Influence of Problem-Based Learning Model, Discovery Learning,
and Intellectual Intelligence on Creative Thinking
Maria Andriani Barek Ladjar, Tite Juliantine and Mulyana Mulyana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Problem-Based Learning Model, Discovery Learning, Intellectual Intelligence, and Creative Thinking.
Abstract: Teachers become facilitators in realizing creative thinking skills. Not apart from physical education teachers
of sports and health, they also have a role and contribution to inculcate, foster and develop creative thinking
skills of learners. The current reality of teacher-centered thinking and teaching styles, not students, closes the
space for students to develop their creative thinking skills. Most of the learning models used by physical and
health education subject teachers still use the direct learning model. Where teachers transfer knowledge
directly to students. The teacher's mindset that by giving a live demonstration to the pupils, the learning
materials will be effectively channeled and the pupils will more quickly understand the material. The purpose
of this research is to know the effect of Problem-Based Learning Model and Discovery Learning and
Intellectual Intelligence toward creative thinking. Experimental methods and 2x2 factorial design design were
given to a predetermined class using the Problem Based Learning model and one class with the Discovery
Learning model in delivering the material like the Volleyball game. Treatment was given for 14 x meetings
with pretest and post-test. Parametric statistical test data processing using Independent Sample T-Test. If the
data is not homogeneous, then a non-parametric statistical test is used using Mann-Whitney. Researchers are
in the process of research so that has not obtained results from this study. Conclusion is Problem Based
Learning model and Discovery Learning model is suitable with creative thinking characteristic, and can
improve creative thinking student.
Life skills of the 21st century are the targets of
educational attainment as prescribed in the
development of the 2013 curriculum. Three basic
contexts of life skills of the 21st century are, first,
learning and innovation skills composed of critical
thinking, creativity, communication and
collaboration. Both life and work skills consist of
flexibility, initiative, leadership, social skills, cross-
cultural, productivity, accountability and lifelong
learning. Third digital literasi consisting of
information media and ICT Literasi (ability to use
information technology device).
Supporting students to master life skills of the 21st
century. Education in schools is encouraged to
cultivate and develop creative thinking skills that
become one of 21 life skills aspects of the 21st
century from early childhood and adolescence.
Teachers become facilitators in realizing creative
thinking skills. Not apart from physical education
teachers of sports and health, they also have a role and
contribution to inculcate, foster and develop creative
thinking skills of learners. The current reality of
teacher-centered thinking and teaching styles, not
students, closes the space for students to develop their
creative thinking skills. Most of the learning models
used by physical and health education subject
teachers still use the direct learning model. Where
teachers transfer knowledge directly to students. The
teacher's mindset that by giving a live demonstration
to the pupils, the learning materials will be effectively
channeled and the pupils will more quickly
understand the material.
Solutions for developing and fostering creative
thinking skills in students. One of them is by using
student-centered learning model. According to
Guilford (Haefele, 1962, Bacanli, H, et al., 2011,
p.540) suggests that creative thinking has eight
essential elements, four cognitive, four affective: 1)
Thinking smoothly: Creating as many solutions as
possible; 2) Flexibility (think flexibility): Think in
different ways; 3) Originality: Creating solutions that
are different from others; 4) Elaboration: Detailing;
Ladjar, M., Juliantine, T. and Mulyana, M.
Influence of Problem-Based Learning Model, Discovery Learning, and Intellectual Intelligence on Creative Thinking.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 2, pages 117-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
5) Curiosity: Creative people are curious people; 6)
Complexity: They are intellectually complex. They
deal with problems in different and complex ways of
money; 7) Risk taking: They seek unusual
(conventional) solutions and take risks. They take
risks by looking for the unknown; 8) Imagination:
They have a strong imagination.
Guilford's thinking can be simplified into the
following four cognitive elements (Haefele, 1962,
Bacanli H, et al., 2011, pp. 540): 1) Thinking
smoothly: Creating as many solutions as possible; 2)
Flexibility (think flexibility): Think in different ways;
3) Originality: Creating solutions that are different
from others; 4) Elaboration: Detailing.
"Characteristics of Problem-Based Learning is a
student-centered learning approach (and curriculum)
that empowers students to research, integrate theory
and practice, and apply science and skills to develop
sensible solutions in interpreting problems".
Vereijken and Whiting (in Raab, M., Masters,
RSW, and Maxwell, J., 2011, 414) suggested that
"Discovery learning refers to the process of making
repeated attempts to perform a specific movement
skill often based on a" working hypothesis "and
making modifications based on outcome feedback".
"Discovery Learning refers to the process of making
a return effort to perform certain movement skills that
are often based on" working hypotheses "and modify
based on feedback results".
Based on the above opinion it can be concluded
that the characteristics of Discovery Learning are
learners independently (actively) seeking information
and conceptual understanding, and find the basic
principles of the material provided based on the
hypothesis and modification of feedback results.
Problem-Based Learning and Discovery Learning
models have appropriate characteristics and are
suitable for improving students' creative thinking
skills so they can serve as a solution in changing
teacher's mind set as a learning center to become a
student as a learning center.
The research was conducted in the category of
experimental study using Factorial Design 2 x 2.
Table 1: 2x2 factorial design for problem based learning
model and discovery learning with intellectual intelligence
towards creative thinking.
Learning Models
Problem Based
Creative Thinking (C)
2.1 Participant
A total of 32 students were divided into 2 groups, 16
students for the Problem-Based Learning Model
group, and 16 students for the Discovery Learning
Model group. Each group consists of 8 students with
high intellectual intelligence and 8 students with low
intellectual intelligence.
2.2 Data Collection Technique
Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (TTCT) that has
been adapted to measure creative thinking in terms of
cognitive. Creativity Behavior Assessment in Team
Sports (CBATS) to measure creative thinking in
psychomotor terms. Intellectual Intelligence derived
from the results of student psychotes with the help of
teachers Counseling Guidance.
The research is still ongoing so that there are no
significant findings. Broadly speaking, based on the
theory of experts and previous research found the
findings as follows:
3.1 Influence of Problem Based
Learning Model with High
Intellectual Intelligence on Creative
Arifah Purnamaningrum et al. doing research using
Problem Based Learning Model showed that the
application of Problem Based Learning model able to
improve creative thinking ability of X-10 students of
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
SMA Negeri 3 Surakarta. This is evidenced by the
increase in the ability of students in conveying many
ideas, the ability of students in asking many questions
the ability of students in designing steps in detail
increased from before the implementation of
Problem-Based Learning model. The results of the
first cycle test showed that fluency ability increased
by 13.38%, flexibility ability increased by 11.74%,
the aspect of original thinking ability increased by
8.33% and the elaboration aspect increased by
Tomi Utomo et al. doing research using Problem
Based Learning model got result that applying of
model of Problem Based Learning able to improve
ability of creative thinking of class VIII SMPN 1
Sumbermalang of Situbondo Regency. The ability to
think creatively includes fluency, flexibility, and
authenticity of student answers in answering the LKS.
The result of analysis of students' creative thinking
ability showed that the experimental class did not
have 0 (0%) students in the criterion not creative
(TK), while in the control class there were 2 (5,4%)
students. In the less creative criteria (KK) there are 7
(18%) of the students in the experimental class that
entered therein, while in the control class there are 16
(43.2%) students. In the next criteria, there are 20
(53.7%) of the students in the experimental class,
while the control class is 14 (37.8%) students. On the
Creative criterion (K), there are 10 (27%) of the
students in the experimental class entering in it, while
in the control class 5 (13.5%) students, the last
criterion is the criterion of kretif (SK), on this
criterion both class experiment or control class there
are no students who enter in it.
Based on all the above research, it can be
concluded that the model of Problem Based Learning
can improve creative thinking.
"In the nineteenth century Galton saw creativity
as a part of genius and said that it is a natural
ability." (Hasan Bacanli et al., 2011). "In the
nineteenth century Galton saw creativity as part of
his intelligence and said it was a natural ability."
(Hasan Bacanli et al., 2011). Individuals with high
domain-general analytical thinking ability
(intelligence) tend to be successful in school.
Learning experiences in various domains in school
raises domain-general intelligence test scores, and
intelligence, in turn, contributes to better
performance in school work (Ceci, 1991; Ceci and
Williams, 1997 in Hong and Milgram, 2010). In other
words, high intellectual intelligence will enhance the
ability to think creatively.
So it can be concluded from all research that has
been presented that Model Problem Based Learning
with high intellectual intelligence can increase
creative thinking.
3.2 Influence of Problem Based
Learning Model with Low
Intellectual Intelligence to Creative
Dasa Ismaimuza conducts research of class VIII
students using Problem Based Learning on critical
and creative thinking skills, the result is the students'
creative thinking ability toward mathematics who
receive Problem Based Learning with cognitive
conflict strategy is significantly better than students
receiving conventional learning.
Devi Diyas Sari conducted research found that
critical thinking skills of students of grade VIII B
SMP Negeri 5 Sleman increased through the
application of Problem Based Learning model. The
increase of each indicator of critical thinking include
the definition of indicators and the clarification of the
problem of good enough that is equal to 83%, then the
indicator rate of information based on the problem
criteria assessment increased from enough to be good
by 85%, and indicators design solutions based on the
problem criteria assessment increased from good
enough to 83%.
Based on all the above research, it can be
concluded that the model of Problem Based Learning
can improve creative thinking.
According to the Welsh classification (1975 in
Hasan Bacanli et al., 2011), "traditional thinking is a
method of thinking in which intelligence (educated
intelligence) and origin (originality) are absent. It
means no intellect and origin. Cognitive thinking, the
equivalent of creative thinking, is high on
intellectence and origence. "
"Traditional thinking is a method of thinking in
which intelligence (intellectual education) and
original (originality) are not present. That means
without intelligence and originality. Cognitive
thinking, equivalent to creative thinking, is superior
to intelligence and originality. "In other words, low
intellectual intelligence can not increase creative
thinking because it has to have the intelligence to
reach the level of creative thinking.
So it can be concluded from all research that has
been explained that Model Problem Based Learning
with low intellectual intelligence can not increase
creative thinking.
Influence of Problem-Based Learning Model, Discovery Learning, and Intellectual Intelligence on Creative Thinking
3.3 Influence of Discovery Learning
Model with High Intellectual
Intelligence on Creative Thinking
Hendra Erik Rudiyanto conducts research using
Discovery Learning model with scientifically
charged character approach to improve creative
thinking. The result of the research shows that
mathematics learning is effective, with indicators: 1)
the ability of creative thinking to achieve mastery
with the value of 71,55 and reaching 90% classical
completeness; 2) the average creative thinking ability
of the Discovery Learning model class with a
scientific approach is better than the expository class;
3) the character of curiosity and communicating skills
positively influence the ability of creative thinking;
and 4) the increase of creative thinking ability in
Discovery Learning model class with scientific
Contrary to Fitri Apriyani doing research using
the Discovery Learning model of students' creative
thinking on the material of light properties in grade V
students significantly. From the result of calculation
of two pretest and posttest mean test, the value of P-
value Sig (2-tailed) is 0,000. Where 0.000 is smaller
than α = 0.05 so H0 is rejected, so it can be concluded
that the Discovery Learning model can improve
students' creative thinking skill. The result of the
research with significance level α = 0,05 indicates
that the use of discovery learning model can improve
student's learning achievement and students' creative
thinking skill on light matter properties significantly.
Although the students' learning achievement and
creative thinking skills are increasing, there is no
impact of the Discovery Learning model on the
significantly improved learning outcomes and
creative thinking skills of students in the high,
medium and low groups.
"In the nineteenth century Galton saw creativity
as a part of genius and said that it is a natural
ability." (Hasan Bacanli et al., 2011). "In the
nineteenth century Galton saw creativity as part of
his intelligence and said it was a natural ability."
(Hasan Bacanli et al., 2011). Individuals with high
domain-general analytical thinking ability
(intelligence) tend to be successful in school.
Learning experiences in various domains in school
raises domain-general intelligence test scores, and
intelligence, in turn, contributes to better
performance in school work (Ceci, 1991; Ceci and
Williams, 1997 in Hong and Milgram, 2010). In other
words, high intellectual intelligence will enhance the
ability to think creatively.
So it can be concluded from all research that has
been presented that Discovery Learning with high
intellectual intelligence can increase creative
3.4 Influence of Discovery Learning
Model with Low Intellectual
Intelligence to Creative Thinking
Sri Rahayu doing research using Discovery Learning
model shows that the increase of students' creativity
in solving math problems can be seen from 1) the
ability of students to explain the idea or idea in
solving the problem both orally and in writing, from
the initial condition of 12.50% to 79.17 %, 2) students
'ability to respond to diversity of opinions about
solving a problem in groups, from initial condition
20.83% to 87.50%; 3) students' ability to declare a
problem into language or mathematical symbols,
from initial condition 16.67 %, increased to 79.71%.
So it can be concluded that the application of learning
model of Discovery Learning in learning
mathematics can improve the creativity of solving
student problems.
Based on the results of the above research, it can
be concluded that the Model Discovery Learning can
improve students' creative thinking ability.
According to Welsh’s classification (1975 in
Hasan Bacanli et al., 2011), traditional thinking is a
method of thinking in which intelligence (educated
intelligence) and origin (originality) are absent. It
means no intellect and origin. Cognitive thinking, the
equivalent of creative thinking, is high on
intellectence and origence.
"Traditional thinking is a method of thinking in
which intelligence (intellectual education) and
original (originality) are not present. That means
without intelligence and originality. Cognitive
thinking, equivalent to creative thinking, is superior
to intelligence and originality. "In other words, low
intellectual intelligence can not increase creative
thinking because it has to have the intelligence to
reach the level of creative thinking.
So it can be concluded from all research that has
been explained that Discovery Learning with low
intellectual intelligence can not increase creative
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
3.5 Interaction Learning Model with
Intellectual Intelligence to Creative
Based on all the opinions of experts above, both
Model Problem Based Learning and Discovery
Learning both can improve creative thinking.
The conclusion of the research is the research
hypothesis because the research is still ongoing.
Conclusion is Problem Based Learning model and
Discovery Learning model is suitable with creative
thinking characteristic, and can improve creative
thinking student. Different intellectual intelligence
between students make different improve creative
thinking too.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education