Decision of Cooperative Capital Structure, Profitability and Firm
Sugiyanto Sugiyanto
Institut Manajemen Koperasi Indonesia
Keywords: Decision of cooperative capital structure, profitability, firm value.
Abstract: Capital structure theory explained by combination of capital sources are still rarely implemented in
cooperatives enterprises especially in Indonesia, also cooperative financial managers have not been aware if
this theory very importance. The purpose of this study is to investigate decision of cooperative capital structure
and its impact on profitability and firm value. This research use statistical approach by using path analysis so
that it can be known magnitude of direct and indirect impact between independent and dependent variables,
this model is applied to test the panel threshold impact of cooperative capital structure on profitability and
firm value from 2011 to 2015 with sample size 52 cooperatives in West Java using the simple random
sampling technique. In this study, cooperative capital structure described by Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR),
Profitability is described by Return on Equity (ROE) and Firm value described by ratio of cooperative
permanent capital or capital allowance plus grant to total equity. The results of this study, decision of
cooperative capital structure has a significant impact on profitability, and cooperative capital structure and
profitability have impact on firm value either directly or indirectly, means capital structure theory also
applicable on cooperative enterprises that have certain characteristics. Implication of this research, indicate
that profitability and firm value can be improved by decision of cooperative capital structure through
increasing debt capital sources, cooperative profitability and firm value can be leveraged by decision of capital
Cooperatives as one of the economic actors in
Indonesia still face many challenges related to
business development, which began by difficulty of
cooperatives in raising capital. Like other business
entities, cooperative capital source also comes from
internal and external capital. The internal capital is
capital allowance derived from non-shared surplus,
while external capital sources come from member's
savings as an equity capital and debt from other
parties including banks, other financial institutions,
members and other cooperatives.
The cooperative enterprise has a self-help
principle that is to help their members, cooperative
should be established from member’s idea, and a
business development must be capitalized and
managed by members, in order to provide economic
benefits for members. In fact, most of Indonesia's
cooperative capital source is still depend on debt
capital. It is shown that during last 5 years on average
equal to 47.69% cooperative capital source from debt.
A comparison between debt and equity capital
development of cooperatives in Indonesia, see figure
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
39.69 51.40 80.84 94.86 99.79
35.79 51.42 89.54 105.80 142.65
75.48 102.83 170.38 200.66 242.45
53% 50% 47% 47% 41%
EquitytoAs set sRatio
47% 50% 53% 53% 59%
100. 00
150. 00
200. 00
250. 00
300. 00
Tot al
Tabl e1:CapitalStructureDevelopmentofCooperati ve
Figure 1: Capital structure development of cooperative in
Source: Financial Report of Ministry of Cooperative and
SME’s Of Indonesia
Sugiyanto, S.
Decision of Cooperative Capital Structure, Profitability and Firm Value.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 690-696
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on figure 1, shows that source of
cooperative capital is still highly depend on debt
capital, in 2011 more than 53% cooperative capital
requirement still filled by debt capital and then
decline only 41% in 2015. This condition indicated
that cooperative capital requirement has not been
fully fulfilled from member's capital contribution that
has not been sufficient for a cooperative business
development this condition indicates that member
participation in capital contribution still needs to be
improved. Cooperative equity capital not only
sources from member’s saving but also from capital
investment, capital allowance and other party’s grant.
This condition is in accordance with statement that
"the capital function in a cooperative is handicapped,
that the capital is not depend on its capital
contribution but on its patronage of the cooperative"
(Röpke J, 2002). This opinion is also supported by the
statement that cooperatives are less attractive to
members, members’ candidate and other
stakeholders, who would like to be a member caused
by excess capital. (Sugiyanto, 2007).
Limitations of capital contribution from members,
because capital contribution are made in stages and
there are still many members who are not active. The
cooperative surplus is still limited, so cooperative
surplus set aside for capital allowance also limited.
Based on these conditions, the prime of cooperative
capital sources are still come from debt capital.
Cooperative performance can be indicated by
development of cooperative profitability as measured
by return on equity (ROE) (see figure 2):
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
21 21 21 21 21
17,7 12,95 9,05 14,08 12,14
Indones ia
Figure 2: Return on equity of cooperative in Indonesia.
Source: Financial Report of Ministry of Cooperative and
SME’s Of Indonesia.
Figure 2 describe that ROE of Indonesia’s
cooperative over last 5 years is still fluctuating
growth, in 2011 ROE of 17,7%, 2012 decline equal to
12,95% and 2013 to 9.05%, 2014 increased to
14,08% and 12,14% in 2015. But, ability of
cooperatives to obtaining profitability as measured by
ROE is still under the standard set by government, i.e.
In the financial perspective many factors impact
on ability of cooperatives to obtain return, such as
business effectiveness, liquidity, and also from
leverage is ability to raise capital, especially debt
capital that is usually measured by capital structure.
In reality, financial managers have not yet
implemented capital structure approaches and their
impact on cooperative returns. Almost never realized
that cost of capital, as a consequences of capital
source have an impact on the results of surplus.
Cooperative managers almost never consider that
capital structure in funding decisions is very
important and its impact on the acquisition of
business results, usually only consideration how
cooperative can obtain capital source quickly.
The source of debt capital or financial leverage
has three important implications, one of which is: If
the firm obtains a greater return on investment that
financed by debt than interest payments then the
return on equity will be greater, or leveraged
(Brigham E. F, 1999). Still quoted from the same
author, states that Modigliani and Miller conclude
that leverage will increase firm value because interest
of debt reduces taxable income. In general, cost of
debt is cheaper than cost of equity so that company
gets a 'savings' when a company diverts equity
financing to debt financing.
Many studies on other business entities stating
that the capital structure has an impact on profitability
that measured by return on assets (ROA) or return on
equity (ROE). Capital structure positively leverage on
profitability even also has an impact on the firm
value, but the others research indicate that capital
structure unleveraged on profitability even also has
no impact on firm value. The discussion of firm value
in cooperative until now is still very rarely done.
Based on the previous research indicates that there
is inconsistent results related to impact of capital
structure on profitability and firm value. Quang, Do
Xuan, et al (2015), mention that there are different
relations between capital structure and financial
performance at different thresholds. In the range of
(0.040; 0.703), capital structure is positively related
to financial performance, outside that range, the
relation is negative.
Several researches state that capital structure has
a significant effect on profitability (Necib, Redjem, et
al, 2014; and Pontoh, Winston, et al, 2013). While
research conducted by Vătavu, Sorana, (2015);
Sultan, Ayad Shaker, et al, (2015); and Salawu, Rafiu
Oyesola, et al, (2009) states that the capital structure
has a negative effect on profitability.
While research related to impact of capital
structure to firm value also has different result
Decision of Cooperative Capital Structure, Profitability and Firm Value
conclusion. According to research conducted by
Masidonda, Jaelani La, et al (2013), states that capital
structure has a positive effect on firm value.
Effects of capital structure and profitability on
firm value with company size as the moderating
variable, the results show that independent variables
have simultaneous significant influence on the
corporate value (Mahdaleta, Ela, et al, 2016). In
addition, capital structure and profitability also have
impact the value of the company (LAWAL,
Adedoyin Isola, 2014).
Based on this description, the objective of this
study to examine the decision of cooperative capital
structure and impact on profitability, and the decision
of cooperative capital structure and profitability on
firm value, that is in practice almost does not discuss
these variables in cooperative financing decision
2.1 Decision of Cooperative Capital
Cooperatives as a people economic movement based
on the principle of brotherhood that has an important
role in growing and developing the economic
potential of an equitable and prosperous society. The
cooperative is seen as an enterprises conducting
economic activities as well as other business entities,
as stated by Arifin, Ramudi (2003) "Cooperative is a
modern economic enterprises that demands
conceptual and rational thinking because the
cooperative lives in a dynamic economic
environment and keep moving forward, getting more
open, globalizing and creating increasingly
competition ".
Cooperative activities based on the values and
principles of cooperative, the values of cooperative is
a standard of morality and ethics agreed on a basis of
the traditions of its founders who became foundation
of cooperative ideology in achieving its goals. The
values of cooperatives are: (1) Self-help and
solidarity through togetherness or join action, (2)
Responsibility cooperative management, (3) Based
on equality of members; (4) Justice; and (5)
Solidarity, collective interests of their members.
Cooperative principle is a working guideline for
cooperatives in doing every effort it does.
Cooperative principles are essentially a more
operational translation of the cooperative values. In
Indonesia, Cooperative principles of are contained in
Indonesian Act No. 25 / 1992 / Cooperatives, Article
5. Where such principles include: (a) voluntary and
open membership, (b) management is democratically,
(c) the distribution of the surplus as a result of
operations is done fairly in proportion to the size of
business services of each member, (d) provision of
limited remuneration of capital, (e) independence, (f)
cooperative education, (g) collaboration between
Such as the other business entity, cooperative
needs supporting capital from debt and equity
sources. Capital structure decision is the second topic
of financial management after investment decisions,
often referred to as financing decisions for a
company. Capital structure is usually analogous to the
amount of debt. The capital structure is a balance of
the amount of permanent short-term debt, long-term
debt, with equity (Brigham, E. F, 1999).
Capital structure shows the source of capital
contribution from the owner and creditor. The change
in capital structure occurs in line with the additional
capital required by the cooperative either from debt
or equity. Debt capital has two advantages: The first,
paid interest can reduce tax, thus lowering effective
cost of debt. Secondly, creditor will earn a fixed
income, so a lender does not need to take part of profit
when in prime cooperative condition, so income for
the owner will increase. On the other hand debt
capital has a weakness, higher debt is higher risk, and
higher interest, for the business unit that financial
difficulties and operating profit is not sufficient to pay
interest then owner must cover the shortfall.
Cooperative capital structure shows the source of
the cooperative capital or as a capital contribution of
member and creditor. Hanel, A (1988) defines the
member's financial contribution as equity or stock,
formation of allowance and other deposits.
Other opinions about the theory of capital
structure still continue. The Modigliani and Miller
approach argues that leverage is independent of firm
value, with assumptions of which one is no tax, so this
approach is known as irrelevance theory. Based on
this approach the value of a non-unleveraged firm is
exactly the same as the firm using leverage.
Unleveraged and leverage firm value (Siaw, 1999).
Leverage approach model with MM Proportion I
model without tax. This proportion recognizes that
firm value is not influenced by the financing strategy,
but depends on the operationalization of the business
run and not on the funds acquired. If the unleveraged
firm value is equal to leverage firm value according
to the MM approach without taxes often referred to as
proposition 2, then the weighted average cost of
capital (WACC) of both companies is identical.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
According to Siaw (1999) the approach of MM
without taxes: The addition of financing with debt
will usually be followed by an increase in costs of
capital such as interest expenses. In accordance with
Proposition 1, changes in decision of capital structure
will not impact the firm value. In other words, the
owner is faced with an increased financial risk
without compensation from rising firm value. The
owner will ask for a higher return as a compensation
for the increased risk, this is called the higher cost of
equity capital for the leveraged company.
2.2 Profitability of Cooperatives
Profitability measures the ability of a business entity
to generate profits, in a cooperative enterprise called
as a business surplus at a certain level of sales, assets,
or capital. Cornett, et al (2012) and Ross, Stephen A
(2016) state that profitability of a business entity can
be measured with profit margin which describes the
ability to earn profit from sales, return on assets that
describe the ability to earn a profit of all assets
operationalized, and return on assets that illustrate the
ability to earn on equity.
In this study, profitability will be measured by
ROE to measure a company's ability to generate
profits based on a certain level of equity capital
(Hanafi, Mamduh, 2005). In the cooperative
enterprises, profitability is assumed to be equal to the
business surplus, according to Indonesian Act No. 25
/ 1992 / Cooperatives, Article 45, states that the
remaining surplus of the cooperative business
represent the income of the cooperative obtained in
one period minus expenses, depreciation, and other
liabilities including taxes in the relevant fiscal year.
2.3 The Cooperative Firm Value
The cooperative firm value to be considered as an
alternative to provide more value in improving the
member’s economic welfare. Increasing the
cooperative firm value has not been considered as one
of the objectives of cooperative enterprises, whereas
it is realized or not the value must occur in every
enterprises, for example from the higher value of
assets owned, the undistributed business surplus that
accumulate as a capital allowance in cooperative,
highly prospective cooperative business, increasing
human capital capability, systems that have been built
so far and others.
Cooperatives are not go public yet, and then of
course the cooperative firm value cannot be judged by
the stock market price. Using a value prediction
approach to be paid by prospective investors when a
cooperative is sold will also make it difficult for the
cooperative, since the first cooperative principle
states that members can leave at any time when
members want. A possible approach to use is the net
wealth improvement approach. Components of net
assets include members' deposit capital in the form of
principal savings, mandatory savings, other deposits
equivalent to mandatory savings, grants received by
cooperatives, and capital allowance formed by
business surplus.
Member’s deposits indicating ownership are the
rights of each member. Grants are accepted solely
because of the existence of cooperative, and capital
allowance are not shared to members, capital
allowance are only used to bear the risk when
cooperative suffers losses, so that magnitude of net
wealth increase can be valued at the amount of capital
allowance formed by business results, which can be
formulated as follows:
If we assume that cooperative firm value as an equity
Cooperative firm
= Equity
Net worth or equity in the form of members' deposits
and capital participation not as permanent capital of the
cooperative, because it must be paid back when the
member out and divest the capital of participation
Cooperative firm
= Equity – nonpermanent
= Principal saving +
mandatory saving + Other
deposits equivalent to
mandatory savings + Capital
Cooperative firm
= Permanent capital
Cooperative firm
= Capital Allowance + Grants
Source: Sugiyanto (2010)
Increasing the cooperative firm value is only
valued at capital allowance derived from business
surplus because it is not related to the rights / claims
of members at the time of the cooperative
membership out. We know that at any time members
may be out of membership, then members will only
be given a refund of principal savings, mandatory
savings, other deposits equivalent to mandatory
savings. This condition indicates that members of the
cooperative do not get the added value of the paid-up
capital if the person leaves the cooperative
membership. The increase of the value of the
Decision of Cooperative Capital Structure, Profitability and Firm Value
cooperative enterprises which is valued from the
capital allowance formed by undistributed business
surplus is actually a part of the member's business
surplus however, on basis of description, it is
preferable that the capital allowance not be
distributed to the member upon exit of the
cooperative membership. This is in accordance with
the Indonesian Act No 25 / 1992 / Cooperatives,
Article 45 (2) The rest of the business surplus after
deducting the capital allowance, distributed to
members in proportion to the business services
performed by each member to the cooperative, and
other purposes of the cooperative, in accordance with
the decision of the Member Meeting. From this
statement can be interpreted that is divided for
members limited to the surplus of the member's
To support this study based on several previous
researches indicated that the leverage ratio measured
by debt to equity ratio has a positive effect on return
on equity (Salim, Jihan, 2015). Other research
indicates that firm's performance, which is measured
by profitability ratio, is an influenced by the degree
of capital structure (MOSCU, Raluca Georgiana,
The results of research conducted by Dewi, Inggi
Rovita, et al (2014) concluded that there is partially
and simultaneously significant influence of debt to
assets ratio on firm value measured by Tobin's Qar
var. The relationship between capital structure and
firm value has a nonlinear relationship represents a
convex Parapol shape, (Cuong, Nguyen Thanh,
2.4 Hypothesis
Based on the library review and previous researches,
it can be formulated hypothesis: (1) There is impact
of decision of cooperative capital structure decision
to profitability, (2) There are impact either directly or
indirectly of decision of cooperative capital structure
and profitability on cooperative firm value.
This research conducted in West Java, Indonesia. The
type of research is descriptive quantitative analysis,
by using survey research the required data is
secondary data from cooperative financial statements
during 5 years, sample size 52 cooperatives using
simple random sampling technique. Path analysis
method used to explain the strength and direction of
the impact of some independent variables to one
dependent variable. Hypothesis test is done by using
t - test.
In accordance with the purpose of this study is to
examine the impact of decision of cooperative capital
structure on profitability and firm value, using path
analysis with the SPSS program version 20, summary
of analysis results can be presented in table 1 and
figure 3:
Table 1: Correlation coefficient.
No Description R
R Square
Impact of Decision of Cooperative
Capital Structure on Profitability
0,235 5, 5 Significant
2 Impact of Profitability on Firm Value 0,448 20 Significant
Impact of Decision of Cooperative
Capital Structure on Firm Value
0,237 5,6 Significant
Impact of Decision of Cooperative
Capital Structure on Firm Value
Through P rofitability (Indirect)
0,324 10,53 Significant
5 Total Impact 16,13 Significant
Source: Path Analysis Results
The results of the analysis can be described in
figure 3:
Figure 3: The impact of decision of cooperative capital
structure on profitability and firm value.
Based on the table 1 and figure 3, result of this study
gradually can be explained as direct and indirect impacts.
4.1 Direct Impacts
4.1.1 Impact of Decision of Cooperative
Capital Structure on Profitability
Decision of cooperative capital structure as measured
by debt to asset ratio has an impact on profitability
measured by return on equity. The magnitude of
correlation coefficient (r) of 0.235 and significant, it
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
shows that decision of cooperative capital structure
that described by combination of debt capital and
equity capital, and usually the decision of capital
structure is emphasized on the acquisition of higher
debt capital sources, mean that the higher assets
financed by debt capital will impact on the return on
equity. In other words the return for the member
capital deposited in the cooperative will increase
when the cooperative is increasingly using debt
capital. Although the magnitude of the impact of
capital structure on profitability described by
determinant coefficient is only (r2) = 5.5%. This is in
accordance with previous theory which states that
decision of capital structure becomes leverage to
return on equity.
4.1.2 Impact of Profitability on Firm Value
In this study also examines the impact of profitability
as measured by return on equity on cooperative firm
value are measured by the ratio of permanent capital
to total equity capital. The permanent capital of the
cooperative consists of capital allowance and grants,
it means that cooperative capital which will basically
be in the cooperative during the cooperative are still
running. The result of analysis shows that there is
impact of profitability to cooperative firm value with
correlation coefficient (r) equal to 0,448 and have a
significant impact. It is indicates that increasing of
cooperative profitability will impact on the
development of permanent capital especially related
to the development of allowance capital, the reality in
the field shows that the higher the business surplus
obtained by the cooperative will have an impact on
the allowance of the business surplus used to cultivate
the allowance capital. The magnitude of the impact of
profitability on the cooperative firm value measured
by the determinant coefficient (r2) = 20.0%. It is
consistent with the results of previous research on
various types of business entities, means that theory
also applies to cooperative enterprises.
4.1.3 The Impact of Decision of Cooperative
Capital Structure on Firm Value
The impact of decision of cooperative capital
structure on cooperative firm value indicate that,
magnitude of correlation coefficient of the impact of
decision of cooperative capital structure on firm value
of r = 0.237, significant. This result indicates that
there will be an increase in the cooperative firm value
when the debt to assets ratio also increase, it means
that if the source of capital derived from the debt is
increased will have a positive impact on the increase
in the cooperative firm value is assessed by the ratio
of permanent capital to equity capital. The magnitude
of the impact of decision of cooperative capital
structure on cooperative firm value as measured by
the determinant coefficient (r2) = 5.6%. The results
of this study in line with previous studies which states
that one of the factors that impact cooperative firm
value is the decision of cooperative capital structure.
4.2 Indirect Impact of Decision of
Cooperative Capital Structure on
Firm Value through Profitability
The magnitude of indirect impact of decision of
cooperative capital structure on cooperative firm
value through profitability of correlation coefficient
(r) = 0.324, significant. This coefficient shows that
the impact of decision of cooperative capital structure
to the cooperative firm value through profitability has
a greater impact than the direct impact of decision of
cooperative capital structure on the cooperative firm
value of r = 0.237. It shows that the fact that has a
greater impact in determining the cooperative firm
value is profitability. It can be shown by the
magnitude of the impact of profitability on the
cooperative firm value with a correlation coefficient
(r) of 0.448, because the change in the cooperative
firm value described by the ratio of permanent capital
to equity is depend on the size of cooperative business
surplus, because some business surplus should be set
aside to foster capital allowance as one element of
cooperative permanent capital.
When combined with the direct impact of
decision of cooperative capital structure on firm value
and indirectly from the decision of cooperative capital
structure to firm value through profitability as
intervening variable then the overall magnitude of the
capital structure impact on cooperative firm value of
r2 = 16.13%.
Based on this study, we can draw some conclusions:
(1) Decision of cooperative capital structure as an
illustration of the size of the cooperative debt used to
finance the asset has a significant impact on
cooperative profitability, thus there is a leverage on
cooperative profitability; (2) Profitability has a
significant impact on cooperative firm value, thus the
development of the cooperative firm value influenced
by cooperative profitability; (3) The decision of
cooperative capital structure directly also impact on
the cooperative firm value, it shows that the larger
debt used to finance the assets of the cooperative will
have an impact on the cooperative firm value; (4) The
Decision of Cooperative Capital Structure, Profitability and Firm Value
decision of cooperative capital structure indirectly
impact on cooperative firm value through
profitability as intervening variables, it shows that
decision of cooperative capital structure impact on
firm value through profitability greater than direct
impact of decision of cooperative capital structure on
firm value; (5) Overall, it can be concluded that
decision of cooperative capital structure and
profitability become the determinant of increasing
cooperative firm value.
Based on the above conclusions, it can be
suggested that cooperatives should also be able to
utilize the source of capital derived from debt,
because the source of debt capital becomes leverage
to the profitability of the cooperative. The
cooperative profitability and firm value as an impact
of decision of cooperative capital structure should be
basis for financing management policy.
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