Influence of Rhythm Motion on Improving the Ability of Orientation
of Student with Intellectual Disability
Maman Abdurahman S. and Azmi Azmi
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Rhythm Motion, Direction Orientation, Student with Intellectual Disability.
Abstract: A student with intellectual disability is unable to distinguish the right, left, front, and back. The student has
spatial problems that affect the ability to distinguish the direction (direction orientation). The purpose of this
study is to obtain information about the effect of motion rhythm on improving the orientation of the
direction of the children with intellectual disability. Research method used Single Subject Research (SSR)
with design A-B-A. The results showed that rhythmic motion interventions can improve the orientation of
the students' direction of the students with intellectual disability. Seen from the mean increase in the level or
average ability of subjects in the orientation of the direction, starting from the initial phase of baseline-1
(A1) that is 59% then increased in the intervention phase (B) to 72%, and increased again in phase baseline-
2 (A2) to 77%. In conclusion, the rhythmic motion can be used to improve the orientation of the students'
direction of the students with intellectual disability. The implication, for teachers who will teach the
orientation of space to students with intellectual disability are need to understand how to use motion rhythm.
Students with intellectual disability experience
obstacles to the brain. Somantri (2007, p. 104)
suggests that "mental or mental retardation is a
condition in which the development of the intellect
is inhibited, thus not reaching the optimal stage of
development." Physical, cognitive, linguistic and
motor development phases. Payne (1981, p. 275) say
"Thus, motor related activities possess the potential
for providing many success experiences." Grossman
(in Hallahan and Kauffman, 1982, p. 40) defines
"mental retardation refers to deficient in adaptive
behavior, and manifested during the developmental
period." Inflammation refers to general intellectual
functioning below marked averages with a lack of
behavioral adaptation and takes place in the period
of development. Children aged ten years in general
are able to read directions, for children with
intellectual disability distinguish the right and left
hands have not been able.
Understanding the concept of distance and
relationship between spaces is closely related to
spatial or space intelligence. The ability to
understand the concept of direction will support
skills such as reading and writing upon entering
school. It was found that a student with intellectual
disability was having a spastic obstruction, could not
distinguish letters. It is often confused when reading
and shows almost identical letters. The researcher
gives an explanation to the child that the letter b is
facing right while the letter d faces to the left. The
child does not understand the concept of right and
left direction. Her class teacher has not intervened in
this matter.
Delphie (2009, p. 186) suggests "The science of
motion rhythm can be used as a vehicle for
classroom teachers in an effort to bridge the
difficulties of learners, and mastery of learning
materials that will be taught through essential
activities of creativity related to the pattern of
motion and body work naturally designed as a form
of therapeutic or healing play. "In the rhythm of the
teacher is free to design games with songs, so as to
make learning more creative and fun.
This research used experimental method with Single
Subject Research (SSR). The design is A-B-A.
S., M. and Azmi, A.
Influence of Rhythm Motion on Improving the Ability of Orientation of Student with Intellectual Disability.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 401-404
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
According Sunanto (2006, p. 61) "Design A-B-A
has shown a causal relationship between the
dependent variable and independent variables."
Data obtained through the test, the results as follows.
Table 1: Recapitulation of Progress of Orientation of
1 (A1)
Data analysis is divided into two, i.e. analysis in
condition and analysis between condition.
Table 2: Summary of Visual Analysis Results under
Here is an explanation of the table of analysis
results in the above conditions.
a) The length of the condition or number of sessions
performed in each phase were four sessions for
baseline- 1 (A1) conditions, seven sessions for
intervention conditions (B), and four sessions for
baseline condition-2 (A2).
b) The tendency of the direction indicates that at
baseline-1 (A1) condition tends to rise due to the
increase of data. In the intervention condition (B)
the direction tends to flatten due to the increase
and decrease drastically the percentage of data.
At baseline-2 (A2) condition tends to rise again,
meaning that condition is getting better or
c) The results show that the tendency of stability in
each condition is different. In the condition of
baseline-1 (A1) the stability of 100% means that
the four percentage of each session value is in the
stability range, so the data is said to be stable. In
the intervention condition (B) the tendency of
stability is 51.7%, the data shows the increase
and decrease significantly so it said the data is
unstable (variable). At baseline condition-2 (A2)
the stability trend is 100% meaning the data is
said to be stable.
d) Stability levels and data ranges under baseline-1
(A1) tend to be stable with ranges between 56% -
62%. In the intervention condition (B) the data
tend to be unstable (variable) due to increase and
decrease, the range between 68% -78%. At
baseline-2 (A2) the data tends to be stable with a
range between 74% -78%.
e) The level of change at baseline-1 (A1) tends to
rise (+) with an increase of 2%. In the
intervention condition (B) there is a change of
data up (+) by 4%, in condition of baseline-2
(A2) there is a change of data up (+) by 4%. The
summary of the inter-condition analysis is
described as follows.
Table 3: Summary of Inter-Condition Analysis
Explanation table summary of the results of
visual analysis between conditions as follows.
a) The number of variables changed is one, i.e.
direction orientation capabilities in which
includes the right, left, front, and back.
b) Changes in the direction tendency between the
baseline-1 (A1) and the intervention (B) that is
ascending to the horizontal. The condition of the
intervention (B) with the condition of baseline-2
(A) is flattened to ascend, meaning the
condition is getting better or positive.
c) Changes in the tendency of stability between
baseline-1 (A1) with intervention (B) stable to
variable (unstable). The instability of the data in
the intervention condition is due to the
concentration during testing. At intervention
condition (B) to baseline-2 (A2) the stability
trend is stable.
d) The change of level between condition of
baseline-1 (A1) to intervention condition (B)
increases (+) by 6%. The condition of the
intervention (B) to the baseline condition-2 (A2)
changes its (+) level by 2%.
e) Overlap data at baseline-1 (A1) to interventions
(B) 14.2%. At intervention condition (B) to
baseline-2 (A2) 50%. Provision of interventions
continues to affect the target behavior, although
under conditions (B) to (A2) the percentage of
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
overlap is large. At baseline-2 (A2) the graph
increases steadily.
The development of the Mean level of each
phase, i.e. baseline-1 (A1), intervention (B), and
baseline-2 (A2) can be described as follows.
Figure 1: Mean Level Phase A1-B-A2 Directions
Orientation Skill.
Figure 1 shows an increase in the mean level of
each phase. Delphie (2005, p.109) puts forward
"Give as many exercises of motion coordination as
possible through game play by using certain media /
tools." Media use affects the subject's understanding
and interest in learning. Attractive media creates a
memorable experience for the subject. The use of
learning media such as puzzle carpets, game carpet
show direction, the use of speakers while dancing,
and the property used by the subject as a sign of the
direction (head) students use to distinguish the right
direction, left, front, and back.
Delphie (2005, p. 109) suggests how the
application of the second rhythmic motion is "Give
the teaching material by starting from the concrete
and abstracted on the abstract." The researcher
teaches the direction that begins by distinguishing
the body parts themselves like right and left hand,
right and left legs. Then go in the direction of
movements such as stepping, jumping, facing right
or left. In a position between objects such as
mentioning a friend who is in front or a friend who
is behind. In addition, teaching begins from the
front-rear direction first and then the direction of the
right-left, because the taught must be from the
easiest to the more difficult.
The third method of applying the third rhythmic
motion of Delphie (2005, p.109) suggests that
"Group exercises or games should be given, even if
individual services persist." At the time of the
treatment, the researcher intervened on the subject
by including his or her friend one or two people to
follow learning together. Apparently with the friend
the subject is more excited and cheerful than when
learning alone. In addition to training relationships
with friends, also train the subject more tolerance
towards his friend.
How to apply the fourth rhythmic motion
according to Delphie (2005, p.110) is "The motion
exercises presented in the lesson should have a form
of problem solving for each student's self according
to his or her level of ability." Through the right-left-
silent game, the subject of practice by determining
which direction he should move according to the
dice eye out. Then in the game show direction, the
subject practiced to follow the trail and mention the
direction he was walking on without the help of the
researcher. Obviously, the game has been tailored to
suit the ability of the subject, so some of the
rhythmic motion game activities can train the
problem-solving skills of the subject in
distinguishing directions. Awareness of direction is
closely related to cognition.
Implementation of rhythm motion in direction
orientation learning according to Delphie will be
more vibrant and increase the imagination, if the
pattern of motion is assisted with the pattern of lines
on the floor vary so that children can perform in
accordance with the pattern of the lines that are
arranged. Once in the field the researchers realized
that the use of the pattern of lines on the floor is very
helpful at all to facilitate the subject in
distinguishing directions, such as the game show the
direction, the subject is easier to understand the
direction because he just follows and mentions the
pattern of directions that have been arranged on the
floor. With the use of line patterns on the floor,
making learning more concrete and easier subject.
Students are able to distinguish the front-rear
direction through various tests, diverse activities,
and it still shows consistent answers. Can be
concluded, that students understand the direction of
front-rear. For the right-left direction has not shown
a consistent answer and is still often wrong, because
the direction awareness still needs to be trained.
Compared to the initial ability, it shows an increase
during the intervention phase and baseline-2. A need
for more easily remembered directions is needed.
Distinguishing the right-left direction is more
difficult than the front-rear, because students
including children with mental tunagrahita MA 7-8
years. Hurlock (1978, p.52) points out, "Until the
age of 7 or 8 years, children do not distinguish right
and left, they can apply the concept to their hands,
arms and legs but not to objects." The theory
supports that the ability of students cannot be forced,
Influence of Rhythm Motion on Improving the Ability of Orientation of Student with Intellectual Disability
but it takes practice for a long time and the
technique of marking the direction easier for
students to remember it well.
Improved direction orientation skills on the
subject due to several factors in the field that affect,
a) Motivation, students are passionate and
enthusiastic. Learning is done with games,
singing, and dancing that make students feel
b) Giving direction signs on the limbs of students
and around the class helps in remembering
directions. Students wear the animal heads on
the front of their bodies and wear the tail on the
back of their bodies, then wear red ribbons as a
signature of the right hand and the yellow
ribbon as the left-hand signatory. On the four
sides of the class is a picture that can remind the
child of the direction.
c) Media learning makes it easy to understand the
direction, which is to distinguish the right and
left or distinguish the front and back. The use of
striped floor media on the floor can help the
student in understanding the direction,
following the instructions already provided on
the floor, and moving while mentioning the
direction on which he was walking.
d) Student concentration. When excited he will
concentrate on learning activities. Students start
tired and joking with friends, he is difficult to
concentrate in receiving lessons.
e) Influence of friends. If students learn with their
friends feel more excited than learning alone.
His friend had a positive effect on, but also had
a negative effect if it started to interfere with his
f) Giving rewards and punishment. Students
answer correctly, researchers provide
reinforcement of toss. If the student is wrong
answer, the researcher gives punishment of
kelikitik. It turns out that students remember it
faster, because he thinks not to answer when
given questions or instructions.
Excess motion rhythm, learning is not boring,
because of learning activities while playing.
Rhythmic motion can create a fun atmosphere, so
students will better remember the lessons that have
been done. Rhythmic motion can train social and
motor skills, because the learning is done with
friends in groups. So, it can train interaction, work
together, compete, and respect each other. Motor
aspect can be trained because the motion of rhythm
is done through the activity of motion. In directional
orientation, students can practice such as perceptual
ability of motor, running, jumping, stepping, and
In the intervention phase students begin to
understand and remember directions and show
consistent answers. The end of the intervention is
able to distinguish the front-back direction
consistently. For the right-left direction has not been
able to remember it well, but shows improvement in
direction orientation capabilities. Rhythmic motion
has a positive impact in improving direction
orientation. Thus, the rhythmic motion effect on
improving the orientation of the direction of the
child's tunagrahita being.
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Hurlock, E., 1978. Child Development, Volume 2,
Erlangga Publishers. Jakarta.
Hallahan, D. P., Kauffman, J. J., 1982. Exceptional
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Payne, J. S., 1981. Strategies for Teaching the Mentally
Retarded, Second edition, Columbus: Charles E.
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences