The Contribution of Learning Entrepreneurship on the
Establishment of Attitude Entrepreneurship
Riza Yonisa Kurniawan, Novi Trisnawati and Yoyok Soesatyo
Department of Economics Education, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Learning, Attitude of Entrepreneurship.
Abstract: Learning entrepreneurial of education economy was intended to produce a candidate young entrepreneurial
which after they pass having provisions and mental as entrepreneurs and not mental employees. Research
aims to identify the establishment of the attitudes and entrepreneurship awareness of students after getting
learning entrepreneurship. The influence of learning entrepreneurship measured by the follow in the
classroom, mastery entrepreneurship, the climate/learning, interest on entrepreneurship students, and attitude
student achievement. This research used a quantitative approach to the number of samples from 80 students,
the data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis is by analysing the study data percentage. The result
showed that a significant contribution of teaching us entrepreneurship on establishing an entrepreneurship.
This means the higher the level mastery learning and improving the quality of learning entrepreneurship,
bigger implication a change in attitude entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship has an important role in
strengthening the economy of a country,
entrepreneurship into the national economic strength
that drives technology, science, and innovation. All
that is the result of a dynamic process that creative
and innovative entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur that
create jobs and pro-mote economic growth. Fauzi
(2016) the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia
increased four million people over a period of ten
years. From the results of the economic census shows
an increase since the 2006 economic census, in 2006
the number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is around
22.7 million people and 2016 increased by 26.7
million or an increase of 17.6 percent. This increase
cannot be separated from GOI efforts to continuously
improve the amenity, access, and licensing for the
business climate in Indonesia is getting better.
Besides other factors that support the increasing
number of entrepreneurs in Indonesia is their
entrepreneurial education has been done at the basic
education level. Entrepreneurship education is a
medium that to establish entrepreneurial attitude is
good, which is creative, innovative, and resilient.
Hadi (2014) revealed that the entrepreneurial and
are two things that cannot be separated,
entrepreneurship education is able to form an
independent character, tenacious, and tough on the
students. Attitudes formed then because of an
increase in self-efficacy, effort and academic
achievement of students. Lilian (2012) explains that
there is a correlation between the increase in self-
efficacy, effort, and achievement in the formation of
attitudes. Students with good academic achievement
tend to have a good attitude. Therefore
entrepreneurship education needs to be done to shape
the attitudes of entrepreneurs for aspiring young
entrepreneurs to have mental as employers, not
employees. This study was conducted to determine
the contribution of entrepreneurial learning to the
formation of an attitude someone in entrepreneurship,
student interest in entrepreneurship after getting
learning material on entrepreneurship and
entrepreneurial mastery of the material.
Entrepreneurship definition has a very broad and
different from some opinions. In general,
entrepreneurship is often defined as the ability of the
soul, the ability, and passion for creating something
new and to make worth more. Scott et. al (2015)
defines entrepreneur an attempt to create a new
Kurniawan, R., Trisnawati, N. and Soesatyo, Y.
The Contribution of Learning Entrepreneurship on the Establishment of Attitude Entrepreneurship.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 597-601
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
innovation by exerting all efforts owned. The
entrepreneurial spirit must be able to move
dynamically and following technological progress
and adjusting the demands of globalization, as
described by Muntean (2016) entrepreneurs are the
ones who are free spirited, has a quality, innovative,
and can adjust itself according to global demands.
Entrepreneurship education needs to be done to
introduce entrepreneurship from an early age in the
younger generation. Entrepreneurial regeneration in
the world is very important because the future
challenges facing not only the demands of
globalization but also the advancement of technology.
Introduce the world of entrepreneurship from an early
age will also build mental younger generations as a
maker of employment and not just as a job seeker.
Meiriza (2015) says that infuse perceptions and
attitudes of entrepreneurship need to be done since
school age.
The quality and entrepreneurship skills also
determine the quality of the work done, the ability to
see opportunities and make the right decisions can be
honed through entrepreneurship education, Fenton
and Barry (2011) revealed an excess of graduates in
entrepreneurship education, among others; (1)
Employers without entrepreneurship education does
have more experience when compared to graduates of
entrepreneurship education, but graduates in
entrepreneurship education have more competence so
that more learn and adapt, (2) A graduate in
entrepreneurship education have more future
prospects, because it is really prepared to be ready to
enter the world of entrepreneurship, and not because
of necessity, (3) attitude and mental graduated with
entrepreneurship education have been set up before
entering the world of entrepreneurship, so has the
readiness of more than the entrepreneur without an
entrepreneurial education. Indeed entrepreneurship
education is done to train prospective entrepreneur
mental readiness, maturity, and mental
entrepreneurial attitude, prospective entrepreneurs
will be better pre-pared to enter the world of business.
2.1 Research Type
This is descriptive research with the quantitative
approach, this study drew entrepreneurial learning
con-tributes to the formation of an entrepreneurial
attitude through mastery of the material, academic
achievement, and student interest in entrepreneur-
ship after getting learning material on entrepreneur-
2.2 Population and Sample
The population of this study was the student of the
domestic economic education universities Surabaya
320 students. Sujarweni (2014: 66) provides guidance
in determining the sample is between 30-100
elements. Then the sample is the student of economic
education with the number of 80 students.
2.3 Data Collection Techniques
Data retrieved by using a survey conducted in the
classroom that includes, mastery of the material,
learning environment, student interest in
entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial attitudes.
Mastery of the material is measured using evaluation
questions while learning atmosphere, student interest,
and entrepreneurial attitudes were measured by a
questionnaire with the following assessment
Table 1: Criteria achievement.
Letter Score Interval
A 4 85 A 100
A- 3,75 80 A- < 85
B+ 3,5 75 B+ < 80
B 3 70 B < 75
B- 2,75 65 B- < 70
C+ 2,5 60 C+ < 65
C 2 55 C < 60
D 1 40 D 55
E 0 0 E < 40
Table 2: Criteria atmosphere learning.
Interval score Cate
0 – 25
26 – 50
51 – 75
76 - 100
Very High
Grouping students by category value a show of
learning achievement and mastery of the material
very well. The lower of value criteria students the
value of procurement of materials be told less
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
2.4 Data Analysis Technique
This research uses descriptive analysis to describe the
object under study. The instrument used was a
questionnaire compiled by the research variables
atmosphere of learning and interest in
entrepreneurship. Meanwhile, to measure the level of
mastery of the material used instrument problem.
3.1 Control Matter
Measurement mastery of entrepreneurship conducted
after the learning process is done, by comparing the
achievements of material dominated.
After giving the material and test mastery of the
material, obtained from 80 student achievement as
Table 3: Value achievement study.
A A- B+ B- B
34 13 8 14 11
Percentage 42,5% 16,25% 10% 17,5% 13,75%
In Table 3 are known student learning
achievement predicated A amounted to 34 or as much
as 42.5% of, the acquisition of existing low learning
achievement on the criterion value B with the number
of 11 students or 13.75% of the total. The highest
value obtained learning achievement is 93 and the
lowest 43.
3.2 Learning Atmosphere
Study visits of activity or participation of students
during the activities of entrepreneurial learning.
From the data collection activity of students in
learning activities obtained the following data:
Table 4: Value participation learning.
ation 9 22 34 15
Percentage 11.25% 27.5% 42.5% 18.75%
From the data reveal that the level of participation
of students with the most dominating during the
activities of entrepreneurial learning, the number of
34 students or 42.5% of the total sample. While
students with low participation rate amounted to 9
students or 11.25% of the total. Measuring the level
of active participation of students during the learning
activities obtained the highest score is 89 points and
the lowest scores 11 points, it indicates that the
interests of students at the high entrepreneurship.
3.3 The Interest in Entrepreneurship
From the results of measurements carried out on 80
students obtained the data as follows:
Table 5: Data interest in entrepreneurship.
h Ver
Value interests 8 28 27 17
Presentation 10% 35% 33.75% 21.25%
After entrepreneurial learning by the student's
interest in entrepreneurship is high enough, when
seen in table 5 number of students who have high
interest and interest categories are being fairly
balanced. The highest interest earned points is 91 and
the lowest was 13 points. With the number of students
who have a high interest in a number of 27 students
or 33.75% of the total, while students who have been
numbered 28 with the presentation of 35% of the total
3.4 Entrepreneurial Attitude
The results of data processing on entrepreneurial
attitudes can be shown in the table below:
Table 6: Value entrepreneurial attitude.
Participation 11 10 42 17
Percentage 13,75% 12,5% 52,5% 21,25%
Table 6 shows the entrepreneurial attitude after
participating in entrepreneurial learning. Students
with high entrepreneurial attitude number 52,0% or
The Contribution of Learning Entrepreneurship on the Establishment of Attitude Entrepreneurship
as many as 42 people have a good entrepreneurial
attitude after participating in entrepreneurial learning.
While the achievement of students with less attitude
only 13.75% or a total of 11 people of the total.
Based on the description above research result
shows that the mastery of the material or the learning
achievement is closely related to the formation of
attitudes in entrepreneurship. The higher the person's
level of mastery of entrepreneurial stronger it will
strong stance also entrepreneurial attitudes are
formed. Makerere et al (2010) explains that the
cognitive abilities of entrepreneurship will have an
impact on behavior and eventually form a strong
entrepreneurial attitude. Besides mastery of the
material will also improve the ability in
entrepreneurship, be-come more innovative, and have
the performance to become a successful entrepreneur
in the future, as described by Cruz et al (2009),
entrepreneurial learning will improve management
capabilities, somebody, it relates to innovation and
the ability to analyze a person, entrepreneur is
someone who is able to analyze their surroundings
and create opportunities.
From the aspect of participation and interest of the
students also have contributed to the formation of an
entrepreneurial attitude. An increase in student
participation when following entrepreneurial learning
shows the amount of student interest in
entrepreneurship. Chen and Lai (2010) mentions
factors that can affect the formation of an
entrepreneurial attitude that is; (1) environmental
conditions in the study, (2) Self-traits Conditions
relating to the learning environment learning
environment, where learning environment to support
learning activities the participation of learners will
increase. Adetayo (2006) the decisive factor is the
formation of an entrepreneurial attitude, personality,
learning, experience, social factors, and culture.
Learning does con-tribute to the formation of an
entrepreneurial attitude, the better the quality of
learning the entrepreneurial attitude getting stronger.
Hatten and Ruhland (2010) reinforce the statement
that their study revealed that after participating in
learning activities in SBI. (Small Business Institute)
student participation and student interest in
entrepreneurship are also higher, the height of these
two factors contributes to shaping the entrepreneurial
Entrepreneurial learning aims to establish the mental
attitude and prospective entrepreneurs from an early
age through cognitive mastery, independence
attitude, tenacious, and creative. The results of this
study indicate a positive contribution to the formation
of learning the entrepreneurial attitude of
entrepreneurship on economic education students.
The three variables that measured learning
achievements, activity or participation of students
during the learning entrepreneurship. The results
indicate the formation of entrepreneurial attitudes
related to entrepreneurship mastery of the material.
The higher level of mastery of entrepreneurial k the
stronger the person's mental and entrepreneurial
attitude. Recommendation of this research the attitude
of a good entrepreneur will have an impact on the
individual’s work ethic and professionalism in the
future. To establish an entrepreneurial attitude among
the factors that contributed include student
achievement, then the provision of materials,
facilities, and the atmosphere of learning activities
should be supportive. Students will gain more
experience if often held seminars to hold discussions
with competent sources in the field of
entrepreneurship. It is also important to introduce an
entrepreneurial environment for learning activities,
namely to conduct a site visit of entrepreneurs or
small industrial center.
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