Communication Policy Management of the Curriculum
Implementation in Indonesia
Deni Darmawan, Didi Supriadi and Muthia Alinawati
Curriculum and Educational Technology, Faculty of Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
{ddarmawan, didie_supriadie, alinawati}
Keywords: Communication Policy, Curriculum Management, Curriculum 2013.
Abstract: Implementation Curriculum 2013 at the level of schooling is a shared goal. The school's success in accepting
the package of policies up to the work program packages that support the implementation of the 2013
curriculum is the most accurate feature of the success of the policy of quarreling. Many factors influence the
smooth flow of curriculum implementation policies to be able to be defined as a management and
implementation and even evaluation of curriculum programs at the level of school. This research uses Survey
Explanation method. These factors include communication settings that provide clarity in communication
management, ranging from communication aspects of curriculum program planning, communication settings
of curriculum program implementation, communication media, and actors who become the role of
management functions of all curriculum policies themselves. The research was conducted at 9 provinces off
all Education office in Indonesia, the population is the implementation of curriculum stakeholders of 2013,
head of the department, Head of Sub-district, UPT, Supervisor and Principal. The results show that the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum is influenced by the clarity of the communication management policy
factors played by stakeholders at the Education Office level.
The communication process is a process of message
transformation done by a message source to message
recipient. In practice will demand anyone involved to
be able to try to understand the message in question
so that more easily accepted by the recipient of the
message. As in the world of education, which one of
the many messages and rarely noticed is the message
in the form of policy. These policies relate to them
concerning the curriculum. One of the cases
occurring in the process of messaging about the
central curriculum policy (Pusat Kurikulum dan
Perbukuan. 2017). through the message channel in
electronic media, printed and verbal messages
conveyed in the form of the curriculum policy
socialization process.
So far, the study on the implementation and
impact of the curriculum policy still varies between
districts, due to the fact that the birth of regional
autonomy since 2003. Its birth is quite influential on
the policy of development of education which refers
to the strategic planning of each of the District
Education Office. Based on studies on one of the
strategic plan documents owned by one of the
Education Office in Region sample shows that some
programs are implemented in accordance with local
government policies and which are included in the
program of the educational office strategic plan.
Thus, the policy transition that occurred regarding the
implementation of curriculum policies that are
implemented at the level of district/city. In conveying
the message of curriculum policy in Indonesia is
assumed to require skills to process the meaning of
the policy message itself. This aspect is important as
the results of the research undertaken (Maria
Poimenidou, Vasilia Christidou 2010) that
Moreover, the role of different communication
practices in the construction of meaning is analyzed,
at the ideational, interpersonal and textual level.”
Implementation of curriculum policies
implemented in addition to adjusting to the local
government autonomy policy, it turns out from the
results of other research is influenced by
communication strategy conducted by the level of
stakeholder’s policy. Communications strategy
played by Head of Department, Head of Division,
UPT and Supervisor to the schools turned out to be a
major factor that much taken into account. There are
several major factors in the communication process
Darmawan, D., Supriadi, D. and Alinawati, M.
Communication Policy Management of the Curriculum Implementation in Indonesia.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 334-338
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
undertaken by stakeholders to the policy message
recipients at the implementing level such as the
teachers. These factors include the study of the
credibility of messages in which case the curriculum
policy is controlled by the stakeholders concerned. As
has been done in this research, includes an analysis
of: (a) how the content of the 2013 curriculum policy
message can be well understood by stakeholders at
the District Education Office? ; (b) How is the
communication medium used during the 2013
curriculum process?; (c) What is the setting of
communication made by stakeholders of the
education office in delivering the 2013 curriculum
policy to UPT and UPT message recipients; (d) How
the Education Office Stakeholder assesses the effect
of the “Curriculum 2013” policy communications on
perceptions of UPT and School-level.
The research was conducted using a qualitative
approach in the form of descriptive analysis to
curriculum policy phenomenon which was analyzed
based on communication strategy of stakeholders in
Education Office of region sample. Through the
adoption of the approach of (Borg, Walter R, and
Gall, Meredith Damien, 989), the study was
conducted for 1 year starting from the funding of this
research proposal until the end of 2017 in the District
Education Department. The approaches taken in the
data collection process include: Focus Group
Discussion; Documentation study and observation of
all the practices of the policy communication
3.1 The Content of the “Curriculum
2013” Policy Message can be well
understood by Stakeholders of
District Education Office
Messages about the content of laws, regulations, rules
and strategies that require an organization,
department, and government or private institutions
within the area of educational development should be
credible. The container in a chapter and verse may not
be credible given the behavior set to be shown by the
audience was already common and already known
weaknesses and advantages before the article and
paragraph are implemented.
If the messages in the form of curriculum
document content will be placed as important
messages in the stakeholder policy communications
process at the central level, then the curriculum
should be placed as a credible message. Credible
messages will have a powerful impact as in the
findings of this research on the success of existing
policy management communications. In this context,
(Lei He, Jian He, 2015) explains that "The capacity
of digital information is big, and the speed of
information update is much faster than the traditional
information. That's the biggest difference between
digital information and traditional analogue
information. There is vast, fresh information in front
of communicators (teachers) and the receivers
(students). However, the information authenticity and
reliability has decreased without the experience of
time. Based on the findings and study of the theory
then information about the curriculum policy related
to aspects of the content should be a major. This
finding is particularly important given the level of
understanding of information as a content form of the
2013 curriculum policy message will be determined
by the speed of the message of the communication
policy itself.
3.2 Communication Media used
During the Socialization of
Curriculum 2013
The communication medium is an alignment channel
between the message source and the message
recipient. Today's communication media was shifted
its development toward digital. In this context of
policies that were born and disseminated by
government and private institutions must have been
supported by digital and online-based media. Even in
the utilization is done by mobile by the recipients of
the message. Occupation delivering a curriculum
message is like a nurse who must clearly
communicate the patient's illness information
correctly. In this case (D. M. H. Michelle Beckford,
2013) argue that the focus is on therapeutic
communication and emotional well-being. This type of
simulation enables students to address the patient in a
more comprehensive manner.
The process of socialization usually requires a
mouthpiece of a competitive relationship public
relations, considering this process can be taken over
into the activity of journalism Education in Regionnal
level. This condition is found that communication
media is sometimes avoided at the level of
communicating policy. Whereas the function and role
of media journalism in the context of policy
Communication Policy Management of the Curriculum Implementation in Indonesia
conveyors in the form of socialization of the 2013
curriculum is the very strategic position. In this case
(Ankesrapu Nagraj, 2013) explains that "The media
and communication tools have empowered and have
given more power to the individuals than
organizations. The communication tools have made a
lot of differences to the knowledge production and
sharing among the universal community. "
From the findings indicate that the current
communication media in District Education Office of
Indonesia, indicates a shift to the maturity aspect of
using communication media. As seen in the
socialization process of the “curriculum 2013”, it still
continues. According (Asadi, A., 2017) explains that
"Western countries and statesmen use these digital
media for stating their principles and strategies in
order to be in line with these media. A duty of
statesmen and the social networks of cell phones in
order to transfer a discussion about religious
democracy into one of the well-known and universal
3.3 Setting Communication Made by
Stakeholder of Education Office in
Delivering Policy of “Curriculum
2013” to UPT and School Level
Communication setting is an effort done in a planned
manner by applying the process of intrapersonal
communication and interpersonal communication
between the actors of the communication process.
Based on the findings of the field shows that the 2013
curriculum policy is a form of policy that regulates
the formulation of curriculum documents in
Indonesia as a result of curriculum development
conducted on an ongoing basis. As for the meaning of
the curriculum described by (Oliva, 1992) on
(Kenneth T. Henderson, 2013) explains that
Curriculum Is a Product of Its Time. Curriculum
Responds to and Is Changed by Social Forces,
Philosophical Positions, Psychological Principles,
Accumulating Knowledge, And Educational
Leadership at Its Moment in History.
In the context of policy communication applied
through the communication setting then the study will
be focused on the concept of the virtual
communication media that developed today. In this
case (Porter, 2004) in (Consalvo and Ess, 2011)
explains: Similarly, simple definition of virtual
community adds one more element: (1) "an
aggregation of individuals," who (2) "interact"
around a (3) "shared interest". While this definition of
the world community of most of the usually
understood meaning, they accord with the term in the
business world. In this context, the setting of
communication should pay attention to the ease of
doing dissemination of messages as from the research
findings indicating that communication settings will
be successful if the stakeholders are also parties who
will receive the message.
3.4 Stakeholder of the Education Office
Assessed the Effect of the
“Curriculum 2013” through the
Policy Communications on
Perceptions of UPT and School-
Speaking of policy communication is closely related
to how stakeholders are an organization, department
or other institution that serves as a source of
distributors and control of performance policies. The
policy usually refers to the direction of achieving the
vision and mission of the institution target. In the
process of transforming a number of policy content
that is required communication strategy for the
message in accordance with what the policy points
themselves. When examined from the point of view
of the process of communication, today is often a
policy not in accordance with what is implemented by
the implementers in the field. This condition is often
seen especially in the field of education Starting from
the legislation and regulations and even strategy
achievement is not as long as according to what is
In a study of relations between education and
communication, (Jim Clemmer's, 2012) explains
further that " Strong communications keep everyone
focused on goals and priorities while providing
feedback on progress and the course corrections
needed. Effective communication strategies, systems,
and practices have a large and direct effect on
organization learning and innovation. "
Communication strategies that should be done by
the stakeholders are usually directly proportional to
the target achievements produced by the organization
itself. In this context, there are many policies that are
not in accordance with the targets and are not up to
the policy direction that should be implemented. As
in the educational environment starting from the
instruction usually the issued policy becomes
changed into an appeal, it will not be many target
parties who can implement it. In contrast, many
policies are conscious awareness-raising to be able to
implement educational development programs at the
school level, because the policy is less assertive even
just translated as a warning. (Hunger D.J and
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Wheelen, L.T, 2003) responded by a study called
Policy Development, arguing that "The selection of
the best strategy is not the end of the strategy
management formulation required in the education
financing process speaking of policy communication
is closely related to how stakeholders are an
organization, department or other institution that
serves as a source of distributors and control of
performance policies. The policy usually refers to the
direction of achieving the vision and mission of the
institution. In the process of transforming a number
of policy content that is required communication
strategy for the message in accordance with what the
policy points themselves. When examined from the
point of view of the process of communication, today
is often a policy not in accordance with what is
implemented by the implementers in the field. This
condition is often seen especially in the field of
education Starting from the legislation and
regulations and even strategy achievement is not as
long as according to what is expected.
In a study of relations between education and
communication (Jim Clemmer's, 2012) explains
further that " Strong communications keep everyone
focused on goals and priorities while providing
feedback on progress and the course corrections
needed. Effective communication strategies, systems,
and practices have a large and direct effect on
organization learning and innovation. "
Communication strategies that should be done by
the stakeholders are usually directly proportional to
the target achievements produced by the organization
itself. In this context, there are many policies that are
not in accordance with the targets and are not up to
the policy direction that should be implemented. As
in the educational environment starting from the
instruction usually the issued policy becomes
changed into an appeal, it will not be many target
parties who can implement it. In contrast, many
policies are conscious awareness-raising to be able to
implement educational development programs at the
school level, because the policy is less assertive even
just translated as a warning. (Hunger D.J and
Wheelen, L.T, 2003) responded by a study called
Policy Development, arguing that "The selection of
the best strategy is not the end of the strategy
management formulation required in the education
financing process.
The content of the “Curriculum 2013” policy message
can be well understood by stakeholders at the District
Education Office of all office province in Indonesia.
Education office of all region that has a direction and
a goal that is born of mutual understanding. A
research phenomenon shows that if the message is not
clear source then the message can be categorized not
credible. Thus, the formulated policy weak and tend
not to get well to the target. The communications
media used during the socialization process
“Curriculum 2013” is the media that can bring to the
change process with reference to the existing policy.
Communications media can be a source of delivery of
policies in full ranging from the source policy (source
policy) process of policy transformation and
receiving targets. Thus, the existence of the media
becomes important in ensuring the success of
curriculum policy to be comprehensively understood
by Indonesia teachers in schools.
The communication setting by a stakeholder of
the education office in conveying the policy of the
“Curriculum 2013” to the UPT-level message
recipients and their trend at school is done in an
integrated manner with the institutional work
program. Thus, this setting is in the job process and
tend not to be planned forever but can be formed
communication settings because of feedback that is
opposed or not in accordance with the implementers
of the curriculum Stakeholder off all education office
in Indonesia environment so far assess the effects of
communication policy of “Curriculum 2013” on
perceptions of UPT and School message still
direction. This means that the effect that emerges is
not always realized because it occurs from the
implementation process of policy planning and policy
implementation designed by stakeholders at the
district level but only to continue from the central
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