The Assessment of Communication Ability on Deafblind Students
Tati Nurul Hayati, Rahman Rahman, Juang Sunanto and Lalan Erlani
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Assessment, deafblind communication, sensory ability.
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the deafblind student communication profile based on the
assessment of research. The research method is descriptive qualitative with the data collection and how the
communication learning that have been adjusted using several standard and non standard research instruments
by the teacher. The research is conducted on three deafblind students aged 8-12 years. In communicating,
some students made symbols of their own communications to the interlocutor. While the teacher learning is
still modest and hasn’t paid attention on considering the students' sensory conditions, so the results are less
than the maximum. The results of the study show that the three students have medium low vision, nonverbal
speech ability, and severe hearing ability. Participant 1 Hnf: low vision, hearing impairment, nonverbal and
heart abnormalities, is less able to use his expressive language skills and less socializing. Participants 2 Dk:
low vision, hearing impairment, nonverbal, is very active and communicate with his own sign language.
Participant 3 Fz: low vision, hearing impairment, nonverbal, and is very active. His right eye and ear were not
working well. The impact of the research needs the development of individual education program in sign
language and enlarged picture media.
Assessment of communication for students with sight
and sound barriers (deafblind) a measure of the
development of the necessary communications in
accordance with the conditions of the students in
detail. Communication is a prerequisite of life human
interaction. Communication occurs when an
individual sends a message to the other and that
message received and understood (Downing &
Falvey 2015). Communicative function is the way a
communication partner perceives or interprets the
meaning of a sender's message (Bruce, Godbold &
Naponelli-Gold, 2004) In children with special needs,
especially students who experience barriers sensory
way of communicating is important to remember
some of the obstacles that happened, a good student
with impaired sensory both singles and doubles,
because communication is one of the main needs of
deafblind in addition to access to mobile and social
interaction (Alsop, Blaha& Kloos, 2000). Children
deafblind experience delays in the early stages of
communication, namely interest and joint attention in
communicating. (Nunez, 2013).
In people with barriers deafblind, 90% of their
population, experienced an additional barrier to other
fine motor and cognition make a significant impact
on language and cognition, while 20% of the
population occurs as a congenital factor (Hunter &
Killoran, 2004; Hartmann, 2012; Parker & Ivy 2014).
Although deafblind implies an inability to vision and
hearing, but most of them still have hearing or vision
that is still functioning. (NCDB, 2007). Hearing loss
in conjunction with visual impairments, the
combination led to communications and other severe
developmental and educational needs that cannot be
accommodated in special education programs just for
children with deafness or children with blindness
alone (NCDB, 2007: 1). The catalyst in reducing the
barriers is a particularly good communications
between students and teachers, student with his
colleagues and students with their parents. Interaction
with people older or more mature speakers plays a
very important role in helping to communicate.
(Spencer-Oatey & Xiong, 2006). Several studies
conducted Chen, 1999; Chen, 2014; Chen &
Downing, 2006; Chen, Downing & Rodriguez-Gil,
2001; and Chen, Klein & Haney, 2007. These studies
conclude on interventions and communication for
deafblind children in accordance with the child's
profile or characteristics is a series of research results
into a baseline assessment of early intervention on the
Hayati, T., Rahman, R., Sunanto, J. and Erlani, L.
The Assessment of Communication Ability on Deafblind Students.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 535-540
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
deafblind. Bruce (2007) stated that most children who
are deafblind from birth a very delayed in the
development of communication and many do not
reach the symbolic understanding and expression.
This article discusses the development of a predictive
marker or facilitative development of symbolism.
These markers include growth towards a more
abstract representation of the level of intentional
communication. Deafblind students have different
capacities to the level of vision and hearing, diverse
social experiences, learning styles, and / or the impact
of additional disability. Currently, there is no formal
assessment of standards for students with deaf
blindness. While some parts of the standard
assessment can be used when assessing deafblind
students. Assessors should be careful when
interpreting the results of their assessment. (NCDB,
2007) Thus the assessment of the deafblind student to
be very diverse and not rigid because of the diversity
of the sensory level, communication skills and the
influence of culture or customs in the local
Studies on the communication development for
deafblind students show the importance of the proper
identifications in determining the programs and
strategies which fit the needs of deafblind students, in
case of the complexity of sensory capabilities (eg, the
level of sharpness of vision and hearing) and the
student learning experiences.
Deaf-blind people have many different ways of
communication. The methods they use vary,
depending on the causes of their combined vision and
hearing loss, their backgrounds, and their education.
(AADB, 2009) some communication needs can be
done through:
1. Voice amplication system
2. Labial reading
3. Tactile Speechreading (tadoma method,
4. Sign language:
- Adapted (e.g. sign language in a narrow
residual field of vision;in front of the
face; tactile sign language, etc)
- nonadapted
5. Fingerspelling
6. Print-on palm
7. Writing (e.g. Fingerspelling and Writing in the
hand, Braille)
8. Pointing
9. Technological aids (Duquette, 2012:6)
This study is to get an initial picture profiles
sensory abilities and communication skills as well as
communication in learning. Therefore, the results of
the assessment will generate profiles deafblind
students and some students will require alternative
communication system, then every teacher needs to
understand the realistic conditions of their students to
sensory aspects and communication that can be
arranged individual program that fits the needs of
each individual.
Research was conducted during the four months from
August to November 2016 to take place in the Special
School “Bina CitraAnak” Serang Regency, Province
Banten. The research is conducted twice a week. The
three Studentss Hnf, Dk and Fz are students deafblind
of five (5) persons deafblind students in the school,
and their teacher.
The research uses a descriptive qualitative
research design. The subjects of the research are 3
deafblind students. Instrument of the Data collection:
Interview instrument towards parents, teachers and
principal. Observation Sheet of the Data is obtained
to review the ability of Communication and Learning.
Screening ability of vision, hearing and speech. The
data collected is interpreted to be the profile of each
Table 1: Name of the object of study.
Design research using qualitative descriptive that
is used to obtain information about the status or
condition variable phenomenon situation.
2.1 Step 1: Planning
To collaborate with parents, principals and teachers
as a data source. Collecting instrument interview, test
/ screening (modification of standard tests taken from:
and to make nonstandard tests), observation and
health documents and draw up a schedule
The test and the instruments used in the study for
sensory screening, in addition to collecting the
existing data from the expert tests, we were
conducting a non-standard as a modification of
several standard tests in case of adjusting them with
the local culture and students' communication
Tests taken as the reference are Deafblind
Assessment Guide of Oregon Health and Science.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Rowland (2009), Assessment of Deafblind Manual
Access to Language Systems (ADAMLS) (Blaha &
Carlson, 2007), to determine the level of
communication The Communication Matrix (Ruesch
& Bateson, 2006). Communication: The social matrix
of psychiatry. Transaction Publishers.). The matrix
provides a descriptive assessment that puts the child's
communication in different areas as a characteristic
of a certain level.
To get initial data of student ability, it is necessary
observation and interview. Therefore prepared
observation sheets and interview guides.
Observations conducted by researchers to observe
deafblind students directly in learning and
socialization in schools.
Interviews were conducted to parents to know the
progress of the students from birth, interviews of
teachers and principals conducted to obtain student
communication data in the school environment.
2.2 Step 2: Implementation
The targets of research activities in the third
assessment expected student is the student profile that
includes: (1) the objective conditions of sensory and
communication capabilities deafblind students; (2)
Objective conditions deafblind student learning. To
achieve these targets, the implementation of research
activities carried out in the following manner: (1) the
objective conditions of sensory abilities and
communication students deafblind by: test
nonstandard vision, hearing and speech, conduct
interviews with ENT doctors, see test results vision
capabilities of optometrists, as well as the observation
of everyday behavior of students during the school
day. Besides the interviews to teachers, principals and
parents. Interview with the ENT doctor was made
during a hearing screening for an hour to the
condition of three students. The ability of vision seen
from the test results of existing physician. To support
the data do vision tests in nonstandard way of
showing several objects at some distance, the students
were asked to indicate the same thing, at a distance of
few students do not recognize the object. Activities
conducted with the participation of teachers and
principals to record, record, and perform tests. Tests
carried out at different times. A hearing test is done
by playing a few things that sounded. Students turned
assessor and holds two kinds of objects in accordance
with the objects held assessor. Students are asked to
indicate the object that emitted the assessor.
Determination of ratings: on the distance and objects
where students can not show correctly. Interviews
conducted for one hour to each parent at different
times. Interviews were conducted to uncover the
medical history and development of students,
communication skills at home, habits and data that
can support the other. Interviews were conducted also
to the teachers and principals to find out how students
communicate during the school day, either with
teachers or peers or the school community. Besides,
recorded interviews and observations are also
To obtain learning data, the researchers
record the teaching and learning activities of students
in each class, collect data from students' work,
recording other learning activities outside of class
2.3 Step 3: Interpretating data
Discussion to describe the ability of young people
today and their implications is needed for individual
3.1 Results
Data were collected through interviews and
assessment conducted observation both to students,
teacher and parents shows that:
3.1.1 Hnf Profile
Hanifa was 12 years old. Live at home with her
parents. She was born with cataract congenital and
has twice eye surgery at the age of 3 and 6 months.
Leaking heart and until the age of five years overdue
development. According to doctors all due to rubella
virus. Her sight: The test results right eye left + 12
Looked the eyes are white, still can sense light,
smiling and tilted his head when shown the light-
colored objects and try to follow their movements,
squinted toward the upper right to be able to focus
view,unable to imitate the movement at a distance of
6 meters, not being able to recognize people / objects
at a distance of 6 meters and always try closer to see
clearly can not see the writing on the blackboard.
Hearing: Responds to spoken commands with the
touch, Can be mimicked at a distance of 1 meter with
a touch. There came when called from the front,
unless the wave of a hand followed by a man known.
It cannot respond to sound at a distance of 1-2 meters
from the rear. Almost never sound just smiled and
moaning if anyone does not like. Expression
Communicative behavior: smiles, body movement,
The Assessment of Communication Ability on Deafblind Students
head movement, growls, movement (take the desired
own, do the work yourself interesting hands of the
mother). Receptive communication: Understanding
greetings, referrals, requests for attention. Tend to be
passive, in the class just copy the work of teachers.
Communication skills: At school more often with her
mother and only eat food that was delivered mother.
Any initiative in contact with other friends, If the
atmosphere is bustling student cry. Attractive mother
hand, if there is a desire that can not be done alone or
whining. Enjoys flashlight, hp and dolls a smile is a
sign of agreement or understanding. Implication and
discussion: Provide support / increase in the use of the
current movement in different contexts. Providing an
opportunity to make a choice. Watched and noted the
use of the symbols of objects. Support / improve
responsiveness to touch cues, gestures, signs, and
name, words spoken with touch gestures and actions
when possible Need to be involved with her friends
activities. Hnf need more taught socializing with
friends and people around him. Several previous
studies had no strategy / media communication
through both the original image and compic, also
assisted using visual cues. Modification of
communication lies in the theme of content tailored
to a child's learning experience and the immediate
environment. Selecting the communication strategy
to use depends on the ability of hearing, vision, and
language of the person; cognitive abilities; comfort;
and risk assessment. The more methods that people
can use skilled, easier communication with the public
(Miles & McLetchie, 2008).
3.1.2 Dk Profile
Dk was born in Serang, October 22th 2008. Known
to have congenital cataracts after birth, and perform
eye surgery at the age of 3 months. Developmental
delay before 5 years. According to doctors exposed to
rubella virus. Vision: Using glasses convex lens 16,
directions vision focus on the front center, always
closer in order to see more focus, some took off her
glasses when feeling uncomfortable, very happy to
see hp and a luminous object, sometimes often
approached the classroom window and stood looking
out. Can imitate finger movements facing position.
Frequent squinting his eyes in order to focus.
Hearing: Very active, sometimes angry and kicks.
Cooperative and willing to learn when already
understand but if there are things that are not
understood or disliked frequent head-banging. He
have his own gesture of the family, like drinking milk
with rubbing cheek. Speech: laughing, crying, has not
release a meaningful words. In the first week in
school often uncontrollable tantrums and sometimes
hurt himself or a friend. The new academic aspects of
stage thicken letters or numbers. For the case of Dk,
handling stages are analyzing the assessment results
(Based on the assessment results Dk still be able to
use his eyesight in a distance of 1.5 m (5 feet), hearing
impairment and nonverbal. Right now, DK
communicates limited with gestures only). Designing
Individual Program in line with the sensory
conditions. Determining the strategy to build his
communication skills. (Dk is suggested to use his
existed vision capabilities using an enlarged picture
media provided with written and sign language to
develop his expressive and receptive skills).
3.1.3 Fz Profile
After the birth of swelling of the right side of the head
so long for treatment and 5 months punctuated
oxygen. It affects the nervous eyes and ears that
suffered heavy damage and leaves a meeting right ear
cover ear hole. According to doctors exposed to
rubella virus. Neural vision right eye and ear had
collapsed and there is still little vision, left eye minus
7. See images at close range, Cannot focus in view,
always tilt head, can be mimicked with guidance Can
imitate finger movements less than one meter. Can
follow the driven object at a distance of
approximately 1 meter. Communication: Often
laughing themselves and irregular noises. Using a
simple gesture, responding to a contact from another
person, such as replying to the greeting / touch and
initiate contact to others in face to face. Not to
understand commands directly. Speech: laughing,
crying, has not release a meaningful words. Learning:
Very active and show interest in learning, loved the
pictures / photos in learning, learning materials
thicken and connect the dotted line.
3.2 Discussion
Based on the results of assessment, Fz's right side
vision and hearing abilities have not working
anymore, while the left side vision capabilities
working in (2/6 or 6/20 m feet, and the left hearing
capabilities still be heard up to a distance of 1.5 m (5
feet), the speech ability: nonverbal.
The individualized program should be designed in
accordance with the sensory conditions. Fz is able to
use the enlarged image and the sign language within
the left position.
Some studies related to persons with learning how
to give deafblind as written Chen (1999) about the
importance of early identification, early stage needs,
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
and prepare appropriate learning based on the child's
information. Bruce (2007) that most children who are
deafblind from birth a very delayed in the
development of communication and many do not
reach the symbolic understanding and expression.
Then the impact of congenital deafblind require
appropriate compensation strategies to support
children's development
Persons with deafblind is a unique situation because
it has two sensory barriers as well and can be
accompanied by other obstacles. Hence the range of
sensory abilities and unique communication it
requires individualized learning program. In the
aspect of communication mode of communication at
the level of research subjects unconventional
communication. Form of nonverbal communication,
production, irregular sounds, gestures / gesture itself.
children who are deaf blind / deaf-blind have no
access for "incidental learning" and the information
obtained through contacts with the child and the
environment is often fragmented and distorted
(Parker & Ivy 2014).
This study found three deafblind students who
studied the effects of rubella virus. The assessment
results indicate the condition of slow progress at the
age of five, constraints on vision, hearing and speech.
To communicate utilizing the existing vision, the use
of symbols and images. Communication skills often
use receptive language. Van Dijk (2006) empirical
data on the development, interaction, communication,
and language in children are very rare deafblind, \
"and suggested that the interaction analysis methods
used for this study can be replicated and used in future
research. In this study, teachers do not have a strategy
that can be given to developing students' expressive
communication. According to the results of research
on the relationship deafblind student communication
with educators noted the importance of improving the
competence of teachers through in-house training
(Janssen, Riksen-Walraven & Van Dijk, 2006).
The treatment stages for the deafblind students
involves: Stage 1: analyzing the sensoric abilities
(vision, hearing and spoken abilities). Stage 2:
designing individual service program in accordance
with the sensoric capabilities. Stage 3. Determining
the strategies and media to the development of
communication skills.
The results of this research is a description of the
results of the assessment to 3 deafblind students and
rubella virus caused an impact on barriers to vision,
hearing and speech. Participant 1 Hnf: low vision,
hearing impairment, nonverbal and heart
abnormalities, are less able to use expressive
language and less socializing. Participants 2 Dk: low
vision, hearing impairment, nonverbal, very active
and communicate using symbols which he made
herself. Participant 3 Fz: low vision, hearing
impairment, nonverbal, very active. Eye and his right
ear was not functioning. The impact of the results of
this research needs the development of individual
education program and media used in communication
is sign language and the enlarged image.
Communication skills often use receptive language.
The impact of the results of this research needs the
development of individual education program of
students' communication which is related the
student’s profile The purpose of individualization is
to "maximize the chances of every child to learn
optimal "(McCormick, Wong, & Yogi, 2003, p. 212).
The results of this study is a baseline and a
recommendation for further research. There are
several advanced research steps that can be done after
this research are:
1. Preparation of Communication Development
Program, in this program the researcher can
determine one of the appropriate
communication media for deafblind-lowvision
students, Such as a picture symbol or sign
language. Furthermore, in this program also
researchers can discuss aspects of
communication to be studied. Do vocabulary
mastery through image media or expressive and
receptive language abilities and so on.
2. The next step after the preparation of the
Program is the validation of the Program.
Validation is intended to get a correction or
opinion of others to better the program validity.
Validation may be performed by an expert who
is competent in deafblind or by experts and
3. Subsequent research that can be done after the
compiled program is to test the use of the
Program against deafblind students. From the
test results can be measured the effectiveness of
programs that have been made.
Thus, initial research on the assessment of
deafblind students will open up opportunities for
more specific and more beneficial research for
students and teachers.
The Assessment of Communication Ability on Deafblind Students
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences