The Validity and Reliability of Arrowhead Agility Test in Football
Dudung Hasanudin Chalil, Mona Fiametta Febrianty and Hadi Sartono
Faculty of Sport and Health Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Jln. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Validity, Reliability, Agility Test.
Abstract: The present study investigates the validity and reliability of Arrowhead Agility Test for football players.
Agility is one of critical aspects for athletes, especially football players. The purpose of this descriptive study
was to discover how valid and reliable the Arrowhead Agility Test was. The samples were 20 members of
UKM Sepakbola UPI Bandung (UPI Student Club for Football) chosen purposively. The results revealed the
Arrowhead Agility Test had very high validity = 0.981) and very high reliability = 0.995). It can be
concluded that the Arrowhead Agility Test can be used as a benchmark for agility tests because it has very
high validity and reliability and can be used by sports coaches to evaluate the training process.
Football is a favorite sport for all circles in the world,
including in Indonesia, from children, adolescents,
adults and the elderly (Bangsbo, 1991). This sport is
favored mainly by the men but some women are also
fond of this sport. Football is not just a mere hobby at
the moment, but it has become an ideal that people
want to achieve. We commonly see and hear football
into the profession of many people because of the
football people earn income in the form of material
that is not small, for example in the professional
league of athletes earn income through this sport.
To be able to play the ball well, football players
must have excellent physical condition. With
excellent physical condition the athlete will be able to
play well for 2 x 45 minutes in one game. Sometimes
a lot of athletes put aside this physical condition,
whereas with the fit physical condition the athlete
performance will be good in the field.
One of the physical conditions that have an
important role in football is agility (Sambamurthy,
Bharadwaj, and Grover 2003). According to Wilmore
in Harsono (1988, pp. 171) explains that: "....the
ability to change direction rapidly while maintaining
total body balance and awareness of body position".
It means that agility is the ability to change the
direction and position of the body quickly and
precisely while moving, without losing awareness of
the position of his body. Agility is the ability of a
person to change position and direction as quickly as
possible in accordance with the situation at hand
(Little, 2015).
From some of these opinions the authors can
conclude that the agility is the ability of a person in
changing the direction and position of his body
quickly and precisely at the time of moving, in
accordance with the situation faced in a certain arena
without losing his body balance.
In accordance with the above explanation about
the importance of agility for every player in football
is one of the supporting factors to improve football
achievement itself.
To know the level of agility, we need to process
measurement. The measurement process requires a
measuring instrument, because with the measuring
tool it will get data that can explain the level of one's
agility. All data obtained through a correct
measurement will be able to explain the status or
condition of a measured object.
In the book entitled Tests and Measurements of
Sports (2014, p3, 3) Arikunto in Nurhasan and Cholil
put forward the notion of the test, namely: "A test is
a tool or procedure used to know or measure
something in an atmosphere in the specified manner
and rules ".
Measurement is the process of collecting data /
information from a particular object, in the process of
measurement required a measuring instrument. The
measuring instrument can be a) test in the form of
questions, b) psychomotor test, c) in the form of
attitude scale and a standard measuring instrument
Chalil, D., Febrianty, M. and Sartono, H.
The Validity and Reliability of Arrowhead Agility Test in Football.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 414-417
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
such as meter size, weight, size of temperature degree
(Thorndike, 1949).
In measuring agility there are several measuring
instruments that can be used as a reference by the
trainers in the field with various characteristics and
different assessments, but all the measuring tools are
used to know the ability of agility. There are other
types of agility tests such as: Shuttle Run Test, Zig-
Zag Run Test, Illinois Agility Run Test, Arrowhead
Agility Test, Balsom Agility Test, etc.
All measuring instruments can be applied to each
sport because basically to know the physical abilities
especially the agility, in general between the game
sports and the individual sports have the same
assessment process with the assessment procedures in
accordance with the measuring instruments used.
And one of the measuring tools for knowing the
agility capabilities that trainers can use in the field,
according to Bangsbo and Mohr (1994, p.95) is the
Arrowhead Agility Test, by this formula:
Arrowhead Agility Test: right + left = result
The researchers reasoned to choose the
Arrowhead Agility Test because the measuring
instrument is more similar to the condition of football
matches during the execution of the test. Arrowhead
Agility Test agility test for validity value is still up to
the quality of face validity.
Researchers are interested in finding the
coefficient of validity and reliability so that
Arrowhead Agility Test can be a standard agility tool.
This needs to be tested its validity, because a
measuring tool can be used if it has a validity and
reliability that meets the requirements in accordance
with the rules of research. Therefore, this research is
emphasized on the validity and reliability test. The
results of this test instrument research will get the
level of coefficients through the process of
calculation and data analysis. The coefficients are
numbers (constants) which serve as a reference for
empirically stating the low validity and reliability of
the measuring instrument. Theoretically, the validity
and reliability coefficients ranged from 0 to 1.0 but in
reality the validity and reliability coefficients of 1.0
are practically never found (Belafsky, 2001).
Meanwhile, in comparing the validity and
reliability test of Arrowhead Agility Test, the
researchers use standard measuring instrument to
measure agility i.e. Illinois Agility Run Test which
has a validity coefficient score of 0.90 and reliability
coefficient of 0.94 studied by Alan Amanda (2014,
pp. 3). The Illinois Agility Run Test is used to obtain
data that is then correlated to find the validity and
reliability coefficients of the Arrowhead Agility Test.
Validity indicates the ability of an instrument to
measure what should be measured. This Arrowhead
Agility Test Measurement tool needs to be examined
about the degree or coefficient of validity and
reliability resulting from the statistical calculation
data. A measuring instrument can be said to have a
high validity if the instrument performs its size
function, or gives a result that matches the resulting
data relevant to the purpose of the measurement. A
measuring instrument can also be said reliable if the
tool always shows the same result in measuring a
symptom at different times (consistent). Reliability is
also a requirement for test validity. A test that is not
reliable by itself will not be valid because it will
always produce different data, so the measuring
instrument is not suitable to use on something to be
Related to the description of these problems, it can
be formulated the research problem as follows: Does
the Arrowhead Agility Test measurement has a high
validity and reliability score?
This study used descriptive method, which was
carried out for three days (Stone, 2008). The design
of this study is the initial test and test-retest. The
population in this study is the athlete of UPI Football
Club, which amounts to 45 athletes. The sample in
this study was taken using purposive sampling
technique, where the researcher took 20 athletes of
UPI Football Club with certain consideration.
The instrument of this study is the Arrowhead Agility
Test, as shown below:
Figure 1: Arrowhead agility test.
(Source: Bangsbo dan Mohr)
The Validity and Reliability of Arrowhead Agility Test in Football
Arrowhead Agility Test is a measuring tool which
is used to determine the level of one's agility with an
arrow bow test form.
2.1 The Ability Test of Agility by
Arrowhead Agility Test
2.1.1 Purpose
To evaluate the speed, body control, and changing
direction ability of different angles and directions.
2.1.2 Tools / Facilities Needed
Measuring tape
Assessment format
2.1.3 Test
The length of the test area is 15 M and the
width is 5 M.
The testi stands behind the start line that has
been arranged by the cones by using training
clothes and sneakers (running).
In a countdown of three (three, two, one,
"run") testies run as fast as possible from the
starting line to cones A, then move towards
the right to cones B, continued to cones C
and hold back to the finish line, and vice
Testi completes two paths, one to the right
and one to the left with recovery for 5
If the testi violates the rules by running off
track, then the test is considered a failure.
2.1.4 Scoring
The best time was taken among three times of trials.
Time units used are seconds with two decimals
behind the comma.
The data obtained from the test results are still in the
form of raw data, so it must be processed and
analyzed statistically. The data contained in this
research is processed and analyzed using significance
test of correlation coefficient (r). The result of
descriptive statistics of this research data can be seen
in table 1, result of normality test using liliefors
normality test because the samples in this research are
less than 30, and it can be seen in table 2, test result
of validity Arrowhead Agility Test in table 3, result
reliability test in table 4, and the result of significance
test of correlation coefficient (r) in table 5 below:
Table 1: Descriptive statistics result of arrowhead
agility test and Illinois agility run test.
Agility Test
Agility Test
Retest )
Agility Run
Table 2: Normality test liliefors.
Agility Test
Illinois Agility
Run Test
Table 3: Validity test result.
Arrowhead Agility Test dan
Illinois Agility Run Test
Very High
Table 4: Reliability test result.
Arrowhead Agility Pre-
Test and Arrowhead
Agility Test-retest
Very High
Table 5: Significance test results of correlation
coefficient (r).
Based on table 5 above, the calculation of
Significance Test of Correlation Coefficient is using
t test. From these results obtained that T_count:
21.434 and T_table: 2.086 with a real level: 0.05 and
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
dk: 18, therefore, T_count (21,434)> T_table (2.086),
so Ho is rejected. In conclusion there is a significant
relationship between the Arrowhead Agility Test and
the Illinois Agility Run Test.
Based on the results of research and calculation and
analysis of research data on the level of validity and
reliability of agility test by Arrowhead Agility Test is
as follows:
Level or degree of validity of agility test of
Arrowhead Agility Test is 0.981 and it is
included into the very high criteria.
Level or degree of reliability test of Arrowhead
Agility Test is 0.995 and it is included into the
very high criteria.
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The Validity and Reliability of Arrowhead Agility Test in Football