The Effect of Bicycling on Long Term Memory
Unun Umaran
, Adang Suherman
, Herman Subarjah
and Mohammad Zaky
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Physical Education, Health and Recreation, Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi, Bekasi, Indonesia
Physical Education, Health and Recreation, STKIP Bina Mutiara Sukabumi, Sukabumi, Indonesia
Keywords: Bicycling Activity, Long Term Memory.
Abstract: The research was done because some theories say physical activity is able to give a positive influence on
cognitive function. Lack of motion or not performing physical activity may lead to memory degeneration
(dementia). The method used was Ex Post Facto. The sample was 30 bike to work community members
aged 20 to 35 years old. Purposive sampling technique was used to choose the sample. The main
Instrument was Word Test. The data analysis was performed in SPSS 17 by which the researcher carried out
Kolmogorov-Smirnov for normal distribution test, Lavene Statistic for Homogeneity test and Independent
sample test to see the score differences. The results showed that the average score of cycling group ability
was better than motor group (control). It was confirmed by the result of the analysis showing that long term
memory ability was 75,53 Vs 63,97 and t = 2,996 (0,004) (p<0,05), meaning that there is significant
different between long term memory of cycling group and riding group. It implies that cycling activities
have positive impact on the long term memory.
Health is a factor that is very supportive for daily
activities. Doing regular physical activity is the most
important thing that can help a person maintain good
health. The phenomenon that occurs at the present
time especially for the adult, they are busy with
work routine experiencing lack of physical activity
due to routine work. Thus, of course, it will result in
physical fatigue and may also lead to memory
fatigue. There are several assumptions that if it is not
offset by physical activity, cognitive ability will
decrease. This is in accordance with the opinion of
Manoux, et al (2005); in his research on the
relationship between physical activity and cognitive
function in middle age i.e. all 35-55-year-old state
employees based in London department, suggested
that the lack of physical activity is a risk factor for
cognitive function decline, our results show small
but significant the relationship between physical
activity and cognitive function in middle age. Age
and sex adapted to the relationship between physical
activity and cognitive performance are greatly
attenuated by in addition to education and
socioeconomics. Aspects of cognitive function that
mostly decline with age are intelligence (as
estimated with AH 4-I), and our results show that
low levels of physical exercise have been a risk
factor in middle age. The fluid of intelligence is
considered essentially related to the information
process and involves short-term memory, abstract
thinking, creativity, problem-solving ability, and
reaction time. Our results of physical activity and
cognitive function show the protective effect of
physical activity on cognitive decline and dementia
among the elderly. Physical activity has been shown
to maintain cerebral blood flow, and may increase
aerobic capacity and supply of brain nutrients.
Physical activity is also believed to facilitate the
metabolism of neurotransmitters.
Furthermore, Zervas and Stambulova in Auweele
et al. (1999) assume the relation between physical
activities and cognitive function. It was believed that
the impact of physical activities on cognitive
function mostly rely on the intensity and volume of
the physical activities. The intensity of lower-to-
moderate physical training tends to support the
assertion that a physical limb facilitates cognitive
Umaran, U., Suherman, A., Subarjah, H. and Zaky, M.
The Effect of Bicycling on Long Term Memory.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 440-443
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In addition, Jhon and Eric (2008): By doing
physical activity, it will happen oxygen-filled blood
supply into the brain. This will stimulate the growth
of new cells in the brain so that the brain cells will
multiply and with the number of new cells will form
new neurons that have more synapses that will
eventually make the brain capable of receiving more
impulse and able to store longer and faster to be
reappeared when asked. In addition to the growth of
many new cells, another impact is to grow and
develop a type of protein in the brain that is called
the Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF). The
function of BDNF itself is to build and maintain the
cells in the brain of the Hippocampus, the part of the
brain associated with the brain's ability to receive
and store information obtained, in other words the
hippocampus is related to the quality of the brain's
memory work. With the abundance of BDNF in the
hippocampus, the memory capacity of the brain gets
better and last longer.
So it is clear that physical activity can affect
memory performance. Conversely, if the lack of
movement in this case does not do physical activity
due to unhealthy lifestyles, will cause a decrease in
memory performance of a person. From some of
these findings, it can be raised a problem that the
high demands of work that require good body
condition should be supported by a healthy lifestyle
that is by doing physical activity one of them is by
cycling. This problem is raised because there is no
empirical data concerning research aimed at people
already working, requiring memory work demands
especially in the productive age between the ages of
20 to 35 years.
Lately there has been a b2w community called
Bike to Work, which raised the popularity of
bicycles as motor vehicle replacement vehicles to go
to the office. There is an interesting phenomenon
that can be studied in this bike to work community.
For office workers, cycling not only makes life
healthier, but it is also believed to help to refresh
one's memory. This is in accordance with that
disclosed by Holmann in tieneke (2008) in his
research revealed, that the youth (students) who
exercise cycling is known to have blood flow to the
brain increased 30%. The increased blood flow in
the brain will trigger the brain to release some
proteins, including a kind of brain-growing protein
called Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF)
that causes the growth of new nerve cells in the
working hippocampus saves memory for a long time
and minimizes the occurrence of concussions.
Given this BDNF growth, the cycling students are
relatively faster and better at completing the test
than the students who are not cycling.
The human memory system has two forms; short
term memory and long term memory. Short-term
memory has a role as a place to store memories that
are only temporary or in other words that
information can be remembered after a few minutes
of noticing and memorizing. While Long-term
memory, is part of the human brain that has the task
of storing memory for a long period of time. Long-
term memory is considered necessary for someone,
this is because it will be stored in the brain and will
make someone remember it with the old and make
the process of motion that automation.
Based on the above explanation, the focus of
research conducted is to describe the effect of
cycling activity on the ability of long term memory
for the perpetrators.
The method used in this research was ex-post facto
study in intact-group comparison. The method
focuses more on comparative study. The aim of ex
post facto research is to see the effect of certain
phenomena and examine the causal effect of the data
after the event has been completed.
2.1 Research Design
To provide an overview of the flow of thought in
this study the authors provide a description of a
research design that the authors use in figure 1.
Figure 1: Research Design.
2.2 Population and Sample
In this study the authors take a population of bike-to-
work members (active bike to work) Bandung as
Independent Dependent
Group variable variable
(Group possesses (Measurement)
characteristic I)
(Group possesses (Measurement)
characteristic II)
The Effect of Bicycling on Long Term Memory
many as 128 people. The sample was 30 people. The
amount is based on the results of categorizing the
sample in accordance with the characteristics of the
study. While for comparison, the authors use the
control group (using motor vehicles) as many as 30
people, and the number is based on the
categorization of the determination criteria similar to
the sample studied.
2.3 Research Instrument
The instrument used to obtain the capability data of
long term memory is used as a test remembers the
word or called Word Test. The instrument was
adopted from Miller (1956) in “The Magical 7+2”.
The research procedure was listed as follows:
The sample is shown 15 words (not
interconnected), to be memorized for 1.5
After 1.5 minutes, the sample is required to
rewrite the words shown;
The number of words that can be written
correctly, describes the ability of long term
memory of the sample.
2.4 Data Analysis Technique
The data was analyzed through the following steps:
Choosing 30 people as the sample, in this case
bike-to-work community in Bandung and the
control group is those who ride motorcycle to
Testing instrument validity and reliability;
Testing data homogeneity and normal
Testing differences by comparing the long
term memory test result from experimental
and control group. The test was carried out to
identify if there is significant effect of
bicycling activity and long term memory;
The statistical computation was carried out
through SPSS 17.
After the test had been done, the next step was to
perform the data analysis to generate the
Table 1: Long Term Memory Data Description.
From the description in table 1, it was shown
that the means of bicycling group has higher long
term memory capability than those riding
motorcycle. It can be assumed that groups using
bicycles are better in terms of long term memory
compared to motorcycle groups.
The first step taken before testing the hypothesis
is to test the normality, the result is as follows table
Table 2: Skill Data Normal Distribution Test Result Long
term memory.
The sig. value for the cycling group based on
Kolmogorov Smirnov was 0,093 which is higher
than 0,05. Similarly, the motorcycle group has sig.
value 0,188 which is higher than 0,05. It means that
if the probability or sig. value is higher than 0,05 it
can be deduced that the data are normally
distributed. Based on the analysis, the data from
both groups are normally distributed.
After the normal distribution, the homogeneity test
was then carried out. The result was presented as
follows table 3:
Table 3: Homogeneity Test Result.
Test of Homogeneity of Variance
Levene Statistic
Based on Means
Based on Median
The probability value (Sig.) For long term
memory based on the average value is 0.769 and
greater than 0.05 and based on the median
(midpoint) probability (Sig.) Is 0.832 and greater
than 0.05. Referring to the decision criteria, it can be
concluded that long term memory data for cycling
groups and motor groups have the same variance,
meaning the research data is Homogeneous.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
Thus, the test for long term memory data of
cycling group and motor group can use parametric
statistical test because the data is normal and
homogeneous distributed.
Further data obtained are calculated by using
different test to determine the effect or difference
between the ability of long term memory group
cycling with the control group. Testing was done by
comparing the mean (t) value between the cycling
group and the control group. The result was
presented as follows table 4:
Table 4: Different Test Result Long Term Memory Skill
of control group and bicycling group.
Lavene Test
of Variance
The Variance
is deemed
The Variance
is deemed not
The F observed value for long term memory was
0,087 with probability (Sig.) 0,769. Because (Sig.)
0,769 > 0,05, Ho was accepted. The variants are not
different significantly. In conclusion that the
variance of long-term memory capability between
cycling and control groups is the same or not
significantly different. Thus, for the mean test (t)
refers to the values in the same row column
assumption variance. The t observed value for long
term memory was 2,996 with probability (Sig.)
0,004. Because (Sig.) 0,004 < 0,05, Ho was rejected.
There is a significant influence between Long term
memory cycling with the control group. Based on
the results of the processing, it can be concluded
that, cycling activity has a positive effect on the
ability of Long term memory.
Based on the results of the processing, it can be
concluded that, cycling activity has a positive effect
on the ability of Long term memory. Thus cycling
activities not only provide a positive effect for body
fitness alone but also to improve the function of the
brain especially related to the quality of brain
Based on the results of processing and data analysis
has been done by the author, it can be concluded
from the results of research. It is based on facts and
the existing data that the authors obtained. The
conclusion is that cycling activities can affect the
ability of long term memory. This is evidenced by
the long term memory capabilities of the cycling
group is better than the ability of long term memory
groups that use motorcycles (control).
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The Effect of Bicycling on Long Term Memory