Reflective Learning
Teachers’ Failure in Choosing Learning Method is One Source of Students’
Learning Problem and Misconception
Sandi Budi Iriawan
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Students’misconception, Students’learning Problem, Reflective Learning.
Abstract: Reflection is a meta-cognitive activity performed by teachers after learning process has finished. Through
reflection, teacher can re-evaluate the learning process, in terms of whether or not the learning objectives are
achieved. The achievement of learning objectives is inseparable from teacher’s intervention in implementing
appropriate and suitable teaching method based on the characteristics of the subject, the structure of the
material, and the students’ characteristics. Every subject has its own unique characteristic, which requires
different methods for teaching the materials and topics of the subject (Subject-Specific Pedagogic). In
addition, the structures of materials are also unique. The characteristics of these structure includes factual
knowledge, conceptual knowledge, and procedural knowledge. All these knowledge requires teacher to
implement suitable methods (Pedagogical Content/Knowledge). Teacher’s error in selecting and
implementing teaching method will affect students’ achievement. Such error may cause students’ difficulties
in learning and results in students’ misconception. Ideally, before teaching, a teacher should know the
students’ characteristics first, particularly concerning their prior skills and knowledge of the material to be
taught. Students’ difficulties of learning and their misconception about the pre-requisite materials will cause
further misconception on future materials. It is because topics or materials of a subject are intertwined. A
professional teacher will implement many teaching method during the lesson, because he realizes that the
structures of materials the students need to master vary. Therefore, in planning a lesson as a form of pedagogic
didactic anticipation, teacher should consider the characteristics of the material and the suitable teaching
method for that material.
Reflection is an important activity to be conducted
after a lesson ends. Through reflection, teacher can
obtain valuable information concerning the activities
and difficulties of learning, as well as the
effectiveness of teaching method implemented during
a lesson. Continuous reflection will provide the
teacher with information and knowledge about how
students should learn, what teachers should do during
a lesson, and what teaching method best suits the
students’ characteristics and the structure of material.
Teacher cannot obtain this knowledge from formal
education. It can only be acquired from daily teaching
experience, forming a tacit knowledge for the teacher.
Tacit knowledge represents your reflection on what
works in your classroom, discovered over time and
through personal experience (Borich, 2011). Through
everyday experiences such as observing other
teachers, working with learners, lesson planing, and
testing and grading, you will accumulate tacit
knowledge and reflect on new ways of doing things
that can guide your actions as effectively as
knowledge from texts and formal training (Borich,
2011). This knowledge, if you take the time to reflect
on it, will add to the quality of your planning and
decision making by bringing variety and flexibility to
your lessons, leading to revisions and refinements
that can improve your unit and lesson planning
(Borich, 2011).
Every subject or discipline has its own unique
characteristics and structure of learning materials.
The structure of learning materials in each subject
generally consists of facts, concepts, principles or
generalizations, and procedures. According to
Shulman (1986), teacher needs to possess three kinds
of knowledge; the subject matter knowledge, the
Iriawan, S.
Reflective Learning - Teachers’ Failure in Choosing Learning Method is One Source of Students’ Learning Problem and Misconception.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 326-332
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
curricular knowledge, and the pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK). He further explains that PCK is
teacher’s knowledge about how to teach certain
content of material so that it can be understood by the
students and embedded in their mind for a long time.
He considers PCK as The most useful forms of
content representation, the most powerful analogies,
illustrations, examples, explanations, and
demonstrations in a world, the ways of representing
and formulating the subject that makes it
comprehensible for others (Shulman, 1986).
The ways that teacher chooses and implements to
teach students are called teaching (or learning)
methods. Teaching methods vary in every subject;
they depend on the characteristics of the students and
the structure of the learning material. Teaching
methods includes observation, experiment,
discussion, demonstration, lecture, discovery, study
trip, role playing, expository, assignment, modeling,
presentation, simulation, and others.
Kurniawan (2014) notes that “method is way or
technique to achieve certain specific objective; since
in learning there is more than one objective, there
should also be more than one method of teaching.”
He further states that teaching method is closely
related with learning objective to be achieved. The
learning objectives is formulated in the form of basic
competencies the students have to master at the end
of the learning. The Decree of Indonesian National
Education Ministry No. 41 Year 2007 on the Standard
Process of Education regulates that “basic
competencies are a series of skills the students have
to master in any given subject as the reference to
formulate competencies indicator for that subject.”
Basic competencies are the description of the
standard competencies set by the Ministry of National
Educaion. Standard competencies are the minimum
qualification of students that represents their mastery
of knowledge, attitudes, and skills expected to be
acquired by the end of each class and/or semester.”
Students achievement of standard competencies are
measured using the competencies achievement
Competencies achievement indicators are
formulated by teachers in operational action words
which can be observed and/or measured for the
purpose of evaluating students’ learning result
(achievement) and evaluating the effectiveness of the
learning. A competency achievement indicator
consists of action verb/attitude and learning material
that students have to master. Teacher needs to analyze
the materials contained in the basic competency or
achievement indicators before designing lesson plan.
By doing so, teacher ensures that the materials (the
facts, concepts, principles, and procedures) can be
identified and presented in sequential,
interrelated,and gradual way to determine the
appropriate teaching method for the material.
Learning material analysis is necessary to
formulate pedagogic didactic anticipations about how
students should learn and how teacher should teach.
Through such anticipations, teacher predicts students’
difficulties in learning certain material delivered with
certain teaching method. This prediction will allow
teacher to formulate and implement other teaching
method to overcome students’ difficulties of learning.
Implementation of unsuitable teaching method for a
certain topic may cause students’ difficulties in
learning the topic; which ends with the students have
misconception about the topic. Since topics or
materials of a subject are ideally intertwined,
students’ misconception about a certain topic will
cause further misconception about the related topics.
Hence, teacher’s anticipation and intervention in
selecting and implementing teaching method is
important to prevent students’ difficulties in learning
and students’ misconception about certain topics.
Therefore, teacher has to develop his knowledge
about various teaching methods and structures and
characteristics of materials. Teacher also needs to
adjust the teaching method to suit the structure of
material. In other words, teacher has to develop his
knowledge about the pedagogy of material for every
subject (Pedagogical Content Knowledge/PCK).
Learning is a process of finding out and developing
knowledge conducted by students with the help of
teacher to achieve the learning objectives. Learning is
more than mere information transfer from teacher to
students; it is an active process involving students’
body and mind to acquire the knowledge they need.
This is in line with Vargas (2009) that unfortunately,
presenting is not teaching. You could present a
brilliant lecture in an empty room. Explaining and
demonstrating is often part of the teaching process.
The process of learning consists of a series of stages,
phases, or syntax of students’ activities, from the
beginning to the end of the lesson, to achieve certain
learning objectives. This process is called the learning
model. In a learning model, teacher can implement
various ways or methods; called the learning method;
to ensure that the students master the material
Teacher plays a very important role in learning
process. Teacher’s intervention in learning
Reflective Learning - Teachers’ Failure in Choosing Learning Method is One Source of Students’ Learning Problem and Misconception
determines the effectiveness of the learning process.
Thus, a teacher should always re-examine and
evaluate the learning process he has delivered. This
activity is often called reflective teaching. Ryan and
Cooper (2010), notes that Ideally, rather than relying
on authority, impulse, or unexamined previous
practice, teacher will continually examine and
evaluate their attitudes, practices, effectiveness, and
accomplishments. This process of examination and
evaluation is often called reflective teaching.
On the same note, Orlich (2010) states that
reflection is an active mental process that master
teachers use consistently as they interact with
students and the curriculum. Curriculum is everything
related with learning, so that the objective of learning
can be achieved and students can master the
Teacher’s reflection is a process to solve learning
problems and to make strategic decisions integrated
in teacher’s professional activities to ensure that
learning processes in the future can be better.
Reflective teaching (or learning) may begin with
teacher’s reflective questions; the ‘what’, ‘why’, and
‘how’ of the learning process he has conducted.
“What have I done during the lesson?”;
“What have the students done during the
“What difficulties do the students find during
the lesson?”;
“Why do the difficulties occur?”;
“How should the teacher teach and the students
learn in this kind of lesson?”.
These questions will guide the teacher to plan a
more effective lesson; for example, by selecting more
appropriate learning methods and strategy is based on
students’ characteristics and the materials. Thus, a
reflective teacher will always analyze the lesson he
has delivered to improve future lessons. Orlich (2010)
suggests that the characteristics of reflective teachers
Care about students;
Understand the social context of schooling;
Curious and always question assumptions;
Know content;
Identify problems or issues;
Collect relevant data;
Construct a plan of operation;
Use many instructional strategies;
Practice problem-solving strategies;
Think prospectively and retrospectively;
Realize that reflection is cyclical;
Evaluate the results and processes used.
Based on these statements, the process of
reflective teaching (or learning) is highly influenced
by the teacher’s knowledge of curriculum, content of
the material, and pedagogy (pedagogical content
knowledge/PCK). The lack of this knowledge will
prevent a teacher to effectively reflect about lessons
and to develop learning. A third type of knowledge
shown by effective teachers is pedagogical content
knowledge, the knowledge that bridges content
knowledge and pedagogy (Ryan and Cooper, 2010).
Pedagogical content knowledge represents the
blending of content and pedagogy into an
understanding of how particular topics, problems, or
issues are organized, represented, and adapted to the
diverse interests and abilities of learners, and
presented for instruction (Ryan and Cooper, 2010).
According to Ryan and Cooper (2010), PCK is
teacher’s knowledge about how to deliver certain
topics, problems, and issues so that students can
understand them. Teacher who lacks PCK tends to
find it difficult to implement teaching methods, which
causes him to err in selecting the appropriate and
suitable learning method based on students’
characteristic and materials. This error leads to
students’ difficulties in learning the topic which, in
turn, results in students’ misconception about the
topic, and the future related topics, as illustrated in the
following diagram in figure 1.
Figure 1: The effect of unsuitable teaching methods.
The diagram illustrates how a teacher’s error in
determining and implementing appropriate and
suitable teaching method for a certain topic may
cause students’ difficulties in learning the topic;
which ends with the students have misconception
about the topic. Since topics or materials of a subject
are ideally intertwined, students’ misconception
about a certain topic will cause further misconception
about the related topics. Cockburn and Littler (2008)
note that you feel that simply knowing the
misconceptions children hold is not enough and are
intrigued to delve further into why children
experience these particular difficulties. Teacher’s
follow up to handle students’ misconception may be
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
translated into actions to investigate the underlying
causes. They further states that “we will now illustrate
each stage of the theory to help you develop your
teaching strategies to enable children gain a deeper
mathematical understanding and, in so doing, lessen
the chance of them developing misconceptions”.To
lessen students’ misconception about a certain topic,
teacher has to construct a strategy and develop a
suitable teaching method so that the students can have
deeper understanding of the topic.
Ideally, reflective teaching of a teacher should
focus not only on the learning process and materials
he has delivered, but also on the students’
characteristics and students’ interaction with the
material. Orlich (2010) notes that “teachers
sometimes forget about the learner and concentrate on
the teaching process or on what is being taught; if
lesson planning is to be a useful task; it must always
focus on the interaction between what is to be learned
and the learner”. This means that before a teacher
teaches, he should know the students’ characteristics
first, particularly concerning their prior skills and
knowledge of the material to be taught.
Reflective teaching may begins with what the
teacher finds after the lesson; including students’
achievement. Then, the teacher reflects the learning
process he has delivered, in terms of what he finds
after the lesson. He then should reexamine the
learning objectives to ensure that the learning process
is suitable to achieve those objectives. In short,
reflective teaching is a reciprocal activity; from
formulating learning objectives, implementing
learning, to evaluating students’ achievement. The
following diagram illustrates the process in figure 2.
Figure 2: Reflective teaching process.
Concerning experienced teachers, Stringer (2009)
argues that They understand the need to take into
account the diverse abilities and characteristics of
their students, the complex body of knowledge and
skills that students must acquire, and the diverse
learning activities that need to be engaged. An
experienced teacher will begin the lesson by
identifying students’ skills, knowledge, and
characteristics, to ensure that the learning process is
not merely a transfer of teacher’s knowledge, but also
a process through which students can acquire the
information and knowledge they need.
The types of knowledge students need to master
or acquire, according to Anderson, include factual
knowledge, conceptual knowledge, procedural
knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge. This
paper will focus its discussion on the factual,
conceptual, and procedural knowledge. Sapriya et al.
(2009) defines facts as information that
exists/happens in daily life, which is guaranteed to be
true. Facts are the foundation of concepts, principles,
and theories. Facts represent the truth or nature of
things. Since facts are obtained from observation,
they reflect observable phenomena or objects.
Concept is an abstraction of events, objects, or
phenomena that have certain characteristic or symbol
or label which help people to recognize, understand,
and comprehend the events, objects, or phenomena.
Principles are the result of generalization of
relationship among concepts. Procedures are related
with how to do or conduct certain activities.
An experienced teacher will choose his teaching
method based on the characteristics of the material to
be taught. Joyce (2009) argues that teaching and
learning have two main targets; the material target
and the process target. Material target includes
information, concepts, theories, mindset, values, and
other materials students need to learn. The process
target includes students’ way of learning, facilitated
by the teacher, to actively and effectively participate
in the lesson. In addition, Joyce (2009) notes that
learning process is inseparable from the material
target that the students need to master. The following
table 1 contains the overview of relationship between
teaching/learning methods and the characteristics of
Reflective Learning - Teachers’ Failure in Choosing Learning Method is One Source of Students’ Learning Problem and Misconception
learning material or knowledge the students are
expected to acquire.
Table 1: The overview of relationship between
teaching/learning methods and the characteristics of
learning material or knowledge the students are expected to
Teacher need to analyze the learning material
contained in a basic competency, so that no important
material is missed in the lesson. Arends (2009) states
that “...choosing content can only be done after
careful analysis and inquiry into students’ prior
knowledge, the teacher’s understanding of the subject
matter, and the nature of the subject itself”. Students’
prior knowledge concerning certain topic may be pre-
requisite competencies to master a basic competency;
which is the minimum competency students have to
master after learning. The achievement or acquisition
of pre-requisite competencies and basic competency
is indicated by competency achievement indicators.
Teacher needs to implement appropriate and suitable
learning method, by considering the indicators and
pre-requisite competencies, so that students can
acquire certain basic competency. Salend (2011)
suggests that “When choosing methods to
differentiate instruction, you should address students’
learning style and preferences”. Students’ prior
knowledge about certain topic determines teacher’s
success in implementing appropriate teaching
Figure 3: Different prior knowledge about any given topic.
In figure 3 illustration shows that students have
different prior knowledge about any given topic. An
experienced teacher will identify students’ prior
knowledge first before beginning the lesson about the
core topic of the basic competency. This is necessary
so that teacher knows exactly where to start the
lesson. In the illustration above, the acquisition of the
basic competency (BC) at the top-most ladder
depends on the acquisition of its pre-requisite
competencies (PC 1, PC 2, and PC 3). Students’
learning begins at the lowest step and ends at the
highest step. It goes through several stages of
teaching (or learning) model. The steps are teaching
method; the activities of teacher to facilitate students
achieving the BC. Concerning this, Borich (2011)
states that some of the characteristics of your learners
that will influence your instruction are their specific
abilities, prior knowledge, learning styles, and home
and family lives. These are the “windows” through
which you will see the special needs of your learners
and begin to plan for them (Borich, 2011). Planning
with respect to your learners begins by consciously
noting their unique abilities and experiences that can
provide you the opportunity to select content,
materials, objectives, and methods that match
theircurrent level of understanding and meet their
special learning needs (Borich, 2011).
The following is an example of the
implementation of basic competencies analysis
process until it becomes anticipatory learning
experience. In this example, the subject is
Mathematics and the topic is Characteristics of
Simple Geometric Shapes of Cube and Cuboid. The
Basic Competency for this topic is ‘understanding the
characteristics of simple geometric shapes of cube
and cuboid’.
Before the teacher begins the lesson about
Characteristics of Simple Geometric Shapes of Cube
and Cuboid, he has to realize that students will not be
able to master the characteristics if they do not know
cube-shaped and cuboid-shaped objects, and their
building blocks; including sides, edges, and corners.
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
This means that the teacher will have to think about
the pre-requisite competencies the students have to
master before they learn about this basic competency.
The following figure 4 illustrates the relationship
between the dimensions of knowledge and the six
dimensions of competencies in this topic.
Figure 4: The relationship between the dimensions of knowledge and the six dimensions of competencies in this topic.
Each indicator, in pre-requisite competencies and
in basic competencies, is facilitated by a package of
learning process consisted of teacher’s and students’
activities. A learning process for an indicator consists
of several learning methods. The sequence of learning
process, from the pre-requisite competencies to basic
competencies, is the learning model that facilitates
students to master the minimum competencies (basic
competencies). The learning model consists of
observation, question and answer, lecture, and
discovery methods.
The learning activities for the basic competencies
above can also be done through observation and Q
&A (question and answer) activities, as illustrated
Teacher: “Could you give me an example of
cube object in this classroom?”
Student: “The box of chalk “
Teacher: “Observe! Which part is the sides of
this box?”
Students: “the flanks”
Teacher: “Now, tell me, how many sides does
this box of chalk have?”
Students: “six”
Teacher: “What is the characteristic of this
Students: “it has six sides”
Teacher: “Now, could you give me an example
of cuboid object in this classroom?”
Student: “Pencil case”
Teacher: “Observe! Which part is the sides of
this pencil case?
Students:“the flanks”
Teacher: “Tell me, how many sides does this
pencil case have?”
Students: “six”
Teacher: “What is the characteristic of this
pencil case?”
Students: “it has six sides”
Teacher: “So, what is the characteristic of cube
and cuboid shapes?”
Students: “they have six sides”
And so on.
Both series of activities can be used to guide the
students until they are able to find the characteristics
of simple geometric shapes of cube and cuboid; i.e.
they have six sides, twelve edges, and eight corners.
Teacher’s error in determining and implementing
the appropriate learning method in this topic, for
instance only lecturing the class, may result in
students’ difficulties in learning the topic. For the
instance of the characteristics of cube and cuboid
shapes, the knowledge may not be well-structured in
students’ minds, which leads to their misconception
Reflective Learning - Teachers’ Failure in Choosing Learning Method is One Source of Students’ Learning Problem and Misconception
about the topic. For example, students may think that
“cube-shaped objects are NOT cuboid,” while the
correct concept is “cube-shaped objects ARE also
cuboid-shaped objects.”
Reflecting about learning (lesson) is an important
activity for teachers in their efforts to improve the
quality of learning process. Teachers’ finding
concerning students’ achievement or learning result
will be examined in a series of continuous, reflective
activities. For instance, if a teacher finds that students
have misconception, he can review the students’
difficulties in learning, and review the learning
process that causes students’ difficulties and
misconception about certain subjects. The quality of
learning process is determined by teachers’ accuracy
in implementing learning method based on students’
characteristics and teaching materials. Teachers’
error and failure in selecting and implementing the
appropriate learning method is the source of students’
difficulties and misconception in learning.
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ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences