Improving Students Executive Function through Brain-Based
Physical Education Learning
Imas Damayanti
, Adang Suherman
, Juntika Nurikhsan
and Anam Anam
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Department of Neurology, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjajaran, Jalan Professor Eyckman No.38, Bandung,
Keywords: Brain-Based Physical Education Learning, Executive Function.
Abstract: This study aims to compare the improvement of executive function of students who follow traditional
physical education learning and those who follow Brain-Based Physical Education Learning (BBPEL). The
method used in this study was quasi experimental method with unequivalent design pre-post-test control
group design. The research subjects are Junior High School students class VII about 39 students. The
treatment lasted for 8 meetings. The executive function is measured by a word-color test stroop. The results
of this study indicate that there is a significant gain-score difference in the ability of executive function
between BBPEL group (= 17,4685 sec) and traditional group (= 11,0237 seconds) p = 0,043 <0,05.
Conclusion, physical education can contribute positively to the executive function of the student, and the
contribution can be optimized with the BBPEL learning model significantly.
The learning process is very essential; it should
teach students how to learn. In 21
century, as the
age of advanced technology, the success of life is
definitely increasingly dependent on the mastery of
the executive function process, namely goal setting,
planning, organizing, prioritizing, initiating, change
(shifting), and self-monitoring (self-monitoring).
Academic success will also depend on the ability of
students to organize their time, organize and
prioritize materials and information, distinguish core
ideas in detail, change approaches flexibly, monitor
their own progress and reflect on their work.
Learning that does not sharpen this executive
functional process will lead to a separation between
what is taught in school and what students need to
succeed in school or later in real life or work life.
Real life requires individuals to be able to learn
independently and organize and put together the
rapidly changing information that is acquired
through the Internet or other web-based media
(Metzler, 2017).
A good executive function is needed by
Indonesians in the future so as not to erode the
times, and ultimately become a slave in their own
country when the current globalization can no longer
be contained. Therefore the teacher should apply a
comprehensive plan of learning that can be more
than just delivering the material but at the same time
improving the executive function of the students.
"The core of the teaching process is the arrangement
of environments within which the students can
interact and study how to learn" (Joyce and Weil,
1996). Such comprehensive learning planning is a
learning model used by teachers in teaching
students. The comprehensive plan includes the
theoretical basis, the learning objectives, the
teacher's expertise in the content of the lesson, the
learning activities appropriate to the stage of student
development, expectations of teacher and student
behavior, unique learning structure, outcome
measurements and how to verify the implementation
of the model itself (Metzler, 2017).
In the last two decades, along with technological
developments in the field of neuroscience,
knowledge of the workings of the brain began to
give effect to the model of learning in the classroom.
Imaging Technologies such as Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI), functional MRI (fMRI),
Electroencephalography (EEG), computed
tomography (PAT), computed axial tomography
Damayanti, I., Suherman, A., Nurikhsan, J. and Anam, A.
Improving Students Executive Function through Brain-Based Physical Education Learning.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 489-495
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
(CAT) and molecular biology examinations such as
enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) to explore the
functional neuroanatomy of the learning process.
Information gained from these modalities builds a
scientific bar illustrating how the biological learning
process actually works. Educational experts then
take this scientific bar and apply it to classroom
learning, then Brain-Based Learning (BBL) was
born (Craig, 2003; Willis, 2008; Jensen and Rohwer,
In addition to the learning model, as mentioned
above nutritional factors and physical activity can
give effect to the learning process. For nutritional
factors in general, of course we still have to expect a
lot on improving the nutritional quality of families
that deal with the nation's economic sector. We can
use physical activity as a weapon to improve the
quality of learning itself because physical activity
provides positive benefits to the brain. Physical
activity promotes cerebral capillary growth, cerebral
blood flow, oxygenation, neurotrophic production,
growth of hippocampal cells (learning and memory
centers), neurotransmitter levels, development of
anterior connections, neural network density, and
brain tissue volume. These physiological changes
are associated with increased attention capability,
improved information processing, storage, and
retrieval, as well as improved coping and positive
affect (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
In the Indonesian curriculum, physical activity is
only accommodated by physical education subjects.
That is just 3 hours of lessons in the latest
curriculum. Nevertheless, it is of course very
important to utilize these subjects as a weapon to
enhance executive function, BDNF levels and
ultimately student academic achievement. The
unique characteristic of the physical education
subject itself has actually contributed significantly to
the students' cognitive dimension (Suherman, 2013).
However, this donation is underestimated by the
students, teachers, principals and Indonesians in
general. Physical education is marginalized precisely
because the assumption of these subjects is
unimportant and may even interfere with student
academic achievement (Hardman et al., 2005).
The traditional physical education learning
model that is applied by majority of physical
education teachers in Indonesia may be one of the
causes of physical education benefit to students'
unseen cognition increasing. The study of physical
education in Indonesia for decades is similar to
physical education in America hundreds of years
ago, that is prioritizing the physical aspect. Because
of the former colonized wounds, the founding
fathers of the Indonesian nation try to use sport as a
strategic and political tool, to break out of the
collective inferiority of being a newly independent
nation after so many centuries of colonized and
systematically ignored. The growing belief that sport
can be an evidence that the Indonesian people have
the same potential and ability with other nations.
This is demonstrated through the efforts of the
Indonesian nation to take part in various regional
and international sporting events. What happened
then, the paradigm of physical education at the level
of educational unit is also shifted. Physical
education no longer becomes an educational tool,
but is sharpened into a tool to help the sport
movement as an enforcer of the nation's posture, so
that more seeds of the sportsperson can be prepared.
As a result, as we can see today, physical education
is more oriented towards sporting achievement than
as a tool in the process of socializing and educating
children through sport. So strong the paradigm of
sports achievement in our physical education, until
now the paradigm is still strongly gripped by the
physical education teachers. With the wrong
paradigm, the sports program in physical education
more emphasizes the hope that the program ends on
the early benefits of early breeding benefits. In short,
the main goal of physical education is the physical
Therefore, it is important to recognize whether a
model of physical education in accordance with the
principles of BBL (Brain-Based Physical Education
Learning / BBPEL) can accommodate intracurricular
physical activity in schools that can improve
executive function. Existing physical education
models (Personalized System for Instruction,
Cooperative Learning, The Sports Education Model,
Peer Teaching Model, Inquiry Teaching, and The
Tactical Games) contain elements of BBL learning
but are not comprehensive. For example cooperative
learning model but ignore the personal aspects and
tactical games that emphasize the competition.
Moreover learning physical education which is
traditional one-way direct teaching in the form of
skill-drill-game. The teacher gives an example of a
physical motion skill. Then all students must master
the motion skills by doing drill (repetition-
repetition) to be able to perform similar movements
in accordance with the theory and examples of
teachers. After mastering the motion, students
perform games that require these motion skills.
Traditional learning models contain elements of
physical activity that can naturally provide cognitive
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
benefits, but the character of learning causes the
benefits of physical activity is not optimal.
2.1 Procedure
The Research was conducted in 5 months at SMP
Lab School Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Bandung. Method of research used in this research
Quantitative method with quasi experiment,
unequivalent control group design. The participants
are junior high school students class VII. Two
classes were selected as sample with similar
cognitive ability and academic achievement
(evidenced by the Initial test). Two other classes
with other similar subject’s teachers are also chosen.
The number of students in the two classes is at least
20 people. These two classes will be divided into
two groups, namely the treatment group and the
control group. Group assignment is done by random
2.2 Instrumentation
The name of this test comes from the name of the
main developer; John Ridley Stroop who published
in 1935 with an article entitled "Studies of
Interference in serial verbal reactions", although the
first publication was done by James McKeen Cattell
and Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt in his doctoral
dissertation research. This test has been used by
many researchers in various fields, until it is
included in the "Citation Classic" which means it has
been quoted more than 160 times since 1966.
Stroop Color-Word Test and all its variations
consist of 3 cards: Word Card (W), Color Card (C)
and Color-Word Card (CW). The word card consists
of a list of words for color (eg red, green, yellow,
blue) printed in black ink; the color card is a
sequence of colors according to the color on the
card; while the word color card is a list of words
printed in a different color to the meaning of the
word (example: red word printed with green ink
color). Subjects are asked to read aloud the color
word (W card), mention the color (card C) and
mention the color of ink writing by heeding the
meaning he said (CW card). The time required to
complete the task is the score of the test.
TWKS rationalization is used for ocus ic d
executive function. The executive function is a
mental process that is central to decision-making,
goal planning and behavioral selection. This process
involves the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex brain area
(DLPFC) and the anterior ocus ic d cortex (ACC).
Brain imaging techniques, including MRI, fMRI and
PET have shown that the main areas involved in the
Stroop test process are the dorsolateral prefrontal
cortex (DLPFC) and anterior ocus ic d cortex (ACC)
areas of the brain. Specifically when both are
activated while resolving task conflicts and
capturing the errors made, the prefrontal dorsolateral
cortex will work to support memory and other
executive functions, while the anterior cortex cursor
is responsible for selecting the appropriate response
and allocating attention.
DLPFC creates rules for the brain in order to
complete the test task. In the Stroop effect, it also
involves areas in the brain involved in color
perception, but not in areas involved in word coding.
Biases and irrelevant information appear, for
example the fact that the 3ocus3ic perception of the
word is more prominent than the printed word. Then
the middle of the DLPFC will select a representation
that will satisfy the task. Relevant information
should be separated from irrelevant information.
Therefore 3ocus is applied to the ink color, rather
than to the word. Furthermore the posterior part of
the ACC will be responsible for the decision made
(whether the answer is right or wrong). After
responding, the anterior part of the ACC will
evaluate the response, whether true or false. The
activity in this area will increase as the error
probability increases.
Stroop test is easy to do. It can be applied to
people start from the age of 6 years to 80 years. The
test officer also requires only a short course of
training because he or she only does little
intervention on the subject.
2.3 Treatment
The experimental treatment in question is the giving
of physical education subject by using BBPEL.
BBPEL is given for 8 meetings (one meeting per
week for two months). It was given in accordance
with the schedule of physical education subjects in
school, for 3x 40 minutes per meeting. The
treatment in the group is the provision of traditional
physical education lesson learning, using direct
teaching strategy: skill-drill-games. Teachers give
examples of specific sports skills, have students
practice those skills and then use them in the game
intact. As with the treatment group, traditional
physical education learning is also provided for 8
meetings (one meeting per week for two months). It
was given in accordance with the schedule of
Improving Students Executive Function through Brain-Based Physical Education Learning
physical education subjects in school, for 3x 40
minutes per meeting.
Traditional physical education materials are also
adapted to the 2013 curriculum materials: (1) Big
Ball Game Using Basketball (2 meetings); (2) Big
Ball Game Using Soccer Game (2 meetings); (3)
Small Ball Game Using Cash Game (2 meetings);
(4) Small Ball Game Using Badminton Game (2
In order for the implementation of BBPEL
learning model to be treated from this research is
applied well, so that the research is valid, then
validation instrument has been tested by the physical
education expert and has been tested in preliminary
In order for this study not to violate ethics and
human rights, it is done in such a way as to follow
the principles established by the research ethicists.
The researcher refers to the 10 principles of The
Nuremberg Code based on Ethical Issues in
Behavioral Research Basic and Applied
Perspectives, Second Edition by Allan J. Kimmel.
Using the Shapiro-Wilk normality test and the
Lavene homogenity test with a 0.05 cut off point it
was found that the research subjects' age, weight and
height were normal and invasive distributed. As for
independent sample T-test, there was no difference
between characteristic of age, body weight and
height between treatment group and invasiv group
(respectively p = 0,105; p = 0,507; p = 0,251).
Table 1: Characteristics of Research Subjects.
Treatment Group
Control Group
(Traditional PE)
Age (years)
Weight (kg)
Height (cm)
Characteristics of research subjects are shown on
table 1. The age difference affects the executive
function, therefore with the nvasive research subject
characteristics in terms of age, weight and height
increases the internal validity of this study.
In addition, for the two intake classes to be
sampled this study is taught by teachers of
mathematics subjects, English and the same nvasive
language. Both classes also received the same
nvasive treatment from the school environment as it
was regarded as the two brightest students' classes at
the school based on the admission nvasive at school
(The subject was in the first year of Junior High
School). The above conditions are expected to have
an equal influence between the two groups in order
to avoid the bias of influence from the academic
environment on student academic achievement after
This study is also expected to be followed by all
students in the intact class, but because this research
involves taking a blood sample that is nvasive, then
after the explanation of detail (informed consent) to
students and parents through a classroom teacher
approach; only 20 subjects from each class are
willing to participate. The actual number of students
in one intake class is 30 students each. In order not
to disrupt the natural situation of the learning
environment, then all students still learn together
(not separated) without each other knowing who is
not willing to be the subject of this study.
Table 2: Mean Score of Executive Function Performance.
Treatment Group
Control group
(Traditional PE)
From the table 2 above, we can see that before
treatment, the average ability of the student
executive function in the control group was slightly
better than the students' ability in the BBPEL group
(72.57 seconds, compared with 84.76 seconds).
However, after treatment, the ability of the student
executive function in the BBPEL group was slightly
better (67.3 seconds compared to 61.54 seconds).
Based on the result of statistical descriptive
analysis, it is known that the data of all variables in
each group are homogeneous and normally
distributed (Shapiro-Wilk Normality test p> 0.05
and Lavene homogenity p> 0,05).
Both treatment groups experienced improvement
in executive function of students after getting
physical education for 8 times meeting, p <0.005
with paired sample T-test.
Table 3: Results of Paired Samples Test Results of
Executive Functions Before and After Obtaining BBPEEL
and Traditional PE Learning.
Paired Differences
Pair executive function before
and after treatment on both
From the table 3 above, taking into account the
results of the executive function of the treatment and
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
control group students we can see that the average
initial ability of the control group executive function
is much better than the treatment group. Both have
improved after learning physical education.
However, the final ability of the executive function
in both groups is not very different. Thus it can be
assumed that there is an increase in the higher ability
of executive functions in the treatment group.
Table 4: Comparation of Executive Function Before and
After Treatment Between Groups.
Treatment Group
Control Group
(Traditional PE)
Executive Function Pre
Executive Function Post
Comparation of executive function before and
after treatment between groups are shown on table 4.
Table 5: Description Variable Gain Score.
Std. Deviation
Description variable gain score are shown on
table 5. To examine the difference in executive
function performance between groups by
considering the possibility of influence of initial
condition of group executive function (pretest),
assumption and restriction tests were done in
There is a reasonable correlation between the
dependent variables (Correlation is called reasonable
i.e. when the positive does not exceed r = 0.90 and
the negative correlation does not exceed r = -0.40
EF_Post with EF_Pre r =, 798 <0.90) Correlation
EF_ with another variable is negative because the
value of EF_ is the time required to complete the
cognitive task that is inversely proportional to the
cognitive abilities shown by other variables.
Furthermore, T test to determine the difference
EF_Pre (Pre performance test results executive
function) between groups.
From the result of T test above, it is concluded
that there is significant difference between pretest of
executive function and both groups (p = 0,017
<0,05). This causes the subsequent analysis to not be
used for the analysis of the variance by using the
pre-test of the executive function as a co-variant,
since assumptions and restrictions are not met
(Owen, 1998; Mayers, 2013; Breukelen, 2006). So
then the ANOVA test is used with gain score. Gain
score is obtained by looking at the performance
improvements that occur in both groups. The
requirement to use gain score calculation is fulfilled
with high correlation between post test result of
executive function with pretest of executive function
(r = 0,798).
The average of executive function improvement
in the treatment group was 17.4685 seconds, while
the average control group increased by 11.0237
Table 6: ANOVA Gain Score Pre-Post Test Executive
Function Tests of Between-Subjects Effects.
From result of ANOVA test are shown on table 6
above, the significance 0,043 <0,05, thus H0 is
rejected. In conclusion there is a difference in
performance improvement of executive function
among group of students who follow BBPEL
learning and traditional pela learning.
Executive function has a locus in the prefrontal
cortex circuit. Several studies have demonstrated
activation in the area of the brain that includes the
middle-frontal, superior frontal, superior and inferior
parietal regions of the anterior cingulata speral
cingulata. Physical activity alone activates the brain
area more than the motor area (Davis and
Lambourne, 2009).
Previous research on executive function has
become neurological and neuropsychological
domains, emphasizing the primary function of the
prefrontal cortex in controlling executive processes
and related behaviors. But then there was a shift
along with the build-up of bridges between health
care practitioners and practitioners in the field of
education (Metzler, 2017).
Type III Sum
of Squares
Mean Square
a. R Squared = ,106 (Adjusted R Squared = ,081)
Improving Students Executive Function through Brain-Based Physical Education Learning
The academic success of this digital age is
increasingly related not only to students'
technological skills, but more importantly how they
master goal setting, planning, prioritizing,
organizing and maintaining manipulating
information in shifted working memory (shifting)
with flexible and self-monitoring (self-monitoring /
self-checking); which collectively all these abilities
are considered as executive functions (Metzler,
This seems to be in line with the philosophy of
the essence of teaching that Joyce and Weil (1996)
has delivered, that the teaching mission of the
teacher is not merely the content of the material, but
teaches students how to learn. For the next ten or
twenty years, material presented by teachers may no
longer be contextual; then what students need is the
ability to learn independently (Joyce and Weil,
The way to improve executive function is an
area now under study in education through
improvements in teaching strategies to curriculum
adjustments (Metzler, 2017). Implementation of
efforts for a policy approach takes time, especially in
Indonesia. Meanwhile, one way to improve the
executive function that is already present in the
curriculum in Indonesia as one of the compulsory
subjects at every level of the school from
elementary, middle, and even on some courses in
universities; namely the subject of physical
The results of this study indicate a significant
increase in the ability to read Color-Word stroop test
cards in all students who received physical education
BBPEL as well as traditional physical education
(before: 78,8262 ± 16, 28448 seconds; after:
64,4974 ± 10, 87664 sec; p <0,000). The initial test
is done just before the new semester (second
semester) begins, as well as the start of this research
treatment. Previously, the test students do not get
physical education lesson for a month because of the
final exam and the end of semester 1. Therefore, the
given physical education lesson is a new treatment
received by students of that period.
This increase in executive function is already in
line with previous alternatives which show an
improvement in executive function in the sample of
children due to sports treatment, although alternative
measures the ability of its executive function
differently (Tomporowski, 2008). The measurement
with alternative stroop test is theoretically acute
exercise can also improve the results of this test,
such as 20 minutes of moderate intensity running on
the treadmill (Sibley et al., 2006), 30 minutes
cycling (Ferris et al., 2007), 10 minutes cycling. In
learning physical education both BBPEL and
Traditional in this study there is no measurement of
active moving time and the intensity of the sport
objectively; but the syntax of teacher learning and
supervision ensures that students move
intermittently and actively for 3x40 minutes. If the
minimum time active student in accordance with the
research ever done (Wisconsin Department of Public
Instruction, 2011) is 50%, then the assumption of
students moving for 60 minutes and the amount is
quite adequate.
The most noticeable difference between the
student’s management that occurs in the learning of
BBPEL and traditional is how the learning
environment is made in harmony with the nature of
the brain. At BBPEL the atmosphere of the learning
environment is guarded by taking into account the
physiological aspects (paying attention to the
hydration of students by providing a special time
slot for drinking), as well as the psychological
aspects with the creation of a fun, safe, comfortable
yet challenging learning environment.
The comfortable learning atmosphere begins
with a playful accompaniment, this is also intended
to overcome the peripheral attention of the
peripheral, and the use of the ear senses. The BBL
principle states that the brain at the same time can
perform simultaneous jobs, and that in addition to
observing one, simultaneously the brain also noticed
peripheral. Music on BBL facilitates the working
ability of the brain that always wants to be busy
(The brain is a parallel processor, Learning involves
both focused attention and peripheral perception). At
the same time also create a happy atmosphere
(Emotions are critical to patterning). This cheerful
atmosphere is also created with a carefree heating,
moving directly from the beginning of learning.
Another difference to BBPEL with traditional
learning is that in traditional learning, students such
as robots are guided to perform one particular work,
new and should be like that regardless of the initial
conditions of the student's abilities. The teacher will
perform a certain physical motion demonstration,
and then the students are told to imitate and repeat
the physical motion.
In BBPEL, students are expected to learn
through pattern creation (The search for meaning
occurs through "patterning"). From the moment of
warming up, physical motion during heating has
similarity with the core motion that students will
learn at the core of learning. After that the students
will see a teacher demonstration of the physical
motion activity they will learn that day.
Demonstration of the teacher will make students feel
comfortable, rather than purely inquiry teaching,
where direct learning begins with questions.
Demonstrations make students start their own
learning with observation. Observation continued by
observing themselves and their partners during the
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
physical movement. After making good observations
when viewing teacher demonstrations and while
doing it alone with friends, students can then assess
the extent of physical movement that they can do.
Students can ask themselves why they cannot do it
yet, or how to do it better. The teacher will provide a
choice of alternative motion exercises that match the
basic motor skills that students can take to answer
the question. The student is then told to try and
reason the physical exercises they choose. Trying
and reasoning is done simultaneously, if it meets
difficulty, it tries to alternate the motion and the end
reaches the final result of how to perform the best
physical motion. The nature of such learning
methods is expected to be in line with the
mechanism of the brain's work, the brain is not
forced to learn something like a robot. We have (at
least) two types of memory systems: spatial and rote
learning The brain understands and remembers best
facts and skills are embedded in natural spatial
memory) (Caine and Caine, 1991).
In learning BBPEL, in addition to making
comfortable with learning physical activity
according to their respective development, at each
post training that can be selected by students there
are challenges to achieve specific targets (Learning
is enhanced by the challenge and inhibited by threat;
Every brain is unique). Challenges and cheerfulness
are also added to semi-competitive games involving
previous physical activity.
The difference in the performance of the executive
function in the BBPEL group is higher than that of
traditional learning groups. Although the aspect of
motor activity itself with the intensity and duration
is not too different, but the complementary aspects
of physical activity is very different. This is
considered that the treatment factor given in this
study is not the same as physical activity in the form
of solid 'exercise training' which is done on a
particular subject as in previous studies. The
physical activity in this study is part of complex
physical education learning. Thus there are other
aspects that will affect the brain activity in general
and the executive function in particular.
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Improving Students Executive Function through Brain-Based Physical Education Learning