Effect of Locomotor Creative Dance on Student Motor Skills
Mustika Fitri, Kuston Sultoni, Jajat Jajat and Odilia Lasrina
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi no.299, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Creative Dance, Locomotors Motion, Motor Skill.
Abstract: In physical education there is a goal called skill. Aspects that are need to be developed in children such as
motion skills or so-called motor skills. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of locomotors
creative dance on the development of students' motor skills. The research method used is experimental with
research design of The matching Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The population in this study is SD
Lab school UPI students and the samples of this study are the 3rd graders divided into two treatment groups.
The rhythmic activity group is treated by providing creative dance learning and group learning of the game
activity given traditional game learning. The provision of creative dance treatment is more effective in
increasing gross motor quotient.
Rough motor development is very important for
children. The acquisition of motor skills must be
owned by the child as a basis for mastering the next
motor skills more complex and useful to improve the
quality of life in the future (Stork and Sanders,
2008). In addition, the increase in gross motor skills
of the child is related to the acquisition of specific
skills in physical activity outside the school
(Raudsepp and Päll, 2006). In other words, one
determinant of a person's quality of life is to actively
move and exercise, while to be able to move and
exercise, one must master complex motor skills, and
the mastery of complex skills can be obtained by
mastering rough motor skills first. Rough motor
development not only prepares children for more
complex motor skills, but also influences academic
success (Lopes et al., 2013); efficiency control and
memory work (Haapala, 2013).
To achieve good movement, a child must be
supported by a physical state (motion element) such
as muscle strength, muscle endurance,
cardiovascular endurance and flexibility (Annarino
et al., 1986). According to Gallahue (1995) Rough
Motion is divided into three categories namely as
follows: (1) Locomotors: road, run, jump; (2)
Combination motion: gallop, glide, shift right or left,
climb, and roll over; (3) Non-locomotors: stalling,
bending, rocking, rocking, turning, turning, twisting,
pushing, lifting and landing; (4) Manipulative: push,
punch, bounce, throw, kick, and roll, accept: catch
and stop. The three types of motion are interrelated,
or mutually supportive. Also these three types of
motion will be performed either singly, or in
combination, whether done in gymnastics, games
(sports), or in dance. For children, all of this
movement is done from the simple to the complex
movement. Basic motion is what is needed by early
childhood, especially in elementary school to be able
to support the ability of later child movement later.
Because at this early age is a golden opportunity for
children to increase their potential, at this age child
have the extraordinary ability to learn.
Physical education in primary school can be used
as a supporting tool in the development of motor
skills in children. The demand for the right physical
education program is an important study to be done.
Teachers can provide a range of motion lessons from
the scope of materials taught in primary schools to
foster the development of children's motor skills.
From the scope of the material given in this physical
education, most teachers prefer to apply game
activity as a teaching material in physical education
learning when compared to rhythmic activity. The
activity of the game is already familiar in learning
physical education and is in great demand by the
children. While rhythmic activities seem unfamiliar
to the students because the teachers rarely provide
Fitri, M., Sultoni, K., Jajat, J. and Lasrina, O.
Effect of Locomotor Creative Dance on Student Motor Skills Development.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 241-244
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
learning materials of this rhythm activity to students.
In fact, with this rhythmic activity the child will
participate in learning in an exciting and fun way to
the accompaniment of music.
The method used in this research is the experimental
method with The Two Group Pretest-Posttest design
by providing treatment to both groups. The rhythmic
activity group is treated by providing creative dance
learning and group learning of the game activity was
given traditional game learning.
About 68 students consisting of two classes,
namely class III an and III b which each class
numbered 34 students. Then the researcher
determines which class will be given treatment of
rhythmic activity and game activity. The instrument
for measuring rough motor skills of children used in
this study was Test of Gross Motor Development -
Second Edition (TGMD-2) developed by Ulrich
(2000). The test includes 12 motion tests categorized
into two Sub variables, Locomotors (run, gallop,
hop, leap, horizontal jump, and slide) and Object
Control (striking a stationary ball, stationary dribble,
catch, kick, overhand throw and underhand roll)
(Frankenburg, 1967). TGMD-2 has high reliability
with locomotors sub variable reliability coefficients
and object controls of 0.91, 0.85 and 0.88
combinations respectively (Chow and Chan, 2011)
This test includes 12 motion tests categorized
into two Locomotors Sub variables (run, gallop, hop,
leap, horizontal jump, slide) and Object Control
(Striking a Stationary ball, stationary dribble, catch,
kick, overhand throw and underhand roll).
The mean and standard deviations of TGMD-2 test
results during pre-test and post-test in both groups
are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Pretest and Posttest Gross Motor Quotient
between treatment and control group.
Treatment Group
Control Group
4.22 (0.26)
4.23 (0.19)
4.24 (0.24)
4.16 (0.23)
50.79 (2.18)
50.35 (1.82)
7.01 (0.35)
6.73 (0.36)
6.84 (0.27)
6.46 (0.35)
83.17 (2.71)
79.14 (3.03)
The average Gross Motor Quotient (GMQ) value
of each group increases from pre-test to post-test.
The mean value of the GMQ treatment group at pre-
test was 50.79, while the mean value at the time of
the post-test was 83.17. Meanwhile, in the control
group, the mean value of GMQ at the time of pre-
test was 50.35 and at the time of post-test 79.14.
The statistical analysis was used to see if giving
creative dance treatment is more effective in
increasing gross motor quotient compared with
traditional games is by comparing the average gain
score (post-test value minus pre-test value) of each
group with independent sample of t test. The result
is as follows:
Table 2: Independent Samples Test.
t-test for Equality of Means
Equal variances
Equal variances
not assumed
Based on the calculation, it is known that there is
a significant Gain Score difference between the
groups who were given creative dance treatment
with the group who were given traditional treatments
games (P <0.05). (see table 2)
The teaching of rhythmic gymnastics / dances in
the form of physical activity by students such as
twisting, stepping, jumping, etc. will foster basic
motor skills of elementary students. The presence of
a rhythm that is played during a gymnastic activity
adds to the excitement of the elementary students so
that they are interested in continuing to perform the
movements as demonstrated by the teacher. Activity
motion performed in this rhythmic activity can
stimulate the ability of basic motion of students,
because in addition to basic motor motion then the
students will get motion that its manipulation, like
step one step left and right side, it can be
manipulated into double step left and right in
gymnastics movement rhythmic.
Therefore, children can develop and express an
understanding of the rhythmic pattern by walking,
running, jumping, gallop, slides and hops, echoing,
playing rhythm, using wooden stick or twang. So
with the pattern of rhythmic movements coupled
with the accompaniment of music, it can make
children become happy when doing the movement.
Furthermore, the movement has become a habit for
them to perform locomotors movement, non-
locomotors and manipulative. Habituation will result
in skill to be implemented in their daily life.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
The learning process of rhythmic activity and
learning through the game are equally facilitated by
the teacher well, meaning that when learning takes
place the learning situation does not threaten the
students, appropriate reinforcement, and supervised
exercises. In addition, the motion activities
undertaken by the child planned and structured.
Thus the child's motor can develop optimally. This
is in line with opinion (Stork and Sanders, 2008)
"Planning and careful organization of physical
activities maximize opportunities for children to
acquire a wider variety of physical skills than might
be developed during play alone". Thus, with well-
planned and well-organized physical activity it
maximizes the opportunity for the child to develop
his motor skills compared to playing alone. So it can
be assumed that the development of motor learning
with rhythmic activity can improve the motor
development of children better because in learning
this rhythm activity is not just focus on the fun game
Gallahue (1995) and Russell (1987) explains
that "Creative rhythmic movement is fundamental to
children's ability to move with joy and efficiency." It
means that creative rhythm movements are the basis
of a child's ability to move happily and efficiently.
In this rhythmic activity not only contains the
elements of play alone, but it becomes more fun for
children when implementing it by using music
accompaniment and various new varied movements.
So in doing the activity of motion with the
accompaniment of interesting music, it will make
the child more excited and happy in following the
learning. In rhythmic activity, the child is not only
required to be active and do well, but also the child
is required to explore and be creative in order to
create and perform a new movement. So the child
will be more enthusiastic and feel challenged to
perform a new movements presented in this
rhythmic activity.
In addition, in the learning of this rhythm activity
the utilization of active learning time can be done
better when compared with learning game activity.
In rhythmic activities students can move actively
without wasting time with various rules as well as in
game activities. Skill in teaching this rhythmic
activity is more focused on simple and interesting
movements and still incorporates elements of play in
it. Competitive elements still exist in it but do not
make the child feel the need to win as in the game
activity. In this rhythmic activity, the child will find
something new that becomes a challenge for the
child to be competing to try to avoid being seen left
behind from other friends. The child also learns to
concentrate on the learning process.
In learning this rhythmic activity modification
and variation of movement is a challenging new
thing for the child, so the child is enthusiastic, not
feel bored and receive it with great cheer. Thus, if a
physical education teacher can package and review
rhythmic activity as well and creatively as possible
then it can make the child more active so that it will
also affect the improvement of motor skills better
when compared with the game activity.
The results of this study indicate that there are
differences in motor skills in creative dance learning
and game activity, but the greatest contribution is on
creative dance. Therefore, it can be concluded that
locomotors creative dance is more effective in
increasing gross motor quotient.
The research was funded by the Institution of
Research and Community Service of Universitas
Pendidikan Indonesia.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education