Resistance Training Model Based on Traditional Games for Children
Junior High School
Sandey Tantra Paramitha, I Wayan Repiyasa, Muhammad Asshagab, Mulyana Mulyana and Made
Agus Wijaya
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Exercise Models, Endurance, Traditional Games.
Abstract: This study aims to produce products such as books endurance exercises based traditional games. The
method in this research is the method of Borg and Gall consisting of ten steps. Junior male student research
subject in Badung. The final results of this study guide books and video models endurance exercise-based
models of traditional games. the amount of the final model 15 models that have been through the evaluation
and testing. pre-test and post test results data by t test 0.05 level of significance. pre-test and post test results
obtained tO = 10:35 is greater than the significance tt = 0.00 (significance level 0.05), null hypothesis is
rejected. concluded, there is a significant difference between pre-test and post test results-based endurance
exercise traditional games, the average yield pre-test n mean = 5:16 is smaller than the average post-test
means = 3.84. The count in minutes, increased by 1:32 minutes. concluded, the model based on endurance
exercise traditional game effectively used to improve the durability of the results of the child.
Traditional games at the present time is very rarely
played by children. Where this traditional game is an
asset inherited from grandmother. In addition to
traditional games can indirectly make children more
active to move, traditional games also to train
cooperation, teamwork, fitness and endurance
training, especially in children.
Based on the above background, the researchers
want to develop models of endurance exercises
using a traditional game that it is taken in addition to
endurance training using resistance exercises based
on traditional games are expected to keep the
national cultural heritage and ancestral heritage, and
to be played as well as inherited from the children.
To that end, researchers will conduct a development
model based endurance exercise traditional game in
junior high school children.
1.1 The Theoretical Study
1.1.1 Concept Model Development
In the course of research has a purpose and a certain
usefulness, but in general there are 3 that the
purpose of research is the discovery, verification and
development. The discovery that the research may
discover new things that have never been known.
Data used as evidence to prove and no doubt, and
the development of means deepen and broaden
existing knowledge.
Research can also be interpreted as a process of
collecting, processing, analyzing and concluding the
data that is supported by a concept of theoretical
studies. For the four key words to note are: scientific
way, the data, the purpose and usefulness. Kerlinger
(1990) in emzir (2012) argue that research is a
systematic investigation, controlled, empirical and
critical about the phenomenal guided by theories and
hypotheses about the phenomenon. Research and
development is research that produces a particular
product. In the opinion of some experts about the
research is the development.
Gall et al. (2007) says as follows research and
development is an industry-based development
models in the which the findings of the research are
used to design new products and procedures, the
which then are systematically field tested, evaluated,
and refined until they meet specified criteria of
effectiveness, quality, or similar standards. In
research and development can be a model. The
model is to describe the mindset, can also be seen as
Paramitha, S., Repiyasa, I., Asshagab, M., Mulyana, M. and Wijaya, M.
Resistance Training Model Based on Traditional Games for Children Junior High School.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 472-477
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
an attempt to strengthen a theory once an analogy
and representation of variables contained in a theory.
Models in development research can be procedural
models, conceptual models and theoretical models.
Based on the above understanding of this
research seeks to develop a model of endurance
exercise-based traditional game that has elements of
traditional and empower the nation's culture as
ancestral heritage can be used to model the
resistance training in addition to the traditional
elements that are also contained in the physical
condition of the traditional game.
1.1.2 Concept Model Developed
Widiastuti (2011) is a physical freshness which
reflects the physical condition and physical ability to
perform certain tasks with maximum results without
regard to significant fatigue.
Components of physical condition are developed
through endurance exercise (endurance), strength
(strength), flexibility (Flexibility), stamina, muscle
explosive power (power), velocity (speed), agility
(balance), the reaction speed, coordination.
component of physical condition is very necessary to
be trained for success in achievement. Exercise
physical condition is the main preparation to support
the appearance of athletes.
Ambarukmi et al. (2007) Exercise is essentially a
systematic process to enhance the quality of the
performance of athletes in the form of fitness, skill
and energy capacity, the aspect of education and
using a scientific approach. Based on the above it
can be concluded that the exercise was essentially
that the activities are carried out continuously to
form and optimize body condition and physical
state. someone that contains the active principle a
comprehensive, holistic development, specialization,
individualization, variations in practice, the model in
the process of training, overload or additional
training load. Which aims to achieve increased
durability, speed, flexibility, strength and skills of
certain sports.
The traditional game is a tradition and cultural
heritage of the nation that needs to be preserved, a
lot of what is in the traditional games, such as
matters relating to physical, team, reaction and much
lg matters contained in traditional games.
1.2 The Theoretical Framework
1.2.1 Exercise
Definition of training in foreign languages, exercise
can contain multiple meanings that practice,
exercises, and training.
Traits - traits exercise in wanto (2013) says: (1) a
process to achieve a level of proficiency better in
sports that require time and proper planning, (2) the
training process should be regularly means the
exercise should be steady, sustainable and
progressive training is given from the simple to the
complex, (3) on each exercise should have goals and
Bompa (2009) contends "theory training center is
the idea that a structured system of training can be
formed which combine the activities of specific
exercises that target the physiological, psychological
and individual performance characteristics of sport
and athletes. From the opinions of experts, we can
conclude that the exercise is a state done
continuously with increasingly adds to the state long
and can do a better state when making a match.
Lubis (2013) The principles in practice, namely
(a) multilateral, (b) specialization, (c) the individual,
(d) an excess burden, (e) take into account the
differences in genere, (f) a variety of exercises, (g)
the development of this type of training. in addition
to the principle of specification of a good exercise
program should be drawn up variant to avoid
burnout, anxiety and psychological exhaustion in
practice. For that structured exercise program varied
to keep increasing the interest sportsman in practice
so that the objective of the exercise can be achieved.
Through the practice of the physical condition of
athletes, physical fitness can be maintained or
enhanced, whether related to the skills and health in
1.2.2 Durability
Tangkudung (2012) argues "state of good physical
condition will affect the psychological aspects of
increased employee motivation, morale, confidence,
accuracy, and so forth. Tulloh (2007) says an
endurance sport is one in the which the effort is not
flat out and the event is of long duration
The relationship between power and
performance (appearance) Physical sportsmen
including the ability to perform work activities
continuously with high intensity and for a long time,
ability to shorten the recovery time (recovery),
especially in sports games and games, Ability to
Resistance Training Model Based on Traditional Games for Children Junior High School
receive the training load is heavier, longer, and
varied. two types of endurance exercise are aerobic
endurance (DTA) and anaerobic endurance (DTNA).
Durability can be divided into two kinds of local
muscular endurance (local muscular endurance) and
endurance of the heart and lungs (cardiorespiratory
Aerobic endurance is also called endurance that
uses low intensity, allows a person to perform
activities continuously for a long time or long.
aerobic respiration is the most efficient process
because it produces 12 times more energy per
molecule of glucose compared to anaerobic
respiration, but also a longer process and depending
on the availability of oxygen. to train the aerobic
endurance growing to do three activities, namely
running. continues running-steady state, continues
running-mixed intensity, intermittent running.
Anaerobic endurance is durability using high
intensity, providing the ability repeatedly to perform
a series of exercises with high intensity. Anaerobic
respiration without the use of oxygen so that it can
proceed directly. Muscle endurance is focused on
the lower loading and repetition is longer. According
Widiastuti heart and lung endurance is the ability of
the lungs and blood vessels to function optimally
when performing daily activities, in a long time
without experiencing significant fatigue.
1.3 Characteristics of Children SMP
In practice the physical conditions for junior
Possible classes should be given to the need to know
the characteristics of students in terms of both
growth and development. For junior high school
students they were in the age range 12-16 years, this
phase-age children are undergoing puberty or log in
adolescence, the transition from childhood to
According to the theory of growth and
development. Growth associated with quantitative
changes concerning biological changes (Sunarto and
Hartono, 2006). Phase development visible starting
from pre-natal phase up to the juvenile stage. At the
age of students is the most prominent developments
In more detail the growth and development of
children aged students include physical growth,
development of physical ability, development and
motor skills, cognitive development, development of
socialization and personality development.
1.4 Traditional Game
The traditional game in the present circumstances is
very rarely played by children, traditional games is a
culture that is inherited from ancestors. ardiwinata
(2006) The game is divided into two games to play
(play) and games to play (games). Taro (2001)
argues this game is an activity performed by
children to pass the time leisure. In addition to
traditional games are cultural activities in the form
of a game with elements of motion, arts, social and
cultural. in traditional games can also be picked
things very well, namely as a medium of learning,
personal development, social function, appreciation
of cultural values, the function organically,
encourage the creative process.
Laksono et al. (2012) Traditional sports must
have two elements as a requirement in the form of
traditional exercise and good in the tradition that has
evolved over many generations and consists of a
broad tradition bang. The characteristics of the
traditional game dibali is (1) easy to play, (2) has a
set of rules (3) is sometimes accompanied by the
song, (4) infrastructure is not too binding, rich in
variety, (6) and flexible.
1.5 Draft Model
Development of a model-based endurance exercise
traditional games developed to preserve traditional
games and performed as a stage of resistance
training. Products developed a variation of the
model-based resistance training to improve the
traditional game of endurance athletes, especially
athletes junior high school students, as well as to
preserve the traditional game. Needs analysis
compiled from the results of observations,
interviews and questionnaires given to coaches and
football student extracurricular son of the obtained
The next step is to make the initial product in the
form of a series of development models based
endurance exercise traditional game for junior high
school age students that can later be used as a
reference or hint to training durability. The initial
products are set forth in the manual models
endurance exercises based traditional games.
Once the modeling is complete, the next step is
to evaluate the model. This evaluation is done to
improve and enhance endurance exercise-based
models of traditional games for children ages SMP
has been made. The application of the concepts
above development framework created based on
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
these concepts by adding aspects of excitement,
decision making, creativity and total involvement.
Research development model of endurance exercises
based on traditional games in particular have the
multiple objectives including Develop a draft model
of endurance exercises based on traditional games in
junior high, Acquire empirical data resulting
increase in resistance development model of
endurance exercises based on traditional games to
children aged SMP (Sekolah SMP)
Research development model of endurance
exercises based on traditional game using the model
of R & D (Research and Development) of the Borg
and Gall consisting of ten steps, among others: (1)
Conduct research and information gathering
(literature review, observation subjects, preparation
of reports issue) (2) Conduct planning (defining
skills, formulation of objectives, determining the
order of teaching, and testing small-scale) (3)
Develop a form of initial product (preparation of
teaching materials, preparation of handbooks and
equipment evaluation) (4) Conducting field tests
beginning (use the subject 6-12) (5) Revise the main
products (in accordance with the advice of the
results of the field test beginning) (6) to test the
main field (with 30-100 subjects). (7) Revise the
product (based on the suggestions and the results of
field trials primary). (8) Field test with 40-200
subjects (9) Revision of the final product (10) Make
a report concerning the product in the journal,
working with publishers to distribute commercially.
product planning and development is carried out
before the trial is held. For the development of this
type of training, the researchers consult with
mentors, coaches physical condition, as well as
expert lecturers in the field of coaching and
biomechanics. In research-based endurance exercise
Traditional game next stage is to evaluate the model.
The evaluation was done in order to improve and
enhance training models that have been made. The
move is the study of experts (Expert Judgement),
Trial Small Group, a large group trials, test
This trial aims to (1) to determine whether the
design of the model has been applied properly by the
coach, and (2) how effective are the results of
applying the model to the objectives of this study.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative and
quantitative approach. Thus the quantitative
approach used to search the effectiveness of the pre-
experimental research design form of the one-group
pretest-posttest design.
Table 1: Design research into the effectiveness test.
Steps taken in this trial, among others; (1) group
of research subjects; (2) conduct pre-test (O 1); (3)
trying to models that have been developed; (4) carry
out post-test (O 2); (5) looking for average scores of
pre-test and post-test and compared between the
two; (6) subtract the average second difference
through statistical methods (t-test) to determine
whether there is a significant effect of the use of
models. The final results of this development is the
model-based endurance exercise traditional games
the products with the design of new training models
or enhance existing, complete with product
specifications as well as test the effectiveness of this
type of training is made, so as to improve the quality
and can be used as a handle in the activities of
endurance training.
In general, these results (1) Model-based endurance
exercise traditional games, (2) The user manual
resistance training models based traditional games.
The traditional games produced in the model this
exercise include: (1) the traditional game tundik
melaib, (2) the traditional game ngejuk Iindung I, (3)
the traditional game ngejuk lindung II, (4) the
traditional game of jangkrik-jangkrikan, (5) the
traditional game Kelik-kelikan, (6) the traditional
game mecapung-capungan, (7) the traditional game
meban-banan, (8) the traditional game meong-
meongan, (9) the traditional game Megala-gala, (10)
the traditional game Megala-gala with target , (11)
the traditional game meban-banan metukar, (12) the
traditional game mejangkrik-jangkrikan move
objects, (13) the traditional game mekelik-kelikan
with instruments of traditional games mekelik-
kelikan with the object, (14) the traditional game
mekelik-kelikan with tos, (15) the traditional game
tundik melaib with tos.
Based on the data that can be gathered from
experts exercise training methods, a traditional game
as well as data on a small group trial and field trials
of participants, then there are some parts of the
product that needs to be revised. This is done to
optimize the benefits of the development of
Resistance Training Model Based on Traditional Games for Children Junior High School
resistance training models based traditional games
for children aged junior.
Table 2: Outcome-based Endurance traditional games.
Std. Error
Pre test
Post test
Table 3: Summary of Effectiveness Test Results Result-
Based Model Endurance Exercise Traditional Game with
Paired Differences
Std. Error
Pair 1
Post Test
Based on the results of the effectiveness test
using t-test (see Table 3), from differences in pretest
and posttest results of the model-based endurance
exercise traditional game result O = 10 353 t is
greater than t t = 0.000 (at significance level 0.05),
then the null hypothesis is rejected. So it can be
concluded that there are significant differences
between pretest and posttest results-based endurance
exercise traditional games.
Data from the study (see Table 4.3), obtained an
average yield of pretest with mean = 5:16 is smaller
than the average posttest mean = 3.84. in a matter of
minutes in the form of an increase of 1:32 minutes.
Thus it can be stated that, the model-based
endurance exercise traditional games for children
ages SMP effectively used to improve student
outcomes durability.
From the results of field testing and discussion of the
results of this study concluded that. Based on the
results of expert evaluation and testing that has been
done shows the final model or final endurance
exercises based on traditional games include ((1) the
traditional game tundik melaib, (2) the traditional
game ngejuk Iindung I, (3) the traditional game
ngejuk lindung II, (4) the traditional game of
jangkrik-jangkrikan, (5) the traditional game Kelik-
kelikan, (6) the traditional game mecapung-
capungan, (7) the traditional game meban-banan,
(8) the traditional game meong-meongan, (9) the
traditional game Megala-gala, (10) the traditional
game Megala-gala with target , (11) the traditional
game meban-banan metukar, (12) the traditional
game mejangkrik-jangkrikan move objects, (13) the
traditional game mekelik-kelikan with instruments of
traditional games mekelik-kelikan with the object,
(14) the traditional game mekelik-kelikan with tos,
(15) the traditional game tundik melaib with tools.
Based on the expert validation and testing, has
produced a product-based model of durability
traditional games overall fit for use in children aged
junior. It is based on a discussion of the results of
the analysis of product trials, which include the ease,
the attractiveness, the usefulness and security and
are the result of the test group, namely the item 1 the
size of the field to the added length to further
improve exercise endurance, in item 2 multiply the
amount the race, in item 3 game done in duration
over at speed, in item 4 length in traditional games
for students to be more active in playing, item 5
instruction in the game to be clarified, item 6 in
clarifying in giving the instruction, the item 7 games
held in how many repetitions to be clarified, item 8
the length of the game, item 9 the number of people
in the game, item 10 the number of people in the
game, item 11 the duration of the game, item 12
instruction in the game, item 13 the length of the
game, item 14, the duration of the game, items 15
the size of the field in the game.
Based on the test results of the effectiveness of
the model, proven empirically that the results of the
product in the form of resistance training models
based on traditional games for children aged junior
has a good effectiveness. It was based on the
physical fitness test results showed that the average
yield of 5.16 and the posttest at 3.84 pre-test post
test results indicate that larger than average pretest
results. So it can be stated that, the model-based
endurance exercise traditional games for children
ages SMP was effectively used to improve the
results of resistance training to junior high school
age children with a significance value below 0:05
and 1:32 minutes there was an increase from pretest
to posttest results and the number of participants to
40 people.
4.1 Implication
Based on the overall conclusion of the study show
that, product-based model of endurance exercise
traditional games for children aged junior, overall
decent and effectively used in training junior high
school age children. Thus, the implication of these
findings is a model of endurance exercises based on
traditional games should be considered by the
teacher or coach to guide other alternatives or
reference in the activities of resistance training for
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
children aged junior high, because effectively used
to improve the durability of the child and be able to
teach traditional games for children in order to
maintain the heritage.
4.2 Suggestion
Based on the results of the development model of
resistance training junior high school age children, it
is necessary to put forward some suggestions by
investigators in connection with the product. The
suggestions put forward include utilization advice,
suggestions dissemination, and suggestions of
further development.
4.2.1 Suggestions Utilization
Product development is a development-based model
of endurance exercise traditional games for children
aged junior. If the model of development models
based endurance exercise traditional games for
children ages SMP used in extracurricular activities
and as an ingredient in learning in every school.
In addition, if the model of endurance exercises
based on traditional games for children ages SMP
used as a guide in extracurricular activities and
learning process in physical education at school,
then to the teachers or trainers should further
improve professionalism in order to use this model
in extracurricular activities and learning can take
place effectively and efficiently.
4.2.2 Suggestions Dissemination
Product development model of endurance exercises
based on traditional games for children ages SMP in
the form of this manual empirically proven
effectiveness is good to improve the durability for
children aged SMP, the product of this development
can be disseminated to a wider target, especially to
teachers or coach extracurricular junior futsal. But
before being distributed researchers advise, so
guidebooks model of endurance exercises based on
traditional games for children aged junior high
school need to be produced much more, so that later
more teachers or coaches junior who can understand
and be able to master the traditional game as a
training or learning.
4.2.3 Suggestions Further Development
In developing product models endurance exercises
based on traditional games for children aged SMP
further, researchers have some advice, namely: (a)
on the product development model of endurance
exercises based on traditional games for children
aged junior, still require further investigation and
trial of intensive and continuous, as well as the
effect on the broader scope which has the
characteristics of a more diverse (heterogeneous), to
obtain feedback to make improvements to the
product; (b) Subject involved in the evaluation and
testing needs to be expanded to involve more experts
or exercise physical condition as well as teachers or
trainers as users and students as subjects; (c) The
need assessment in the development of the next on
the degree of variation and conformity with
chronological age, is expected is a shape model of a
more varied, innovative, and stimulate students /
participants to be more enthusiastic in training (d) It
is expected that the existence of researchers who can
develop resistance training models based traditional
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Resistance Training Model Based on Traditional Games for Children Junior High School