Increasing Learning Outcomes Using Contextual Teaching and
Learning Model in Accounting Subject
Imas Purnamasari, Badria Munthasofi and Heraeni Tanuatmodjo
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Setiabudi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Contextual Teaching and Learning learning model, learning outcomes.
Abstract: This study aims to determine whether there are differences in students’ learning outcomes between classes
that implement Contextual Teaching and Learning model with classes that do not apply the Contextual
Teaching and Learning. Media module was used in accounting subject. The research design was quasi-
experimental control group by using Post Test Only. The population in this study were senior high school
students in Bandung City. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The t Test result that the
use of contextual teaching and learning model using modules can improve learning outcomes.
In the era of globalization as it currently requires the
existence of high quality human resources in various
fields of science. Superior human resources will bring
the nation forward and competitive in the midst of
globalization. Indonesia as a developing country must
always improve the quality of human resources. One
way to improve the quality of human resources is
through education. In order to increase the quality of
education, various efforts have been made, such as
through the standard of graduation as well as
improvement in education curriculum, teacher
quality, educational facilities, either in the form of
building or books and media.
The government issued various education policies
in the hope of improving the quality of human
resources. Education is a pillar to achieve high quality
human resources. To achieve the educational
objectives the government issued a policy of passing
standards. The purpose of education can be said to
succeed if the student achieve good learning results.
Gronlund stated (in Purwanto: 2011) that 'measured
learning outcomes reflect the purpose of teaching'. In
fact, Purwanto (2011) reaffirmed the statement about
learning outcomes, namely "Learning outcomes are
often used as a measure to find out how far a person
has mastered the material already taught".
To improve learning outcomes, the quality of the
learning process must be improved, one of them is by
applying learning models. Applying the right learning
model will affect the learning result because it will
facilitate the students in absorbing the given material.
Sanjaya (2007) stated that the selection of appropriate
models or learning strategies in accordance to the
goals and potential of students is the ability and basic
skill that teachers must possess. Selection of the
appropriate learning model will help teachers and
students in improving learning outcomes.
One of the learning models that is often used in is
contextual learning model or Contextual Teaching
and Learning. The use of contextual teaching learning
can improve students’ learning outcomes, because
this model is a learning concept that helps to link
between the materials taught to the real world
situation of the students. This is in line with Johnson’s
(2011) saying that Contextual Teaching and Learning
helps students to find meaning in their lessons by
connecting academic material to the context of their
daily lives. Applying the CTL approach, they make
important relationships that produce meaning by
implementing self-directed, cooperative, critical
thinking and creative learning. They also learn to
respect others, achieve high standards, and participate
in authentic assessment tasks. In line with Sanjaya's
(2007) philosophy of contractual philosophy that
learning is not merely to memorize, but the process of
constructing knowledge through experience.
Knowledge is not the result of "giving" from others
like the teacher, but the result of the individual
construction process. Knowledge resulted from the
received information will not be meaningful. This
philosophy is reinforced by Lave & Wenger's
Purnamasari, I., Munthasofi, B. and Tanuatmodjo, H.
Increasing Learning Outcomes Using Contextual Teaching and Learning Model in Accounting Subject.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 330-335
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
argument that there is no context-free learning and
knowledge is context-bound (Libman:2010). This
implies that the material learned in the classroom
must be connected to real-life situations. Likewise,
Berns & Erickson, (2001); Blanchard, (2001) stated
that Contextual learning is a concept that helps
teachers to relate the material taught to the students'
personal situations and to encourage students to make
connections between the acquired knowledge and its
application in their life as members of a family,
community and country. Johnson (2002) mentioned
that contextual learning enables the students to relate
the curriculum’s content to the context of their daily
life to find out its meaning.
Empirically, there are a lot of research which used
Contextual Teaching and Learning model to improve
learning result, as done by Glynn and Winter (2004)
the findings of this study indicate that the Contextual
Teaching and Learning model is a collaborative
interaction with students, connects to a real-world
context, andis used in conjunction with good
classroom management techniques. Research In line
Setiawan (2008) that indicate that there is an
increasing students’ interactions and learning
outcomes in Biology lesson of Grade X2 in Undiksha
Senior High School Laboratory. The results of
Miswadi, Wijayati, &Farikhati (2010) showed
PQRST method through Contextual Teaching and
Learning approach to improve student learning
outcomes on the subject of atomic structure and
periodic elements system so that there are differences
in student learning outcomes. Research Jaya (2012)
shows that there is a difference in the mean score of
learners' learning outcomes after using contextual
physics module with the learner before using
contextual physics module. Hayati, Supardi, and
Miswadi (2013) there is an increase of cognitive
learning outcomes of students on science learning
vocational high school with project-based contextual
The available research are mostly from different
subjects, therefore this study aims to provide a
contribution towards the benefit of Contextual
Teaching and Learning for students’ learning
outcomes in Accounting classroom. The reason for
the need to apply contextual teaching and learning
model using module media in accounting subject is
because the learning material of accounting consists
of conceptual, procedural and vocational
understanding so that students are expected to
understand the concepts of accounting in real terms.
While the field of accounting learning, especially in
high school has not brought students in the real world.
This is seen when the process of learning, the teachers
convey accounting materials and questions in the
form of narrative only. Where as in daily life that will
be in the proof of the transaction in the form of
receipts, notes, invoices, memos and cash incoming
evidence and any cash out evidence. On that basis, in
learning accounting materials not just memorize, but
there must be a process to construct knowledge by
connecting to real life situations with the help of
accounting module. Based on the description of the
background of the problem then the research question
is whether the implementation of contextual learning
learning model learning by using the module can
improve the learning outcomes of accounting subjects
at students of public high school in Bandung.
The hypothesis proposed in this study "There are
differences in learning outcomes between
experimental class students who apply learning
model contextual teaching and learning by using
module with student learning outcomes control class
that does not apply learning model contextual
teaching and learning using module".
The population in this study is the students of public
high school in Bandung amount to 29 senior high
school. As for the sample in this study as many as 10
Senior high school with purposive sampling
technique. In this study, the researcher divided the
subjects into two groups: the experimental group was
the students who were given treatment by applying
the contextual teaching learning model using the
module during accounting learning, while the control
group were the students who did not use the
contextual teaching learning model and learning
using modules. The research design used Control-
Group Design. Before hypothesis test the first tested
the normality of data. After doing the normality test,
it can be calculated the hypothetical truth of this study
by using the t-Test or wilcoxon Test. Hypothesis
statistic in this research as follow:
: µ1 = µ2 = There are not differences in
learning outcomes between experimental class
students who apply contextual teaching and learning
model by using module with student learning
outcomes control class that does not apply contextual
teaching and learning model by using module.
: µ1 ≠ µ2 = There are differences in learning
outcomes between experimental class students who
apply contextual and teaching learning model by
using module with student learning outcomes control
class that does not apply contextual teaching and
learning model by using module.
Increasing Learning Outcomes Using Contextual Teaching and Learning Model in Accounting Subject
The learning process in the control classes did not
apply the Contextual Teaching and Learning model.
The teachers explained the material with the
conventional learning model, then gave some
examples on the blackboard, students got the subject
matter directly from the teacher. After the teacher
explained the materials and gave examples of
questions, students were given individual exercise
about the topic described on the Student Workbook
which is owned by the students. After the students
finished the exercises, the teacher then checked the
students’ work. Students received information from
teachers without having to search for information
about the topic material being studied and not self-
analyzing the learned material. Theseactivities make
the students less active in the learning process, the
circumstance resulted in the students less
understanding of the topic material already given.
Meanwhile, in experimental class Contextual
Teaching and Learning model was applied by using
module in Accounting cycle of Service Company on
transaction recording into general journal subject.
Teachers applied the Contextual Teaching and
Learning model at the first and second meetings by
implementing seven components: Constructivism,
Questioning, Inquiring, Learning Community,
Modelling, Reflection and Authentic Assessment.
The first component in the process of
implementing the contextual learning model was
constructing, the teachers prepared the module
containing the instructional material in the form of
transaction documents. Modules prepared by teachers
were teaching materials that would be studied by
students to be observed and analyzed. Students
constructed knowledge by observing and analyzing
the evidence of transactions. In this stage, students
knew that transaction evidence is the initial step in
transaction recording into general journal.
In the following stage, the teacher invited students
to ask question and answer with fellow students or
directly to the teacher. The process of question and
answer session gave a lot of advantages that students
were required to be active, express opinions, and also
from the affective side of students learned to respect
each other's opinions. Moreover, the students got the
broader the insight on the subject matter.
In the third stage, namely inquiry, the process of
applying the contextual learning model was
conducted. In this stage students were expected to
find their own concepts from the material learned
from the results of constructing knowledge from
observation and analysis and also from the question
and answer process. Then the teachers directed or
clarified concepts that have not been understood by
the students.
The fourth stage involvedthe process of applying
contextual learning model that is learning society.
The students formed a community of learning to
discuss the topic and the teacher took the role as a
guide director who clarified students’
incomprehension of the subject matter. Also,
studentscooperatively recorded evidence of
transaction available in the learning module.
The fifth stage in the contextual learning model
was modelling where the teachers invited the students
to do the modelling by proceed to the front of
classroom to do the recording demonstration of the
module they have discussed. Through this modelling
teachers could see the ability that has been obtained
by students, while students themselves would
understand more because students directly saw the
model that would further clarify the material being
The sixth stage in the process of applying the
contextual learning model was reflection. At this
stage the teachers with the students reflected on how
the learning process using the contextual teaching
learning model, and also students’ understanding.
The teacher invited the students to make a conclusion
on the material they have learned, and then the
teacher gave reinforcement.
The last stage was an authentic assessment, the
teacher performed an assessment of individual
students to see the success of the learning process. In
addition to seeing the end result of the learning
process, the teachers was able to see the student's
involvement and attitude during the learning process.
In the stage of authentic assessment, teachers can
assess the three aspects in accordance with Bloom’s
taxonomy, i.e. cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
This learning process is in accordance to the
Center on Education and Work at the University of
Wisconsin Madison (in Kunandar, 2007: 295) defined
"contextual learning is a conception of teaching and
learning that helps teachers relate subject content to
real-world situations and motivate students to make
connections between knowledge and application in
the life of students as members of family, community,
and workers and ask for diligence learn". In line with
Sanjaya (2007: 255) that "Contextual learning is a
learning concept that helps teachers relate between
the material they teach and real-world situations and
encourage students to make connections between
their knowledge and application in daily life. “In
harmony with Komalasari (2013: 7) reveals that
"Contextual learning is a learning approach that links
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
between the material learned and the real life of the
everyday students, both in the family environment, in
schools, communities and citizens, in order to find the
meaning of the material for Life ".
After applying the Contextual Teaching and
Learning model using module during two meetings,
ending with post-test. Teachers provide similar post
test questions to compare learning outcomes in the
experimental class with learning outcomes in the
control class. Problem post-test given in the form of a
document or evidence of transactions in trading
companies. Prior to the testing of hypotheses,
researchers first test the data normality. Normality
test is done to determine whether the data taken
normal distribution or not. Normality test in this study
was calculated by using Chi-Square test (after the
normality test, it was found that the second school
data is the control class post-test data and the
experimental class is not abnormal distribution so that
the next process in hypothesis testing can use non
parametric statistical calculation, I.e. using wilcoxon
to see the difference in the data While there is also the
second data is the control class post-test data and the
experimental class is normally distributed so that the
next process in testing the hypothesis can use
parametric statistical calculation, that is using t test to
see the difference in the data. Results of hypothesis
testing as follows:
Table 1: Summary of Hypothesis Testing Results
Senior High
School 2
Not Normal
P value
< 0.05
Senior High
School 6
T Test
P value
< 1,96
Senior High
School 4
Not Normal
P value
0.000 <
Senior High
School 8
Not Normal
P value
0.000 <
Senior High
School 10
Not Normal
P value
0.000 <
Table 1. Cont.
Senior High
School 13
Not Normal
P value
< 0.000
Senior High
School 14
P value
< 0.05
Senior High
School 15
Not Normal
P value
< 0.05
Senior High
School 19
Not Normal
P value 0.00
< 0.05
Senior High
School 24
Not Normal
P value
< 0.05
In table 1 it can be seen from the school where the
experiments student class that all there was Ha
accepted. This mean are differences in learning
outcomes between the experimental class students
and the students' learning outcomes of the control
The experimental results and hypothesis testing
showed that there is a difference, hence the
application of contextual learning model by using
module affects the improvement of student learning
outcomes. Research from different classroom
subjects showed identical results. For example,
Setiawan (2008) which investigated the learning
outcomes of high school students Grade 10 showed
that there was an increase in their Biology learning
outcomes following the application of Contextual
Teaching and Learning. Hayati et al (2013) who also
studied learning outcomes of vocational high school
students on Biology found there was an increase of
cognitive learning outcomes of the students on
science learning in a vocational school with project-
based contextual model.Moreover, studies on
learning outcomes improvement on Physics showed
that Contextual Teaching and Learning model had
positive impact on the subject of atomic structure and
elemental periodic system (Miswadi et al, 2010) and
there is a difference in the mean score of learners'
learning outcomes after using contextual physics
module with the learner before using contextual
physics module. (Jaya, 2012).
Thus, the Contextual Teaching and Learning
model applied to this experimental group influences
students' learning outcomes, so that the Contextual
Teaching and Learning model is effective when
Increasing Learning Outcomes Using Contextual Teaching and Learning Model in Accounting Subject
applied to accounting subjects. In accordance to the
theory put forwarded by Johnson (2011) that
"Contextual Teaching and Learning helps students
find meaning in their lessons by linking academic
material with the context of everyday life. They make
important relationships that produce meaning in
carrying out self-regulated, cooperative, critical and
creative thinking, respecting others, achieving high
standards, and participating in authentic assessment
tasks ".
One impact of the application of contextual
learning according to Johnson is to achieve high
standards in terms of improving learning outcomes as
well as the ultimate goal of the learning process.
Johnson further said that achieving high standards is
to encourage students to achieve success in learning
and encourage students to achieve the best in
developing their talents and interests. In line with
Komalasari's opinion (2013: 7-8) that one
characteristic of contextual learning model is
Reaching High Standards, that students recognize and
achieve high standards, identify goals and motivate
students to achieve them. Master shows students how
to achieve what is called "excellence".
Therefore, the learning process by applying
Contextual Teaching and Learning model can make
the students can more easily understand the subject
matter including on the subject of accounting,
because the Contextual Teaching and Learning model
makes accounting lesson metrical that is considered
abstract by the students become more concrete
because it is associated with the student's real life.
These conditions help improve student learning
outcomes, thus causing differences in learning
outcomes achieved by students, in which the results
of students' learning experiments class superior to the
results of student learning control class.
The findings of this study indicate that the
Contextual Teaching and Learning model is a
collaborative interaction with students, connects to a
real-world context, andis used in conjunction with
good classroom management techniques (Glynn
&Winter, 2004). In accordance to Berns and
Erickson (2010) research titled Contextual Teaching
and Learning: Preparing Students for the New
Economy which showed that students are better
prepared for the new economy. They better retain
their knowledge and skills, there by enhancing their
academic and student career.
The use of contextual teaching and learning
model can be used to help students understand
general journal material with the help of the media in
the form of transaction proof such as students often
find in daily life, so that students are easier in
understanding the material which in turn can improve
student learning outcomes on Accounting subject.
Based on the results of research in public senior high
school in Bandung, it can be concluded that the
implementation of contextual teaching and learning
models have an influence on learning outcomes. So,
with the influence of the application of contextual
teaching and learning model provened that the
application of contextual teaching and learning model
by using module can be used as a strategy to improve
learning outcomes.
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Increasing Learning Outcomes Using Contextual Teaching and Learning Model in Accounting Subject