Physical Activity Level of University Students
Sumardiyanto Sumardiyanto
, Jajat Jajat
, Risma Risma
, Kuston Sultoni
and Cep Ubad Abdullah
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Galuh Ciamis, Jl. R.E. Martadinatha No. 150, Ciamis, Indonesia
Keywords: Physical Activity, Extracurricular, Rural Area, Urban City.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the difference of students' physical activities in Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in urban city with the students of the Universitas Galuh Ciamis (Unigal) in the
rural area. In addition, it is also seen in the extracurricular involvement in each university. The method used
is causal comparative. The samples are 283 people (148 UPI students and 135 UGM students). The
instrument used is the IPAQ-SF that has been translated into Indonesian. The results of the study show that
there is no difference between the physical activities of UPI and Unigal students (p .065), but there is
interaction between the college (campus) with the involvement of extracurricular (p .034). These results
show that both students who are studying in urban city and rural area are relatively similar in terms of doing
physical activity.
In recent years, the research showing the effects of
physical activity on promoting health and preventing
various non-infectious diseases has become a trend
in Indonesia. The involvement of physical activity is
believed to prevent a lot of risks that are damaging
to healthcare, non-infectious diseases like coronary
heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and
immunodeficiency cancer, as well as improving life
expectancy (Lee, 2012).
The number of benefits does not make everyone
aware to perform regular physical activity. The high
level of knowledge does not necessarily correlate
positively to physically active lifestyle behavior
(Sultoni et al., 2016). Awareness to do physical
activity is still relatively low. This is evidenced by
the research results of the Ministry of Health of the
Republic of Indonesia which states that in general,
about 26.1% of the population in Indonesia are
classified as less physically active. In fact there are
five provinces with physical inactivity behavior
above the national average, namely Riau (39.1%),
North Maluku (34.5%), East Java (33.9%), West
Java (33.0%) , and Gorontalo (31.5%) (Badan
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, 2013).
This low physical activity behavior is influenced
by various factors. In general, the obstacles faced by
everyone are relatively similar, the difference lies in
social influence and lack of will (Jajat et al., 2016).
Level of income and residential (countryside and
urban city) also become two of the important
predictors of physical activity in adults (Parks et al.,
Some studies suggest that the students living in
urban area are more actively engaged in physical
activity than those who live in rural area (Loucaides
et al., 2004; Moore, 2013). When it comes to gender
factors, men are more active than women (Azevedo,
2007). Meanwhile, women aged over 40 years in
rural area have higher sedentary behaviors compared
with urban women (Wilcox et al., 2000).
Unlike other studies in some countries, one study
in Indonesia states that the behavior of physical
activity in the village is higher than in the city
(Saraswati and Dieny, 2012). Differences in some of
the results of this study underlie the need for further
research on the differences in physical activity,
especially at the age of adolescents in rural and
urban colleges. Why university students? Because at
this level not all students get physical activity
lessson. Physical activity lesson in Indonesia is
obtained only at the high school level.
The purpose of this study is to see the difference
of physical activity between UPI students in big city
and Unigal students in small town/rural area. The
study also examines the students’ involvement in
extracurricular in each university.
Sumardiyanto, S., Jajat, J., Risma, R., Sultoni, K. and Abdullah, C.
Physical Activity Level of University Students.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 330-333
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Participants
This study was conducted in two universities,
namely UPI and Unigal. The participants are 148
UPI students and 135 Unigal students with the total
of 283 students.
The participants consist of various study
programs, namely primary school teacher education
(PGSD), physical education and recreation (PJKR),
special education, science (IPA), and social science
education (PIPS). Participants were asked to fill in
PSDQ and IPAQ short questions based on internet
via google form.
2.2 Measures
To simplify the data collection, google form was
used to make it easier in getting response by
enabling a larger number of respondents. Next the
respondents were asking to fill in the questionnaire
based on the instructions and the condition he or she
has experienced in the pas one week.
The physical activity is measured by using the
International Physical Activity Questionnaire - Short
Form (IPAQ-SF) which has been translated into
Bahasa Indonesia. The participants are required to
report the number of days and duration of ongoing
(W), moderate (M), strong (V) activities in the past
one week, then combine the whole scores of
physical activities. All of them are stated in MET-
minutes / week (
2.3 Data Analysis
Data processing used was SPSS software (Version
22). The score and the SD were calculated from the
total MET score. Furthermore, to see the difference
in mean of the physical activities between UPI and
Unigal students, the independent sample t-test was
applied, meanwhile to test the interaction between
the universities and the extracurricular activity was
done by two way anova.
Table 1 demonstrates the descriptive statistics of
each group’s physical activities based on university
consisting of mean and standard deviation. From
table 1, the average learning activity of UPI students
is lower than Unigal students (4474.95 <5314.33).
Table 2 shows the descriptive statistics of each
group’s physical activities based on extracurricular
involvement. It is stated that the mean score of
physical activity is the highest among other groups.
Table 1: Physical Activity Score of UPI and Unigal
Physical Activity Score
Table 2: Students’ Physical Activity Score Based on
Extracurricular Involvement.
Physical Activity Score
Out of 148 UPI students, 27.7% or 41 people
were involved in the sports extracurricular, 25.68%
or 38 in non-sports extracurricular and 46.62% or 69
were not involved in any extracurricular activities.
On the other hand, out of 135 Unigal students,
64.55% or 71 were involved in sports
extracurricular, 7.27% or 8 non-sports
extracurricular and 50.91% or 56 were not involved
in any extracurricular activities.
Table 3 presents the results of the two mean
scores T-Test of physical activity between UPI and
Unigal students. The results show that, as a whole,
there is no difference between the physical activities
of UPI and Unigal student’s p > .05. However, it is
clear that the data on mean scores of Unigal students
are much higher than UPI students.
Table 3: Result of two means T-Test of both sample
Table 4 shows the results of interaction between
universities and extracurricular activities on students'
physical activity. The results of the test indicated
that there is interaction between the universities with
the extracurricular involvement to the students'
physical activity (p <.05).
Table 4. Interaction Result between the University and the
Extracurricular to the Physical Activity.
Physical Activity Level of University Students
Figure 1: Interaction between University and
Extracurricular to Physical Activities.
The purpose of the study is to find out the
differences of physical activities between UPI
students in urban city and Unigal students in
countryside. The results indicate that there is no
difference between the physical activities of UPI and
Unigal students, but there is interaction between the
university (campus) and the extracurricular
involvement. When it is viewed from Figure 1, UPI
students who are engaged in non-sports
extracurricular activities have a lower mean score
than Unigal students.
For students who are involved in sports
extracurricular, both UPI and Unigal students have a
relatively similar mean score. Meanwhile, for
students who are not involved in any extracurricular,
both UPI and Unigal have a low mean score of
activity compared with other groups.
When viewed from the overall mean score, the
student groups that are involved in sports
extracurricular have the highest mean compared
with the other groups, and the student groups that
are not involved in extracurricular have the lowest
mean score. Some previous studies have indicated
that children who live in small town have a high
level of physical activity (Joens-matre, 2008).
Other studies have suggested that different
physical activity also occurs among people who live
in rural and urban areas. Promotion intervention of
physical activity should be targeted to the women
aged 46-59 years old (Plotnikoff, 2004). In addition,
intervention program of physical activity should pay
attention to the difference of geographical locations
(Loucaides et al., 2004). Meanwhile other studies
have reported that adults who live in urban city have
more physical activities such as walking and cycling
compare with those who live in rural area (Dyck,
The research has many limitations one of which
is that it has not considered the course taken by the
students, so that it may cause the non-homogeneous
sample. Besides, the use of questionnaire without
being supported by pedometer or other supporting
instruments enables the respondent to give the
answer which is not suitable with the actual
conditions. Therefore, the further study will be
conducted to improve this study.
There is no significant difference of physical
activities between UPI students who live in urban
city and Unigal students who live in rural area.
There is a significant interaction between the
universities and the extracurricular involvement on
the students’ physical activity.
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Physical Activity Level of University Students