Management Model of Industrial Work Practice at Vocational High
School Based on Entrepreneurship
Joko Widodo, Samsudi Samsudi and Sunyoto Sunyoto
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia,,
Keywords: Management model, industrial work practice, entrepreneurship, vocational high school.
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to develop a management model of industrial work practice at vocational
high school based entrepreneurship. This research was planned during three years and used Research and
Development (R & D) approach. This article contains the results of a preliminary studies carried out in the
first year. Subjects were two kinds vocational high school study program mechanic engineering (public and
private school) in Central Java, Indonesia. Data were collected through interviews, questionnaires,
observation, and documentation. Analysis of data use qualitative and quantitative approaches. Result of
preliminary studies show that the implementation of the industrial work practice at vocational high school
which was carrying out until now more oriented toward preparing graduates to become employees of the
industry and not to prepare graduates become entrepreneur. It should be designed management model of
industrial working practices based on entrepreneurship, which is to prepare graduates ready to become
entrepreneurs, not as an employee of the industry. Therefore this research need to continue to develop a
management model of industrial work practice at vocational high school based entrepreneurship.
Indonesia as a big country with a population of more
than 237 million (the fourth largest in the world)
with a wealth of natural resources were outstanding
but the development results achieved are still far
from the expected. Until the year 2012, ranking the
Human Development Index (HDI) Indonesia
depicting the success of development in the fields of
education, health and economics, ranks 121 of 186
countries surveyed. Compare with neighboring
ASEAN countries, such as Singapore (18th),
Malaysia (ranked 64), and the Philippines, Thailand
(sequence 103), and the Philippines (114 sequences)
Challenges faced by Indonesia at the beginning
of the 21st century marked by globalization in
almost all aspects of life is getting heavier. The
success of developed countries proves that the
progress achieved is not determined by the wealth of
its natural resources but more due to the excellence
of its human resources. In other words, competition
in the 21st century is more determined by
competitive advantages rather than comparative
One characteristic of a developed country is to
have at least 2 percent of the population as an
entrepreneur, while Indonesia currently has about
0.8 percent (Tilaar, 2012). So Indonesia most needs
about 2.88 million entrepreneur order to align with
the developed countries so that they can compete in
the global era.
The lack of entrepreneurs is also characterized
by high rates of unemployment. Based on the
Statitik Central Bureau (BPS, 2013) until the month
of February 2013, the number of unemployment in
Indonesia as many as 7.2 million people, or 5.92
percent of the 121.3 million workforce. When
viewed under the background of education, the
number of unemployed who graduated from
vocational schools (SMK) as many as 847 052
people, or 11.81 percent, or greater than the national
unemployment rate was 5.92 percent.
The high unemployment rate need to get serious
attention of all parties, both government and
educational experts, because it is directly related to
poverty, crime, and other social problems. As an
implication, it is necessary for innovation in the
organization of vocational education, so as to
minimize the gap between what the expectations
with reality.
Widodo, J., Samsudi, S. and Sunyoto, S.
Management Model of Industrial Work Practice at Vocational High School Based on Entrepreneurship.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 346-350
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
One of the government's efforts are intended to
make quick work of vocational graduates are dual
system education program (PSG) which is in force
since the school year 1994/1995. Through the PSG
program, organized education in schools and in
businesses and industries causing link and match
between school and the world of work (Department
of Education, 1994). In its implementation, the
program PSG also called Industrial Work Practices
(Prakerin). The main objective of the program is to
quickly graduate work or get job in the industry.
Not wrong if Prakerin keep running as it exists
today, but keep in mind that the number of
vocational school graduates is always more than the
capacity of the industry. Therefore, it needs to think
about how to design a model industrial work
practices more oriented toward preparing graduates
to become entrepreneurs.
This is important because after 18 years of
implementation of the program PSG, its impact of
programs on reducing unemployment is almost non-
existent. As an illustration, the unemployment rate
vocational graduates in 2004 amounted to 12.23%
(BPS, 2004), is not much different from the situation
in 2013 in which the unemployment rate amounted
to 11.81% (BPS, 2013) or the difference is only
In this paper will explain the results of the
preliminary study on the implementation of
industrial work practices that exist in vocational
school, as a foothold in developing a management
model based industrial work practices on
Studies and related research efforts to improve
entrepreneurs through education has been done.
According Patriasih (2011), the entrepreneurial spirit
in students of vocational schools can be improved
not only through the provision of Entrepreneurship
subjects. Entrepreneurial spirit can be integrated in
all subjects, one of them through industrial work
practice (Prakerin).
The purpose of vocational high schools is to
prepare graduates for work. This is in contrast with
the aim of general high schools to prepare graduates
to go on to university. Prakerin program as only in
vocational high schools it is right. The problem is
how to make a goal to prepare vocational school
graduates ready to enter the working world reached.
Related this case the need for management education
in order to manage existing resources so that the
vocational high school goal is reached.
As said Hikmat (2011) and Amtu (2011),
management education is an ongoing process carried
out by the organization of education in the use of
existing resources in order to achieve set educational
goals effectively and efficiently. Management
functions suggested by experts are quite varied, but
in principle not much substantial difference. As
noted GR Terry, Henry Fayol, Louis A Allen, Luther
Gulick, etc., including Harold Koontz and Cyril
O'Donnell who mentions five management
functions, namely: Planning, Organizing, Staffing,
Directing and Controlling. Meanwhile, according to
Terry management function covering Planning,
Organizing, Actuating, Controlling (POAC)
(Hasibuan, 2007).
This research was carried out by using a Research
and Development (Borg and Gall, 1983). Research
subjects include teacher educational institutions
(LPTK) in this case, Semarang State University
faculty of engineering and vocational high schools
(SMK) in three areas, namely Semarang City,
Salatiga City and District of Demak. In terms of
educational unit, will be chosen SMK with public
and private status where each region consists of 4
vocational school. Source of research data is a
teacher (productive and entrepreneurship subject),
the principal, vice principal, head of study program,
head of production unit, and head of the laboratory.
Collecting data in this study are grouped in three
parts, namely, a preliminary study, development,
testing and validation. At all stages of the research
used interviews, questionnaires, observation, and
documentation, in addition to the study of literature
(literature review). In general, the four methods
(interviews, questionnaires, observation and
documentation) are used simultaneously and are
complementary. In this event also held Focus Group
Discussion (FGD) as a means of data collection and
validation of the resource.
Data analysis was carried out in an integrated
and support each other both quantitatively and
qualitatively. Quantitative data were analyzed with
descriptive analysis techniques). Qualitative data
were analyzed qualitatively interactive model of
Miles & Huberman (Sugiyono, 2008).
The objective this study is to the development of
management model of industrial works practice
practices at vocational high school based on
Management Model of Industrial Work Practice at Vocational High School Based on Entrepreneurship
entrepreneurship. Broadly speaking, this study was
conducted in three parts, namely, a preliminary
study, development, testing and validation. In the
preliminary study disclosed and described how
planning, organizing, implementation, and
evaluation of the model related industrial work
practices at this time.
In the questionnaires using Likert scale four
answer options: strongly agree (SS), agree (S),
disagree (TS), and strongly disagree (STS). The data
analysis was done by using descriptive percentages,
the results of which are described below.
In terms of planning, research subjects have a
response that is dominated by the category of
strongly agree and agree, as follows: Semarang City
and Salatiga City is dominated by strongly agree
(57.00% and 46,00%), while Disctrict of Demak and
LPTK dominated category agree (58% and 48.00%).
The average of all respondents stated strongly agree
and disagree are 42.50% and 43.50%. These results
may indicate that there Prakerin planning has been
running well.
Figure 1: The Planning of Prakerin in SMK
In terms of organization, research subjects have a
response that is dominated by the agreed categories,
as follows: Salatiga as much as 53.13%, Demak as
much as 56.25%, and for LPTK much as 56.25%.
Special city of Semarang largely answered strongly
agree (56.25%). Overall who answered strongly
agree and disagree are 41.40% and 50.39%. These
results may indicate that the subject of the study
considered that the organization of the industrial
working practices in SMK is also already well
Figure 2: The Organizing of Prakerin in SMK
In contrast to the aspects of the planning and
organizing, in terms of the implementation Prakerin
not so good. This is shown by Figure 3, where
amount of respondents who answered disagree. On
average respondents who answered disagree quite a
lot that is 26.25%.
Figure 3: The Implementation of Prakerin in SMK
Meanwhile, in terms of the evaluation of the
implementation of Prakerin in vocational high
school, respondents said not too good but not too
bad, where the answer is dominated by the answers
agree (average 65.10%), and who disagree are also
quite a lot (average 15 , 36%), as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: The Evaluation of Prakerin in SMK
Based on the analysis it can be concluded that
the implementation of the industrial working
practices at SMK during this run well in terms of
planning and organizing, not so good in the
implementation, and enough in terms of evaluation.
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
In this study also revealed that the
implementation of work practices in the industry that
took place during this SMK, particularly in
vocational areas of expertise Mechanical
Engineering, has the following characteristics: 1) as
an institutional partner is medium or large sclae of
industry/enterprises; 2) as a field supervisor is the
worker/employee/operator; 3) The main purpose so
that students master the skills of the technical
aspects/operator; 4) focuses on preparing students to
fill vacancies in the industry. With this pattern, then
students are more likely to mentally workers rather
than as entrepreneurs.
Prakerin as one form of cooperation between the
vocational school and industry above has several
drawbacks, among other things: 1) because as
partners in Prakerin is medium or large sale
industry, the student is not possible to study directly
to the owner of the business / industry that in fact as
entrepreneurs; 2) students only learn in the technical
aspects, and less in aspects of business management,
but to become an entrepreneur is not sufficiently
armed with technical capabilities; 3) As a further
impact, when graduate students are less daring
entrepreneurship, students are more interested to
become employees, but jobs are also limited.
If the implementation Prakerin still with a pattern
like that took place during this time, the effort to
prepare entrepreneur difficult to realized. This is
contrary to the principles of entrepreneurship, where
to become entrepreneurs should capable in the two
aspects at the same time, the technical competence
and business management skills (Pearce II, 2013)
So although the management of the
implementation Prakerin in vocational impressed
"good" but not associated with efforts to prepare
graduates to become entrepreneurs. This happens
because the students only equipped or learn the
technical aspects alone, do not learn aspects of
business management. To overcome the weakness of
the model Prakerin that exist for this, it will develop
management models prakerin based entrepreneurial
characteristics, among others: 1) as an industrial
partner is a small industry or medium scale industry,
2) as the field supervisor are a business owner or
entrepreneur, 3) students learn both technical and
management aspect in the same time.
Based on preliminary research results can be
concluded as follows: 1) The implementation of
industrial work practices in vocational high school
(SMK) has been running well in terms of planning
and organizing, not so well in the implementation,
and enough in terms of evaluation, 2) Industrial
work practices (Prakerin) at SMK are not
specifically designed to prepare graduates to become
entrepreneurs, but is designed to prepare graduates
to be ready to work in the industry as an employee,
3) It should be designed management model of
industrial working practices based on
entrepreneurship, which is to prepare graduates
ready to become entrepreneurs, not as an employee
of the industry, 4) The model industrial working
practices that exist should not be changed, but there
should also be an alternative model that is based
Our thanks goes to all those who have helped either
directly or indirectly in research, especially to the
Directorate Research and Community Service
(Ditlitabmas), the Ministry of Research and Higher
Education of the Republic of Indonesia, which has
funded this research. To the Director of the Graduate
Program, LP2M chairman, and Dean of the Faculty
of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang who
had expedite this research. Also to the principals and
teachers of SMK in Semarang, Salatiga, and Demak
as sampled studies have provided valuable
information and data for the research team.
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