The Identification of Talents in Coastal Areas
Ngadiman Ngadiman, Suko Wahono, and Munasib Munasib
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman Purwokerto, Indonesia
Keywords: Identification, Talent, Area, Coastal.
Abstract: This research aims at identifying the children’s sport talents in coastal areas. An observational research
design with a field survey approach is employed. Data collection and analysis is conducted using a Sport
Search Method talent test adopted from the Australian Sports Commission (ASC). The research samples are
children at the age of 11-15 years old living in the Eastern coastal areas of Nusawungu sub-district, Cilacap
Regency. The research results show that based on the testing results, the male group is included in fair
category, while the female group is included in poor category. The three main potentials of the children’s
talents in the related coastal areas are diving, athletic, gymnastic sport.
Talent guiding system is one important stage in
performance sport development system
(Lumintuarso, 2013). Through guiding system and
talent development, the new generation of potential
talented athletes may have the opportunities to be
developed into athletes with numerous achievements
in the future. Talent guiding is established as one
effort to dig and develop the human resource
potentials that national development in the field of
sports, particularly in order to optimally obtain
various achievements may run effectively and
efficiently. states that sport talent detection has
become one essential issue (Purnomo, 2014).
However, selecting and maintaining talented athletes
are not easy. Physical, physiological, cognitive, and
sociological factors seem to be interconnected. The
number of practices and skills as well as the
perceptional and tactical competences is also
important (Fernández, 2012).
The procedures in selecting athlete candidates
have been found and directed by the sport scientists
that they subsequently recommend some potential
athlete candidates on certain fields of sport to the
trainers. By performing the procedures in selecting
athlete candidates, a surprising result may be
obtained. Reilly (2000) explains that talent
recruitment by employing the holistic
multidiscipline approach to identify talents based on
the recent findings, has the potential to provide an
initial proof to recommend recruitment by
considering various attributes when selecting and
identifying the new players.
Abbott (2004) suggests that proper supports and
practices are greatly essential to meet their
potentials. Initial identification of the talented
athletes is one important consideration for the
researchers and experts. When talented individuals
are detected, the important supporting resources, yet
limited, may be optimally implemented.
Law Number 3 of 2005 on National Sports
System (Undang-Undang Sistem Keolahragaan
Nasional/UUSKN) article 12 paragraph 1 states that
the government has the duty to establish and
implement the policy as well as to nationally
standardize the fields of sports. The law also
explains that the local governments also have the
roles to develop the performance sports in their
regional areas. Based on those related regulations,
the local governments should have paid more
attention and be able to manage them in well
panned, systematic ways, and professional to make
some sports developments by keep focusing on the
local potentials and uphold the values of local
Through this research, it is expected that the data
base related to the talented aspects of the coastal
communities in the field of sports may be utilized as
the recommendation materials for the sake of
formulating policies on the performance sports
development to direct the particularly distinguishing
sport potentials in certain regional areas.
Ngadiman, N., Wahono, S. and Munasib, M.
The Identification of Talents in Coastal Areas.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 174-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This research employs an observational research
design with a field survey approach (Moleong,
2004). The research stages consist of data collection
obtained through test and measurement, data
analysis, interpretation, and recommendation.
Besides determining the area-based target,
individual data collection is also greatly necessary to
obtain the data related to the components of talent
guiding test which is adopted from the Sport Search
method (Draper, 1991). The research is conducted in
the Eastern coastal areas of Cilacap Regency,
precisely in Nusawungu sub-district on May 12-14,
2017. The research samples consist of 25 male and
25 female teenagers at the age of 11-15 years old.
The Age distribution of Research Samples conisting
of children at the age of 11-15 years old with a total
sample of 50 children (25 males and 25 females)
may be seen in the following diagram.
Figure 1: Age Distribution of the Research Samples.
Meanwhile, the distribution of talent
identification results conducted using a Sport Search
method consisting of six testing items namely: tennis
ball throwing and catching /eyes-hands coordination
test, vertical jump, Basket Ball Throw, Shutle
Run/SR, 40-meter sprint, and cardio vasculer (MFT,
with the category of very good (5), good (4), fair (3),
poor (2), and very poor (1) may be seen in diagram
2 below:
Figure 2: Distribution of talent Identification Testing
results for Male Children.
Of 25 male samples, the testing results on
vertical jump (lompat tegak/LT), that is, a test to
measure the power of leg muscle, show that 6 (24%)
male children are categorized into very good, 7
(28%) male children are good, 11 (44%) male
children are fair, and 1 (4%) male child is poor. The
testing results on tennis ball throwing and catching
(lempar tangkap bola tenis/LTBT), that is, a test to
measure the eyes-hands coordination competence,
show that 11 male children (44%) are categorized
into very good, while the other 14 (56%) male
children are very poor. The testing results on Shuttle
Run/SR (lari kelincahan) show that 1 (4%) male
child is categorized into good, 18 (72%) children are
fair, and 6 (24%) children are poor. The testing
results of Basketball throw (lempar bola
basket/LBB), that is, to measure the power of arms
show that 6 (24%) male children are categorized into
good, 12 (48%) male children are fair, and 7 (28%)
male children are poor. The testing results of 40 m
sprint (lari cepat [LC] 40 meter)show that 2 (8%)
male children are categorized into very good, 11
(44%) male children are good, 8 (32%) male
children are fair, 2 (8%) male children are poor, and
2 (8%) male children are very poor. Meanwhile, the
testing results of Multistage Fitness Test (MFT), that
is, a test to measure the cardiovasculer endurance,
show that 1 (4%) male child is categorized into
good, 16 (64%) male children are fair, 7 (28%) poor,
and 1 (4%) is very poor. From the aforementioned
data above, it shows that the testing result average is
at the category of fair.
Figure 3: The Distribution of Talent Identification Testing
Results for Female students.
Of 25 female samples, the testing results on
vertical jump (lompat tegak/LT), that is, a test to
measure the power of leg muscles show that 1 (4%)
female children are categorized into very good, 8
(32%) female children are good, 11 (44%) female
children are fair, and 1 (4%) female child is poor.
The testing results on tennis ball throwing and
catching (lempar tangkap bola tenis/LTBT), that is, a
The Identification of Talents in Coastal Areas
test to measure the eyes-hands coordination
competence show that 2 (44%) female children are
categorized into poor, while the other 23 (98%)
female children are very poor. The testing results on
Shuttle Run/SR (lari kelincahan) show that 14
(56%) female children are categorized into fair, 10
(4%) female children are poor, and 1 (4%) female
child is very poor. The testing results of Basket ball
throw (lempar bola basket/LBB), that is, to measure
the power of arms, show that 1 (4%) female child is
categorized into good, 3(12%) female children are
fair, 16 (64%) female children are poor, and 5 (2%)
female children are very poor. The testing results of
40 m sprint (lari cepat [LC] 40 meter), show that 5
(20%) female children are categorized into fair, 18
(72%) female children are poor, and 2 (8%) female
children are very poor. Meanwhile, the testing
results of Multistage Fitness Test (MFT), that is, a
test to measure the cardiovasculer endurance, show
that 1 (4%) female child is categorized into good, 4
(16%) female children are fair, and 20 (80%) female
children are poor. From the aforementioned data
above, it shows that the testing result average is at
the category of poor.
Due to the results of data analysis conducted
using the Application Program of Sport Search
Method it is obtained that the talent potentials on the
recommended top ten priority sports may be seen in
diagram 4 below:
Figure 4: The Result of the Recommended Ten Best
Sports for Male Children.
The figure 4 above shows that the recommended
ten best sports for male children are :15 (60%) male
children for diving sport, 13 (52%) male students for
athletic sports, especially jumping, 12 (48%) male
children for athletic sports, especially sprint, 11
(44%) male children for hurdle, 9 (36%) male
children for gymnastic sport, 5 (20%) male children
for heavy lifting, 5 (20%) male children for heavy
lifting, 5 (20%) male children for trampoline sport, 4
(16%) male children for shooting sport, and 4
(16%) male children for racket sport.
Figure 5: The Result of the Recommended Ten Best
Sports for Female Children.
The figure 5 above shows that the recommended
ten best sports for female children are: 19 (76%)
female children for diving sport, 18 (72%) female
students for high jumping sport, 10 (40%) female
children for long jumping sport, 10 (40%) female
children for trampoline sport, 9 (18%) female
children for heavy lifting sport, 6 (24%) female
children for heavy lifting sport 4 (16%) female
children for racket sport, 4 (16%) female children
for shooting sport,4 (16%) female children for
group sports.
The above results show that the most
recommended sport is diving. It is considered
possible as the dominant condition components in
diving sport are due to the length of legs, lung
capacity, maximum oxygen volume, and torso
flexibility. The talent guiding model developed by
Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is a unique and
innovative approach to direct children at the age of
1115 years old in determining their most
appropriate types of sport. Sports search is an
interactive computer package which may direct the
children to specify their most appropriate types of
sport. This sport guiding program may be intended
to the athletes’ (children’s) movement ability and
fitness profile as well as the right information to help
children in determining the types of sport
appropriate to their potentials. Thus, a trainer may
direct his/her students’ interest more positively.
Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the
best ten sports which are potential for the children at
the age of 11-15 years old in the coastal areas are
diving, athletics especially for jumping, sprint,
hurdle, gymnastics, shooting, heavy lifting, self-
defense, trampoline, and group sports. The greatest
sport potential for children at the age of 11-15 years
old in coastal areas is diving.
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
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Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2005 Tentang Sistem
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The Identification of Talents in Coastal Areas