Factors that Influencing the Profit of Furniture Industry
Tia Farida Sayidati
and Ikaputera Waspada
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Setiabudhi 229 street, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Competition, Managerial Competence, Profit.
Abstract: This research is motivated by the decline in profit growth in the wood furniture industry in Bandung. As this
study is intended to determine the factors that influence it, including the variables of competition and
managerial competencies. Subjects in this research were businessmen in the furniture industry Malabar and
Cicaheum in Bandung. The method used in this research is explanatory survey. The population at the same
time a sample is whole furniture producers in Malabar and Cicaheum Bandung, which amounted to 33
people. Data collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. Data were analyzed using multiple
linear regression. The results showed that competition and managerial competencies positive effect on
earnings. This means that if competition and managerial competencies furniture producer’s increases,
predicted profit will rise. Simultaneously, competition and managerial competence significant effect on
profit of 80.33%.
The economy is an essential field in a country's life.
Small businesses have characteristics that imply
potential weaknesses to the occurrence of problems.
The weakness of small businesses according to
Anoraga's banner is that initial investment may
suffer losses. Some risks beyond the control of the
entrepreneur, such as changes in fashion,
government regulations, competition and labor
issues can hamper business. Some businesses or
businesses also tend to generate irregular income so
the owner may not make a profit. Initial investments
may suffer losses, this is because small businesses
have limited capital making it difficult to reduce
costs to efficient points, and if entrepreneurs are
unaware of changes in existing modes they can lead
to potential future problems such as loss of
customers, entrepreneurs are required to know The
development of fashion that occurs in the
community so as not to be abandoned by the
consumers, as well as the competition which
inevitably must be faced by entrepreneurs so that
their business can survive among rival entrepreneurs
and to overcome the competition in addition to
having a competitive strategy entrepreneurs must
also have the ability to manage the company called
competence Managerial is the way a businessman
who doubles as well as managers in achieving the
goals set. Based on the explanation of researchers
doing research on furniture entrepreneurs in the city
of Bandung, which experienced a significant decline
in profit of the entrepreneurs Malabar and Caheum
furniture in the city of Bandung.
Furniture is a home supply that includes all items
such as chairs, tables and cabinets. Furniture is
derived from the word movable which means to
move, furniture usually made of wood, board, rattan,
iron and plastic. Based on the data obtained, it can
be seen that the problems faced in the furniture
industry center of Bandung is the decrease of
production and the number of sales which then
affects the decrease in profit earned by the
entrepreneur. Profit is one of the goals of a company
that can be a benchmark for business development.
Then all the activities of the company will lead to
the achievement of the company's goals. Managerial
competence is manifested in the ability of
entrepreneurs in making decisions, both in
determining the amount of working capital to be
used, labor to be used, the amount of output of
production and in pricing.
In addition to managerial skills, one factor that
can affect the high low earnings is competition. As
Porter discloses in Anoraga banner (2009: 340) that
competition is central to the success and failure of
Sayidati, T. and Waspada, I.
Factors that Influencing the Profit of Furniture Industry .
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 736-739
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the company. This affects the company's ability to
earn profits, so that in increasing the profit, the
entrepreneur certainly will not be separated from the
competition that will ultimately determine whether
his business will succeed in increasing profits or
even decreased in the face of competition and
increasingly stringent industry challenges.
According to Porter in Anorga Pandji (2009: 341)
argued that keen competition is the result of a
number of interacting structural factors, namely:
Number of competitors that are large or balanced,
sluggish industry growth, cost & Fixed or high
storage costs, lack of differentiation or switching
costs, large capacity increases, multiple competitors,
large strategic bets, and high resignation barriers. So
in the face of competition, companies need the right
competitive strategy in order to maintain the
sustainability of their business, increase profits and
gain competitive advantage. Then it can be
concluded that the competition has a two-way
influence on profit means that competition can give
a positive influence and negative influence.
According to Adam Smith in pressman (2000: 34)
explained To generate more profits earned by
employers depends on the circumstances of the
market where the company is located. The market
structure in the furniture industry under study is a
monopolistic market, as explained by Edward E.
Chamberlin and Joan Robinson in Tati Suhartati
(2012: 193) in which the characteristics are: 1).
There are many sellers, 2). The goods are different
in style, 3). Companies have little power to influence
prices, 4), entry in industry is relatively easy, 5).
Competition promotes very active sales.
Statement proposed by Chamberlin is supported
by Case & Fair (2002: 59) who argued that, "the
behavior of companies that want to achieve
maximum profit depends on the characteristics of
the market where the company is competing" and
that every company that wants to maximize profit
depends on its management internally in relation to
companies Competitors.
According to Case and Fair (2002: 372), in
monopolistic competition market, competition can
be done through: 1) Price, because the price set by
the company will affect the amount of sales and the
amount of profit to be received by the company. 2)
The product, if the entrepreneur can differentiate his
product from all other competitors, the entrepreneur
may be able to raise the price without losing all his
requests. 3) Promotion. With the holding of a
vigorous promotion, it is expected that consumers
will be interested to become customers.
The object of this research is competition and
managerial competence as independent variable and
profit as dependent variable or (Y), while subject in
this research is furniture industry entrepreneur
Malabar and Cicaheum in Bandung city. The
method used in this research is explanatory survey.
Population in this penelitin is all furniture
entrepreneurs who are in Kosambi Jl. Malabar and
Caheum Jl. A. H. Nasution Bandung, which
amounted to 33 entrepreneurs. Related to the sample
of this study, it is known that the furniture industry
business is located. In Bandung there are in two
points namely Kosambi and Cicaheum. Samples of
research all furniture industry entrepreneurs who are
in two points in Bandung city based on the results of
the study amounted to 33 entrepreneurs. In this study
data collection is done by using the instrument in the
form of questionnaire or questionnaire, therefore
tested the validity and reliability of the instrument of
this study so that the results of research is not biased
and doubtfulness. With multiple regression analysis.
According to Yana Rohmana (2013, pp. 59), the
model of multiple linear regression equations, as
Y : Profit
βο : Regression Constant
β1 : Regression Coefficient X1
β2 : Regression Coefficient X2
X1 : Competition
X2 : Managerial Competence
e : Anxiety Factor
The data analyzed is data collected from the research
results, then will be tested through Eviews 6. Data
processing is done by statistical method by using
multiple linear regression model because the
independent variable in this research more than one.
Data obtained on an ordinal scale should be
converted into an interval scale using MSI (Methode
Succesive Interval) as it is a requirement of the use
of regression analysis. In this study the authors take
Factors that Influencing the Profit of Furniture Industry
the research model with the population as well as 33
respondents. From the results of data processing, it
can be concluded that the model of multiple linear
regression equation in this study are:
Y = -5.307046034568 + 0.597619485386*LNX1 +
Se = (2.543991) (0.122909) (0.053578)
Tcount = (-2.086110)(4.862275) (10.33696)
From the equation above can be known the
meaning of each regression coefficient as follows:
The regression equation constant is -
5.307046034568, meaning that if there is no
independent variable (X), then the success of
business obtained by furniture industry
entrepreneurs in the city of Bandung will be loss of -
5.307046 million rupiah. The amount of regression
coefficient for competition is 597619485386,
meaning that when the competition increases by one
unit of competition, the profit of furniture industry
entrepreneurs will increase by 0.597619 million
rupiah. The amount of regression coefficient for
managerial competence is 0.553829435575,
meaning that when managerial competence increases
on average by one unit of managerial ability, then
the furniture industry profession will increase by
0.553829 million rupiah.
T test is used to determine the influence of each
independent variable (ie Competition and
managerial competency to dependent variable
(profit) (Y). The criterion for t test is if t arithmetic
& lt; T table then Ho accepted and Ha rejected,
otherwise if t arithmetic & gt; T table then Ho is
rejected and Ha accepted.
Table 1: Result T Test.
Decision Conclusion
X1 4.86 1.697 H
t Si
X2 10.37 1.697 H
accept Significant
Hypothesis testing through this test, the error rate
used by the writer is 5% or 0.05 at 95% significance
level with df = nk-1 (33-3-1) = 96. The t test results
in with Using Eviews 6 of each independent variable
is as follows: Variable competition obtained t
equal to 4.862275 while t
equal to 1.697, in other
words Ha accepted and H0 rejected, this means that
the competition variable influence influence the
positive direction of profit. Variable managerial
competence obtained tcount equal to 10.33699 while
ttable equal to 1.697, in other words Ha accepted
and H0 rejected, this means that the variables of
managerial competence influence the positive
direction of profit.
4.1 The Effect of Managerial
Competence on Profit
Result of data analysis of research and hypothesis
test known that managerial competence variable
significantly influence to profit of furniture industry
entrepreneurs in Bandung and have positive relation
to earnings of entrepreneur. This means that the
higher the managerial competence of industrial
entrepreneurs mebeul in Bandung, the profits will be
greater and vice versa, if the managerial competence
of the entrepreneur is low, then the profits earned by
employers will decline. This is evidenced by a larger
thitung compared to ttable. The acceptance of the
hypothesis stating that the variables of managerial
ability significantly influence the positive direction
to profit entrepreneurs mebeul in Bandung shows the
suitability between the theoretical basis with the
results of research.
Anoraga banner (2009: 125) suggests that
managerial competence is the ability to use
knowledge, behavior and talents to complete a task.
Skills are learned and developed through experience,
training and practice. This value in management is
crucial because the value is so related to all the
principal activities of leading from an organization
concerned. Pandji Anoraga's statement reveals that
the managerial competence of a corporate leader will
realize the success that is the goal of the company
itself. Good managerial skills will increase profits.
The statement was supported by Sadono Sukirno
(2004: 113) who argued that the success of
management depends on managerial competence.
In general, a business owner who is also a
manager must have three basic skills, including:
Conseptual Skill, which is the mental ability of
entrepreneurs to think in giving understanding,
views, opinions in dealing with the organization's
activities thoroughly both about policy possibilities
in the face of change and how Overcome them.
Human Skill, which is the ability to work in other
groups organically and individually in improving
motivation, communicating, leading and directing
people to do something in achieving the desired
goals. Techical Skill is the ability to handle or
handle a problem or use of equipment, procedures,
methods, and techniques in the operational process,
especially concerning working people related to the
tools that must be used in completing the work.
From the results of research that has been done,
entrepreneurs who have high managerial
competence can make employers earn high profits.
This is because the chances are greater when
compared to entrepreneurs who do not have
managerial competence. From the exposure above
the managerial competence of furniture industry
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
entrepreneurs in Bandung should continue to be
improved both in Technical skills, Human Skills,
and Conceptual skills. This is because the
managerial ability has a big influence on the profit
of furniture industry entrepreneurs in the city of
Based on the results of research and analysis can be
concluded competition and managerial competence
significantly influence the profit of furniture
industry entrepreneurs in the city of Bandung.
Competition effect significantly with positive
direction to profit of furniture industry entrepreneurs
in Bandung. This means that the higher competition
of furniture entrepreneurs in the city of Bandung, the
profit or gain obtained will be greater and achieve
maximum profit. Managerial competence has
significant effect in the positive direction to profit of
furniture industry entrepreneurs in Bandung. This
means that the higher the managerial competence of
the furniture entrepreneurs in the city of Bandung,
the profits obtained by furniture entrepreneurs will
be greater and achieve maximum profit.
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Factors that Influencing the Profit of Furniture Industry