Identification Insert Economic Syariah on the Subjects of Economic
Senior High School
Luqman Hakim, Moch. Khoirul Anwar, Riza Yonisa Kurniawan and Triesninda Pahlevi
Department of Economic Education, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
{luqmanhakim, khoirulanwar, rizakurniawan, triesnindapahlevi}
Keywords: Learning, Economics, Sharia, High School, Specialization.
Abstract: Referring to the regulation minister for education 69 number in 2013, about a fundamental framework and
structure high school curriculum, giving chances to students to take learning subjects cross specializing.
Subjects economic one subjects enough offered as subjects’ cross-Specializing. Learning economy in Senior
high school and Islamic High School current in Indonesia are based on theory capitalist economy. According
to have evolved theory economic Sharia based. Referring to the economic development of sharia, be needed
learning that anticipating and adapted to environmental conditions. The research aim is to identify learning
material economy in high school senior can insert or added economic cross-specialization Sharia. A design
study used is research development. The result showed some material that can insert material Syariah
economy. Conclusions that resulted is learning economic x high school class more than 80 % may be equipped
with matter Syariah economy.
The growth of sharia business and banking industry
in Indonesia is currently experiencing positive
growth. The increase in growth is reflected in the
volume of business, investment fund and also the in-
crease of public deposit funds including the continued
expansion of financing. In line with the growth of
sharia industry in Indonesia is so rapid, one of the
challenges faced is the fulfilment of human re-sources
needs that understand and understand the business
and Islamic economy. There is still a considerable
disparity in human resource capacity in sharia
business and business, as well as sharia banking
compared with conventional business and banking.
This condition becomes an obstacle in conducting
business activities.
Public understanding and awareness of Sharia-
based business and business are one of the
fundamental issues. Educational institutions as
information providers of the community have a very
strategic role. Until now the introduction and study of
business and sharia economy more at higher
education level. Meanwhile, primary and secondary
education is limited. Some schools have added
studies and learning sharia economics. The learning
of sharia economy in primary and secondary schools
has been done based on the respective school policies.
The diversity of sharia economic learning in primary
and secondary schools also occurs, according to the
innovations made by each teacher and school, it is
highly variable in achieving targeted competencies.
Some research results stated that the research of
Muslikah, Roni, (2009) Implementation of
Competency-Based Sharia Curriculum at
Muhammadiyah Integrated Primary School Masaran
Sragen, The result explained that the concept of
integrated curriculum sharia in the implementation of
general and Islamic-based learning, integrated into
cognitive, af-fective and psychomotor.
Urgency Studying Islamic Economics (Study
Motivation Learning Islamic Economics at Members
of Islamic Economic Study Group Faculty of
Economics and Business Diponegeoro University of
Semarang, (Saleh, 2012), the results of his research
stated that psychological factors derived from the
religious motive is the most fundamental factor in
fostering motivation to learn In addition to external
factors social environment and non-social and
Student Perceptions of Local Sharia Learning
Activities at SMPN 2 Kota Tasikmalaya, (Mubarok,
Hakim, L., Anwar, M., Kurniawan, R. and Pahlevi, T.
Identification Insert Economic Syariah on the Subjects of Economic Senior High School.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 416-421
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2011), the students have a very good perception of the
implementation of learning Local Sharia Economic
Competency-Based Education Strategy for the
Development of Indonesian Islamic Banking SDI
(Muhammad, 2012), which concluded that For the
players of the world of education, regulators,
especially Bank Indonesia and the Ministry of
National Education and practitioners to build
integrative education model to prepare SDI Sharia
Indonesia financial industry.
Student Perception and Teacher About Sharia
Economics Through School Learning System (study
at SMPN 1 Kota Tasikmalaya, (Hermawan, 2008),
the result of respondent perception on sharia
economics is categorized good, while research result
of Bensaid and Machouche (2013) that by giving in-
formation about topic Certain Islam or mastery of
certain textbooks without opposing students' thinking
by giving emerging ideas and good trends will
increase the memorize from the students so that there
is implication of change and community development
Systematically Islamic learning from Islamic thought
can affect piety and moral discipline, including
change Social as an effective learning validation
parameter and can connect with the surrounding
Sharia Economics, Islamic Banking and
Management Education in the Global Era. (Munawar,
Fansuri, 2012), said the development of sharia
economy in the global era has implications for the
need for education and economic reform in Indonesia.
If there is no renewal then education in Indonesia will
be missed by the rhythm of change.
Economic Learning at secondary education level
Senior High school and Islamic High School in
accordance with the curriculum 2013, still refers to
the conventional economy. In accordance with the
Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture
of the Republic of Indonesia number 69 of 2013 on
the structure of secondary education curriculum, de-
scribed economic subjects including groups of
specialization mathematics.
Undoubtedly the purpose of sharia economy is for
the benefit of the human. Sharia economic sys-tem is
based on Qur'an and hadith. Aydin (2013) explains
that Islamic Economics is the knowledge and
application of Sharah's orders and rules that pre-vent
injustice in the acquisition and disposal of material
resources in order to give satisfaction to humans and
enable them to perform their obligations to God and
society. This is in line with the opinion of Islahi
(2015) in essence Islamic economy is made for the
benefit of the human and not to protect the interests
of some people.
The Islamic economy is flexible and upholds the
freedom of the human, Askari et al (2014) says that
in general Islamic law and ideology is very upholding
the freedom of the human. Humans and economies
come up with the processing of natural re-sources.
Humans as khalifah on earth have the freedom and
responsibility to manage resources, according to the
guidance in al-Qur’an and hadith. Of course, the
freedom in question is not intended to commit an act
of injustice, but the freedom in question is the
freedom to compete in the good.
With that in mind the Islamic economy can be
used as a way to strengthen the global economy.
Choudhury (2001) says the relevance of Islamic
finance in the process of ummatic globalization is ac-
companied by two normative and positive approaches
based on the view of Tawheed. In Tauhid's view
understanding of methodology and sharia application
plays a key role in the global financial outlook. The
difference in Islamic finance with capitalists is a
global financial process of promoting the promotion
and welfare of people, while capitalists are based on
competition and rationalism.
To be able to realize a strong Islamic economy,
then education is an important aspect to strengthen
the concept of Islamic economy. Tahir (2009) argues
that Islamic financial literacy is essential for the
growth of the Islamic financial economy sector in the
21st century. Improving the quality of Islamic
education at the undergraduate level can significantly
improve Islamic financial literacy. In line with that
thinking Hasan (2009) Islamic financial education at
the undergraduate level can be a step to strengthen the
economy through the implementation of Islamic
economics, however scholars are human resources
with high integrity in developing and strengthening
the economic sector.
Islamic economic education will be more
effective if it has been given early on, this strategy
can be done by implementing Islamic economic
material in-to the curriculum of formal education,
support it Job (2009) Merging of Madaris curriculum
(Islamic education institution) with Islamic finance
program will not only Improving the ulama, but also
effectively developing the skills of Madara students,
besides applying sharia in the educational curriculum
can be a proper step to introduce Islamic economics
early on.
In the economic education of material mastery
and economic ethics are the two most important,
Chappra (2009) argues that the Ethics of a person will
shape attitudes and behavior, as well as in economics.
Identification Insert Economic Syariah on the Subjects of Economic Senior High School
A person with an unfavourable ethic will show bad
behavior also in economic activity. In the economic
perspective of Islam, economic activity is not only
seen in terms of profit but also teaches ethics and
morals. Therefore, in line with economic education,
the moral and ethics of students must also be
considered, the concept of Islamic economic learning
not only teach economic activities, but also how to do
economic action without violating the principle of
justice. Akhtyamora et al (2015) reveals the principle
of teaching in Islamic economics related to Islamic
law written in al-Qur’an and hadith. The goal of
Islamic economics is to benefit the people by
distributing natural resources and opposing the
practice of usury. So by paying attention to the
concept of Islamic economic education can be said to
be able to form a good attitude economy early on the
Looking at the phenomenon of human resource
needs that have the competence, understanding, and
awareness of sharia economy that is needed, while the
available education still focuses on the conven-tional
economic understanding, it is necessary to re-search
that discusses Sharia economy starting from primary
and secondary education. This research is the
identification of basic competence that can be
inserted sharia economic material at high school
This research uses descriptive research method, this
research tries to describe sharia economic materials
that can be inserted in the subject matter of economy
class X in high school and Islamic high school.
The object of the study is the class X economic
meteor in High School. This research was conducted
in Indonesia with the focus of study on the economic
material of class X high school. The technique of data
collection is literature study, in the form of study on
the syllabus of economics class X Senior High School
and Islamic high school and relevant sharia economic
material. The data analysis used is descriptive.
As attached in Attachment 12 of the Minister of
Education and Culture Regulation No. 24 of 2016, the
core competencies and basic competencies of the
curriculum of the 2013 High School / Islamic high
school for Economics are as follows: Spiritual
Attitude is "to live and practice the religion of the
religion". The formulation of the Social Attitudes
Com-petition is "To demonstrate honest behavior,
discipline, responsibility, care (mutual assistance,
cooperation, tolerance, peace), courteous, responsive,
and proactive; as part of the solution to various
problems in interacting effectively with the social and
natural environment and placing itself as a reflection
of the nation in the association of the world ". Both
competencies are achieved through indirect teaching,
through exemplary, habituation, and school culture;
Taking into account the characteristics of the subject,
as well as the needs and conditions of the learners.
Core competence 3 Knowledge is broken down into
the 9 (Nine) basic competencies and results of a study
on the potential of inserting Sharia economic material
on the economic grade X / SMA / MA class
mathematics as follows:
Table 1: Results of basic competence studies (knowledge)
of sharia insert economics.
Basic Competence
Insert Material of
Sharia Economics
Describe the
concept of
Science and Islamic
economic law
Analyze economic
problems in the economic
Sharia / Islamic
Economic System
Analyze the role of
economic actors in
economic activities
1. Ethics of
Production and
according to
2. The basic
principle of
3. The basic
principle of
1. The theory of
Islamic demand
and supply
2. Pricing
mechanisms in
Sharia banking
Monetary policy in
sharia economy
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Describe cooperatives in
the Indonesian economy.
Sharia financial
services cooperative
Describe the concept of
The role of ESQ in
Source: Appendix 12 Permendikbud. RI number 24 of 2016
Some of the basic competencies of the knowledge
aspect on economic subjects of grade X senior and
Islamic high school can be incorporated sharia
economic material. The submitted material will
complement the discussion of each of the basic
competencies. Based on the table of 9 basic
competencies in class X, 8 basic competencies that
can be incorporated sharia economic material. The
addition of sharia economic material is expected to
improve the competence of learners especially on
understanding and awareness of sharia economy.
Core Competence 4 (Skills) is outlined in basic
competencies as in the following table:
Table 2: Results of identification of basic competence
(skills) insert material of sharia economics.
Basic competencies
Identify scarcity and
opportunity costs in
meeting needs.
ics of sharia
Presents the results
of analysis of
problems in the
economic system.
Sharia / Islamic
Presents the results
of analysis of the
role of economic
actors in economic
1. Ethics of
n by Sharia
2. The basic
principle of
3. The basic
principle of
observations about
price changes and
quantity of
equilibrium in the
1. The theory
of Islamic
and supply
2. Pricing
s in sharia
Presents the tasks,
products, and roles
of financial
institutions in the
Presents the role of
central banks,
payment systems,
and payment
instruments in the
policy in sharia
Presents the role,
function, and
activities of
business entities in
the Indonesian
management in
functions in school
The role of
ESQ in
Source: Appendix 12 Permendikbud. RI number 24 of
Based on the table for basic competence (skill
aspect) shows from the 9 basic competencies
available, there are 8 basic competencies that can be
inserted material of sharia economy. The results of
this study are expected to equip learners with
economic and economic materials sharia
comprehensively. Sharia economic material is
expected to complement the skills of learners.
The result of identification of basic competency of
economic class X Senior and Islamic High School
indicates more than 80% can be inserted material of
sharia economy. These findings are expected to be a
good start to providing a comprehensive learning
economy, some views and studies. Learners can use
the knowledge and skills learned in everyday life.
Providing economic and economic material of Sharia
together, it is possible to increase the achievement of
core competency 1 that is spiritual attitude and also
core competency 2 is the social attitude.
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