How to Apply Hybrid Learning for Improving Students
Understanding about Regression Model
Muhammad Abdul Ghofur
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Hybrid learning, Students, Regression Model.
Abstract: Most Universitas Negeri Surabaya economics education students find it difficult to understand the regression
model in econometric courses. The result of their tests on this material indicates an unfavorable value.
Implementation of hybrid learning is expected to improve students' understanding of the regression model. A
comparative test of student test scores is conducted on students in conventional learning class with students
in hybrid learning class. This comparison is made in 2 (two) conventional learning classes conducted in 2016
and 2 (two) classes of hybrid learning conducted in 2017 with the same teachers and materials. Based on the
test of analysis of variance (ANOVA), it is known that the test value of students in hybrid learning is better
when compared with the value of students in conventional learning.
1.1 Background
Econometrics course is one of the subjects taught in
Economic Education Studies Program of Universitas
Negeri Surabaya. This course is taught to equip
students in order to have insight and skills of con-
ducting a quantitative economic analysis.
Econometrics is one powerful tool used to analyze
microeconomic and macroeconomics problems
(Greene, 2012). Econometric analysis is also possible
to apply to the problems of education, especially
economic education.
The Curriculum Development Team of the
Economic Education Studies Program of the State
University of Surabaya views the important economic
courses for the students. After taking this course
students are expected to be able to analyze the
problems faced by the appropriate analytical tools,
especially when using regression analysis model.
However, most students consider this course a
difficult course.
Student exam scores also show unsatisfactory
results. Where in 2016 there are only 17 out of 80
Economics Education Program students whose
econometrics test scores fall into the satisfactory
category (above 75 points) while the other 63 are not
satisfactory. While the basic study of this subject is
the material model of the regression equation. If
students are able to understand well about the concept
and characteristics of this regression model, the
students will not have difficulties in the development
The existence of these problems needs to find the
best alternative solutions. This solution should be
possible to be applied both technically and in terms of
cost. In general, there are four main things that
determine learning that is (lecturers, students,
challenges, and teaching method). According to
Kaufeldt (2008), there are six elements in the learning
process. These elements are the physical
environment, the social environment, the presentation
by the teacher, the content or the learning materials,
the learning process, and the learning products.
According to Hamalik (2004), students who are one
component in teaching, is the most important
component among other groups. Students are the
decisive element in teaching and learning process.
All elements in the learning process must match
the needs and characteristics of students. Like
students in developing countries in general, the
characteristics of students majoring in Economic
Education tend to be passive and prefer something
instant. Most students do not engage in interactive
classroom learning, they tend to be quiet and reluctant
Ghofur, M.
How to Apply Hybrid Learning for Improving Students Understanding about Regression Model.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 452-455
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to develop what they have learned in classroom
learning. They tend to accept what material is
presented in the lecture.
Students have not used the maximally available
learning resources. Students are still fixated on
conventional learning resources, such as reference
books that are not diverse. Situations such as these
make learning into teacher oriented (teacher oriented)
has put students as objects that are less profitable.
Lecturers eventually play the most dominant source
of learning.
Application of hybrid learning makes the
opportunity to reduce teacher-oriented learning.
Hybrid Learning, often also called Blended Learning,
is a method of learning that combines conventional
learning methods with online learning. Learning
methods can be face to face every day, then there are
some components of e-learning learning that is
inserted, or vice versa, most e-learning learning, and
then inserted face-to-face method for review or
assessment. Twigg (2003), which classified the types
of hybrid learning into four types of learning models:
replacement, supplemental, Emporium, and buffet.
The model proposed in this study is a replacement
model, some parts of the face-to-face lecture are re-
placed with learning materials in the form of self-
learning applications. This application was developed
with Android platform given to the students. Thus the
meeting time in the classroom will be reduced.
Application of hybrid learning is expected to in-
crease student learning activities where students are
more active in deepening the concept and application
of regression models independently. Students are
aware of the source of information and other learning
resources so that the students are rich in their point of
view, thought, analysis and application. Media self-
study also this opens opportunities for learning
activities that are fun for students because it can be
done anytime and anywhere.
Some studies of learning using this approach
include the study of Scott III (2011) which offers
economic learning using tablet computers has in-
creased student engagement and make learning more
dynamic. Chen & Chen's (2011) study on the use of
learning media with hyperlinks significantly
improves student learning performance and deepens
student knowledge when discussing.
For mathematics-based learning Gönül and Sola-
no (2013) studies that examine the use of computer
media in a combination of learning environments
show a very positive effect on student learning out-
comes on difficult learning materials i.e. business
mathematics. Lee et al (2017) conducted research on
the application of blended learning in algebra classes
at Korean universities resulted in a significant in-
crease in maturity of mathematical views, reflection
quality, and student satisfaction. While Metzgar
(2014) whose study compared traditional learning
with hybrid learning that states that in hybrid learning
students feel more happy and motivated to learn than
traditional learning.
A hybrid approach is not a learning without a
weakness. Hybrid learning may fit a particular class
size not for all. It may also not be effective when
applied to diverse students in diverse disciplines
(Westover & Westover, 2014). Jackson & Helms
(2008) suggests that the implementation of blended
classes still exhibits the same weakness as the online
format, the addition of face-to-face interaction does
not minimize weaknesses. According to this study
both teachers and students found no significant
differences between conventional e-learning learning
with hybrid learning.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The low understanding of the students of economic
education on the concept of regression equation
model needs to find the right solution. This solution
should match the needs and characteristics of the
students as well as be applicable. The application of
hybrid model replacement learning is expected to
improve students' understanding of the concept of
regression model. Thus the hypothesis in this re-
search is to apply hybrid learning model replacement
understanding of student about regression model
better than with conventional learning.
1.3 Research Objective
The purpose of this study is to find out whether by
applying hybrid learning complementary model can
improve student understanding of the concept of the
regression model. In addition, the study also as an
effort to reproduce the study of the application of
hybrid learning on learning in the modern era.
1.4 Research Question
The research question is whether the application of
hybrid learning can improve students' understanding
of the concept of the regression model.
How to Apply Hybrid Learning for Improving Students Understanding about Regression Model
The approach used to answer the research feast is a
quantitative approach. The tool used to test the re-
search hypothesis is Analysis of variance (ANOVA).
ANOVA analysis is one multivariate analysis
technique that can differentiate the mean of two or
more data groups by comparing its variance (Ghozali,
2009). This analysis is used to know the difference of
students understanding the regression model. To
prove whether the understanding of students who
follow hybrid learning class learning with the under-
standing of students who follow the conventional
learning process conducted a comparison of test
results in two conventional classes and two classes of
hybrid. Two conventional classes are implemented in
2016 and two hybrid classes by 2017 with the same
materials and teachers. Students of Economic
Education Studies Program of Universitas Negeri
Surabaya basically tend to a passive character in the
pro-cess in learning class, but generally, there is no
significant character difference in each class. Each
class consists of 41 to 43 students. Data were
collected for each class in the final test after two
meetings on the subject of the regression equation
model implemented a week after the second meeting.
Analysis of the application of complementary model
hybrid learning was conducted on four classes
consisting of two conventional classes and two hybrid
classes. The total number of students analyzed is 167
students, of which 82 students are incorporated in
conventional learning and 85 students follow hybrid
learning. All of these students are joined in four
classes, 42 students in class A and 40 class B students
on conventional learning in 2016. While the hybrid
class that was held in 2017 consisted of 42 students
of class A and 43 class B.
The value of the test results in each class is
presented in Table 1. In the class a conventional aver-
age value of the test results is 47.25 with a standard
deviation of 18.81 while in class B obtained the
average test value of 62.44 with standard deviation
14.57. In the hybrid class obtained the average test
value of 75.69 with a standard deviation of 9.68 for
class a while in grade B obtained the average test
value of 71.12 with a standard deviation of 13.61. For
the overall average grade of the conventional class is
54.66 with the standard deviation of 18.43, while for
the hybrid class the average test value is 73.38 with
the standard deviation of 11.99.
Table 1: Results of the student regression model
comprehension test.
Std. Deviation
Seeing the results of the understanding of the
regression model of the students in the four classes
can be compared simply, where the average value of
hybrid learning tends to be better than conventional
learning. This means that the application of hybrid
learning can encourage students' understanding of the
regression model. Seen from the smaller standard
deviation value of hybrid learning when compared
with conventional standard deviation grade values.
This indicates that the hybrid class of students'
understanding can be more evenly distributed.
However, this needs to be proved statistically by
using analysis of variance. This analysis is used to
verify whether the variance of each group is
significantly different.
The results of ANOVA test in the conventional
class and hybrid class can be seen in Table 2. In the
table shows that there is the direct influence of
learning model to the students understanding of the
regression model. This conclusion is based on F value
of 61.68 with a probability value of 0.000 or less than
alpha 0.05. Additional outputs that can be seen in this
analysis are class A and B differences also determine
student test results where the F value of 4.67 with a
probability value of significance of 0.032 or less than
the alpha of 0.05.
Table 2: Tests of between-subjects effects.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
ANOVA test results proved that the application of
complementary model hybrid learning can improve
students' understanding of the concept of the
regression model. This result is in line with Tsami re-
search conclusions (2011) as well as research by
Gönül and Solano (2013). By applying hybrid
learning students can decide for themselves when and
where he/she studies. Students can determine the
right time in accordance with the style and habits in
learning so that students can maximize the absorption
of the material being studied. In addition, the process
of learning with complementary media also allows
students to learn repeatedly so as to retain their
Besides contributing to the improvement of
students' understanding, hybrid learning is also able
to encourage each student to be more active in
learning. This is possible because students can easily
begin the lesson without having to have an
accompanying teacher. This happens because
students can freely determine their own learning
activities. Students are also more able to learn in
situations with high privacy because learning
materials are easy to carry any-where.
To see the student's response whether the applied
hybrid learning triggered the students' enthusiasm for
learning as well as the research conducted by Metzgar
(2014), interviews were conducted on several
students. Most of the students interviewed said they
were encouraged to learn and feel more enthusiastic
about understanding the subject matter.
Based on the test of analysis of variance (ANOVA),
it is known that the test value of students who follow
hybrid learning is better when compared with the
value of students who follow conventional learning.
The application of hybrid learning also encourages
students to become more enthusiastic about learning.
In the hybrid class students' understanding of the
concept of regression also looks more evenly.
The authors wish to thank all the parties who have
helped the research. Especially students of economic
education course of Universitas Negeri Surabaya, al-
so assistants who have helped the collection and
compilation of data. Hopefully, this research can
contribute to improving the quality of learning.
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How to Apply Hybrid Learning for Improving Students Understanding about Regression Model