The Contributing Factors to Athletes’ Achievement in Archery
Kuswahyudi Kuswahyudi
Faculty of Sport Science, State University of Jakarta, Jl. Pemuda No. 10 Rawamangun Jakarta Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Arm muscle endurance, Kinesthetic Perceptions, Anxiety, Achievements in archery competitions.
Abstract: This study aims to determine how much of the existing factors in archery sport can affect ath letes’
performance in a competition. This was done in Ganesha Open 2017 Archery Competition. The method
used in this study was survey study using correlational technique. The sample in this study was 20 people
(male athletes who rank 1-20 of the entire population in the archery national round competition). The data in
this research was obtained by conducting survey on several factors that exist in archery sport to the samples.
Data analysis techniques to answer the hypothesis of this study was correlation and regression techniques.
To find out the relationship between two variables X and Y,simple regression and correlation analysis were
utilized, while multiple regression and correlation analysis were employed to identify the relationship
between variables X1, X2, and X3 to Y. From the results of hypothesis testing, it was obtained that there is
a positive correlation between the factors that exist in the archery sport on athletes achievement, it is shown
by the correlation coefficient of 0.93. The contribution of such factors were seen from the determinantion
coefficient (0.93)2 = 0.86 implying that the factors in the archery competition contributed as musc as 86%
to the archers’ achievement. As a result, there should be some efforts in improving the athletes achievement
as for example improving arm muscle endurance, kinasthetic perception and anxiety level.
Archery is a sport that focuses on accuracy, because
the ultimate goal of archery is to shoot arrows to the
target face as accurately as possible, so one of the
necessary factors in archery movement is
consistency that must be done continuously during
practice and during competition. This is said by Mc
Kinney that the movement in the archery is simple,
there is no difficult movement in doing so, you will
be able to get a score of 1440 if you are able to
repeat the same and true moves as many as 144
times. (Mc Kinney, 1977).
The performance of an athlete in an archery
competition is influenced by physical, technical,
and mental factors. those mportant factors include
the coordination of visual motion (accuracy), feeling
/ sense of kinesthetics, arm strength (endurance
strength), length of attraction, concentration, and
emotional balance. (Daniel M. Landers, 2013).
By having the ability to sense motion
(kinesthetic), one can distinguish the right
movement feels and the wrong movement so that he
can always try to do the right movement and not to
make the wrong movement in exercising. (E.
Shibata, 2013).
The kinesthetic perception ability between one
archer and the other is different, depending on the
ability the athletes. In addition, an archer is also
required to always be able to perform a series of
movement techniques with a correct and stable in
every repetition of arrow shots, so that the accuracy
level of arrows to the target can be achieved well.
(Koon Teck Koh, 2016). This is especially important
in view of the fall of arrow targets on the target
depending on the consistency of the technique
performed by an archer, which if performed
correctly continuously (consistent) then the score
obtained will also be good and stable from the first
arrow fired up to the child the last arrow. Therefore,
it is important for an archer to feel the technique of
archery so that the archer can distinguish between
the right movement and the wrong motion, so as to
minimize the errors of archery technique.
A series of archery skills involving several types
of motion requires efficient energy deployment, the
coordination between the muscle groups involved in
the required movement is needed. The coordination
of archery skills is closely related to the physical
component, in the form of strength, muscle
endurance, and flexibility that is closely linked in the
refinement of the technique. (Gary A. Knutson,
Kuswahyudi, K.
The Contributing Factors to Athletes’ Achievement in Archery.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 223-226
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In archery sport, the muscle endurance element
of the arm is very necessary considering the
magnitude of the thrust and pull that must be done
continuously by the arm muscle. The endurance will
greatly affect the rhythm of the shooting. With good
endurance, the performance of the athlete will
remain optimal over time as it is less likely to get
fatigue. This means that athletes are able to perform
quality movements that remain high from the
beginning to the end of the game. (Jae-Woo Park,
An archer must be able to concentrate and keep
his focus for a long period of time and put aside the
disturbances of the environment as well as the
fatigue he experiences. (Tsung-Min Hung, 2011).
With the increase of time to play then there is a
tendency to accumulate anxiety in the athlete
himself which can negatively affect his achievement.
Therefore an archery athlete must be able to control
both his emotional and physical anxiety in a match
so that he can show his optimum performance.
During the game, it is natural that the athlete
becomes nervous, tense, hesitant, afraid, anxious,
especially if facing a stronger and more balanced
opponent, coupled with a tense situation. If this
happens, then there are some techniques that can be
done by athletes or coaches in order to mitigate the
athlete's tension during the match, such as by doing
relaxation. (George Mamassis, 2010).
Anxiety as one of the unstable psychological
conditions can arise in any archery sporting event,
especially in the qualifying round, because of the
element of competition between an athlete and other
athletes. Every athlete is trying to achieve the best
performance, surpassing his other fellows. In every
competition, there is always a winner and a loser.
Victory or success on the athlete tends to make the
athlete try to maintain the achievement to remain the
Conversely, defeat or repeated failure tends to
make the athlete discouraged and demotivated. The
athlete's experience of this failure will usually
continue to imprint and cause anxiety in the athlete's
himself. When an athlete is confronted with a match
whose level is not much different from previous
failures, his achievement motivation is defeated by
anxiety fear of failure even if he is capable of
playing well.
Archery achievement is measured from the
number of scores collected. The higher the number
of scores an athlete achieved, the higher the
achievement he has (A.R. Soylu, 2006). Things that
need to be considered in order to achieve high
achievement of which is a prime physical condition
and master the basic techniques of archery. In
addition, an archer must also have a good psychic
condition in order to achieve his optimal
performance. Archery is an activity that demands
smooth motorized visual co-ordination, and
demands the ability to shoot at small targets and
great distances.
The results of archery skills are determined by
several important factors, three of which are the
endurance of arm muscle, kinesthetic perception and
anxiety. All three factors have an effective
contribution with different contributions to the
archery achievement (Andrew J Callaway, 2017).
An archer is said to have excellent physical
condition, if the archer has good arm muscle
endurance, which is used directly in archery. The
endurance of the arm muscle greatly determines the
consistency of the archer in firing the arrow to the
target with the same pull from the beginning of the
game until the end of the game. the endurance level
of the arm muscle will maintain the consistency of
the technique from the beginning to the end of the
Kinesthetic perception is a benchmark for
athletes to feel a technique that feels right or wrong.
In archery, repetition of basic techniques is
necessary, so the movements are stable and
unchanging. Archery requires the same technique of
movement from the first shot of arrows and the next
Kinesthetic perception plays a role when an
archer performs a series of movements ranging from
standing, darting, lifting an arc followed by pulling a
bowstring, aiming, releasing arrows, continuing
motion and arriving at the feedback control position.
So that factors such as kinesthetic perception is
helpful in a process of achievement based on the
characteristics of archery sport.
Archery sports also require subtle touch of soul,
patience, tenacity, concentration, and high mental
endurance. An archer must be able to concentrate
and keep his focus for a long period of time and put
aside the disturbances of the environment as well as
the fatigue he experiences. With the increase of
time to play then there is a tendency to accumulate
anxiety in the athlete himself which can negatively
affect his achievement. Therefore an archery athlete
must be able to control both his emotional and
physical anxiety in a match so that he can show his
optimum performance.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
In accordance with the problems and objectives to
be achieved, then the method used in this study was
a survey method using correlational techniques. The
relationship between the independent variables and
the dependent variables in this study is described in
constellation form (see figure 2.1).
The research procedures were done as follows:
Testing the instruments
Analyzing the instruments data
Conducting research by conducting tests and
measurements on these four variables, namely
endurance arm muscle, kinesthetic perceptions,
anxiety and archery achievement.
Figure 2.1. Research Constellation
X1 = Arm Muscle Endurance
X2 = Kinesthetic Perception
X3 = Anxiety
Y = Archery Achievement
2.1 Participants
The population in this study is all archery athletes
who follow the National Archery Championship
Ganesha Open in 2017 in Bandung, West Java,
which was followed by as many as 149 athletes.
The sampling technique in this research is purposive
sampling technique, Samples were 20 people, with
the following criteria:
Participants of the Ganesha Open Archery
National Championship in 2017 in Bandung,
West Java.
Male ahletes
Shooting at National round
Ranking 1-20, from the total score earned after
the 18-meter indoor archery competition.
2.2 Instrument
The instrument used to collect data in this study is to
make measurements of the observed variables.
Measurement of arm muscle endurance with arc
hold test.
The instrument used in the measurement of
kinesthetic perception was the hand kinesthetic
motion test on a horizontal straight plane
(George H Sage, 1977).
Data on anxiety was obtained by using an
athlete's anxiety scale during a match. This scale
was prepared by following the ways of
preparing personality assessment by using
Likert scale.
Measurement of archery scores at the Ganesha
Open national championship in 2017 in
Data analysis techniques to answer the
hypothesis of this study was correlation and
regression techniques. To find out the relationship
between two variables X and Y,simple regression
and correlation analysis were utilized, while multiple
regression and correlation analysis were employed
to identify the relationship between variables X1,
X2, and X3 to Y.
The first hypothesis testing has showed that there is
a correlation between arm muscle endurance (X₁)
and national round archery achievement (Y), it was
seen from the correlation coefficient (ry₁) 0.84 with
the Y = 7.88 + 0.84 X1 linera regression equation.
(0.84)2 = 0.71 determination coefficient. This means
that the arm muscle endurance contributes 71% to
the National Archery round achievements.
The first hypothesis testing has showed that there
is a correlation between Kinesthetic Perception (X2)
and national round archery achievement (Y), it was
seen from the correlation coefficient (ry2) 0.66 with
the Y = 16.86 + 0.66 X2 linear regression equation.
(0.66)2 = 0.43 determination coefficient. This means
that the arm muscle endurance contributes 43% to
the National Archery round achievements.
The first hypothesis testing has showed that there
is a correlation between anxiety (X3) and national
round archery achievement (Y), it was seen from the
correlation coefficient (ry3) 0.66 with the Y =
16.86 + 0.66 X2 linear regression equation. (0.55)2
= 0.30 determination coefficient. This means that
anxiety contributes 30% to the National Archery
round achievements.
The Contributing Factors to Athletes’ Achievement in Archery
Fourth, there is a correlation between arm muscle
endurance (X₁), Kinesthetic perception (X₂) and
anxiety and the National Round Archery
Achievement (Y) It was seen from the correlation
coefficient of 0.93 with the multiple regression
equation Y = -9.27 + 0.605X + 0.307X + 0.273X.
The contribution of the three variables were shown
by the determination coefficient (0.93)2=0.86 Thus,
arm muscle endurance, kinesthetic perceptions, and
anxiety account for 86% of the National Round
Archery achievements.
The physical and psychological condition of an
athlete is related to his achievement. The large and
small effective contribution provided by the athlete's
physical and psychological condition to achievement
depends greatly on the characteristics of the sport.
Some components of physical and psychological
conditions are dominantly required by certain sports,
but for other sports are less necessary. In archery
sport, physical and psychological components, such
as muscular arm endurance, kinesthetic perceptions
and anxiety, have a significant role for athletes'
performance, especially in terms of improving his
archery performance. Based on the results of this
study, several implications can be drawn, especially
in relation to efforts to improve the archery
performance of the National Round, among others:
the method of developing arm muscle endurance,
kinesthetic perception, and anxiety level to improve
athlete performance in the archery competition.
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ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education