Effectiveness of Using Self Collection Strategy towards Students’
English Vocabulary Mastery on English Subject
Selfa Idriani
English Department, FKIP, Bung Hatta University, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Self Collection Strategy, Vocabulary Mastery, English Subject.
Abstract: This research purposed to prove whether Self Collection Strategy gives significant effect on the students
Vocabulary Mastery on English Subject Economic Class. This research was quasi-experimental research by
using the post-test-only control group design. The population was the students at Economic Accountant
Department Bung Hatta University in academic year of 2016/2017. The writer used cluster random
sampling to select the samples. To collect the data, the researcher used vocabulary test. The data was
analyzed manually by t-test formula. The findings of this research showed that the mean score of students
who were taught by using Self Collection Strategy was 84. The mean score of students who were taught by
using memory strategy was 76. It means that Self Collection Strategy gave significant effect toward their
vocabulary mastery on English Subject. The elements of Self Collection Strategy such as heterogeneous
group, individual accountability and group reward are considered as the effort for the findings. It indicated
that Self Collection Strategy could be used as one of innovative strategy in teaching English subject at
Economic Department to increase the students’ vocabulary mastery.
MEA (Asean Economic Community) has been
released since December 2015, MEA is expected to
create new jobs and improve living standards for
Asian. Hasan (2016) says in her Scientific Lecture
"to reach various opportunities in order to be
competent with other countries in ASEAN, the
major aspect must be mastered well by fresh
graduated in looking a job is English". Therefore,
University should pay serious attention to the
teaching and learning process of English. As a
result, students who graduate from the university
will be easy in searching job.
One of important element in Learning English is
vocabulary. Vocabulary must be mastered by
students in learning a foreign language. Specifically,
for students in Economic major, students need
Mastering vocabulary and applying the right
strategy. Many literatures related with economy
aspects written in English. It will be found by them
in work places later on.
Broadly defined, vocabulary is knowledge of
words and word meanings. Vocabulary is more
complex than its definitions. Vocabulary mastery is
the ability to give meaning of words, to recognize
the sound and the meaning of the words that appear
in the written material, and use those words in the
appropriate context. It is supported by Nation (2001)
that says vocabulary mastery as the ability in
understanding vocabulary items which defined as
the words found in the textbooks. Students should
master the vocabulary in teaching and learning
process in order to help them comprehending the
language skills such as reading, listening, writing
and speaking.
Based on the observation, interview and
experiences in teaching English at Economic major,
the students have many problems in studying
English related to mastering vocabulary. The first
problem was the students have difficulties in
understanding the meaning of the words. If they read
a text, they only know some meanings of words.
They mostly tended to focus on unfamiliar words
and found them in dictionary. When they did not
find the meaning, they felt bores to do the exercise.
As the result, they could not finish the exercise
correctly and completely. Moreover, their
vocabularies are less increased; they can’t master the
spelling, meaning and using the words into a simple
Idriani, S.
Effectiveness of Using Self Collection Strategy towards Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery on English Subject.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 179-182
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The second problem was the lecturer used
monotonous strategy almost all over teaching and
learning process. Lecturer only explains the material
in the book, gives the students some examples and
ask them to do exercises. Lecturer do not try to
expand the students’ vocabulary or to give more
chance to determine the meaning of the word in the
text. As the result, students difficult to learn new
vocabulary, they felt that learning vocabulary is hard
to acquire.
In accordance to the problem above lecturer must
be creative in teaching learning process. She/he must
make teaching activity which can gain students’
vocabulary mastery. Self-Collection Strategy was
assumed as more suitable strategy to solve those
Ruddel and Shearer (2002) says that Self
Collection Strategy help the students in identifying
and learning terms that are the keys to a text or
passage. Students’ rationale for selecting certain
words adds to their understanding of the process in
learning. Students can build their vocabulary
knowledge through active participation in “word
discussion” and activities related to word learning.
This strategy can help students to learn
independently and to create teaching learning
became active, to stimulate growth of word
knowledge, to help students construct the meaning
of unfamiliar words, and to understand the words
faster with less boredom.
The students’ score in vocabulary test had
significant progress by applying Self Collection
Strategy. According to Antonacci (2011: 88)
“Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy is an
interactive-learning instructional strategy that
promotes word consciousness, as students are
actively engaged in identifying important words
from their reading to share with members of their
Furthermore, Coelho (2007) states “the purpose
of Vocabulary Self-Collection Vocabulary which
students learn to gather information about a foreign
word or concept based on context clues and
reference guides. This strategy is especially helpful
for English-Language Learners as explanation
between words and word meanings. All students can
gain a greater understanding of texts and improve
their long-term acquisition of vocabulary as it relates
to academic texts.
From definition above it can be concluded that
the major benefits of using Vocabulary Self-
Collection Strategy are that students engage in their
own learning, discover how to recognize unfamiliar
or interested words from their readings, develop
their vocabularies become familiar word. There are
several steps in applying Self Collection Strategy
based on experts’ view:
1. Lecturer asks the students to work in a group
(3 person)
2. Lecturer introduces the definition, purpose
and steps of Vocabulary Self-Collection
Strategy to students.
3. Lecturer explains how to use context and
other resources to learn the meaning of the
word. For example, lecturer may use the
context or they may refer to the dictionary to
find the word meaning.
4. Lecturer writes the word, the context in
which it was used; it’s meaning, and the
reason for selecting the word on the chart
5. Lecturer engages students in the process of
Vocabulary Self-Collection. Students in small
group of three, and they read the text.
6. After students are familiar with the strategy,
lecturer provides guided practice to support
the use of vocabulary self-collection strategy
during reading.
7. Students in small groups discuss the words
they wish to nominate. Within their small
groups, they talk about each word and why
they think the class should learn the word.
8. Students write the two words on the chart.
Each group presents its two words to the
class, give the meaning and reason for
selecting the word.
The research design is an experiment that aims to
find out the influence of Self Collection Strategy
toward students’ English Vocabulary Mastery on
English Subject of Economic Class. The population
of the research is the second years students of
Economic management major Bung Hatta
University. The sampling technique used is cluster
random sampling. Hypotheses test is done by using
SPSS program version 16.00 and by using t-test
If T
> T
Ho will be rejected and H
will be
accepted (there is an influence)
If T
< T
H1 will be rejected and H
will be
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
3.1 The Effectiveness of Self Collection
Strategy towards Students’ English
Vocabulary Mastery
This research was conducted for four meetings in
experiment and control classes. The experiment
class was given the treatment of Vocabulary Self-
Collection Strategy while the control class was
treated by memory strategy. After got the
treatment, both classes were given the test. It was to
know which one of them was more effective. Based
on the test result and data analysis, it could be seen
that students who were taught by Vocabulary Self-
Collection Strategy got higher score than memory
In the first activity of Vocabulary Self-
Collection Strategy, students were not so interested
because they were still adapted with it. The result
of their sheet showed that only few words that they
were able to be understood. Beside that they made
some mistakes in defining several words. In the
second activity, the students were better than first
activity. They were made fewer mistakes in
defining the words. That condition was more
improved in the third and fourth activity. Students
were very interested in learning. Heterogeneous
group, individual accountability and group reward
are considered as the effort for the findings.
3.2 The Result of Post-test Students’
Vocabulary Mastery
The students’ vocabulary mastery in English
Subject of Economic Class can be seen from
students’ posttest. The experiment group is given
treatment by using Self collection strategy while
control group is given memory strategy (common
Table 1: Post test result for both Experiment and
Control Classes.
Based on the table above, the highest score of
students’ vocabulary mastery after got the treatment
by using Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy in
experimental class was 84, while the lowest score
was 56, the mean was 73.33 variance was 76.51
and standard deviation was 8.75. On the contrary,
the control class by using memory strategy the
highest score was 76, the lowest score was 44, the
mean was 59.20 the variance was 111.89, and the
standard deviation was 10.58. From the post test
result above, the diagram can be described as
Figure 1: Students score of experiment and control
class in posttest.
Hypotheses testing of this research were done
by t-test. The result of hypothesis in this research
showed that there is significant effect of students’
vocabulary mastery which was taught through
Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy and memory
Table 2: Result of hypothesis
The result of hypothesis testing was:
5.640 and 1.676 with α = 0.05.
Since was higher than (To ˃Tt), so
null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It meant that
there is significant effect of students’ vocabulary
mastery which was taught by using Vocabulary
Self-Collection Strategy.
The result of the research is also in line with
related studies by Anhar (2010). He conducted a
research about “Teaching Vocabulary through
Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy to the Second
Year Students of SMPN 2 Kuta in Academic Year
2010/2011. In this research, he found that scores
showing the progress of students’ vocabulary
mastery. Next, Martin (2011) conducted a research
about “The Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy in
the ESL Classroom for Middle and Secondary
Effectiveness of Using Self Collection Strategy towards Students’ English Vocabulary Mastery on English Subject
School in United States. In his research, this model
increased the skill of natural process, developed
creativity; encourage being autonomous learner,
tolerance of ambiguity, and word consciousness.
Based on the experts’ opinion and the result of
the research hypotheses test, it could be concluded
that Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy has
significance influences on students’ vocabulary
mastery. It is a strategy as fundamental way of
opening students’ minds about word in printed. It
was used to teach students how to decide the
important ideas, and how to use context clues to
determine word meaning.
Based on the result of hypothesis, it could be seen
the mean score of experiment class which was
taught through Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy
was bigger than control class which was taught
through memory strategy. It can be concluded that
the Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy gave
significant effect toward students’ vocabulary
mastery. In conclusion, this strategy was an effective
approach to help students understand the meaning of
new words. This hypothesis has supported by
Ruddel and Shearer theories (2002), they stated that
Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy enhances
students’ achievement in learning new words.
Students’ rationale for selecting certain words adds
to their understanding of the learning process. In this
strategy, students worked in groups and be able to
determine the meaning of many words in the
context. In addition, the students are able to decide
what words more important than others.
Based on the discussion and the conclusion, the
researcher offered several suggestions that may be
useful for the lecturers especially the English
lecturers in teaching English vocabulary. First,
vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy can be applied
in teaching learning process. Especially, if it
purposes to improve students’ achievement and
motivation for lecturer, in teaching vocabulary, it is
better for English lecturer, applying Vocabulary
Self-Collection Strategy. Second, for students, it can
motivate students to enrich and to learn English
vocabulary. They can build their vocabulary
knowledge through active participation in word
discussion and can select certain words to their
understanding of the learning process. Third, for
further researchers, it is suggested to develop this
research on larger population and sample in order to
get the knowledge and the empirical data. Besides
that, they also suggested to conduct the same
research for other skill.
Anhar, A., 2010. Teaching Vocabulary through
Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy to the Second
Year Students of SMPN 2 Kuta in Academic Year
2010/2011. Unpublished Thesis, Universitas Bali.
Antonacci, O., 2011. Developing Content Area Literacy
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Coelho, C., 2007. Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy
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Hasan, C. D., 2016. Orasi ilmiah Masyarakat ekonomi
Asean tantangan dan peluang bagi bangsa Indonesia
melalui Bahasa Inggris”
Nation. I. S., 2001. Learning Vocabulary in Another
Language, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
Ruddell, M. R., Shearer, B. A., 2002. "Extraordinary,"
"tremendous," "exhilarating," "magnificent": Middle
school at-risk students become avid word learners with
the vocabulary self-collection strategy (VSS). Journal
of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 45, 352363.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences