The Agroindustry Corporate Performance of Beyond Compliance on
the Environmental Protection and Management
Anwar Hamdani, Mulyanto Mulyanto, and I. Gusti Putu Diva Awatara
STIE Adi Unggul Bhirawa
Keywords: Company Performance, Environmental Management System, Start Up, Shareholders.
Abstract: Every company in Indonesia is currently in demand to meet the requirements or exceed the provisions of
requirements on environmental protection and management in accordance with Law No. 32 of 2009. Many
companies increasingly raising awareness in the protection and management of the environment due to the
demands and needs of the company for the importance of protection and Environmental management for the
sustainability of the company's current and future business activities. This study aims to increase the number
of agroindustry companies that can help increase the growth of new entrepreneurs (start-up) with various
resources owned by agroindustry companies. This type of research is survey. This research was conducted
at Agroindustry Company in Central Java. The population in this study are all managers from top managers,
middle managers and lower managers of agroindustry sector in Central Java and Yogyakarta Special Region
based on company performance rating (PROPER) rating report from 2014 - 2015 period of 200 respondents.
The sampling technique used in this research is random proportional stratified random sampling
(proportionate stratified random sampling). The results of this study indicate that more agroindustry
companies are trying to exceed compliance in the Protection and Management of the environment and
increase the growth of new entrepreneurs (start-up) through community development programs and CSR.
Every company in Indonesia is currently in demand
to meet the requirements or exceed the provisions of
requirements on environmental protection and
management in accordance with Law No. 32 of
2009. Many companies increasingly raising
awareness in the protection and management of the
environment due to the demands and needs of the
company for the importance of protection and
Environmental management for the sustainability of
the company's current and future business activities.
Increased corporate attention and concentration
on environmental aspects is the focus of the
company in order to minimize the risks that can be
generated from climate change impacts and pressure
to pay more attention to the environment. Company
pressure to improve environmental performance is
an important priority in order to achieve sustainable
development by raising awareness of the
community, the company, the role of mass media
and organizations that have environmental concerns
and regulatory improvements that can realize the
company beyond compliance in environmental
management (Than and Kevin, 2015).
Corporate compliance in environmental
protection and management may also be undertaken
under the normative pressure of various Government
regulations and policies that may encourage
agroindustry enterprises to apply environmental
practices in the company's business activities.
Normative pressure will give the agroindustry
companies internally stronger and committed to
exceed compliance in environmental protection and
management. Employees will be familiar and play
an important role in resolving environmental issues
at the company (Sarkis et al., 2010).
Recent decades of increased agroindustrial
development led to environmental degradation in the
form of global warming, air pollution and B3 waste
(Zailani et al., 2012). This condition causes
environmental problems (Hsu et al., 2013). The
same time, an increase in environmental issues from
various stakeholders includes: environmental
regulation, environmentally friendly product demand
and high expectations from investors and
Hamdani, A., Mulyanto, M. and Awatara, I.
The Agroindustry Corporate Performance of Beyond Compliance on the Environmental Protection and Management.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 279-282
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
shareholders for improved environmental
Companies can also increase profits or create
new markets by implementing Eco design, Eco-sales
and marketing, creating new market share with
environmental issues. Even innovations are made
not only to benefit from efficiency, but also to be
passion for improving the quality of the
environment, regardless of the amount of the
investment loss or the difficult obstacles
This study is a survey. This research was conducted
at Agroindustry company in Central Java. Sampling
used in this study proportional random sampling
(proportionate stratified random sampling) sampling
is taken based on the level or level of management
of Agroindustry sector companies in Central Java
who follow PROPER program Ministry of
Environment at each level of top management,
management Medium and line management. The
sample used in this study as many as 200 people.
Data collection using questionnaires, interviews,
observation and documentation.
This research uses the technique of structural
equation modelling (SEM) analysis with the reason
that this research approach is integrated with the
outcome of the collaboration is the level of
performance of agroindustry companies that can
exceed the obedience in the protection and
environmental management as an effort to create the
added value of the company if done not only
partially and simultaneous, but thoroughly,
integrated and sustainable.
3.1 The Description of Proper Rating
Agroindustry Corporate
The rating of proper agroindustry companies in
Central Java for the past three years can be presented
in the figure below. The period of 2013 - 2014 from
48 agroindustry companies in Central Java which
have blue and green Proper rating of 30 companies
(62%) and have black and red Proper rating of 18
companies (38%). Of the 30 companies the blue and
green proper rating consists of 29 companies (97%)
blue ratings and 1 (3%) green rating companies.
These results indicate that agroindustry companies
ranked blue and green more than the black and red
properties. These results also indicate the number of
agroindustry companies in Central Java with ratings
exceeding compliance during the period 2013 -
2014, which is only one (3%) green or gold rating
The period of 2014- 2015 from 48 agroindustry
companies in Central Java which have a blue and
green Proper rating of 25 companies (52%) and have
a black and red Proper rating of 23 companies
(48%). Of the 25 companies the blue and green
proper rating is entirely 25 companies (52) blue
ratings while the green rating is absent. These results
indicate that agroindustry companies ranked blue
and green more than the black and red properties.
These results also indicate the number of
agroindustry companies in Central Java during the
period 2014 - 2015 with ratings exceeding beyond
compliance. When compared to the period of 2013 -
2014 which has a green rating of 1 company then the
period of 2014 - 2015 has decreased companies that
have ratings exceeded the compliance.
The period of 2015- 2016 from 48 agroindustrial
companies in Central Java which have a blue and
green Proper rating of 36 companies (75%) and
rating of 12 black and red companies (25%). Of the
36 blue and green proper rating companies, 33
companies (92%) have blue ratings while 3 firms
(8%) have green ratings. These results indicate that
agroindustry companies ranked blue and green more
than the black and red properties. These results also
indicate the number of agroindustry companies in
Central Java during the period 2015- 2016 that
ranked beyond the compliance of 3 companies (8%).
Compared to the period of 2013 - 2014 and 2014 -
2015, the period 2015 - 2016 has increased for
companies with ratings exceeding compliance,
although the number is still relatively small
compared to the number of agroindustry companies
in Central Java and nationally.
These results indicate that as a large agroindustry
company in Central Java having a Blue proper rating
means that most agroindustrial companies can only
meet compliance with environmental management
and protection. From the results of this study also
shows that companies that have the potential to
beyond compliance to be green or gold because for
the last three consecutive periods have a minimal
blue proper rating of 24 companies (50%) of the
total agroindustry company in Central Java
Following the Proper program of 48 companies. The
types of industries of 24 companies that potentially
exceed the observance to green or gold are as
Agroindustry companies that have the potential
to exceed the compliance of green or gold consists
of sugar industry of 7 companies (29%); Food as
many as 4 companies (17%); snack as many as 3
companies (13%); cigarette industry and bottled
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
water as much as 2 companies (8%) and wood
processing, cattle fodder, milk, creamer, flour and
herbal processing industries as much as 1 company
(4%). These results indicate that the agroindustry
company that has the most potential to exceed
compliance is the sugar industry, followed by the
food, snack, cigarette industry and bottled water.
3.2 Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility program of
agroindustry can be done by implementing corporate
social responsibility cycle starting from:
determination of corporate social responsibility
policy of agroindustry company, social mapping or
baseline study, social responsibility program
planning Companies in the form of strategic plans
and operating plans or work plans, implementation
of CSR programs (the inception of social and
economic institutions), program monitoring,
program evaluation and program sustainability. The
implementation cycle of corporate social
responsibility can be seen in Figure 1 below:
Figure 1: CSR Implementation Cycle.
Based on Figure 1 shows that the implementation
of social responsibility in agroindustry companies
can be done by the steps: determination of CSR
policy of agroindustry company, social mapping,
CSR program planning in the form of strategic plan
and work plan, CSR implementation (the birth of
economic or social institution).
3.3 Hypothesis Testing
The result of complete structural equation modelling
analysis in this research can be explained in detail in
the table below:
Table 1: The Result of Analysis.
T Statistics
orate culture Environmental
erformance .5602 .1781 .4755 .4755 2.5473
Corporate culture Environmental management .6806 .2317 .5843 .5843 2.3091
Cost im
lementation Environmental
erformance .5390 .0644 .1325 .1325 2.2944
Cost im
lementation Environmental mana
ement .7563 .0463 .3075 .3075 3.4843
Operation ability Environmental performance .5092 .0466 .1503 .1503 2.0612
eration abilit
Environmental mana
ement .6027 .0604 .2712 .2712 3.7474
erformance .4680 .2860 .2231 .2231 3.0974
Marketing ability Environmental management .4685 .0171 .1783 .1783 2.3841
Corporate commitment Environmental
.6923 .5800 .5299 .5299 3.3064
Corporate commitment Environmental
.5642 .3255 .5367 .5367 3.3060
Environmental management Environmental
.8626 .0280 .1111 .1111 2.5630
Corporate orientation Environmental
.6350 .0581 .1167 .1167 2.2996
Corporate orientation Environmental
.6174 .1639 .2143 .2143 3.0146
Source: primer data (2017)
The results of the analysis in this study indicate
that: corporate culture has a positive impact on
environmental management and environmental
performance of agroindustry companies; Cost
The Agroindustry Corporate Performance of Beyond Compliance on the Environmental Protection and Management
implementation has a positive impact on
environmental management and environmental
performance of agroindustry companies; Operational
capability has a positive impact on environmental
management and environmental performance of
agroindustry companies; Marketing ability has a
positive impact on environmental management and
environmental performance of agroindustry
companies; The company's commitment has a
positive impact on environmental management and
environmental performance of agroindustry
companies; Environmental management has a
positive impact on the environmental performance
of agroindustry companies and the orientation of the
company has a positive impact on the management
and performance of agroindustry companies
exceeded the obedience in the protection and
management of the environment.
Acceleration to realize the performance of
agroindustry companies exceeding the compliance in
the protection and environmental management can
be done by optimizing the company's derivative
products, especially waste or by-products of the
company's main products to be utilized for more
value-added by collaborating with new
entrepreneurs (start-up) in utilizing the company's
waste. More and more agroindustry companies are
working to exceed compliance in Environmental
Protection and Management and promote the growth
of new entrepreneurs (start-up) through community
development programs and CSR.
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences