Anthropometric Measurements, Physiological and Biomotoric Test to
Identify Talented Basketball Athletes
Ritoh Pardomuan
, Toho Cholik Mutohir
, and Nining Widyah Kusnanik
Department of Physical Education, STKIP PGRI Jombang, Jalan Pattimura, Jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Department of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jalan Ketintang, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Keywords: Anthropometric Measurements, Physiological Test, Biomotoric Test, Talented Basketball Athletes.
Abstract: This research was aimed at developing an equation model and software to identify talented basketball
athletes. To this end, a quantitative research and development approach was employed. The research
subjects were 145 student basketball players aged 10-12 in Surabaya. Data were analyzed using factor and
discriminant analysis. This research resulted in the following equation: D = - 3.420 + (- 0.22 Body Height)
+ (- 0.031 Sitting Height) + (- 0.020 Arm Span) + (- 0.153 Right Leg Length) + (0.204 Left Leg Length) +
(- 0.111 Palm Length) + (0.247 Back Muscular Flexibility) + (- 0.007 Illinois Agility Run) + (0,067 Right
Leg Vertical Jump) + (0.071 Left Leg Vertical Jump) + (0,011 Double Leg Vertical Jump) + (- 0.60 20-
Meter Sprint) + (0.044 Multistage Fitness Test) + (0.009 Ball Throwing). It was concluded that the
developed equation and software could be used to identify talented basketball players.
Talent identification is a structured and systematic
effort to identify potential sports talents. The
development of talent identification tools has been a
fundamental to the projection of athletes’ potentials
(Vaeyens, Roel et al., 2009; Smith, David. J. 2003;
Wolstencroft, Elaine., 2002). Talent identification is
necessary in sports including basketball. Basketball
is a fast, dynamic, and high-intensity game with a
constantly changing tempo between attacking and
defending. In addition, basketball also requires pace,
acceleration, explosive moves, and
anaerobic/aerobic energy to do high-intensity
activities like rebounding, passing, jumping,
shooting, fast-breaking, and performing a high-speed
play (Ahmed, 2013; Alemdaroğlu, 2012; Erculj,
2010). Basketball players are required to possess the
following attributes: strength, speed, agility,
accuracy, vertical jump, anaerobic capacity, aerobic
capacity, and power to perform in the highest level.
Sports researchers, practitioners, and coaches
carefully develop instruments to identify and select
potential athletes (Abbott & Collins 2002).
Talent identification model has been developed
in many countries such as Australia, China, Japan,
Scotland, and Germany (Abbott & Collins, 2002;
Aussie Sport, 1993). Research on talented athlete
identification model has been previously conducted
by focusing on certain sports like paddling,
volleyball, lawn tennis, football, and basketball
(Chahal, 2013; William & Reilly, 2000; Hoare,
2000). This research was aimed at developing an
anthropometric measurement instrument,
physiological test, biomotoric test, equation model
and software to identify talented basketball athletes.
The success of sporting development is a result of a
long-term, programmed, organized, structured, and
measurable coaching process. It also heavily relies
on the quality of sports talents’ potentials. No matter
how good the training program or the coaches are,
things will not work out if the athletes have poor
This research and development used a quantitative
2.1 Sample / Participants
The research population were student basketball
players aged 10-12 in Surabaya. 55 samples were
taken in Phase 2 using a purposive sampling
technique, and 90 samples were taken in Phase 3.
Thus, the total number samples were 145.
Pardomuan, R., Mutohir, T. and Kusnanik, N.
Anthropometric Measurements, Physiological and Biomotoric Test to Identify Talented Basketball Athletes.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education (ICSSHPE 2017) - Volume 1, pages 129-133
ISBN: 978-989-758-317-9
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.2 The tested variables
Obviously, variables in this research were
anthropometric measurements, biometric testing and
physiological testing.
2.2.1 Anthropometric measurement
An anthropometric measurement is a process to
assess the size of certain parts of body anatomically.
Athlete anthropometry has been a focus of many
studies. In basketball, it is not only a performance
predictor, but also a determinant factor in the
selection process. A player’s physical size will
determine where he will play in a team (Alejandro,
et al., 2015; Drinkwater, 2008). The anthropometric
measurement in this research included: body height,
sitting height, body weight, arm span, right/left leg
length, palm length, and reaching height.
2.2.2 Physiological testing
A physiological test is a systematic and objective
procedure to assess the function of body organs and
functional relationship between the organs in
question. In this research, the physiological test
measured basketball players’ aerobic and anaerobic
skills. In basketball, anaerobic skills are crucial to do
defensive-offensive transitions, shooting, jumping,
blocking, passing, layup, and other technical skills
(Araujo, et al., 2013, Çetin & Muratli, 2013; klü,
et al., 2011).
Aerobic endurance is body capacity to resist
fatigue caused by persistent aerobic burden; i.e.,
some relatively long physical activities with low to
moderate intensity. Maximum aerobic capacity
(VO2max) is the best indicator of maximum aerobic
power in basketball (Köklü, et al., 2011; Chaouachi,
2019). The physiological test in this study included:
20-meter sprint, 30-meter sprint, and multistage
fitness test.
2.2.3 Biomotoric testing
A biomotoric test is a systematic and objective
procedure to assess movement skills. Muscular
strength and muscular explosive power are two
important factors to determine movement mobility
independently. Physical abilities like leg and arm
muscular strength are very important in sports
(Tschopp, 2011; Erculj, 2010). The biomotoric test
in this research included: push up, sit up, back
muscular flexibility, standing board jump, Illinois
agility run, single leg vertical jump, double leg
vertical jump, and ball throwing.
2.3 Experimental procedure
This research was carried out in three phases: Phase
1 was designing selected test instrument, phase 2
trying out selected test instrument, and phase 3
implementing selected test instrument.
2.4 Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using factor and discriminant
analysis. The research was carried out in 2016 to
2017. The data used in this study consisted of
primary data and secondary data, including: number
of pipeline orders, number of coats required for a
pipe, number of coatings required for all pipes, lead
time (raw material ordering time), ordering cost and
storage cost incurred for the project, organizations
and projects structure, data and events from the
internet and journals.
This research uses quantitative approach with
descriptive research type. Especially descriptive
comparative analysis is used to compare three lot
sizing techniques in MRP; Lot for Lot, EOQ, and
POQ. The analysis starts with MRP step which
include: 1) creating a Master Production Schedule,
2) creating a product structure or Bills of Materials,
3) collecting lead time data of raw material ordering,
4) preparing a Gross Requirements Plan, 5) Make a
Net Requirements Plan, 6) determine the ordering
time of goods (Planned Order Release) with lot
sizing method, 7) determine the right lot sizing
method (Heizer, 2014).
Determining the right lot sizing method will
result in a minimum total inventory cost.
Determination of this method is done by comparing
total inventory cost based on company calculation
with total cost obtained through calculation by lot
sizing method. Lot sizing methods used in this
research are Lot for Lot, Economic Order Quantity
(EOQ), and Periodic Order Quantity. The software
for data analysis use Production and Operation
(POM) for Windows ver. 3 (build 18).
At the first phase, 21 instruments were developed;
i.e., anthropometric measurements including body
height, sitting height, body weight, arm span,
right/left leg length, palm length, and reaching
height measurement; physiological test including 20-
meter sprint, 30-meter sprint, and multistage fitness
test; biomotoric test including push up, sit up, back
muscular flexibility, standing board jump, Illinois
ICSSHPE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Sports Science, Health and Physical Education
agility run, single leg vertical jump, double leg
vertical jump, and ball throwing. The second phase
was trying out the selected test instrument by
identifying the discriminant variable. The object
identification was aimed at identifying research
variables to be used to test the discrepancies
between groups. The variables in questions were
body height, sitting height. arm span, right leg
length, left leg length, palm length, back muscular
flexibility, Illinois agility run, single leg vertical
jump, standing board jump, double leg vertical
jump, 20-meter sprint, multistage fitness test, 30-
meter sprint, and ball throwing. The third phase was
implementing the selected test instrument by
identifying selected discriminant variables. The
variables in questions were body height, sitting
height. arm span, right leg length, left leg length,
palm length, back muscular flexibility, Illinois
agility run, single leg vertical jump, standing board
jump, double leg vertical jump, 20-meter sprint,
multistage fitness test, 30-meter sprint, and ball
The category of a variable in a discriminant
analysis can be explained by the used discriminant
variables. Table 1 presents the canonical correlation
score. The canonical correlation score can be said
good if it is >0.50 or 50%. Table 1 shows that the
category of basketball and non-basketball can be
explained by the variables body height, sitting
height, arm span, right leg length, left leg length,
palm length, back muscular flexibility, Illinois
agility run, right leg vertical jump, left leg vertical
jump, double leg vertical jump, 20-meter sprint,
multistage fitness test, and ball throwing. The
canonical correlation score was 0.612 or 61.2%. The
other 38.8% could be explained by other variables.
The difference in the average of discriminant
variables of basketball and non-basketball group can
be identified by looking at the Wilks's lambda
adjusted by the chi-square score. This difference can
be seen in the p-value (sig) in Table 2.
Table 1: Eigenvalues.
% of
a. First 1 canonical discriminant functions were used in the
Table 2: Wilks's Lambda.
Test of
It was revealed that the average scores of the
independent variables (body height, sitting height,
arm span, right leg length, left leg length, palm length,
back muscular flexibility, Illinois agility run, right leg
vertical jump, left leg vertical jump, double leg
vertical jump, 20-meter sprint, multistage fitness test,
and ball throwing) of both basketball and non-
basketball athletes were collectively different. Once it
was determined that the used variables could become
the discriminant variables, it was necessary to find out
the difference between each one of these discriminant
variables of both categories.
Table 3: Canonical discriminant function coefficients.
Sitting Height
Arm Span
Right Leg Length
Left leg Length
Palm Length
Back Muscular Flexibility
Illinois Agility Run
Right Leg Vertical Jump
Left Leg Vertical Jump
Double Leg Vertical Jump
20-m Sprint
Multistage Fitness Test
Ball Throwing
Unstandardized coefficients
The average score of back muscular flexibility
was 0.247. Since it was the highest coefficient, it
could be used to predict the difference between
basketball and non-basketball athletes’ potentials.
Since the average score of the discriminant variables
used to differentiate potentials among basketball
group sometimes were similar so that it was
necessary to identify the size of the samples that
really belonged to the basketball category and that of
those that really belonged to the non-basketball
Anthropometric Measurements, Physiological and Biomotoric Test to Identify Talented Basketball Athletes
7 out 25 basketball groups belonged to the non-
basketball category since the ratio of the average
score of their discriminant variables were closer to
the non-basketball category. 12 out 25 non-
basketball groups belonged to the basketball
category since the ratio of the average score of their
discriminant variables were closer to the basketball
Table 4: Classification results
Predicted Group
a. Cross validation is done only for those cases in the
analysis. In cross validation, each case is classified by
the functions derived from all cases other than that
b. 78,9% of original grouped cases correctly classified.
c. 70,0% of cross-validated grouped cases correctly
Based on the discriminant equation, it can be
seen that back muscular flexibility was the most
dominant variable so that it could be used to predict
one’s potentials in basketball. Back muscular
flexibility is one of the biomotoric attributes every
basketball player must have. Flexibility refers to the
range of movement in a joint or series of joints.
Natural joint movements rely on the existing
tendons, ligaments, and muscle fibers. Flexibility is
particularly useful to avoid a muscle injury because
in basketball games the tempo is constantly
changing and basketball games require pace,
acceleration, and explosive moves (Ahmed, 2013).
The developed software in this study was a
statistics computer program. The result of data
analysis, which was the discriminant equation
model, was encoded into computer programming
language to facilitate sports researchers,
practitioners, and coaches in identifying basketball
talents. The developed form design was then
programmed in Microsoft Access. The developed
software was named TIBA (Talent Identification
Basketball Athletes). This research resulted in the
following equation: D = - 3.420 + (- 0.22 Body
Height) + (- 0.031 Sitting Height) + (- 0.020 Arm
Span) + (- 0.153 Right Leg Length) + (0.204 Left
Leg Length) + (- 0.111 Palm Length) + (0.247 Back
Muscular Flexibility) + (- 0.007 Illinois Agility Run)
+ (0.067 Right Leg Vertical Jump) + (0.071 Left
Leg Vertical Jump) + (0.011 Double Leg Vertical
Jump) + (- 0.060 20 Meter-Sprint) + (0.044
Multistage Fitness Test) + (0.009 Ball Throwing).
It was concluded that the developed equation model
and software could be used to identify talented
basketball athletes. Instruments to identify talented
basketball athletes were anthropometric
measurement (body height, sitting height, arm span,
right leg length, left leg length, and palm length)
physiological test (20-m sprint and multistage fitness
test), and biomotoric test (back muscular flexibility,
Illinois agility run, right leg vertical jump, left leg
vertical jump, double leg vertical jump, and ball
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Anthropometric Measurements, Physiological and Biomotoric Test to Identify Talented Basketball Athletes