products in
all countries. Day (1999) states that high-
Soegoto, A., Worang, F. and Saerang, R.
The Analysis of Green Marketing Strategy and Product Atributes on Purchase Decision of Green Products.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 141-145
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
performance businesses are differentiated on all that
looks attractive to have, along with other
independent activities that focuses effort on
functional groups on important and meaningful
matters in the marketplace. It combines business
activities consisting of packaging modifications,
production processes, and green advertising
(Yazdanifard and Mercy, 2011).
The decision to purchase a product is a purchase
decision process that includes the introduction of
problems, information searching, alternative
evaluation, buying decisions, and postpurchase
behavior where consumers are driven by the need,
analyze the alternative to decide to buy and evaluate
the process post purchase to the benefits of the
company's products. Hypotheses of this research are:
: Green Marketing Strategy and Product
Attribute simultaneously affect the purchase
decision green products in Manado city.
: Green Marketing Strategy affects the
purchase decision of green products in
Manado city.
: Product attributes affects the purchase
decision of green products in Manado city..
The type of research is descriptive and
associative, which aims to give an overview of
the object and respondents research and see the
relationship between variables. The data
required in this research is the survey results
data to consumers who shop for green products
at counters of The Body Shop for green
products. The research was conducted in the
period of October to December 2016. The
population of this study are consumers who
shop for green products both at The Body Shop
counter. Purposive technique is used when the
researchers selects a sample bas
ed on several
criteria (Cooper and Schindler, 2006). The
sample used proportionally on The Body Shop
as much as 25 respondents, Hypermart 25
respondents, and Fresh Mart 25 respondents in
Manado City, so the total of sample is 75
respondents. Multiple linear regression is an
appropriate method of analysis when the study
involves one dependent variable estimated to be
associated with one or more independent
variables. The goal is to estimate the change in
the dependent variable response to some
independent variables. The analysis model used
to test the hypothesis is:
PDGP = b
+ β
+ β
PA + ε
= Constan
= Regression coefficient fo
ression coefficient fo
ε = Standard erro
PDGP = Purchase Decision of Green Products
Green marketin
PA = Product Attribute
3.1 Results
The results of data collection based on
questionnaires distributed and returned by the
research respondents are as follows: The
questionnaire was spread by 85 (100%) and
Questionnaires who did not return 7 (8.24%), so the
response rate of the questionnaire is 91.76%, then
the qualified questionnaires are from 75 respondents,
which are used as the sample in the study. The
market for environmentally-friendly products has
grown in line with public awareness of the use of
environmentally-friendly products, including those
in Manado City. Survey by Catalyze
Communications (2011) states that Indonesian
consumers are now starting to spend money with
hearts not just based on their shopping ability.
The test results of the research instruments are
all valid and reliable. All items are valid questions
having a value above the value of r
, and
also the value of r is greater than the critical value
that is above 0.30 (> 0.30). While the reliability
test shows all variables are reliable because it has
Cronbach alpha values above the value of 0.60 or
> 0.60 (Malhotra, 2007). The value of Reliability
(Alpha Cronbach) of each variable. For Green
Marketing Strategy variable Alpha Cronbach value
0,714 for product attribute variable 0,721 and
product purchase decision 0,768 because value of
each statement on variable of Green Marketing
Strategy, Product Attribute and decision of
Cronbach Alpha value > 0.6 so it is declared
Formulation of the hypothesis is tested with the
level of significance used in this study for 5 percent
or α = 0.05, then the results of testing the hypothesis
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
are: F Test, The result of regression analysis using
SPSS 20.0 obtained F
= 34,244> F
3,12 with
significant level p-value = 0,000 <0,05, hence it can
be concluded that Ho refused or Ha accepted
meaning that Green Marketing Strategy and Product
Attribute jointly have a positive and significant
impact on Green Product Purchase Decision. By the
T Test, it can be seen that Green Marketing Strategy
= 8,214> 1,9935 and significance p-value =
0,000 <0,05, hence it can be concluded that Ha
accepted and reject Ho or Green Marketing Strategy
Purchase of Green Products. Result of t test also can
be seen that Product Attribute tcount = 0,618
<1,9935 and significance p-value = 0,411> 0,05,
hence can be concluded that Ha rejected and accept
Ho or Product Attribute against the Purchase
Decision of Green Products. The multiple linear
regression equation as follows:
PDGP = 6,105 + 0,718 GMS + 0.063 PA (2)
The regression model of PDGP = 6,105 + 0,718
GMS + 0.063 PA + ε, illustrates that independent
variable Green Marketing Strategy and Product
Attribute in the regression model can be stated if one
independent variable is changed by 1 (one) and the
other Constant, the change of Purchase Decision of
Green Product is equal to coefficient value (b) =
6,105 from value of independent variable.
3.2 Discussion
The results of this study shows that Green Marketing
Strategy and Product Attribute have a positive and
significant effect to the Purchase Decision of Green
Products in Manado city. The results of this study
fits accordingly to the opinion of Grewal and Levy
(2010) that green marketing as strategic efforts that
can be done by the company's management to
provide eco-goods and services to the target
consumers. Another opinion is that Green marketing
and green product development have various
benefits to firms in terms of increasing the
sustainable environmental benefits and to increase
the awareness of brand image of the firm (Yan and
Yazdanifard, 2014). According to Ankit and
Mayur (2013), most marketers use green
advertising with pollution free messages to attract
consumers’ attention; it can enhance their
knowledge of the products and ecological issues.
The results of this study show that Green
Marketing Strategy has a positive and significant
influence on purchasing decision of Green Products.
The consumer purchase decision is one of the
concepts in purchasing behavior in which the
consumer decides to act or do something in utilizing
the product or service. Green Marketing Strategy of
the company affects the purchase decision. This is
because consumers are more glance at the products
offered and the impact of what will be produced by
these products, this can be seen from the users of
these products on average are consumers who have
the knowledge or higher education and suda have
their own income.
Attitudes toward behavior is one of the variables
that affect directly and indirectly to the interests and
buying behavior (Chen, 2009). Buying interest is a
psychic activity that arises because of the feelings
(affective) and the mind (cognitive) of a desired
goods or services. The consumers who are of a
low-price sensitive are willing to pay more on the
product than the variation of price, also perceive
that the value of the eco-friendly product more than
the conventional price for a product in the regular
terms of price and quality (Eze and Ndubisi, 2013).
The results of this study indicate that to improve the
purchase decision of green products, through
product attributes, the management of the company
must innovate for product development, including
product differentiation, so that more diversity and
product quality are offered to consumers. Customers
now regard the product as a collection of attributes
that the marketer calls the value pack. Consumer
awareness of the products and attributes, followed
by consumer awareness of their purchasing behavior
that will directly affect the various environmental
problems. Consumers adapt to this situation by
considering environmental issues when shopping
and through their buying behavior.
The evidence supporting this ecological
improvement of the environment is the increasingly
willing individuals who pay more for eco-friendly
products. According to Young et al. (2010), there
are 30% of consumers stated that green products
must be energy-efficient, aid in water
conservation, be safe in regards to the environment
during the process of manufacture, use and disposal.
The consumers express warmly towards the green
products and this will bring a positive effect to the
brand equity and increase the probability of
purchases in the future (Chen, 2010). Furthermore,
the firm can attempt to improve the product design;
it can reduce the amount of material that will need to
be disposed of and try to determine whether it will
be environmentally harmful. In this process, it can
also be decided whether it is possible to reduce the
material usage in order to enhance recyclability and
reusability (Polonsky, 1994). An environmentally
friendly product is not only seen from its product
The Analysis of Green Marketing Strategy and Product Atributes on Purchase Decision of Green Products
content but also from its packaging and distribution
system. Eco-friendly products also need to be
supported with product attributes that show their
eco-friendly side, such as eco-friendly certificates or
ecolabel certificates.
The consumer purchase decision is one of the
concepts in purchasing behavior in which the
consumer decides to act or do something in utilizing
the product or service. Green Marketing Strategy
and Product Attribute have a positive and significant
influence to Purchasing Decision of Green Products.
Green Marketing Strategy has positive and
significant influence on the Purchase Decision of
Green Products. Product attributes have a positive
but insignificant effect on the purchasing decision of
Green Product. The company's management should
improve the marketing strategy of the product by
increasing promotion, giving price discount, or
customer education activities so that consumers are
more aware of the existence, benefits and
advantages of green products offered by the
company which will be used by consumers. For
consumers, Product attributes are not a major
consideration in purchasing products so the
management of the company should innovate
primarily on packaging labels and product benefits,
so that consumers can understand better about the
product both in terms of quality, composition and
assurance of the product.
The authors wish to express their gratitude to the
management and employees of The Body Shop,
Hypermart Supermarket, and Fresh Mart in Manado
City as well as respondents who have been willing to
answer the questionnaire that has been distributed.
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