Compliance Analysis of Hospital Health Promotion Standards at
General Hospital of Haji Surabaya
Putri Astri Candrika
Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Airlangga, Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Health promotion, PKRS, Standards, General Hospital Haji Surabaya.
Abstract: Health promotion is currently developing into a separate science in the field of public health. Health
promotion can be done in several institutions, including the hospital environment. The hospital is one of the
health facilities are included in the subsystem of health efforts. Whereas, the promotion of hospital health is
a form of hospital efforts to improve the ability of patients and community groups to be independent in
accelerating the healing, improving health, prevent health problems and develop health efforts. This
research uses descriptive research design with qualitative approach to investigated compliance of Hospital
Health Promotion implementation (PKRS) standards. This study was conducted at GENERAL HOSPITAL
Haji Surabaya. Respondent in this research are chairman and secretary of Team PKRS. Results from the
research that GENERAL HOSPITAL Haji Surabaya has been implementing Hospital Health Promotion
good enough although there are still some PKRS standards not fulfilled. There are still some problems in the
implementation of PKRS which is lack of number workers in unit PKRS, the incorporation of budget funds
with other unit, lack of cooperation among internal hospitals and partnership with external parties.
Nowadays health promotion has been developing
into a separate science in the field of public health.
Health promotion has always been equated with
health education, never denied that health education
is the part of health promotion. Health education and
health promotion have the same goal of changing
behaviour and the environment with various
strategies, so that individuals or communities can
improve health status.
WHO has done formulated a definition of health
promotion, Health promotion is the process of
enabling people to increase control over, and
improve, their health to reach a state of complete
physical, mental, and social, well-being, an
individual or group must be able to identify and
realize aspirations, to satisfy needs, and to change or
cope with the environment (WHO, 1986).
Health promotion could be done in several
instances, one of them is hospital, because hospital
is one of the health facilities are included in the
subsystem health efforts. As stated in the Standards
for Hospital Health Promotion of the Year 2010,
issued by the Ministry of Health Republic of
Indonesia, Hospital Health Promotion is an a effort
to improve the ability of hospital patients, clients
and community groups, so that patients can self-
accelerate healing and rehabilitation, and self-
sufficient in improving health, preventing health
problems, develop resourced public health efforts,
through learning from, by, for, and with them, their
social and cultural fit, and sound public policy
supported health (Indonesian Ministry of Health,
Expectations with those standards, the Hospital
should make PKRS as one health care efforts policy,
providing patient's right to obtain information about
the prevention and treatment of related diseases,
empowers community hospitals, create the safe,
clean and healthy workplace, and has partnership to
improve health service efforts.
One of the hospitals that has implemented this
PKRS is general hospital of Haji Surabaya or can be
called General Hospital Haji Surabaya, located in
Manyar Kertoadi Street, Surabaya. General Hospital
Haji is a hospital which in the auspices of East Java
Provincial Government. Implementation of
standards PKRS will find many obstacles. These
Candrika, P.
Compliance Analysis of Hospital Health Promotion Standards at General Hospital of Haji Surabaya.
In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association (INAHEA 2017), pages 175-178
ISBN: 978-989-758-335-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
obstacles should be evaluated by the Hospital to
improve the quality of health services both
promotive and preventive. In this study, would
investigated compliance of Hospital Health
promotions standard in General Hospital Haji
This research uses descriptive research design with a
qualitative approach to describe the condition of the
implementation of the Hospital Health Promotion
(PKRS). The research was conducted at General
Hospital Haji Surabaya, with the time of the research
conducted in May 2017. Respondent in this research
is the chairman and secretary of PKRS Team. Data
were collected through in-depth interview with
PKRS Team and from observation directly.
This research was done twice in data retrieval,
Firstly by in-depth interview and Secondly with
observation. Variables in this study is availability of
management policy, the study of hospital needs,
compliance of community empowerment in the
hospital, availability of safe, clean and healthy
workplace, and development of partnerships
conducted by the hospital. So it would be able to
describe the condition of the implementation of
PKRS General Hospital Haji Surabaya, compared
with standards set by the Ministry of Health in 2010.
3.1 Management Policy
General Hospital Haji Surabaya has a working unit
of PKRS which is chaired by dr. Nuning
Puspitaningrum, SpS. PKRS team composed by
Bachelor of science in Public Health (SKM), nurses,
and nutritionists, who each other has own job to do.
The implementation of PKRS General Hospital Haji
does not have special budget, but it still merges with
another unit of Public Relations. The results are
consistent with implementation at Hospital of
Labuang Baji Makassar, which they do not have
special budget related health promotion activity
because budget funds are not given directly to the
Installation PKMRS (Promosi Kesehatan
Masyarakat Rumah Sakit) . To get budgets hospital
health promotion efforts, the installation must
submit a proposal of PKMRS the budget planning
for the hospital directors to be processed, and if
approved, the new budget lowered to the installation
PKMRS as the responsible hospital health
promotion efforts (Manurung et al, 2015). In
contrast to implementation at General Hospital of
Haji Surabaya, in Bhayangkara Hospital Level II
shows that unit PKRS have special budgeted from
public service agency (BLU), although unit PKRS
merger with public relation (Purba et al, 2016).
Every year General Hospital Haji has been
planning the activities of PKRS on a regular basis.
Socialization related PKRS has been given to the
entire hospital community, like employees, patient,
and family members of patients. General Hospital
Haji provide training how to make an effective
communication for serving patients or family
patient, in improving the capacity and ability of
health workers. The facilities used in the
implementation of the already quite-complete for
PKRS activities, as well as health promotion media
in the form of leaflets were distributed to patients in
socialization. But, in the implementation of
monitoring and evaluation team PKRS still do not
have a regular schedule. This section must be in two
3.2 Community Needs Assessment
General Hospital Haji Surabaya has friendly health
workers in providing services to both patients and
families, they also use dialogue that can motivate
patients when conducted counselling. Hospital
officials are expected to apply smiles, greets,
regards, graceful. There is a media flow of payments
and administration at the information boards. In
addition, health workers provide counselling to
outpatients and inpatients. However, hospital does
not provide bibliotherapy facilities for patients or
hospital visitors.
3.3 Hospital Empowerment
General Hospital Haji Surabaya has officer who can
answer all questions about disease experienced by
patients, the drug should be consumed for healing
process, and health services to be provided to the
patient. In addition General Hospital Haji also
provides facilities for patient consultation room.
PKRS activities inside and outside the building,
carried out every week in the form of joint exercises
twice: elderly gymnastics and diabetes gymnastics.
Although General Hospital Haji does not have a
choir group, but General Hospital Haji has
INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association
entertainment facility for hospital visitors, a music
3.4 Safe, Clean and Healthy Workplace
The environment of General Hospital Haji Surabaya
has already been clearly and cleanly. There are also
no parts of the floor were cracked, the condition of
the building has been well maintained. Not only the
building, but other facilities such as waiting areas,
tables, chairs and others are also well maintained.
Evacuation path marks are already installed properly
in every corner of the building and the availability of
information boards containing health promotion
media also can be seen in each floor, directions are
also available at General Hospital Haji building.
In addition, General Hospital Haji has a green
open space facilities in first floor area of General
Hospital Haji, and equipped their trash can in
appropriate with the needs of society General
Hospital Haji Surabaya. In compliance with the
health requirements in an office environment,
General Hospital Haji Surabaya has a toilet with
hand washing facilities. General Hospital Haji also
provide facilities lactation corner of nursing
mothers, which located on the second floor
children's section and obstetrics and gynaecology
3.5 Partnership
PKRS Team General Hospital Haji Surabaya
currently haven’t any partnership with LSM,
ORMAS, or others. However, each year PKRS team
conducts MOU with community health centre
(Puskesmas) to supporting implementation of PKRS
at General Hospital Haji Surabaya.
4.1 Management Policy
General Hospital Haji Surabaya already has a decree
to support the implementation of PKRS activities.
General Hospital Haji has always been providing
socialization about importance of PKRS activities.
But their implementation is still not got supported by
all unit in General Hospital Haji Surabaya. So that
the performance become less maximum, there are
also seen like double job description in PKRS team,
as well as budget funds PKRS activities are still
incorporated in other unit.
This result are consistent with implementation at
Hospital of Labuang Baji Makassar shows that
health promotion personnel still less, and not all
existing power ever training, because the hospital
usually sent only the same person, as the result the
implementation of Hospital Health Promotion not
optimal (Manurung et al, 2015).
4.2 Community Needs Assessment
PKRS team of General Hospital Haji Surabaya
conducting a carry out research community needs
the hospital with a new approach to patients, so that
the hospital can provide special treatment according
to the needs of the patients. In addition, General
Hospital Haji give training to officers related to
personality in dressing, speaking, and routinely carry
out socialization activities in the application of
smiles, greets, regards, and graceful. Hopefully with
the existence of these activities, the services
provided by officers will become more optimal.
4.3 Hospital Empowerment
Gymnastics activities were done every week twice,
firstly on Tuesday and secondly on Wednesday, as
the gymnastics come from health workers who are
experts about that. In addition, availability of music
station (stage music) will make the hospital visitors
become more comfortable, so that will encourage
patients or visitors to the hospital become calmer in
facing health problems experienced. The hospital
also provides chance for visitors, or officers to
participate by filling the music activities at the
music station.
4.4 Safe, Clean and Healthy Workplace
The environment of General Hospital Haji Surabaya
could be kept clean because the janitors always
regularly cleaning trash and dirt. Hospital waste
management have done by sanitation team of
General Hospital Haji Surabaya. However, if the
team was not able to cope with waste treatment at a
certain volume, then it will be processed by RS Dr.
Soetomo Surabaya. Availability of health promotion
media also have role to increase awareness of all
parties to maintain cleanliness, as well as security in
the hospital environment.
Compliance Analysis of Hospital Health Promotion Standards at General Hospital of Haji Surabaya
4.5 Partnership
MOU conducted by team PKRS General Hospital
Haji Surabaya with the primary health care
(Puskesmas), such as giving education and
counselling to patient, also give services
Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Neonatal
(PONEK) in General Hospital Haji Surabaya. It is a
form of promotion efforts for reducing maternal and
infant mortality. In hope that the babies and the
mother who gave birth to babies who are born to be
guaranteed safety.
General Hospital Haji Surabaya has done health
promotion good enough, but there is still some
PKRS standard which still not fulfilled. Results from
the research shows that some media health
promotion, promotional activities, community
empowerment, availability health service facilities,
and community needs the hospital facilities are good
enough. While the problem is budget funds which
still incorporated with other unit, lack of number
workers in unit PKRS, lack of cooperation among
internal hospitals, and partnership with external
parties. This problem may cause implementation of
PKRS activity doesn’t run optimally.
These findings have several implications.
Firstly, it is important to uses Hospital Health
Promotion standard. Secondly, PKRS activities
important to improve the quality of health services
both promotive and preventive. So that the problems
encountered in PKRS activities should be evaluated
immediately by Hospital management and PKRS
Indonesian Ministry of Health. 2010. Hospital Health
Promotion Standard. Jakarta: Indonesian Ministry of
Manurung, Silviana., Suriah., M. Rusli Ngatimin. 2015.
Implementation of Health Promotion Program in
General Hospital of Labuang Baji Makassar.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied
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Purba, Agnes Nova Astrida., Syamsulhuda, BM., Zahroh,
Shaluhiyah. 2016. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Promosi
Kesehatan Rumah Sakit (PKRS) di Rumah Sakit
Bhayangkara Tingkat II Semarang. Jurnal Kesehatan
Masyarakat (e-journal). Vol.4 No.5 pp.259-267
World Health Organization. Ottawa Charter for Health
_file/0004/129532/Ottawa_Charter.pdf) Ottawa,
WHO, 1986 (accessed 7 Sepetember 2017)
INAHEA 2017 - 4th Annual Meeting of the Indonesian Health Economics Association