Thematic Learning Based on Local Sea-Results Processing to Answer
Global Challenges
Wenny Elies Nur Fauziyah
Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Thematic Learning, Local Sea-Results Processing, Global Challenges.
Abstract: This study aims to explain the benefits of thematic learning based on local sea-processed. Thematic learning
becomes a bridge for students to build knowledge based on local sea-results processing. Learning by using
the environment as a media of learning so that students are easier to understand and stimulate students to be
more critical thinking and improve the curiosity of the natural products that exist in the environment.
Knowledge of local sea-result processed will improve natural resources and be able to manage the available
resources effectively and efficiently so as to respond to global challenges. This research is library research,
the collecting data using journals and literature related to the theme of writing. This research can be study to
use thematic learning based local sea-result to provide knowledge on economics. Thematic learning based on
local sea-results processing so that students can face global challenges and maintain the originality of the
Education is one of the key developments of a
country. This is stated in Law no. 20/2003 which de-
fines that education is a conscious effort to create a
learning atmosphere and learning process whereby a
teacher actively develops their potential to have the
spiritual power of personality, intelligence, noble
character, as well as the skills they need as well as
their country. The review shows that education is one
of the best "embryos" to produce educated citizens.
Education in Indonesia often undergoes some
changes related to technical learning, for example in
2013 the education curriculum in Indonesia is
changing, although not very significant. In the
Curriculum 2013 (K-13) more emphasis on the role
of students is more dominant than the role of teachers.
The 2013 curriculum is designed with a scientific
approach that further accentuates the role of students
in the learning process, and the teacher is only a
facilitator. Student involvement is expected to be able
to hone students' skills in critical and creative
thinking. To train students' creativity, teachers need
to pack an interesting learning process so that
students can think creatively and stimulate students to
think critically, just as teachers can learn from the
natural wealth around them.
Learning based on the wealth of the surrounding
environment can foster a sense of pride in the region's
potential. In addition, learning derived from the
environment can also hone the ability of students to
explore potential areas that can be developed.
Thematic learning becomes one of the answers to
develop the potential of the region, where through
thematic learning the students' knowledge can be
built based on the learning they have experienced or
done, and through thematic learning also the local
content can be known by the students, as well as the
local content in the district of Sidoarjo, fish’s pro-
cessing. Remembered, that Sidoarjo is one of the
producers of freshwater fish and processing of some
seafood such as bandeng presto, bandeng asap, etc.
By applying thematic learning based on sea fish
processing will make the students are encouraged to
know some of the uniqueness that becomes a local
content that can be improved through learning in the
classroom. As well as research conducted by
Rindarjono and Lidia (2016) said that the local
content presents as an effort to enable educational
Fauziyah, W.
Thematic Learning Based on Local Sea-Results Processing to Answer Global Challenges.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 760-765
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
administrators to improve the relevance of the subject
to conditions and needs in their regional areas.
To apply scientific learning there are several les-
sons that can be applied as listed in Permendikbud
(Regulation by Ministry of education and culture) No.
22/2016 which states that the characteristics of the
learning process in SMA / MA / SMALB / SMK /
MAK / Paket C / Paket C Kejuruan as a whole
subject-based, even though thematic shortcuts are still
retained. Thematic lesson is indeed expected to be
applied at the senior high school level, on the grounds
that meaningful and joyful thematic learning can be
realized by linking thematic learning materials to
students' world (Utari et al, 2015) besides the
thematic learning provides opportunities for children
To build and learn from others with other subjects so
that they will be able to add new vocabulary to be
more expressive in communicating (Varun, 2016).
Although in high school almost no teachers are
implementing thematic learning on the subjects. If the
thematic learning based on local marine pro-cessing
is applied then it will enrich the students' knowledge
about the natural wealth in their respective areas. It
can also be a way to introduce local seafood to
students, but it can also be a source of learning.
The results of one the research by Wartini (2016)
said that the implementation of multicultural
education based on SALAM ECE, namely the
development of curriculum based on environment or
local wisdom, learning and Indonesian character-
based thematic integrative that prioritize Pancasila
forming the nation’s identify. The same results were
found by Bakhtiar and Nugroho (2016) which says
results of this study certainly suggest that the
environmental education curriculum based on local
wisdom show satisfactory results in which the
development already refers to the stage of curriculum
So, necessary for learning based on local sea-
result processing in order to increase the curiosity of
students to contribute to preserve the natural wealth
around. And also, be able to campaign programs that
have been initiated by the Government then through
thematic learning students can interpret the meaning
of the implementation the program, and if thematic
learning applied to economic subjects with the theme
of local sea-result processing will be able to make the
generation active and analytical. And it can be
beneficial to maintain local sea potential to face of
global challenges was more increasingly.
2.1 Thematic Learning
Thematic learning is a learning that uses themes to
link some learning materials so as to provide
experience and meaning to the students. This lesson
emphasizes the involvement of learners to follow
active and creative learning, therefore students can
gain hands-on experience and train themselves to be
able to discover the various knowledge that has been
The concept of this thematic learning arises from
the development of the two educational leaders Jacob
(1989) with the concept of interdisciplinary learning
and Fogarty (1991) with the concept of integrated
learning. Thematic lessons provide the flexibility in
deepening the implementation of the curric-ulum,
offering many opportunities to the pupils for creating
some ideas. In these thematic lessons it provides
opportunities for the pupils to develop three realms of
educational goals with simultaneously that include:
(1) honest, meticulous, diligent, open to scientific
ideas, (2) skills acquiring, selecting, utilizing
information, using tools including skills Such as co-
operation and leadership, (3) have conceptual in-
sights such as conceptual ideas about the environment
and the natural environment. Thematic learning has
benefit not only for students but also for teachers that
successful implementation means that teachers
engage in an extensive amount of professional
development. Professional development should
include a significant intervention of two or three
weeks of knowledge development in curriculum are-
as other than the one they used over the last decade
(John, 2015)
For higher education, thematic learning method is
not only as subject matter given to students in theory
but it must be implemented in real life, in daily life,
in each activity. In turn, future teachers will have
confidence and they will also apply at schools (.
In this learning, a theme is formulated and given
for the purpose of uniting and synergizing and
enriching the vocabulary of the students. And
ultimately aspects of attitude and behavior, skills and
knowledge can be obtained comprehensively and
integrative. Because thematic learning has
characteristics (Suyanto and Jihad, 2013) as follows:
(1) student-centered, (2) providing direct experience,
(3) presenting concepts from various materials in a
learning process, (4) flexible, (5) ) Learning outcomes
according to the students' intentions and needs, and
(6) using the principle of learning while playing a fun.
From John (2015) said if the thematic units increase
Thematic Learning Based on Local Sea-Results Processing to Answer Global Challenges
students interest, help students connections, expand
assessment strategies, keep students en-gaged,
compact the curriculum, save teachers time because it
incorporates all subjects and draw on connections
from the real world and life experience.
2.2 Local Sea-Result Processing
Based on the above words can be described meaning
by Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) means
that the results / hasil / n something held by the
business. Then, the preparations / exercises / a likes
to nip, n: create, create. And, local / lokal / a
somewhere; local. So that when combined into a
understanding that the local sea processing is
something that resulted from existing businesses in
the local sea. So in general shows that local sea-result
processing is one of the local wealth in a local area
that is processed so as to generate added value.
Local wisdom is a term frequently used by
scholars to represent value system and norm
organized, held, understood, and applied by the local
society based on their understanding and experience
in interacting and interrelating with environment
(Leo, 2015). Using local wisdom as science learning
model may has an effect to build contextual learning,
stimulating students to learn more about their
environment around where they live in (Anwari dkk,
2015). Local sea-result can be classified in several
kinds such as fish, seaweed, squid, etc. The local sea
produce for each region varies depending on the
condition of the area. Processing of local marine
products to be one of the flagship in some areas in
Indonesia, as in Sidoarjo District.
Local sea-result processing is now one
commodity that is quite popular by some
communities in coastal areas such as, Sidoarjo.
Sidoarjo is one of the districts in East Java that
produce some processed sea-food such as Bandeng,
and Bandeng became one of the icons of Sidoarjo.
Various processed from Bandeng is now getting a lot
of interest by the society, including Bandeng presto,
Bandeng tanpa duri, and so on. Bandeng is processing
industry has developed in Sidoarjo, especially in the
Kalanganyar villages. Almost all the villagers are
livelihood as a fisherman of Bandeng so that there are
many pro-cessed industries of Bandeng that exist
2.3 Global Challenges
Globalization cannot be avoided in the present. The
influence of globalization is felt by the public at large,
because its influence almost covers every segment of
life. The influence of global challenges both positive
and negative. The global challenge not only looks at
whether the country is progressing or developing, the
global challenge will only be able to see how a
country is able to deal with it.
In the face of the various impacts of this global
challenge, the need for alertness in every country to
survive in a fast and instant global era. So every
country is expected to have a way to be able to face
Like our country, it is necessary to prepare a
precise formula to make Indonesia able to survive in
the face of global challenges that can affect all aspects
of life. Aspects sufficient to affect the joints of life are
from technology and communication. The
development of technology and communication
today is very rapid, almost every year businessman
engaged in telecommunications they are competing to
create a tool that is able to make someone feel easy to
get something. They offer ease by providing systems
on the tools they produce with the support of the latest
As a result, the development of technology and
communication became one of the components that
must be immediately addressed by a country. Are
they able to take advantage of technological
developments or not. Utilization of technology and
communication should be addressed wisely, as well
as used as a tool that can support the learning process.
The data was used in arranging this paper is study
literature related to the ideas is discussed. Some of the
main references which are used: Thematic learning,
Local sea-result processing, and journal online
edition and some articles are sourced from internet.
The collected data were selected and sorted according
to the study topic. The do the preparation of papers on
the data that has been prepared logically and
systematically. The data analysis technique is
descriptive argumentative. The conclusion obtained
after referring back to the statement of the problem,
the purpose of writing and discussion.
Globalization is a phenomena happens in society.
Life pattern changes into more efficient is a major
characteristic of globalization. As if we live in an era
where there is no partitions nor distances among each
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
territory or country. To fight against global challenge,
it’s important to build a strong human re-source. In
order to compete in this global era. The enhancement
of Human Resource become fundamental and it’s
essential for the government to effectively conceived
upon human resources, as how a country can be said
as developed country once they have qualified
Human Resources and high competitiveness and the
ability to analyze both effectively and efficiently, and
also be responsive in dealing changes among society.
Accurancy in responding the change which born
from surrounding environment will make an
increasing level of sensitivity that causes an improve
of competitiveness among society. One way to
improve competitiveness in society is through
education. Education becomes the key to obtain high
qualified and highly educated human resources.
Through education, the learning process whether
formal or informal can be an alternative for individual
to survive in a current era of globalization.
In Indonesia educational system in Indonesia is
not good enough comparing to the other countries.
The education curriculum in Indonesia has been
changed for several times. The curriculum changes
are expected to fulfil the necessity to deal with the
global challenges. The aim of the curriculum’s
preparation is to improve the quality of the students,
so that the students will not only become critical
humans, but also to be analytical and creative. What
Kurikulum 2013 (K13) was aspired, has been
included to the main competency as a benchmark in
achieving learning purposes.
Education in Indonesia needs a lot of
improvement. The development of education should
be followed by the role of the entire learning
environment or commonly referred as three education
center (family, school and society). The pupils will
find it easier to accept learning based on their
experience, so that experience is the one who
constructs their knowledge. Scientific Approach
becomes the recommended learning approach in K13,
however without losing thematic learning in it.
Thematic learning method becomes one of
enjoyable method to be applied in the classroom.
Thematic learning method is a theme based learning
method, through that theme the pupils try to discover
new knowledge. The themes arranged based on their
own experiences, not from the printed nor electronic
media. Both of these media become one of learning
media that can be used to support learning process.
Through the thematic learning method which
applied to the learning process, the theme is selected
where based on local wisdom was applied by Utari, et
al (2016) by promoting thematic learning based on
Bugis-Makassar’s local wisdom. The introduction of
Bugis cultural value become one of learning sources.
For example “sirri” in Bugis which means “rasa
malu” in Bahasa Indonesia. The introduction of
values from Bugis-Makasar has become one of the
sources of learning, such as the "sirri" culture in
Indonesian "shame". This will shape the
independence to enrich themselves by upholding a
sense of kinship and togetherness. The research
which held by Ardan et al (2015) at high school level
by promoting thematic learning based on the local
wisdom become one of the materials that can be
applied to the teaching and learning process, which is
integrated to the local wisdom of “Timor” in the form
of Textbook that can be used as Students’ learning
At the level of Elementary school, the application
of the integrative, based on Wayang Kancil can be
used to build education character to students who
carried out by Wardani and Widiyastuti (2015)
through learning thematic integrative based on a
puppet with the method of learning role-playing so
the students are able to make sense of an art that
comes from the local area and can contribute in
building education character the pupils, such as: self-
reliance in forwarding ones ideas, ability to work
together in groups, discipline, democratic,
responsibility in doing assignments and having spirit
in finishing the task whether or not facing obstacles.
Therefore, a research by Saputri (2017) using
Indonesia culture based comic for teaching English in
elementary student stated that the process of learning
language would be easier to understand if using a
media or learning models where is closeness theme
with students. And it can also used as a vehicle to
maintain local culture and local wisdom.
Each local area have their own characteristic in-
deed, both in culture or natural wealth. There is one
of the research has been doing by Soenaryo dkk
(2016) states that the potential benefits based on the
education of local excellence will further be
integrated the study tour models where learners
through tourism activities will learn to utilize natural
resource, human resources, geographic, cultural,
historical and other potential areas. And also, the
research by Saddhono (2016) said that teaching
materials with a basis of Indonesia culture is highly
needed for foreigners whom are willing to learn
Bahasa as well as introducing Indonesia’s cultures ad
commonly foreigners admire Indonesia for its culture.
One of the natural wealth that will be the topic of this
article is the result of the processing of the local
marine. Through thematic learning, the pupils will be
introduced about some variation in the processing of
Thematic Learning Based on Local Sea-Results Processing to Answer Global Challenges
sea-food. One of the result of the sea which is quite
famous in coastal areas in the district of Sidoarjo its
Bandeng fish. The fish that live in fresh water is
widely cultivated by Kalanganyar villagers. there are
lot of bandeng’s proceed which is become one of the
commodities that attract tourists to find these kinds of
bandeng’s processed, furthermore, bandeng’s
processed became one of the commodities that are
sold to some areas across the country.
Through thematic learning that based on the result
of the processing of local marine, so the students can
build knowledge from their experience in observing
or become perpetrators in the process of local sea-
result. Through economic lessons, some materials can
be connected with the theme, such as the material of
scarcity, supply and demand, and the other material.
In addition, through these thematic learning, the
students are expected to be able to inspire the
expression of Mr Ki Hajar Dewantara, the mister of
education, which is contained in Permendikbud No.
22 Tahun 2016 about the standard of learning process
that apply the values by giving the examples (ing
ngarso sing tulodo), building the willingness (ing
madyo mangun karso), and develop the creativity of
the students in the learning process (tut wuri
Figure 1: The theme webs.
In addition, with these thematic learning with the
theme “local sea-result processing” so, the students
are be able to imagine how is the condition of the
location fish processing that they ever know or they
have done the manufacture of fish processing and
then integrate with the material that being taught to
them so that there is effective communication be-
tween teachers and students. This effective
communication is become one of the indicators for
teachers to assess the enthusiasm of the students to
participate in learning process. As revealed by Varun
(2014) said that thematic learning give wide
opportunity for the students to express themselves in
accordance with the levels.
Definitely, through thematic learning the pupils
can express themselves by giving a statement and be
brave enough to say an opinion about the theme that
are being studied. Thematic learning showed the
collaborations of teachers, students, and parents in the
development of the design can initiate the process of
democratization. It also, implementation of thematic
assignment instruction involving parent’s role, can
motivate students and encourage the activities of
students groups to increase from the first until last
meeting (Medellu dkk, 2015). It is hoped that through
the thematic learning that based on the result of the
local marine process can develop cooperation not
only with the peers, but also with the teachers and
environment. It’s not necessarily all students know
about the process of the local sea-result in the area
that they lived through these thematic learning which
is based on local wealth be-come one of the form of
recognition about the wealth of the country for the
students to keep the national wealth. The process of
the local sea-result is an investment in the future so
that it is important to provide supplies for students in
the form of skills, abilities, and self-quality to answer
the global challenges without leaving the identity.
Thematic learning is a learning that uses themes to
link some learning materials so as to provide
experience and meaning to the students. This lesson
emphasizes the involvement of learners to follow
active and creative learning, therefore students can
gain hands-on experience and train themselves to be
able to discover the various knowledge that has been
Thematic learning based on local sea-result pro-
cessing is intended as a bridge to provide knowledge
to the pupils so that they can retain local knowledge
in the face of educational developments and
advancements as well as very tight competitiveness in
today's modern era. The importance of equipping
learners with local knowledge is an attempt to pre-
pare them to be competent and qualified human re-
sources without having to abandon their identity.
In response to global challenges, all parties are
expected to be equally involved both in the
implementation of learning and the preparation of
written rules as a guide to welcome the current era of
globalization. As educators are the responsibility to
prepare learners in facing global challenges. One of
the efforts that can be done is by realizing thematic
learn-ing based on local sea-results processing so that
students can face global challenges and maintain the
originality of the nation.
and supply
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Thematic Learning Based on Local Sea-Results Processing to Answer Global Challenges