Implementation of Mother Language in Early Childhood
Carmi Sriwidaningsih
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Mother Language, Early Childhood.
Abstract: The background of this research is because factual condition about communication pattern by using mother
tongue method is a thing that can add good ties between mother and child especially since child early age.
Mother is the place to learn everything, if the mother grows unconsciously so that the child will be sucked by
ignorance and openness. A child will learn from the mother about love, sincerity, patience, and life. Based on
these conditions the development of research on the mother tongue implemented to improve the
implementation of its use, especially for young children who still need a lot of vocabulary that can be received
well. This research was designed using literature review method. This approach is used to develop the
implementation of mother tongue to early childhood. This study aims to convey the formula of the use of the
mother tongue which consists of: Mother language as a manifestation of the language of love in attitude and
behavior, has 3 simple formula, that is 1) Flowing sense, 2) Planting and caring for good habits, and 3)
Planting and nurturing strong morals. The results conclude that the implementation of the use of mother
tongue is suitable for early childhood as this can help children know the language well from the mother.
Human nature that tends to do a kindness, is the main
thing to life in the world. The role of parents in
educating children and making a relationship with
family members is very important in fostering good
natures. These natures can be transmitted to children
early on by both parents and their educational
environment. The more mature the children, the more
difficult it is for them to leave the bad natures.
Mothers have a psychological closeness to the child
from starting breastfeeding to two-year-olds. In the
process of two years occurs the process of
communication with children even be done before the
child was born, either through touch, or the mind of a
mother who was pregnant.
The effect of parent-child communication on
children's life experiences has a special place in
educational, social, and psychological studies.
Several factors can also lead to a family crisis.
Therefore a good communication with good language
is also needed to form emotional intelligence, plant
and maintain good natures, and follow the rules that
have been agreed together. Salovey and Mayer (1990)
define emotional intelligence as a type of social
intelligence that involves the ability to monitor social
feelings for oneself and others, sorting them all out
and using this information to guide thoughts and
actions. So it can be assumed that communication by
using a good language can play a role in monitoring
the feelings of self and others, this can be applied to
children from childhood. In a family relationship not
far from communicating with one another to convey
thoughts, desires, and feelings from each other this
level of communication will develop in every human
development, as it is known that the baby will cry if
he needs something, and an adult Should talk when
he wants something. When associated with parenting
often language is also one of the tools that often hurt
children’ heart, the accumulation of research shows
that forced parenting and punishment, in the form of
punches, are associated with higher levels of negative
child development (Gershoff, 2002; Gershoff and
Grogan- Kaylor, 2016). In addition to the direct
influence of environmental processes and childcare
on child outcomes, more evidence suggests that
environmental factors may also affect children
indirectly by way of their effect on parenting. Several
studies have reported that the environmental
weakness of menopause effectively, which in turn
impacted on problematic outcomes in childhood
(Church, Jaggers, and Taylor, 2012; Kohen,
Leventhal, Dahinten, and McIntosh, 2008; Mrug and
Windle, 2009).
Sriwidaningsih, C.
Implementation of Mother Language in Early Childhood.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 433-440
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on the flow of idea above, so the mother
language is a communication tool that must be
arranged properly to be accepted by children from an
early age to form a person who has good natures, and
emotional intelligence, so this is really interesting to
2.1 Limitations of the Meaning of
Mother Language
The mother language is taken from the meaning of
mother itself. Further (Aliyah Rashid, 1992) explains
that in the concept of mother also contains a social
content, because it refers to the preservation of family
institutions. In the concept of mother covered the
concept of father and includes the concept of the
child, because there is no mother if there is no father
and includes the future of the child, a someone
become a mother because she got a child. The concept
of mother has a group definition (team) and oriented
to the future. So the concept of mother has its own
characteristics not only include the gender, the point
of view only from the woman's itself (individual), and
oriented in the present, the woman's own age. The
concept in mother language motivates parents to
move forward and develop in their role as educators
of their children to instill good natures, to determine
the generational welfare of the generation and its
Septriana Murdiani (2011) Mother language is the
language of love. While the Language according to
Gorys Keraf (1997) language is a means of
communication among members of the public symbol
of sound produced by human speech tools. So it can
be concluded that the mother language is a method of
communicating with the child through the nature of
mother and father to guide, teach, and reconcile their
children, in the formation of good natures. As it is
conveyed that the mother tongue is a tool and method
of family communication involving many people and
symbols to be understood by a child and can
understand each other in the nuances of kinship.
Mother language as a method to control and lead in
the children’ feeling, this is done to recognize the
self-emotions, emotional management, self-
motivation, recognize the emotions of others, and
foster relationships with others. The importance of
self-affirmation before communicating is a good self-
control, because who knows the feeling of ourselves
is ourselves not someone else, so emotional self-
control is needed when communicating with the
child. This emotion can be burned through the
emotional intelligence of a person. According to
Salovey and Mayer (1995) EQ is defined as a pursuit
to guard the feelings and emotions of self and others,
to differentiate between them and to use the edict to
lead one's actions and thoughts. The edict to lead
one's actions and thoughts.
Mother language is a language of love which
understands by the heart of someone who convey it to
someone who has a unique personality as well as the
way children treat it would be different from one
another, as Bredekamp (1987) puts it, children also
have their own uniqueness such as learning typicality,
talent, And family background. Because mankind
have general differences, humans also have the same
system of having the limbic system in which there is
the amygdala, which functions as a memory bank of
the emotions of the brain, where it stores all the good
memories of glory and failure, hope and fear,
frustration and aggravation, Other brain structures are
the hippocampus and the neocortex. In memory, the
amygdala and the hippocampus work together, each
storing and retrieving information independently.
When the hippocampus raises information then the
amygdala determines the information that has a
certain value (Potter, 2005). If the parents talk with
the words that are not fulfilling the child's feelings
and are unacceptable to the child, it may result in
unfavorable memories, such as prohibition, shouting,
scolding, comparison, and resentment. Thus the
mother language is the language of love and the
affection of parents against children, because the
feelings and sincerity of parents should be showed as
early as possible until in the end both parents will take
them off to become an adult person.
2.2 The Definition of Early Childhood
The definition of early childhood proposed by
NAEYC (National Association Education for Young
Children) is that the group of individuals is in the age
range between 0 -8 years. Early childhood is a human
who is in the growth process, and at that age the
experts call it the golden period (Golden Age) which
occurs only once in human life. The definition of
early childhood has a wide range of understanding
and age, some of which mean early childhood is a
blank paper, and others say early childhood has a
concept that cannot be developed The child's thinking
is empty. Hurlock (1980), early childhood begins
after a dependent infant, which is approximately two
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
years of age until the child is mature sexually. It has
certain characteristics that are distinctive and not the
same as adults and will develop into real human
Early childhood has distinctive characteristics,
such as Richard D. Kellough (1996): (1) The child is
egocentric, he tends to see and understand things from
the point of view and self-importance, (2) the child
has great curiosity, (3) The child is a social being, the
child is happy to be accepted and be with his peers.
(4) Children are unique, children are individuals who
each have innate, different interests, capacities, and
life backgrounds with each other. (5) Children are
generally rich with fantasy. Children love with things
that are imaginary, so generally they are full of
fantasy. (6) The child has a short concentration of
power. In general, children are difficult to concentrate
on an activity in the long term. Berg (1988)
mentioned that ten minutes is a reasonable time for
children around 5 years old to be able to sit and pay
attention to something comfortably. (7) The child is
the most potential learning period, the early age is
called the golden age or magic years, NAEYC (1992)
suggests that the early days of life as a learning with
"Early Years are Learning Years", so that children
experience Growth and development very rapidly and
rapidly on various aspects. Therefore, during the
growth period, the child is in need of stimulus and
stimulation of the environment, in this case one that
influences it is a language that every day he heard
through the mouth of both parents and people who
exist in the environment.
2.3 The Function of Mother Language
for Early Childhood
Good language is used to the child to infect some
good habits. Language is one of the important
elements in communicating. Use of good language
will help the delivery of messages so that
communication objectives can be achieved. Potter
and Perry (1997) explain that the most effective
message must be clear and organized and expressed
in a way well known to the person who receives it.
The use of not good language in communicating can
affect the communication process. Mother language
is practical, will facilitate to get used to good habits,
without parents to be a lot of talk, while language is
one tool to stimulate children thinking and acting.
According to the results of research in the field of
neurology as performed by Dr. Benjamin S. Bloom,
an educational expert from the University of Chicago,
USA, suggests that the growth of brain tissue cells in
children aged 0-4 years to reach 50% (Cropley,
1994). This means that if at that age the child's brain
does not get the maximum stimulus then all the
growth of children both physically and mentally will
not develop optimally. The function of the mother
language where the process in which the parents play
a role in stimulating the feelings of children through
the affection of parents, why this is important because
in essence humans can love, love, and love, because
it is the need of every human.
This study uses literature review method, literature
review in a scientific research is one important part of
the overall steps of research methods. Cooper in
Creswell (2010) suggests that literature review has
several objectives namely; informing readers of other
research results closely related to current research,
linking studies with existing literature, and filling the
gaps in previous studies.
Here is a synthesis of the steps to do literature
review by Donald Ary and Creswell (2010) as
Begin by identifying research topic topics to
find relevant materials, references, and
Reading abstracts of relevant research reports
can be obtained from library sources, journals,
books, and proceedings;
Make a note of reading by way of making
literature map (sequence map) sequence and
relevance of research topics and bibliographic
references in full;
Make a complete literature summary based on
the literature map, in accordance with the
sequence and topic relevance of each research
Prepare literature review by arranging
thematically based on important theories and
concepts related to topic and research
At the end of the literature review, present general
views on research topics based on existing literature,
and explain the originality and importance of the
research topics to be conducted against existing
Implementation of Mother Language in Early Childhood
4.1 The Use of Mother Language
Mother language as a manifestation language of love
in attitude and behavior, has 3 simple formula, that is
1) Flowing sense, 2) Planting and caring for good
habits, and 3) Planting and nurturing strong morals.
Each formula can be used to meet the different needs
of the child. The mother language as the language of
love is a way of loving the child so that the child feels
that he is loved.
4.1.1 Flowing Sense
The first formula of mother tongue as love language
consists of:
a. Listen. Have parents listened? Children also need
to be heard, not limited to the differences in
knowledge and experience between the child and
both parents. How to listen intently, if the child
is trying to say something, leave all the work you
are doing. Take time and listen to him. Look at
the child's eyes, sitting parallel to reach the eye
level. This shows that parents are really listening.
Tapuklah smooth your back. With this kind of
posture, in turn it will help you really listen. If at
that time you really cannot leave the job, say to
the child, "Ok, wait, yes. In five minutes we'll
talk after the mother finishes it." Listening is an
active process, which means, after listening, the
parent or can provide a feedback meaning to
signal to the child that the child is well received.
Feedback can be reinforced with words that
reveal that parents understand and try to
understand because with acceptance alone,
usually other info-info will come out of the
child's mouth by itself.
b. Accept feelings. Johnson & Medinnus (1967)
defines acceptance as a gift of unconditional love
so that the acceptance of the mother to her child
is reflected through the presence of strong
attention, love for children and the joyful attitude
of parenting. After listening and providing a
mirror feedback, the thing we do is accept all the
feelings of the child. Each feelings means
accepting child entirely, including: 1) Both
negative feeling and positive feeling, 2)
Unconditionally acceptance, and 3) Keep
accepting the feeling despite everything
happened, example if the circumtance is our
child who makes a mistake. We have to be able
to differentiate between feelings and action
caused by feelings or child’s need. The key is
accepting, accepting its feelings. Obviously it
takes a very serious effort from adults around the
child, especially child who has not been able to
communicate clearly.
c. Understanding. Take a Position that we
understand what the child feels, his story, by
guessing his feelings till we know that the child
is sick, happy, angry, or sad. Recognize his
emotions well. Add a little touch on their
shoulders or head to spread out what to say
easier. If the child is crying, wait till the weeping
ends with no crowd.
d. Appreciating the child is the highest important
award in his life. The child will feel that he is
expected, considered to exist, cherished, and
loved by his parents. Block Communication in Mother
Communicating is an active process of interacting
with information or messages representing ideas
through the language of symbols, in the form of
letters, movements, or images. The process of
interaction between teachers and students, between
parents and children both in the classroom and at
home. The main basis used in home communication
is the information the teacher has for the attention of
the students or our children. However, there are some
errors in the communication include:
a. Commanding, Showing, Commanding
"Mother said you have to do the task first play"
"Do not say that."
"You have to face the reality. Face it, face ... "
"Back to your friends say you're sorry!"
"Stop complaining and get back to work!"
"Stop complaining and get back to work!"
"Back there, and play again with your friends"
It is advisable to do give rewards when they
are behaving well, for example, when playing in
harmony, or they want to share, or simple things
like when the child putting towels in place, for
example: "I'm glad to see you can put a book in
place after learning!"
Your child will be happy and will repeat it
b. Blame, Judge, Criticize, Evaluate
"You do not think adults."
"You are lazy…!"
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
"Do not you start a fight ..."
"Ooh, it's wrong to do that ..."
"You're not very good at dealing with friends
"Well, that's all I'm tired of."
"That's stupid."
"You do not think clearly ..."
"Mother say what, do not climb, and so fall
Suggested when the child fell and weep, we
must teach him to rise. Even when we do not say
anything, the child will try to rise on his
own. Sometimes crying child actually happen
because parents are overreacting. Occasionally,
be quiet and give a nod of a smile or give Mother
and Father a hand to help her get up. If you feel
the need for emphasis, then you can tell him to
be careful and play again. If she is injured, just
hug her to stop her crying and invite her to treat
the wound. These actions are more efficient
words, more energy efficient, but more effective
for shaping positive behaviors. "This is a piece of
cake! Why you cannot fix it?". Often the age if
used as a reference about the amount of
knowledge as well as the number of
experiences. In ancient times this could have
been true, but for now, the condition is no longer
valid. Who gets more information and follow
activities, then he is the more know and
c. Belittling, Making Guilt, Moralizing, Preaching.
Children want to help tidy up the floor or
mop we say "You do not have to do that! In order
to fix it, maybe you will just waste the soap and
Should replace bad epithets with good ones,
like, good kids, great kids, and wise children. If
you cannot find it simply by calling with his
favourite name only.
d. Giving Spirit, Sympathizing, Comparing
"Do not worry"
"Later you will be good to yourself."
"Come on cheer up!"
"What a pity…"
"I know how you feel, if it's actually not so bad."
"God just hassle."
"Why cannot you be like Lia? Try to see him
champion in a row unlike you! "
Parents want to motivate by example of
other people, but the child responds that he is not
loved, always on the opposite side. It can also
make the child feel that the parent is not caring,
and not interested in what the child says, it can
also mean communicating rejection. "Remember
every child is Unique". What should do, Prepare
the rules of the game before we talk; When
ready, approach the child, meet his eyes, and say
in a serious tone that we want him to stop playing
now or give us a choice, example "Honey, I want
you to learn. Do you want to study now or five
minutes? "If the answer is" five minutes to my
mom ".We replied, "Well, we agree after five
minutes you learn yes. But if it does not stop after
five minutes, you will have to keep the toy in the
closet until the day after tomorrow ". After five
minutes, approach the child, meet his eyes and
say it's five minutes, no bargaining or
compromise anymore. If the child does not obey,
immediately carry out the consequences.
e. To stamp
To stamp like naughty children, scared,
lazy, stupid, lazy, etc..
"You coward! To the bathroom still ask for
company. "
"You are selfish."
"Acting like an elementary school kid."
As a result in the mind of our child, I am like
that, what to do, so the child does not think to get
out of his own problems and accept what it is
with his condition at that time. Instead, speak
honestly and give understanding to the child as
we give understanding to adults because children
are actually capable of thinking adult. If the child
persists, say it with understanding and eye
contact, for example when the child is
crying. "You may cry, but Father and Mother
will not allow you to drink ice, because your
condition is sick, we love you." Let our child who
was forced to cry to silence by itself.
f. Threatening
"If you do not eat called the police!"
"If the snack will carelessly Mother law."
"Then you will not have friends anyway."
This will give effect to fear, and cause
rejection, anger and resistance. When a child
makes a serious mistake, try quitting our
activities, then ask the child to come. Talk firmly
but still gently, explain our feelings and show
which child behaviors should be corrected and
agree on the consequences to be gained if the
child repeats the negative behavior again, for
example. "Nina, I'm afraid that Nina is going too
far, if you want to play some distance, please go
to my mother so that you will accompany me
later." "Moses, lately I see Moses is very weak, I
do not eat too much, I do not want to see Moses
Limp, let the spirit and strong eat first..!"
Implementation of Mother Language in Early Childhood
g. Advising, Providing Solutions, Recommending,
Providing Answers & Solutions.
"If I were, I would do ..."
"Have you tried this yet?"
"You have to learn to play with your other
"When I was your age, my burden was twice that
of you."
This kind of response will make the child
unacceptable and incomprehensible. Children
are not fortune-tellers who can exactly predict
what we want. We recommend using a specific
sentence on the behavior that is less precise and
focus on improving there. For example: "Bilqis,
Bilqis should have gone home before three
o'clock Afternoon If Bilqis is late to go home,
you can be late to bathe and pray, Bilqis
understand, right?" Nor let ourselves get lost in
anger, when the child has shown signs of
improving attitudes, taking control of himself
and receiving him back. This confirms that what
you do not like is his behavior and not his
h. Lie, Interrogation, Ask Questions.
"Ah just a little wound, tomorrow also
healed" (when tomorrow morning fitted bath,
still ill?"
Should Honest and proportional in
communicating with children. Express
lovingly. When leaving, convey what is actually
with words that he can easily understand such as
"Kids this morning Father wants to go to the
Office, later that afternoon Dad's back home we
can play again together." Perhaps the children
would complain, but over time she learned that
Dad would indeed go away, but by noon it would
come. This creates a sense of security in him.
i. Entertaining, Praising, Blind Agreement.
It means entertaining children who are sad to
give gifts, rewards at a less precise "for example"
fine, do not have to think, just watch the movie,
then without looking for a solution to the real
problem then the child will tend to run away
when encounter problems again. We can do
communication and proximity to evaluating the
things that constitute our child's behavioral
factors, replacing them with activities at home or
outdoors that are solid for children.
"Just hit him back ..."
"It must be your friend is wrong, you're a great
kid ..."
"Your friend is lousy."
The words above will make the child
independent and spoiled.
j. Disclaimer and Transfer of Discussion
"Let's talk the others, so it will not be
complicated." (With just ignore)
"Do not talk about it now, yes."
"Not here talking, not the place."
"Forget it."
"We've been through this before."
Make your child feel that you are not paying
attention, are not interested in what the child
says, and this is certainly a rejection. This
condition will often appear good when chatting,
when we are busy with work, even if we are still
resting. The key is to listen first to the story of
the child by positioning us is a good listener.
k. Insinuating, Persuading with Logical Reasons,
Patronizing, Inviting Arguments
"What a surprise! Faris is sweeping ..." but
what's the connection.
"This is where your fault is ..."
"In fact…"
"The fact is…"
"Think again."
Delivering with this kind of love, by
showing children's mistakes, or degrading praise,
will make the child feel foolish, guilty, and
unappreciated. The result will arise rejection to
the parents. Every human being is born with
unique character and character. So do not
compare once with each other. Record the
behavioral changes of each child. If you want to
compare, compare with their behavior in the past,
or with the ideal value they want to achieve. For
example, "Uh, usually my kids like to tidy up the
class, why not today?"
l. Analyzing, Diagnosing, Interpretationing,
Offering to see the matters deeper.
"What do I say? Because you did not bring the
book, you cannot learn in the school then ..."
"Oh, what happened to you is ..."
"You just feel jealous of him."
"All you need is ..."
The point is that parents or teachers want to
analyze the ability of children, from mistakes in
doing minimize to avoid repetition, but in fact
most parents who do not know many children
and make mistakes. Stop blaming each
other. Take our responsibilities as parents or
teachers in a balanced way. The success of
education is in the hands of parents. Education is
teamwork, not individual. Do not use the excuse
of no time, everyone equally has 24 hours a day,
so arrange our time in various ways and always
compact with our spouse.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
4.1.2 Planting and Caring for Good Habits
The second formula planted and cared for good
habits. What is taught to the child is the goodness in
the practical religious teachings. Make some good
habits with mutual agreement. For example, keep the
sandals in place, or smile and greets if meeting with
others. This can be done repeatedly and always
reminded in the morning before doing the activity
because this is a positive statement at the beginning,
including anticipation. Teach children about life
skills that should be mastered include:
a. Communication and communication skills
include; 1) communicate verbally and
nonverbally, 2) be able to express ideas, feelings,
and expectations, 3) cultivate healthy feelings
and self-esteem, 4) how to solve problems and
decisions, 5) skills to find alternative solutions to
a problem, 6 ) Understand actions, reactions, and
consequences, 7) listen to and understand the
needs of others, 8) respect the differences that
exist in every human being, and 9) work together
in a group.
b. Personal skills consist of stress management,
dealing with disappointment, sorrow, and fear,
facing loss, rejection and trauma, change
management, creative thinking processes,
accelerated learning processes, designing,
managing and pursuing short and long-term
goals, and time management to achieve aim.
c. Communication skills include, motivational
skills, leadership skills, negotiation skills, public
speaking skills, and relationship building.
d. Functional life skills include:
Follow the basic instructions;
Toilet training;
Comb your own hair and choose your own
Table manner;
Cleans garbage;
Clean up the bed;
Spend the money;
Lock and unlock the door;
Call the police or the fire department;
Saving etc.
4.1.3 Planting and Urturing Strong Morals Language as a Manager
The formula of the mother tongue as a manager is the
stage of the child to follow the rules that have been
agreed with his parents. The establishment of
regulatory principles that regulation is not just a rules,
the regulation of one of attitude and behavior
habituation, children sometimes need sanction for
awareness. Make a non-punished sanction because
sanctions give effect something must happen, making
the child uncomfortable with a relatively short period
of time. To be successful requires supervision and
upbringing from parents, instilling values on
respecting the rules and following the rules of mutual
agreement, the child will learn to appreciate the
discipline, the child will have the stimulus, the child
will have self-concept, and sanction is a symbol of
success. It is also a child's process of solving its own
problems why because the parents will not live
immersed with the child. In applying managerial to
children, especially positive discipline, there are
various strategies that must be understood so that
there is no mistake in communicating with the child
so that the impact when adult, one according to
Gossen (1993) five control positions, (1) Punisher,
rebuked, pointing, hurt, and sneer. (2) Guilter, blame,
embarrassment and focus on mistakes. (3) Buddy,
using praise, persuasion, and joke, this will lead to not
learning discipline as this will be trivial to him. (4)
Monitor, using rules and consequences, and (5) the
manager, focuses on what the child believes, the
strong relationship between the child and the parent,
teaches the child to solve his own problems, and the
motivation grows from within himself. How to make
good rules, (1) Declared in positive sentences, (2)
Consisting of few revelations, since children cannot
remember too many rules, (3) Must be enforceable,
otherwise delete them, (4) Not working, (5) Made
with children and understood by children, and (6)
When rules are violated, something must happen. Principles of Sanctions and
According to Septriana Murdiani (2011), the
application of sanctions should be based on
regulations. Must not apply sanctions before the rule.
The objectives of the regulations and sanctions are:
Develop basic attitudes and behaviors;
Maintain safety;
Maintain rights and public interests;
Keep harmony;
Keep the benefits;
Enforce the agreement.
Rules-making tips and implementation sanctions
for early childhood:
Rules are stated positively;
Implementation of Mother Language in Early Childhood
Better with few points;
A single point of regulation should be enforced
Non-functional rules should be changed;
Children are involved in making rules and are
given time to understand better;
Give some time for the children to cultivate it;
When the rules are in force, and violated,
something must happen;
Distinguish between rules and procedures;
The rules should be written and displayed.
The life of the community, especially the family is
inseparable from the existing value system in society,
the family order depicts the future of the next society.
Growing values in the family should be verbal and
non-verbal. Mother language is also a method and
tools that is composed of some of the possibilities in
a family to educate and reconcile the children in doing
the activity and provide learning in applying the
properties of the good environment with full of love
and affection. Methods of communication Mother
tongue for early childhood has three formulas Mother
Language as a manifestation of the language of love
in attitude and behavior, has 3 simple formula, that is
1) Flowing sense, 2) Planting and caring for good
habits, and 3) Planting and nurturing strong morals.
Be assured that mothers have more psychological
closeness than fathers, the kind that can be learn from
a mother, because the mother is able to feel the
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