Development Hi2-CounseLink as Online Counseling Software Based
on Android Platform
Product Inspections
Hafit Riansyah
, Itsar Bolo Rangka
and Ifdil Ifdil
Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Online counseling, hi2-counselink, android platform, product inspection.
Abstract: The development of online counseling services encouraged the need for adequate and user-friendly
infrastructure and software. This study aims to evaluate the functional product to avoid the most common
source of problems in the Hi2-CounseLink software development process. This software is developed for
individual counselling services by adapting the development model of The Rapid Prototyping Model. The
product analysis involves application developer’s android based, counselling expert and counselling
practitioners as customers. The research findings show that Hi2-CounseLink rated quite well by software and
counseling experts and the customers. However, modifying of this software is needed, especially with regard
to broadcast receivers, data credentials, font selection, and software security systems. For the next stage,
author decided to refine and revision the prototype of Hi2-CounseLink.
The high number of people who use smart phone
(based on android) connected by the Internet network
(Kirwan et al., 2012) is also followed by the
development of the software has been increasing
dramatically over the last several years (Wei and Lo,
2006; Gandhewar and Sheikh, 2010). The high use of
the Internet in a country reflects a climate of
information disclosure and public acceptance of
technological developments and changes to the
information society throughout the country(Singh
and Hill, 2003; Posey et al., 2010).
The increasing of android software mentioned
above for Indonesians as development country also
provides opportunities for the develop of similar
software in other public services sectors(Ndou,
2004). It is also the answer to the challenges of
changing times that are increasingly putting the use
of digital technology in every aspect of community
life, including working life and also increasingly used
for targeting mental health issues(Lehr et al., 2016).
Unfortunately, mental health practitioners,
especially counselors, are not prepared and
"impressed" slow to deal with the possibility of
change (Aubrey, 1980; Alleman, 2002); including
adaptation to the use of online technology in the
practice of counseling services (Elleven and Allen,
Most counselors are still concerned with the issue
of "comparing" whichever is more effective between
face-to-face counseling with online counseling
(Mallen and Vogel, 2005). On the other hand, the
provision of counseling services should not be broken
to fill the needs of clients (Bedi, 2006).
However, this does not mean the development of
counseling services in 21st Centuries, especially
using technology information is "becoming impaired
nowhere" (Paisley and McMahon, 2001). Counselors
or therapists have recently begun to utilize the various
online media services that have been available such
as Facebook, twitter, MySpace, e-mail, and some
software programs for chatting (instant messaging)
such as skype, messenger, google talk, window live
messenger; even the use of open virtual discussion
groups (e.g., newsgroups), telephone and mobile
phones and other special teleconference media
(Barak, 1999; Ardi and Yendi, 2013; Ifdil, 2013).
The term online counseling refers to counseling
processes that do not depend upon the presence of
counselors and clients in one place or office, but apart
by distance(Elleven and Allen, 2004). In online
Riansyah, H., Rangka, I. and Ifdil, I.
Development Hi2-CounseLink as Online Counseling Software Based on Android Platform - Product Inspections.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 2, pages 13-19
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
counseling practice, treatment is provided without the
physical presence of counselors with clients in one
place(Collie, Mitchell and Murphy, 2000).
Online-based counseling gives value to the
advancement within the counseling profession. One
of on-line counseling's greatest features is that it may
be provided worldwide; on-line counseling knows no
geographic boundaries and suppresses the financing
incurred by clients and accommodates the varying
needs of clients (Mallen and Vogel, 2005). It is
important to note that the use of software in the
counseling process is only a tool for successful
counseling process (Elleven and Allen, 2004).
The previous study conducted mobile phone
software applications (apps) are available for a
variety of useful tasks to include symptom
assessment, psycho education, resource location, and
tracking of treatment progress (Ndou, 2004). Mobile
phones also seem to have many other benefits, such
as increasing adherence to medication, allowing
therapists to monitor clients’ progress, improving the
therapeutic relationship, and providing information to
both clients and therapists (Norris, Swartz and
Tomlinson, 2013).
Based on the conditions, the author released a
prototype of the android-based software that is
specifically intended for on-line counseling services,
namely Hi2-CounseLink. The naming of Hi2-
CounseLink, taken from the developer of this
software, "Hi2" which stands for Hafit (H), Itsar (I),
and Ifdil (I); Which is connected with "CounseLink"
which means Counseling is done in the on-line
The development based on The Rapid Prototyping
Model as Software-Development Life-Cycle Models.
By using a prototyping approach similar to that
shown in Figure 1, the customer can assess the
prototype and provide feedback as to its suitability for
a particular application. The prototype can range from
a paper schematic all the way to a working system that
includes both hardware and software(Rakitin, 2001).
The development of Hi2-CounseLink in this study
aims to evaluated software for online counseling
tools. More specifically, the purpose of Hi2-
CounseLink development is to describe the
functionality of important components of Hi2-
CounseLink software that integrates live chat, voice
call, and video call in one application on a smart
phone which is connected to the Internet.
The use of an android platform in this software is
based upon the consideration that most of the
Indonesian people using smart phones with android
Hi2-CounseLink software development in this
research is done by adapting The Rapid Prototyping
Model as a life-cycle model in creating a software-
development process. The Rapid Prototyping Model
was chosen because it can range from a paper
schematic to the working system that includes both
hardware and software (Rakitin, 2001).
The Rapid Prototyping Model allows researchers
to build software based on user ratings and needs. In
this case, researchers, program developers, and users
in small groups are fully engaged in software
refinement step by step.
Figure 1: Rapid prototyping life-cycle model.
At the product functional inspections stage, the
Hi2-CounseLink software component is evaluated by
three counseling experts, three software developers
and three users as client using a Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) method.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
3.1 Product Functional Inspections
3.1.1 Product Evaluation from Software
There are six components that provide the building
blocks for android applications, are (1) activities, (2)
services, (3) content providers, (4) intents, (5)
broadcast receivers, and (6) notifications (Meier,
Assessment by the developers found the need for
improvements in the component broadcast receivers,
mainly on the accuracy of the Global Positioning
System (GPS). Location based Services offer many
advantages to the mobile users to retrieve the
information about their current location and process
that data to get more useful information near to their
location(Singhal and Shukla, 2012).
This resulted in the software not being able to run
properly and spend quite a lot of power. At the time
of software testing by using a temporary server, the
program can connect to the server and can work
properly. Meanwhile, other components have no
significant problems.
3.1.2 Product Evaluation from Counseling
The main idea behind this software development is to
provide a tool to help counselors or clients to carry
out counseling without relying on physical presence
(face-to-face) in one place. To that end, the
counseling experts are involved to provide input on
the perfection of software and ensure the counseling
process can run properly in accordance with the
ethical code of the counseling profession.
Assessment from expert counseling of this
software is quite good. Settling content that enough
attention to the experts of counseling is on the
guarantee of data credentials that exist in the
Software. Counseling experts assess the governance
and information on the use of client data should be
presented on separate pages in the software
Guarantee of the data provided by the client is
very important to foster trust in counseling
services(Layne and Hohenshil, 2005; Affairs, 2006).
Besides that, the credentials can make the struggle for
public acceptance of the profession and an increasing
emphasis an accreditation and credential factors
(Forster, 1978; Myers, 1992; Myers, Sweeney and
White, 2002).
3.1.3 Product Evaluation from Customers
The last stage of the software assessment is provided
by the client as a customer. Assessment at this stage
is focused at the software interface being developed
and their attitude towards the use of online
Customers rate the interface for the program quite
well. Customers can understand rightly the use of
available panels and buttons along with their
usability. However, revisions to the software
interface are required in the font selection section.
The typeface used is not very good; especially letters
of the navigation key.
Related attitude towards online counseling, the
customers are concerned about the level of security of
personal data and conversations provided. The lack of
perceived privacy and security during online chat
sessions and the fear of being caught while
conducting online sessions were the main concerns
reported by e-clients(Young, 2005).
3.2 Manual Guidelines: A Brief
Overview for Prototype Software
3.2.1 System and Device Requirement
Hi2-CounseLink can be operated maximally on
android smartphone with the following minimum
system and device requirement:
Table 1: System and device requirement for Hi2-
CounseLink software.
Component Minimum System and or Device
HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1900 / 2100 – 3G
LTE band 1(2100), 2(1900), 3(1800),
Android 5.0.1 (Lollipop) or above
-core 1.25 GHz or above
Memory 16 GB, 2 GB RAM or 32 GB, 3 GB
8 MP or above
The system and device requirement as shown in
Table 1 is a minimum standard of Hi2-CounseLink
operation. However, it does not mean Hi2-
CounseLink cannot run on specifications under the
minimum requirement, but can also run but until less
smooth due to found many bugs to crash.
Development Hi2-CounseLink as Online Counseling Software Based on Android Platform - Product Inspections
3.2.2 Start Menu
Figure 2: View of start menu.
The Hi2-CounseLink start menu component, as
shown in Figure 2 that is: (1) registration; (2) e-mail
or mobile phone number; (3) passwords, as well as
(4). terms & conditions of counseling online.
In general, the function of the keys, including: (1)
registration as a registration button for new clients.
Clients are asked to fill self-biographical, and self-
image; (2) e-mail or mobile phone number serves as
a confirmation button from the registration menu; (3)
password, and; (4) terms and conditions.
Identity filling is aimed for app users who do not
have an account in this app yet. Users are asked to fill
out the identity of the client and address, phone
number, email and click the List button. It is
necessary to verify client's self-data as a requirement
to enter the login menu.
3.2.3 Meet Your Counsellor Using the
Global Positioning System (GPS)
Hi2-CounseLink comes with GPS functionality to
track users and counselors in one particular place. The
GPS menu view automatically finds the client's
location and the location of the nearest practice with
the client's position at the provincial, city and sub-
district levels (See Figure 3).
A tracking system employing global positioning
system (GPS) satellites provides extremely accurate
position, velocity, and time information for vehicles
or any other animate or inanimate object within any
mobile radio communication system or information
system, including those operating in high rise urban
areas(Brown and Sturza, 1993).
Hi2-CounseLink software is connected to the
Counselor list listed on the Indonesian Counselor
Association server.
Figure 3: GPS menu view and list of counselors available
online by location.
GPS test was conducted in Cimanggis, Depok -
Indonesia area at latitude -6.364456, and longitude
106.859139, Hi2-CounseLink software run properly.
3.2.4 How is Counseling Done? And How
Much Does It Cost?
Basically, the user who has chosen who will counsel
with will be faced the select of type of counseling
situation that suits his needs. On the menu of the
counseling process, clients can choose to counsel via
phone, video call, chat/instant message, or meet
directly in the counselor's office.
Figure 4: Types of counselling and administration fee.
The client selects the duration of time required for
counseling. It becomes very important to adjust the
condition between counselor and client. In Figure 4,
the system settings in the Hi2-CounseLink software
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
automatically align the configuration according to the
client's choice. Each duration of counseling has an
administrative fee so that the client can see clearly
how much he or she is issuing for each type of
The client or application user who has approved
the administration fee can make a payment and
confirm the payment by uploading the transfer
3.2.5 The Value of User Feedback for
Counselors and App Managers
One of the biggest benefits in the development of this
software is the availability of the feedback menu
provided by customers of the quality of services
obtained from the counselor.
Figure 5: Counsellor’s rating based on client counselling
In Figure 5, the client can directly assess the
counselor based on the counseling experience
obtains. Furthermore, the assessment of the counselor
is sent to the Indonesian Counselor Association server
database. The scale of assessment of client
satisfaction level on the quality of counseling service
as shown in Table 2 is indicated by an asterisk,
Table 2: Scale of counselor service quality assessment.
Number of Stars Interpretation
Counseling service is
service is fai
service is
service is ver
Counseling service is excellent
Counselors can also evaluate themselves based on
clients’ ratings. Neither for software developers and
Indonesian Counselor Association.
3.3 Software Limitations
Until the Product Functional Inspections stage, Hi2-
CounseLink software can only be used to conduct
individual online counseling. This software is also not
available for public in the Play Store service on
Google Play.
On the availability side of the counselor in the
software is still categorized slightly. This is because
the process of transferring the database of counselors
to the application for a wider field test has not been
completed yet. On the operating system side, Hi2-
CounseLink is intended for android smart phone users
and has not been developed for iOS users, and
Windows Phone. Finally, at this stage the program is
available in Bahasa only.
3.4 The Future Development of Hi2-
It was realized by the researcher that actually clients
could just choose software or other application with
more complete features compared to Hi2-
CounseLink. However, the organization of
counseling services through one database and online
software directly help the professional counseling
organization to be able to map the quality of
counselors in Indonesia in performing its role as a
professional counselor.
Based on the accumulated assessment of clients
on counselor services recorded through Hi2-
CounseLink, the professional organization of
counseling can monitor the performance of its
counselors and design the counselor counseling
program in the future.
Based on the description that has been proposed, it
can be concluded that the development of Hi2-
CounseLink has rated quite well by software and
counseling experts and the customers. However,
modifying of this software is needed, especially with
regard to broadcast receivers, data credentials, font
selection, and software security systems.
Some primary obstacles that have not been solved
in Hi2-CounseLink development are the application
can’t import the database of counselor to Hi2-
CounseLink application server, and Hi2-CounseLink
software only aimed at individual counseling only
Development Hi2-CounseLink as Online Counseling Software Based on Android Platform - Product Inspections
and yet to touch other counseling services such as
group counseling. For the next stage, author decided
to refine the prototype of Hi2-CounseLink.
We give the highest appreciation to the volunteers
who are willing to help the development of this
software. Particularly for Mr. Dwi Fajar for setting up
the application system and Ms. Nosmalasari for
technical help in this manuscript.
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Development Hi2-CounseLink as Online Counseling Software Based on Android Platform - Product Inspections