The Effectiveness of Symbolic Modeling Techniques for Students’
Emphatic Development
Sindi Tia Nopianti and Anne Hafina
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia,
Keywords: Symbolic Modeling, Empathy.
Abstract: Empathy is an important competence to be developed because empathy is the basis of social skills that can
makes individual will have better social interaction and be able to socialize. Symbolic modeling technique
is a technique in guidance and counseling to provide assistance by observing the behavior through video,
film, pictures and stories. This research’s purpose was to test the effectiveness of symbolic modeling
technique in developing the empathy of students of 8
Grader of a Junior High School in Indonesia in
2015/2016 academic year. The method used was quasi experiment with nonequivalent control group
research design. The data was analyzed by using nonparametric statistics through Mann-Whitney test.
Based on the Mann-Whitney test in the experimental group, the significance value is 0.005. The value of
significance is smaller than α = 0.05, means that there is a significant difference between the experimental
group’s pre-test and post-test data. While in the control group, the significance value of Mann Whitney
test result is 0.857. The value of significance is greater than α = 0.05, means that there is no significant
difference between the control group's pre-test and post-test data. Thus, show that the symbolic modeling
technique is effective to develop the students’ empathy.
Empathy is a very important thing in human life,
because the ability of empathy will affect the social
skills of a person. As Martin (2003) points out,
empathy is the basis of all social skills. Individuals
who have the ability of empathy can master the
social skills necessarily in everyday life so that the
individual will have good social interaction and be
able to socialize with the environment. The
importance of empathy is also explained by
Hoffman (Goleman, 2000) which mentions that the
root of morality is existed in empathy. The statement
indicates that adolescence’s moral life will be grown
if teens have the empathy.
Some experts define empathy as an affective
response and cognitive response. Affective empathy
is defined as a person's response to the feelings of
others demonstrated by the ability to feel what
others feel, whereas cognitive empathy is defined as
understanding of the feelings of others (Cohen and
Wheelwright, 2004; Baron and Byrne, 2005).
Goleman (2005) suggests that empathy is feeling the
way others feel, being able to understand others'
perspectives, cultivating relationships of trust and
aligning with others. McLaren (2013) states that
empathy is a social and emotional skill that helps
individuals to feel and understand the emotions,
desires, intentions, thoughts, and needs of others.
McLaren (2013) reveals that empathy consists of
six aspects: Emotion Contagion is one's capacity to
feel the emotions of others and share emotions;
Empathic Accuracy is the ability to identify and
understand the emotional condition, thoughts, and
intentions in yourself and others accurately; Emotion
regulation is the ability to understand, organize, and
manage your own emotions and have self-
awareness; Perspective Taking (Perspective Taking)
is an imaginative skill in locating oneself in other
people's side, viewing the situation through others'
point of view, and precisely perceiving what others
feel and thinking so as to understand what they may
want or need; Concern for others is to pay attention
and affection to other things; Perceptive
Engagement (Perceptive Engagement) is one's
involvement to help others according to the person's
According to Santrock (2007) in adolescence,
ideally has been able to show response with
empathy, but not everyone can do it. Hogan (1984)
Nopianti, S. and Hafina, A.
The Effectiveness of Symbolic Modeling Techniques for Students’ Emphatic Development.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences (ICES 2017) - Volume 1, pages 38-45
ISBN: 978-989-758-314-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
reveals that adolescents with high empathic ability
have the ability to show imaginative roles, aware of
influence on others, have a sense of social
understanding, have a sense of understanding and
affection towards others, able to take initiative to
help others both familiar and unfamiliar persons.
Furthermore, someone who has high empathy tends
to increase the motivation to offer support.
In the other side, teenagers who lack in empathy
will lead to antisocial behavior (Santrock, 2007).
Lack of empathy will lead to a cruel and violent life.
Some teenagers who commit acts of violence show
that teenagers are less able to understand the
suffering of others, such as cases of violence that
done by teenagers, juvenile delinquency, aggression,
bullying both physical and verbal (mocking, cursing,
etc.). The occurrence of cases of violence and
juvenile delinquency such as bullying is a testament
to the lack of empathy of teenagers.
A preliminary study conducted with observations
of 8th Grader students of a Junior High School in
Indonesia shows some attitudes that indicate the
students are lack of empathy. One example is the
existence of juvenile delinquency cases such as
bullying that is done verbally (insulting and mocking
his friends, saying harsh words to others) or
nonverbal (hitting, kicking, etc.), disrespecting
teachers and others, And the presence of students
who are less concerned about the condition of his
friend who absence to school several times without
any clarification.
The above situation is supported by the results of
questionnaires which indicate that the empathy
development of 8
Grader students of a Junior High
School in Indonesia in 2015/2016 academic year in
general is in the category of being moderate. The
median empathy score is 139. This means that in
general the students have tendency to empathize
with others but still not optimal, students sometimes
still cannot feel the feelings of others, tend to be
confused and hesitate to understand other people's
mind, sometimes less able to manage emotions, less
able to position themselves based on others’
perspective, lack of care for others and less desire to
engage and help of others’ difficulties. From 319
students, there were 39,8% (127 students) in high
category, 47,6% (152 students) were in moderate
category and 12,5% (40 students) were included in
low empathy category. It shows that there are some
students who still have low empathy.
School as one educational institution, has an
important role in the effort of fostering and
development of students’ empathy, especially in the
guidance and counseling domain. In comprehensive
guidance and counseling students are expected to
acquire important skills in contributing to culturally
diverse societies (Ahman in Supriatna, 2011).
According to the Ministry of National Education
(2008), one of the goals of guidance and counseling
is that students are expected to have the ability to
adjust to the environment and have the ability to
interact socially, respect and appreciate others.
One technique in guidance and counseling that is
appropriate in providing assistance to develop the
empathy of students is by symbolic modeling
techniques. Symbolic modeling technique is one
type of modeling technique in behavioral counseling
approach. Through the technique of symbolic
modeling students observe the behavior of models
presented through written materials, audio, video,
film or pictures. According to Santrock (2003) most
individual behaviors are derived from learning
outcomes through observations of behavior
displayed by other modeled individuals. Related
with the use of symbolic modeling techniques to
develop the empathy of junior high school students
is seen as an appropriate technique because at the
age of junior high school students still have a great
interest for visualization of pictures, for example
with video display in such a way to attract students.
In addition, through the technique of symbolic
modeling, students can identify and analyze the
behavior of the expected model and students can
model and change behavior in accordance with the
expected behavior in the social environment.
Several previous studies have observed the use
of symbolic modeling techniques in the guidance
and counseling field. The studies include research
that observed the application of symbolic modeling
techniques to improve self-efficacy (Sari, 2014;
Sadewi, Sugiharto, and Nusantoro, 2012); the
symbolic modeling technique can be used to
improve social skills (Keller and Carlson, 1974;
Eisenberg in Taufik, 2012; Gedler, 2011), the
symbolic modeling technique can enhance emotional
intelligences (Mandala, Dantes, and Setuti, 2013),
and it can help to reduce environmental avoidance
behaviors (Bandura and Menlove, 1968). This study
aims to describe the use of symbolic modeling
techniques to improve an aspect of social skills that
have not been explored from the above studies,
namely empathy aspect that appears in Indonesian
adolescent students. The students who observed are
8th Grader students of a Junior High School in
Indonesia in 2015/2016 academic year.
The Effectiveness of Symbolic Modeling Techniques for Students’ Emphatic Development
The research method used in this research is quasi
experimental or quasi experiment method with
nonequivalent control group design. This research
provides guidance service by using symbolic
modeling technique in experiment class, while
control group is given counseling service according
to school program.
The population of this study is students who are
administratively registered and active in learning in
Grader of a Junior High School in Indonesia in
2015/2016 academic year. The sampling technique
used in this research is purposive sampling. In this
study, the researcher used an existing group, which
is a class of study groups, because according to
Creswell (2014) the sample used in quasi
experiments is a group that has been formed
naturally or existing one (such as one class, one
organization or family unit). Samples taken into the
experimental group and the control group are the
group of students who have the lowest empathy
level compared to the other classes. Based on the
results of the preliminary study, the students who
become experimental groups are 8
G Grader
students of a Junior High School in Indonesia in
2015/2016 academic year. The students who become
the control group are 8
J Grader students of a Junior
High School in Indonesia in 2015/2016 academic year.
The instrument used for data collecting tool in
this study is a questionnaire containing a number of
written statements to reveal the level of empathy of
Grader students of a Junior High School in Indonesia
in 2015/2016 academic year. The development of
the students empathy instrument framework refers
to the six aspects of empathy expressed by Karla
McLaren (2013) namely: emotion contagion
(emotion spread), empathic accuracy, emotion
regulation, perspective taking, concern for other
people (concern for other), and perceptive
engagement (perceptive engagement).
The scoring formulation in this study was
developed using Likert scoring with 5 alternative
answers, which are; very suitable (SS),
corresponding (S), less appropriate (KS), unsuitable
(TS), and highly inappropriate (STS). The degree of
reliability of the developed empathy instrument is at
a very high degree of reliability with a reliability
coefficient of 0.931.
The criteria for successful use of symbolic
modeling techniques to develop empathy are
characterized by increasing median empathy scores
of experimental class students and compared with
changes in median scores of control groups. In this
study, the data were analyzed using non-parametric
statistics through Mann Whitney test.
The formulated hypothesis is as follows:
: There is no significant difference between the
pre-test score and the post-test score in the
experimental group.
: There is a significant difference between the
pre-test score and the post-test score in the
experimental group.
With the following test criteria:
If the probability is (sig) (alpha) 0.05 then H
accepted. If the probability is (sig) (alpha) 0.05
then H
is rejected.
Next is a hypothesis testing performed to
compare pre-test scores with post-test scores in the
control group through the Mann Whitney test.
The formulated hypothesis is as follows:
: There was no significant difference between
pre-test score and post-test score in the control
: There was a significant difference between the
pre-test score and the post-test score in the
control group.
With the following test criteria:
If the probability is (sig) (alpha) 0.05 then H
If the probability is (sig) (alpha) 0.05 then H
The development of the empathy of 8
students of a Junior High School in Indonesia in
2015/2016 academic year is generally moderate.
The median empathy score is 139. This means that
in general the student has a tendency to empathize
with others but still not optimal, students
sometimes still cannot feel the feelings of others,
tend to be confused and hesitate to understand
other people's mind, sometimes less able to manage
emotions, less able to position themselves based on
the perspective of others, lack of care for others
and less desire to engage and help others’
difficulties. From 319 students, there were 39,8%
(127 students) in high category, 47,6% (152
students) were in moderate category and 12,5% (40
students) were included in low empathy category.
It shows that there are still students who have low
Students who become experimental groups are
G Grader students of a Junior High School in
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Indonesia in 2015/2016 academic year. Median score
achievement level empathy of students in
experiment group that is 131,5. The score indicates
that the level of empathy of the experimental class is
in moderate category. This means that students in
the experimental group have not been able to show
an optimal empathy or have not been able to achieve
the best empathy level. The behavior of students
who are in the category of moderate were shown by
the attitude that sometimes still less able to feel the
feelings of others, tend to be confused and hesitant
to understand the minds of others, sometimes less
able in managing emotions, less able to position
themselves based on the viewpoint of others, caring
for others and lacking the desire to engage and help
the difficulties of others. In more detail, out of 30
students of the experimental group showed that 30%
(9 students) were in the high category, 46.7% (14
students) were in the moderate category, and 23.3%
(7 students) were in low category.
The students who become the control group are
J Grader students of a Junior High School in
Indonesia in 2015/2016 academic year. The median
score of the control group was 132.0. It shows that
the median achievement of students’ empathy was in
medium category. In more detail based on the results
of control group data processing showed that out of
28 students 32% (8 students) were in high category,
46% (13 students) were in moderate category, and
25% (7 students) were in low category.
The results of post-test data processing in the
experimental class shows that the median score
obtained was 155 then the achievement of the level
of studentsempathy in the experimental class was
in high category which means that the students have
been able to empathize with others i.e. was able to
feel the feelings of others, able to understand the
minds of other people appropriately, able to manage
emotions, able to position themselves from the
perspective of others, have a concern for others and
have a tendency to engage and help others
difficulties. Post test results showed that there was
an increase in the ability of students’ empathy. This
can be seen from the increasing of median
achievement score of students’ empathy from pre-
test result and posttest result (see Figure 1). In detail,
after an intervention in the experimental class of 30
students showed that 53.3% (16 students) were in
high category, 46.7% (14 students) were in moderate
category, and there were no students in low
Based on pre-test and post test result data in
experiment group, there are three things that can be
concluded. First, there is an increase of median
value between pre-test and post test result. The
median pre-test of the experimental group was 131.5
and the post test score was 155. Secondly, there was
a significant increase in the percentage of students
who had high empathy categories. The percentage of
students who have high empathy initially is 30% (9
students). After receiving treatment, the presentation
increased to 53.3% (16 students). Third, there is a
reduction of the percentage of students who have
low empathy category. Before getting the treatment
the percentage of students who empathize is 23.3%
(7 students). Meanwhile, after receiving treatment
there are no students who empathize low. Changes
in these three things can illustrate the influence of
the use of symbolic modeling techniques on
students' empathy in the experimental group.
The post-test data median score obtained by
control group was 136. It showed that students’
achievement of empathy level in the experimental
class was in moderate category which means that
the students’ empathy still not optimal, students
sometimes still less able to feel the feelings of
others, tend to be confused and hesitant to
understand the thoughts of others, sometimes less
able to manage emotions, less able to position
themselves from the perspective of others, lack of
care for others and have less desire to engage and
help others’ difficulties. Post test results in the
control group showed an increase in the ability of
students’ empathy as indicated by increasing
median score of pre-test results with post-test (see
Figure 1.). However, in the control group did not
show any change of category between the result of
pre-test and post-test. The description of the
frequency of the control group participants (post-
test) of 28 students showed that 18% (5 students)
were in high category, 61% (17 students) were in
moderate category and 21% (6 students) were in
low category.
Based on pre-test and post test results in the
control group, there were no significant changes as
occurred in the experimental group. The median
value between the pre-test and post test results in the
control group only increased by 4 points. While in
the experimental group increased by 23.5 points. In
addition, there are striking differences in the
percentage of students who empathize. The result of
pre-test shows that the percentage of students who
empathize is 32% (8 students) and post test result
shows the decrease percentage to 18% (5 students).
In addition, despite the reduction in low-empathy
student presentations, the decline was not as much as
in the experimental group. These three things
indicate a difference between the groups presented
The Effectiveness of Symbolic Modeling Techniques for Students’ Emphatic Development
symbolic modeling techniques and groups that do
not get the treatment.
Changes in median scores of pre-test and post
test results in the experimental and control groups
can be seen in Figure 1.
In more detail, the median empathy score of
students after guidance services provided in the
experimental group and control group based on each
aspect can be seen in Table 1.
In Table 1, it can be seen that all aspects in the
experimental group showed a higher median score
than the control group.
However, in the emotion contagion, emotion
regulation, perspective taking, and concern for other
aspects of the experimental and control groups are
still in the moderate category. While the emphatic
accuracy and perceptive engagement aspects of the
experimental group had a change of category from
moderate to high. Based on these data, it shows that
the experimental group has increased empathy score.
Figure 1: Changes in median scores on the result of pre-test and post-test of the experimental group and control group.
Table 1: Description of achievement level of each empathy aspect in experiment group and control group (post-test).
Experimental Group
Control Group
Median Score
ian Score
Median Score
Concern For
In general, the control group also increased the
score of empathy although not given guidance
services through symbolic modeling techniques.
However, on the aspects of emotion contagion, there
is a decrease in median score.
Further Mann Whitney test results can be seen in
Table 2. From the table above it can be seen that the
significance value is 0.005. The value of
significance is smaller than α = 0.05, it can be
concluded that Ho is accepted. This means that there
is a significant difference between the pre-test data
and the post-test data of the experimental group.
Based on this test, it shows that there is a significant
change in students’ empathy after being given
intervention services through symbolic modeling
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
Table 2: Mann Whitney test results of pre-test and post-
test data in experimental group.
Test Statistics
Experimental Group
Mann-Whitney U
Wilcoxon W
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
a. Grouping Variable: Group
Mann Whitney test by IBM SPSS Statistics 21
software is used to analyze Pre-test and Post-Test
Data in this Control Group. Mann Whitney test
results are presented in Table 3. From Table 3 it can
be seen that the significance value is 0.857. The
value of significance is greater than α = 0.05, it can
be concluded that H
is accepted. It means that there
is no significant difference between the pre-test data
and post-test data of the control group.
Table 3: Mann Whitney test results of Pre-test with Post-
test Data of Control Group.
Test Statistics
Control Groups
Mann-Whitney U
Wilcoxon W
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed)
Based on the results of hypothesis test above, it
shows that there are significant differences between
the pre-test score and post-test score of the
experimental group. And there was no significant
difference between the pre-test score and post-test
score in the control group. It can be interpreted that
the technique of symbolic modeling is effective to
develop students’ empathy.
Symbolic modeling techniques is effective for
developing students empathy, as also states by
Bandura (Inskipp, 2012) that most human behavior
is learned through model observation and people
learn more easily using that way. In addition, the
effectiveness of symbolic modeling techniques to
develop empathy is also supported by the
implementation of interventions in accordance with
the procedure of execution of symbolic modeling
First, in the attention process of symbolic
modeling techniques, students observed the model
presented through film, video or story. By observing
the model, the observer abstracts the behavior that is
relevant to them and then often they adopt that
behavior and perform it (Bandura in Gredler, 2011).
Some experts also find that the empathy of children
is also formed by seeing how others react when
someone is sad; by imitating what they see, they
develop a repertoire of empathetic responses mainly
to help others in distress (Goleman, 2000).
Furthermore, in the implementation of
intervention students retell the story line of the
video, film and stories that have been observed.
These activities show the retention process. In these
activities, the students represent verbally about what
has been observed and obtained from the results of
their observations. According to Bandura
(Lefrancois, 2006; Hergenhahn and Olson, 2010)
model behavior will be more easily remembered by
observers if visual information is changed into
verbal code or described by words. After the
information obtained from the observation it will be
stored cognitively and the observer can retrieve,
repeat and reinforce sometime after symbolic
modeling occurred.
In the implementation of the intervention, the
students also carry out the exercises to show the
behavior demonstrated by the model, in which the
students can directly feel the specific event. Students
also do the exercises in the appropriate manner of
disclosure or communication to do when dealing
with certain situations presented through student
worksheet. In symbolic modeling technique, the
process shows the process of behavior configuration.
According to Cormier (in Nursalim, 2013) to refine
symbolic modeling technique, it is helpful for
guidance and counseling teachers or counselors to
test the modeled behaviors so that the students can
have experience in practicing them. This experiment
includes several things i.e. the use of language, the
order of model behavior and feedback. In the
exercise, the individual will observe and compare
his or her own behavior with the behavior shown by
the model so that the person can correct his or her
own behavior.
In the last stage, researchers provide
reinforcements to the students in order to model the
positive behavior shown by the model. This activity
is one of the activities that occur in the motivational
process. According to Bandura (1997, p. 90) people
are more likely to exhibit behaviors that are modeled
when showing rewarded results than if they have
unfavorable or punitive effects. As Alwisol (2011,
pp.292-293) pointed out that there are three effects
of symbolic modeling technique. The first one is
studying new behavior. The second impact is that
the behavioral model serves as a social drive to
initiate the same behavior in others. The third impact
is to strengthen or weaken the restraint to perform
certain behaviors. The socially acceptable behavior
of models can strengthen the responses that
observers already have. Behavioral models that are
The Effectiveness of Symbolic Modeling Techniques for Students’ Emphatic Development
not socially acceptable may strengthen or weaken
the observer for the behavior that is not socially
acceptable. If unacceptable behavior is rewarded
then the observer's response tends to imitate the
behavior, but if the unacceptable behavior is
punished then the observer's response becomes
The media used in conducting the intervention
will affect the effectiveness to develop students’
empathy. In this research, videos and stories were
used as the media. By observing videos or stories,
students can imagine themselves on the characters
that are modeled. It can train the students to feel the
emotions they feel, identify the emotions and
thoughts of the characters, train emotional
regulation, and train the students to take perspective
from the perspective of others. In addition, the
empathetic values contained in a video or story can
also train students to show their concern for others
and observe how the actions performed by the
modeled figure.
The effectiveness of guidance activities through
symbolic modeling techniques is also supported by
social interactions in students’ environment. As
Bandura (in Gredler, 2011) notes the social
environment provides many opportunities for
individuals to acquire complex skills and abilities
through model behavioral observations and its
consequences. However, people do not passively
take in everything they hear and see. Cognitive
internal personal factors, affective, and biological
event and external-environment operate as
determinants of interactions that affect each other
(Bandura, 1997).
Based on that theory, it can be said that by
showing the model through group setting can also
give effect because there will be stronger interaction
between individuals, environment and behavior, so it
is possible through group setting not only symbolic
modeling that occurred but also social there is
strengthening process from friends within the group.
In addition, one's cognitive abilities may also
influence the effectiveness of symbolic modeling
techniques to develop empathy. With such cognitive
ability, one can acquire new behaviors from
observing the model. Alwisol (2011) reveals that the
ability of intelligence to think symbolically becomes
a powerful tool for dealing with the environment.
Behavioral models that become stimuli will be
transformed into mental images and verbal symbols
that can be recalled in the future. This symbolic
cognitive skill allows one to transform what it learns
or combine what it observes in various situations
into new behavioral patterns (Alwisol, 2011).
At the age of junior high school students have a
cognitive ability to analyze a situation, and able to
think abstractly. As Santrock (2012) has pointed out
that adolescent has the ability to manipulate
situations or events that are purely hypotheses or
abstract proportions to reality, and try to think
logically to it. Papalia, DE (2012) also revealed that
at this stage the individual has had the ability to
analyze, the ability to develop proportions and draw
generalizations and inferences from different
categories of objects, can use symbols to symbolize
and can integrate what they have learned with future
challenges and making plans for the future. In the
retention phase students are able to analyze the
meaning contained in the video or story, able to
internalize it in their selves and able to correlate and
apply it in everyday life reality.
This research can strengthen previous studies
which reveal that modeling techniques can be used
to develop empathetic students. This research shows
the technique of symbolic modeling is effective to
develop five aspects of empathy, namely emotion
contagion, empathic accuracy, emotion regulation,
concern for other and perceptive engagement. But it
has not been effective yet to develop perspective
taking. One of the factors causing the ineffectiveness
of symbolic modeling techniques to develop
perspective taking is the factor of adolescent social
thinking. In adolescence develops an attitude of
egocentrism in the form of logical subjective
thoughts of the social problems faced in society or
life in general. Teenagers egocentrism often appears
or is shown in relation to others about their selves.
Generally, teenagers give a judgment of a situation
based on the principles exist in their kinship, peers
and rules (Ahman in Supriatna, 2011).
The results of research indicate that empathy of a
person can be obtained through learning, which can
be taught to others. However, this study does not
provide any description of empathy skills
implementation possessed by students in their daily
life. Students need support to show the ability of
empathy in everyday life. Cotton (in Kurnia, 2012)
states that empathy will flourish if children are
encouraged to identify and express emotions, and
have the opportunity to interact with others who are
role models, and encourage them to be sensitive to
the emotional needs of others.
Based on the results of research about the
effectiveness of symbolic modeling techniques to
ICES 2017 - 1st International Conference on Educational Sciences
develop the empathy of students, it shows that the
technique of symbolic modeling is effective to
develop the empathy of 8
Grader Students of a
Junior High School in Indonesia in 2015/2016
Academic Year. Symbolic modeling techniques are
effective for developing some aspects of empathy
such as emotion contagion, empathic accuracy,
emotion regulation, concern for other, and
perceptive engagement. However, there has not been
any significant change in perspective taking aspects.
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