Improving Numeracy Skill through Use of Figure Poster Props at
Deaf Students at The Age of Second Grade Students
Nenden Ineu Herawati and Septiyani Endang Yunitasari
PG Paud Study Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr.Setiabudhi 229 Bandung, West Java, INDONESIA
Keywords: Deaf, Figure Poster Props, Numeracy Ability.
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the use of figure poster props for deaf children at the age of second grade
students of primary schools, who have difficulty in learning arithmetic of addition and subtraction. The
approach used in this research is descriptive and quantitative, and the research design used is one group pre-
and post-test design. The sample for this study was three children’s. Data analysis technique used is
descriptive analysis conducted on children’s score obtained before and after using poster props. The results
showed that the ability of deaf children’s math class at the age of second grade increased from the beginning
to the end. The results showed that the average score of calculation skills before using poster props were in a
disadvantaged category, while the score of average numeracy skill after using poster props showed the
increase in the category that was quite capable. These results indicated that there was an increase between
numeracy skills of deaf children at the age of second grade before to after using poster props. It can be
concluded that the numeracy learning taught by using props can improve numeracy skills for deaf children at
the age of second grade.
Improving numeracy skills through the use of poster
props on students has widely studied. (Cohrssen,
Tayler, and Cloney, 2015; Falloon, 2013; Garcia and
Stein, 1997; Hanline, Milton, and Phelps, 2010;
Jakubowicz, 1997; Miller, 1997; Mitchell, 1997;
Osborne and Wilson, 2003; Smith, 2005; Wood,
2012) But, less studies have been conducted in the use
of media for deaf student. Here, this study aims to
investigate the use of figure poster props for deaf
children at the age of second grade students of
primary schools, who have difficulty in learning
arithmetic of addition and subtraction. In the
experimental method, we used descriptive and
quantitative method and the research design used in
this study is one group pre- and post-test design. The
sample for this study was three children’s. Data
analysis technique used is descriptive analysis
conducted on children’s score obtained before and
after using poster props. The results showed that the
ability of deaf children’s math class at the age of
second grade increased from the beginning to the end.
The results showed that the average score of
calculation skills before using poster props were in a
disadvantaged category, while the score of average
numeracy skill after using poster props showed the
increase in the category that was quite capable. These
results indicated that there was an increase between
numeracy skills of deaf children at the age of second
grade before to after using poster props. It can be
concluded that the numeracy learning taught by using
props can improve numeracy skills for deaf children
at the age of second grade.
This research used quantitative descriptive approach
with the type of pre-experimental research. This
approach is used to determine the increasing ability
of numeracy through poster props for children at the
age of second grade students of primary school. The
population in this study is a deaf child at the age of
second grade taught by the author through non-formal
education (tutoring) at the time of the research
conducted. The amount of population is up to 3
students, including 2 boys and 1 girl. Since the
Herawati, N. and Yunitasari, S.
Improving Numeracy Skill through Use of Figure Poster Props at Deaf Students at The Age of Second Grade Students.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 453-456
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
number of population in this study is only 3 people, it
can be all. The research was conducted in 2015, over
3 months in Fatima Foundation Nurussifa.
In this study, the data collection technique used is
the results of studying or learning achievement test.
This technique is used to obtain data on the ability of
numeracy skill on deaf children taught by using
poster props. The source of material test was from the
attachment of 2006 KTSP (Indonesian standard
curriculum) of the second grade first semester, the
amount of the test consisted of 10 items, which were,
10 items of numeracy summation up to 10. The
assessment criteria was, the score of 1 was given to
each correct answer, while each wrong answer was
given a score of 0; thus, the maximum possible score
achieved by the child was 10, while the minimum
score that might be achieved by a child is 0 (See Table
Table 1: Categorization of test score.
Interval test score
Very capable
9 10
7 8
Quite capable
5 6
Less capable
3 4
Not able
0 2
Based on the description on the introduction
mentioned above, it can be formulated that main
problem in this study as follows: Can the use of poster
props improve numeracy skills of deaf children at the
age of second grade students?. The research
objectives to be obtained in this study is to obtain
empirical data on: (1) To obtain a picture of numeracy
skill before using poster props on deaf children at the
age of second grade students.; (2) to obtain a picture
of numeracy skills after using the poster props on deaf
children at the age of second grade students; (3) To
find out whether there is an increase numeracy skills
of deaf children at the age of second grade students
through the use poster props. The results of this study
are expected to provide benefits in the learning
process of deaf pupils both theoretically and
For the academic / educational institutions, and
teachers will be material information in the
development of science, knowledge and use of
props poster in mathematics, particularly
For researchers; feed into researching and
developing more research regarding the use of
props posters on the subjects of arithmetic in
children with hearing impairment.
The results of this study can add to their
knowledge in the world of education incredible
especially with regard to improvement of
numeracy skills of children with hearing
The results of this study can be used as a
reference for other researchers discuss the
numeracy skills of children with hearing
This study was about of the numeracy skills of deaf
children at the age of second grade of primary school
through poster props. The number of respondents
were three students with hearing impairment. These
three deaf children were first given the initial tests
before the poster props was applied, which later was
given a score. Next, the treatment was given on the
form of the application of poster props in the learning
of mathematics within two months, which was
conducted two times a week and each meeting was
held for two hours of lessons. The last test was given
after the lesson ended.
Based on observations by teachers in math, before
the application of poster props, the pupil attendance
was only 60%, while after using poster props, the
attendance increased by 90% and also the students
were more active and interested in the learning
process. In addition, students became bolder in
answering the questions. Even more, students were
engrossed in accepting the lesson given by the
teacher. From these data, the application of poster
props could attract student interest in learning. To
obtain a picture of numeracy skills of deaf children at
the age of second grade students, before the
application of poster props, the ability to count at the
beginning of the test is divided into five (5)
categories: highly capable, able, quite capable, less
capable and not capable. More details can be seen in
Table 2. Based on Table 2 and the score of the data in
annex 3, it can be calculated that the average
numeracy for summing numbers up to hundreds of
children are based on the calculation that the average
score of calculation skills of deaf children at the age
of second grade before the application of poster props
on initial tests was 3.30, in which the average value
should be in the interval of 3-4. This meant that
numeracy skills of deaf children at the age of second
grade students was in the category of disadvantaged.
Table 3 shows the information about the deaf
children’s learning achievement before and after
poster props implementation. To obtain a picture of
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
numeracy skills of deaf children at the age of second
grade students of primary school, after the application
of poster props, the ability to count at the end of the
test is divided into five categories: highly capable,
capable, quite capable, less capable and incapable.
Based on the calculation, the average score of
numeracy skills of deaf children at the age of second
grade students after using poster props in final test
was at 7.30, in which the average value of these
within the interval of 7-8 defines as capable. The
numeracy skills for deaf children at the age of second
grade students was categorized capable. The
upgrading of numeracy ability on deaf children at the
age of second grade students before and after using
the poster props can be found. The numeracy skills of
deaf children at the age of second grade students after
using poster props is higher than the numeracy before
using poster props. Numeracy ability for students
with hearing impairment of the second grade students
after the application of poster props increases.
Table 2: Counting ability of deaf children in the early test.
test score
Very capable
9 10
7 8
Quite capable
5 6
Less capable
3 4
Not able
0 2
Table 3: Scores of preliminary and final test of deaf
Initial score
A deaf child is someone who is experiencing lack
or loss of ability to hear either partly or entirely
caused by the malfunction in part or all of the hearing
instrument so that he/she cannot fully use his hearing
instrument. Thus experiencing the slowness in
thinking and getting problems solved, let alone to
understand the complex problem. However, if the
implementation of poster props in mathematics is
applied as early as possible on a deaf child, then most
likely they will be able to develop their potential and
can also improve numeracy skills.
The results of three children’s with hearing
impairment at the age of second grade students before
applying poster props was included in the low
category because after conducting the initial tests
with the amount of 10 questions, the deaf children at
the age of second grade students, could only gain the
average value of 3, that the value was in the interval
of 3-4 which means low. Furthermore numeracy
skills of the deaf children at the age of second grade
students after applying the poster props is included in
the high category because after the final test with the
amount of about 10 the deaf children at the age of
second grade students only scored an average of 7,
that the score was in the interval of 7- 8 which meant
they were capable.
An increased ability to count indicates that the deaf
children at the age of second grade students prior to
the use of props is different from after the poster props
was applied. An increasing numeracy skills of
children with hearing impairment suggests that the
deaf children at the age of second grade students.
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences