Outdoor Education on Students’ Objectives and Responsibilities
Dede Iman Suhendra
, Nurlan Kusmaedi
, Amung Ma’mun
, and Yusup Hidayat
Universitas Galuh Ciamis, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
School of Postgrduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Outdoor Education, Objectives and Responsibilities.
Abstract: The study was aimed at analyzing the effect of Outdoor Education on the students’ objectives and
responsibilities through experential learning in outbond activities in the wild. The method was experimental
design using Randomized Pretest - Posttest Comparison Group Design. The instrument in this research was
done by giving questionnaire about the objective aspect and responsibility to both groups at the beginning
and end of the research, to get the information and data that clearly used likert scale (Sudjana, 1998) and
give the treatment of Outdoor Education to the experimental group in the form of Outbound with games in
the wild. From the t test analysis, it was discovered that Outdoor Education significantly affect students’
objectives and responsibilities. The result revealed that Outdoor Education with outbond activities in the
wild is recommended to be used as a way of improvong students’ objectives and responsibilities.
School problems faced by students today become an
obstacle in implementing a good educational
process. School problems, learning problems,
achievements, and potential (talent) can be the
source of various pressures and frustrations. It may
lead to reactions of mischievous behavior or drug
abuse (Liebert, 2003). These factors can lead to a
lack of confidence in students, resulting in a low
sense of objectivity wherein a sense of responsibility
is an aspect of self-confidence (Lauster, 1997). Self-
confidence is important for everyone because it is
one of the important factors in achieving one’s
goals, confidence is one big step forward to
achieving success (Schwartz, 2007).
Self-confidence includes Objectives and
responsibilities (Lauster, 1997), objective is defined
as goal-oriented, not biased, realistic and the
existence is not influenced by the thoughts or
feelings of others (Albari, 1994). Objective people
are self-confident in looking at the problem or
everything in accordance with the rightness, not
according to personal truth or according to himself
(Lauster, 1997). The importance of objective
thinking and action is deemed necessary to improve
the quality of human resources today. By thinking
and acting objectively then the problems faced will
be resolved properly in accordance with the
perceived rightness (Marzani, 2009). The word
responsibility has a further meaning when using the
affix of the example is responsible to be interpreted
with an attitude of someone who consciously dare to
admit what he did then he dares to bear all the risks.
the main concern is how to shape one’s mindset of
so that at some point, he will have integrity,
responsibility both personally and socially. In other
words the responsibility meant here is an invaluable
investment that is invested in a child for the future.
The cultivation of a sense of responsibility can only
be achieved through the educational process (Alex,
1987). The best values of morality, and personal
responsibility can be obtained through outdoor
activities, experience and knowledge (Yaffey, 1993).
Understanding how the results achieved from the
adventure education program is largely based on
theory, not on empirical research (McKenzie, 2000),
therefore in this study selected Outdoor education
through experiential learning in Outbound activities
with games in the wild as treatment, is used to
describe a variety of subjective learning experiences
that include personal and social development
programs (McRae, 1986). Research of learning in
the wild has been conducted between 1993-2003 and
found adventure programs in the wild give positive
results for young people, including attitudes toward
the environment, independence, confidence, self-
esteem of control sources, self-efficacy, personal
Suhendra, D., Kusmaedi, N., Ma’mun, A. and Hidayat, Y.
Outdoor Education on Students’ Objectives and Responsibilities.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 235-238
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
effectiveness and coping strategies and interpersonal
skills and social skills, such as social effectiveness,
communication skills, team cohesion and teamwork
(M. Rickinson, 2004). Within just five days
adventure has a positive impact on social skills,
interpersonal skills, leadership, and self-esteem
(Wang, 2006). Research on the potential of outdoor
education can provide an effective personal growth
experience for school students. Cason & Gillis
(1994) showed that the results of the changes
achieved were low to moderate with considerable
variability among the various programs (D. Cason,
1994). James T. Neill (1996) in his study showed
concerns about the unpublicity of the less positive
results of the study because of the important efforts
of a small number of individuals and institutions
(Neill, 1996). Generally, outdoor adventure
programs aim to generate positive changes in
participants by exposing them to adventure activities
designed to encourage self-discovery and character
building. Changes may include self-esteem, social
attitudes, leadership, problem-solving skills, team
cohesion and behavior (D. Cason, 1994). Outdoor
Education is a way of achieving goals (Oliver, 1990)
Outdoor Education provides an unusual atmosphere,
out of their normal routine, Students are forced to go
beyond their comfort zone, which encourages them
to learn to interact with others (Meier, 2003).
This research is aimed to answer the question 1)
is there any difference of influence of Outdoor
Education on experimental group and control group
to change student's confidence in objective aspect?
2) is there any difference in the effect of Outdoor
Education on experimental group and control group
on students' self-confidence in responsibility aspect?
2.1 Participants
This research used purposive sampling technique
(Mustafa, 2000) taking 40 junior high school
students as samples. They were divided into two
groups; 20 students as the experimental groups and
all the remaining as the control group
2.2 Procedures
The method was experimental design using
Randomized Pretest - Posttest Comparison Group
(Syaodih, 2008) The research was done for 3 weeks
distributed in 12 meetings.
2.3 Instruments
The instrument in this research is done by giving
questionnaire about the objective aspect and
responsibility to both groups at the beginning and
end of the research, to get the information and data
that clearly used likert scale (Sudjana, 1998) and
give the treatment of Outdoor Education to the
experimental group in the form of Outbound with
games in the wild. The data analysis was carried out
using t-test (Riduwan, 2008)
3.1 The results of calculating the
objective mean differences and
student responsibilities between the
experimental and control groups can
be seen in the figure below:
Figure 1: The results of calculating the objective mean
differences and student responsibilities between the
experimental and control groups.
From the result of calculating the difference of
objective and responsibility means between the
experimental group and the control group at the
beginning and the end of the study, it can be seen
that the means difference of the experimental group
is greater than the control group
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
3.2 There is a difference in the effect on
students' confidence change on the
objective aspect to be better after
following Outdoor Education
activities. The Gain Score Difference
Test on Students’ confidence in their
objective aspects is described in the
following table:
Table 1: Students’ Objective Score Gain Difference
Experimental and Control Groups.
ntal score
Test of difference of experimental group gain
score and control group seen from aspect of student
objective at initial test and final test, it is obtained
the average gain of experiment group score is bigger
than the average gain of control group score, it
shows a significant difference between experimental
group and control group, and seen from the
acquisition of t observed = 0.89 and t table at the
level of α = 0.25 is 0.20.
If t observed is greater than t table, the effect is
said to be significant, indicating that Outdoor
Education activities positively influence to
improvement aspect of student responsibility, as
seen from picture below:
Figure 2: Test of objective gain score difference between.
3.3 There is a difference in the effect on
students' confidence change on the
responsibility aspect to be better
after following Outdoor Education
activities. The Gain Score Difference
Test on Students’ confidence in their
responsibility aspects is described in
the following table:
Table 2: Test of Score Gain Difference on students’
responsibility Experimental and Control Groups.
Est of difference of experimental group gain
score and control group seen from aspect of student
responsibility at initial test and final test, it is
obtained the average gain of experiment group score
is bigger than the average gain of control group
score, it shows a significant difference between
experimental group and control group, and seen
from the acquisition of t observed = 0.77 and t table
at the level of α = 0.25 is 0.20.
If t observed is greater than t table, the effect is
said to be significant, indicating that Outdoor
Education activities positively influence to
improvement aspect of student responsibility, as
seen from picture below:
Figure 3: Test of gain score difference between the
experimental and control groups
Outdoor Education on Students’ Objectives and Responsibilities
Outdoor Education through experiential learning in
Outbound activities with games in the wild has a
positive effect on the of students’ objectives and
responsibilities. The objectives and responsibilities
of the experimental group who received the Outdoor
Education treatment through experiential learning in
outbound activities with games in the wild became
better than the control group students who were not
given the treatment.
The positive influence of Outdoor Education
through experiential learning in Outbound activities
with games in the wild is expected to be useful for
the development of science and education, these
activities can be part of the school's extra curricular
activities, in the wider community this activity can
be used as part of community sports activities and
can be an alternative recreational activities to
improve employee performance in government or
private agencies.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education