Liquidity Risk and Macroeconomic Analysis of Islamic Banking in
Kharisya Ayu Effendi
, Disman Disman
, and Nugraha Nugraha
Management, Widyatama University, Bandung, Indonesia
Management, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia, {disman, nugraha}
Keywords: Liquidity risk, macroeconomic, islamic banking.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify macroeconomic factors affecting the risk of liquidity of Islamic banks
in Indonesia. The method of this research is explanatory research. This study uses secondary data derived
from Islamic bank financial statements and statistical center in Indonesia. The result of the research shows
that there is no significant influence on GDP, Inflation and Unemployment on liquidity risk. This means that
macroeconomic conditions in Indonesia do not affect liquidity risk in Islamic banks in Indonesia. The results
of this study is different from the results of previous research, this is due to differences in sample data.
Previous research was conducted on conventional banks, while in this study conducted on Islamic banks. This
proves that liquidity risk in Islamic banks in Indonesia is more resistant to macroeconomic factors than
conventional banks.
Liquidity is a major concern for any financial
institution. Liquidity is a financial term, which can be
defined as the ability of an organization to instantly
convert assets into cash. This reflects the business's
ability to fulfill its payment obligations, so it is
necessary for any financial institution to have
adequate liquid assets (Gautam, 2016). The banking
industry has an important role to convert illiquid
assets into liquid assets through demand deposits
(Diamond and Dybving, 1983). However, an
unexpected increase in liquidity demand forced banks
to sell their illiquid assets at a lower price so that it
could lead to a loss and an increased risk of liquidity
(Allen and Gale, 2004; Allen and Santomero, 2001).
Liquidity risk is the bank's inability to fulfill its
financial commitments due to loss of assets or
incurring unwanted expenditures. To avoid such
situations and maintain financial stability, it is better
for banks to maintain adequate liquidity (Arif and
Nauman, 2012). In the case of commercial banks, the
first type of liquidity risk arises when the depositor of
a commercial bank tries to with draw the money.
They become bankrupt if the assets are not sufficient
to meet the withdrawal of liabilities. Similarly, a
second type of liquidity risk arises when the money
supply can not meet unexpected loan demand due to
lack of funds (Baral, 2005). On the other hand,
maintaining a high liquidity position to minimize
such risks also has a negative impact on bank
profitability. The return of a highly liquid asset will
be zero. Therefore, the bank must make a tradeoff
between liquidity position and profitability in order to
stay healthy. Liquidity risk also threatens the
solvency position of financial institutions.
According to previous research, the fundamental
factor that significantly affects the liquidity position
in banks is the macroeconomic factor.
Macroeconomic factors include GDP growth,
inflation rate and unemployment rate. A number of
recent empirical studies aim to examine the
determinants of bank liquidity studied by various
researchers in various countries. Previous studies
have shown that bank liquidity is influenced by
macroeconomic factors. Previous researchers found
that there is a significant effect on gross domestic
product on bank liquidity risk (Moussa,2015; Bunda
and Desquilbet, 2008; Choon et al, 2013; Valla et al
2006; Dinger, 2009; Vodova, 2011; Aspachs, 2005).
While other researchers found out that there was a
significant effect of the inflation rate on liquidity risk,
(Moussa, 2015; Bhati et al, 2015; Tsaganesh, 2012).
Lastly, previous researchers found significant
Effendi, K., Disman, D. and Nugraha, N.
Liquidity Risk and Macroeconomic Analysis of Islamic Banking in Indonesia.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017) - Transforming Islamic Economy and Societies, pages 92-95
ISBN: 978-989-758-315-5
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
influence on unemployment rate on liquidity risk
(Horvath, 2014; Munteanu, 2012)
This study aims to improve this gap by analyzing
empirically the growth of gross domestic product, the
inflation rate and the unemployment rate affecting
liquidity risk in Islamic banking in Indonesia, thus
contributing significantly to the existing literature,
and bringing the value of high novelty and originality.
This finding will enable Islamic bank managers to
formulate appropriate strategies to maintain adequate
liquidity and minimize risk. Therefore, the purpose of
this study is to analyze the macroeconomic factors
affect the risk of liquidity of Islamic banks in
The method of this research is hypothesis testing
method or explanatory research. This study uses
secondary data derived from the financial statements
of Islamic banks and Indonesia statistical center
(BPS) since 2009 - 2016 in Indonesia. The object of
this research is X1: Gross Domestic Product Growth
(GDP), X2: Inflation Rate (INF), X3: Unemployment
Rate (UNEMP), and Y: Liquidity Risk (LR).
Empirical model of this research as follows:
F β
The test is a panel data regression testing. Which
is where the first step to do is testing the model.
The first model is chow test that is ho:
Common effect (pooled ols) and ha: Fixed
The second model is hasuman test that is
ho: Random effect and ha: Fixed effect.
If the p-value>0,05 then accept ho and if the p-
value< 0,05 then reject ho.
3.1 Multicollinearity Test
Table 1 summarizes the correlation values for all the
variables used. This test is performed to identify some
variables that have high correlation with correlation
value above 0.8. If there is a correlation value above
0.8, then inter-variable occurs multicollinearity.
Table 1: Pairwise Correlation Matrix of Variables.
The test result in table 1, all variables have a
correlation value below 0.8. This means that all the
variables are free of multicollinearity. If all variables
are freed from multicollinearity, then the research is
3.2 Estimation Results
The estimation result table 2 is the estimation of the
effect of macroeconomic on liquidity risk. The
analysis was performed using balanced panel data
from 2009 to 2016 from 7 Islamic banks in Indonesia.
Cross-section is used to adjust standard error for
potential heteroscedasticity (White, 1980). Table 2 is
a summary of the model selection test consisting of
chow test to find out which model will be selected
whether common effect or fixed effect and hausman
test to know which model will be selected whether
random effect or fixed effect. And the result of the
estimation is presented in table 2:
Table 2: Estimation Result.
Dependent Variable : Liquidity Risk
Fixed Effect
Random Effect
Durbin Watson
Dummy Variabl
Cross-section weights
Liquidity Risk and Macroeconomic Analysis of Islamic Banking in Indonesia
Based on the estimation result in table 2 can be
concluded that fixed effect model with cross-section
weights. This is due to the goodness of fit in the model
of 0.9977 or 99.77% (R-square) which means that all
variables can affect the liquidity risk of 99,77% and
the rest is influenced by other variables not included
in this research. Besides, because of the high
goodness of fit value, the selection of fixed effect
model is also due to chow test and hausman test result
p-value < 0,05 like table 3 and 4.
Tabel 3: Chow Test.
Redundant Fixed Effect test
Equation : Untitled
Test cross-section fixed effects
Effect Test
Cross-section F
Table 3 shows the probability result is 0.0000.
This explains that ho is rejected so that the result
obtained is a fixed effect model better than the
common effect model. Therefore, according to the
results of Chow testing, the model used is a fixed
effect model.
Tabel 4: Hausman Test.
Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test
Equation : Untitled
Test cross-section random effects
The results in table 4 indicate conformity with the
previous test, ie ho rejected then the result obtained is
a fixed effect model is better than the random effect
model. This shows that, fixed effect model is the most
appropriate model in regression testing in this study.
As evidenced by the harmonized results of the Chow
test, Hausman test, and the comparison test between
common effect, fixed effect and random effect.
The result of data panel regression with cross-section
weight fixed effect model is that the variable of
growth GDP, Inflation rate, and unemployment rate
have no significant influence to liquidity risk in
Indonesian Islamic Banking.
This is in contrast to previous studies such as
Moussa (2015), Bunda and Desquilbet (2008), and
Choon et al (2013) found a significant positive effect
of GDP growth on liquidity risk. While Valla et al
(2006), Dinger (2009), Vodova (2011), Aspachs
(2005). found significant negative effect of GDP
growth on liquidity risk.
This difference is also found in the inflation rate
variables. Such as Tseganesh (2012) who found the
results of a significant positive effect of the level of
inflation on liquidity risk, and other studies found a
significant negative effect of inflation rate on
liquidity risk on the results of research (Moussa,
2015; Bhati, 2015).
The result of unemployment rate analysis also
there is no significant effect to liquidity risk in Islamic
bank in Indonesia. Previous researchers Munteanu
(2012) found different results that is a significant
positive effect unemployment rate on liquidity risk.
While Horvath (2014) found a significant negative
effect on the unemployment rate on liquidity risk.
Significant difference in this research and
previous research because the data obtained in this
study is Islamic bank data while previous research is
a conventional bank. This study obtained very
different results in both types of banking. Although
both are banking industries, but being run in different
ways will get different results. And the results
obtained show that the liquidity of Islamic banks in
Indonesia is not affected by the macroeconomic
conditions that occur.
This is closely related to the conventional bank
system which is run by the system of interest rate
while Islamic banks with profit sharing system.
Because if there is a shock to the economy of a
country, it will affect the operational activities in a
bank, such as profitability, capital and credit. In
Conventional banks, because the interest rate system
is anything that happens requires the bank to fulfill all
its obligations. While in Islamic banks is not, because
the profit-sharing system applied to share the profit
and loss. So, if the bank is in a loss condition, the bank
can postpone all its obligations and focus on getting
out of the existing problems. This is the uniqueness
as well as the strength of Islamic banks can survive in
a crisis state though.
This research has high novelty and originality
because research on macroeconomic analysis to
liquidity risk in Islamic bank, firstly researched in
Indonesia and world. Limitations in this study are
data and results can only describe the situation in
Indonesia alone and does not apply in general in the
world. Subsequent research can be examined more
widely in order to describe the situation in the world.
ICIEBP 2017 - 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business and Philanthropy
This research can have an impact on society at large,
that Islamic banks in Indonesia are more resistant to
shocks than external than conventional banks. This is
because the profit-sharing system implemented helps
Islamic banks withstand the crisis as evidenced in the
2008 crisis. In addition, investors who want to invest
funds on time deposits do not have to worry about
losing funds as feared when investing funds in
conventional banks. This research can have a positive
impact on Islamic banking in order to improve
performance and market share.
The results of this study have a conformity to the facts
that occur. The global crisis that hit in 2008 that
caused hundreds of bankrupt banks around the world
did not affect the performance of Islamic banks in
Indonesia. There are no Islamic banks asking for
liquidity funds to save themselves. The results of this
study show that there is no macroeconomic effect on
the risk of liquidity of Islamic banks in Indonesia,
both GDP growth, inflation rate and unemployment
rate. Unlike conventional banks that have a
significant macroeconomic effect on liquidity risk.
This shows that Islamic banks are really good banks
in all situations, both normal or crisis situations.
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Liquidity Risk and Macroeconomic Analysis of Islamic Banking in Indonesia