Factors which Will Affect The Labor Productivity of Industrial
Angga Herlambang, Moch Dudih Sugiharto and Yana Rohmana
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Labor Productivity, Training, Experience, Motivation.
Abstract: The focus of study for this research is to examine the labor productivity of industrial convection Sukamulya
Village, Subdistrict Kutawaringin, Bandung District. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to describe the
factors that influence the level of labor productivity. Factor expected to affect the labor productivity of
industrial convection Sukamulya Village, Subdistrict Kutawaringin is training, experience and motivation. In
this study which is the subject of research is the industrial workforce in the village Sukamulya convection,
Kutawaringin sub district, Bandung district with a sample of 84 workers. The method used in this research is
explanatory survey using a questionnaire as a data-collection tool and techniques using multiple linear
regressions using Eviews 7. The result showed that simultaneous or partially variable training, experience and
motivation positive effect on labor productivity. This means that the higher the higher the training of labor
productivity, the higher also experience higher labor productivity and higher motivation higher the
productivity of labor.
Dominick Salvatore (1992) suggests that the
production function for each commodity is a table or
graphic equation that shows the number of (maximum
commodities) that can be produced per unit of time
for each alternative input combination, when using
the best available production techniques. The
production function indicates the relationship
between the use of production factors and the level of
production produced as outputs. In this case Richard
A. Rinse (1994) suggests that the production function
is the production relationship between the inputs of
the firm's resources and the output of goods and
services per unit of time.
According to the human capital theory, human
capital contributes to output just like other factors of
production and also through technological change by
driving both innovation and imitation (Schultz,
1961). Corvers (1997) discusses four effects of
human capital on labour productivity: worker effect,
allocative effect, diffusion effect, and research effect.
He argues that human capital contributes to
productivity level through allocative and worker
effect, and productivity growth through diffusion and
research effects.
Through a variety of work improvements, the
waste of time and energy and other inputs will be
reduced as much as possible. The result will be better
and more things can be saved. Time is not wasted,
power is effectively deployed and the achievement of
business goals can be well organized, effective and
efficient. This is what productivity mean.
A number of studies have attempted to investigate
the factors that affect labour productivity in
manufacturing industry, for example, Niringiye
(2010) and Firouz et al (2010) adopting labour
productivity as the dependent variable, and the
independent variables being physical capital, wage,
firm size, foreign ownership, export orientation of
firm, employment growth, education of employees,
skill and industry age.
Productivity is an important aspect of business
improvement in small industries or companies. An
asset that has a strategic place in a company is a
human resource asset or often called a workforce.
Competition between industries is increasingly tight
with the achievement of productivity that is less than
the maximum caused by the role of labor is less
optimal, then the factors that affect labor productivity
becomes a very important aspect that must be
considered for optimal productivity improvement.
The existence of industry has taken an important
role in the problem of employment. It happened also
Herlambang, A., Sugiharto, M. and Rohmana, Y.
Factors which Will Affect The Labor Productivity of Industrial Convection.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 101-104
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in West Java. Industrial sector has grown seen from
the number of business units and proved able to
absorb labor. According to the Central Bureau of
Statistics, the development of small-scale industries
in West Java in 2013 - 2014 experienced a good
development seen from business units and
employment. In terms of business units experienced
growth of 0.27 percent, in terms of labor also
experienced growth of 0.70 percent, and investment
also experienced a fairly good development of 6.80
One of the industries that absorb a lot of labor in
Bandung Regency is the convection industry in the
Village Sukamulya Bandung regency. The existence
of this small industry has contributed considerably to
the socio-economic changes of convection workers.
Economic changes can be seen from various aspects
one of which is the level of welfare includes the
profits earned by employers and wages received by
the workers. Changes in the social field include the
increasing number of newcomers in society, the
growing number of immigrants involved in
convection industry activities, advances in education
levels and lifestyle changes.
The object of this research is the labor of convection
industry in Sukamulya Village, Kutawaringin
District, Bandung Regency. This study there are 4
variables studied are 3 independent variables of
Training, Experience and Motivation as well as the
dependent variable that is Labor Productivity. The
method used in this research is explanatory method
(explanatory method) that is a research method that
intends to explain the relationship between variables
by using hypothesis testing. The population in this
study is the entire workforce of the convection
industry totaling 107 people working on 21 industry
convection in Sukamulya Village District
Kutawaringin Bandung Regency.
Data source used by researcher in this research is
primary data and secondary data. Primary data was
obtained from Sukamulya Village convection
industry labor. While secondary data obtained by
reading, studying and understanding through other
media sourced from literature, books, corporate
reports, and others.
In this research, to know the influence between
independent variables and dependent variable. Data
analysis technique used is multiple linear regression
analysis. (Yana Rohmana, 2013)
The research model used by the author is as
 
 
 
Y : Labor Productivity
: Constants
: Regression Coefficients
: Training
: Experience
3 :
e : error term
A study to investigate the effect of human capital on
labour productivity in East African manufacturing
firms was undertaken by Niringiye etal., (2010). The
study used Generalized Least Squares (GLS) to
estimate the human capital model on longitudinal data
from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Results indicate
that proportion of skilled workers and average
education in Uganda, training, proportion of skilled
workers and education of the manager in Tanzania
and average education and training in Kenya were
positively associated with labour productivity.
3.1 The Effect of Training on Labor
Based on the results of empirical tests, the level of
training has a positive effect on the positive direction
of labor productivity. This means that the higher level
of training employee productivity will increase and
vice versus the lower level of training. Proven on
research results we can know that training is needed
in improving the productivity of labor in a company,
because when training is high it will have a positive
impact on the ability and performance of the
workforce, thus increasing labor productivity. This
can happen if every workforce focuses on improving
its quality through training.
The high level of training followed by a
workforce, then the workforce will have good
working knowledge. This shows that when the labor
is really focused on the field of business then the
workforce is able to understand and even master the
production techniques in accordance with the field so
that the worker ultimately knows how to make output
well. When science in work is owned by increased
workforce it will improve how to work better and will
make the output work better, faster and tidier. When
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
the work gets better in making outputpun will be
faster so it will raise or increase the resulting output
so that productivity will increase. Therefore high
training will affect the high productivity The result of
the research shows that labor training is important for
the convection laborers in Sukamulya village because
the training can provide direct benefits to the work
and through training the output produced by the
workforce can be more but it depends on the
individual workforce after following Training. If the
workforce is able to apply the results of the training
in accordance with its work then the training will
benefit directly on the output generated and the
discipline of the workforce, but if the workforce does
not implement the training results that have been
followed then the training will have no benefit to the
output and energy discipline Work in work.
Based on the results of the study, the training has
a positive and significant effect on the labor
productivity of the convection industry of Sukamulya
Village, Kutawaringin District, Bandung Regency.
According to the results of research labor industry
convection Sukamulya Village District Kutawaringin
Bandung regency has the belief that a lot of practice
then the resulting output will be more. But sometimes
the training that followed is less appropriate to the job
so that the less useful directly to the work and also
depend on each employee in applying the results of
the training to be directly beneficial to his work or
not. The results of this study showed that the training
had a positive effect on the labor productivity of the
convection industry of Sukamulya Village,
Kutawaringin District, Bandung Regency. This is
also supported by the research that has been done by
Syaiful Anwar (2009) that job training has a positive
effect on work productivity. And, Bartel (1994) and
Almeida and Carneiro (2008), show that firm
trainings have positive and significant effect on
labour productivity.
3.2 The Effect of Experience on Labor
Based on the results of empirical tests show that the
level of experience significantly influence the
positive direction of labor productivity. This means
that the higher level of experience then the labor
productivity of employees will increase and vice
versa the lower level of experience then the
productivity of labor is decreasing. Based on the
results of the study, the experience has a positive and
significant effect on the labor productivity of the
convection industry of Sukamulya Village,
Kutawaringin District, Bandung Regency. Workers
who have longer experience will have higher skills,
so their productivity is higher than the new workforce
has little experience. According to the results of
research labor industry convection Sukamulya
Village District Kutawaringin Bandung Regency has
experience working at most 0-24 months. The results
of this study show that experience positively affect
the labor productivity of convection industry
Sukamulya Village District Kutawaringin Bandung
regency. This is also supported by research conducted
by Putu Agus Wisnu Sentana Putra (2011) that
experience has a positive effect on work productivity.
3.3 The Effect of Motivation on Labor
Motivation in this research is seen from aspect of
expectancy, instrumentality and valance. Based on
the results of data analysis of research and hypothesis
testing is known that the motivation has a positive and
significant effect on labor productivity of convection
industry Sukamulya Village District Kutawaringin
Bandung regency. This means that the higher the
motivation will affect the productivity of labor and
vice versa the lower level of experience then the
productivity of labor is decreasing.
Based on the results of research on motivation as
measured by expectancy, instrumentalit and valance.
Based on the categorization results show that the
labor motivation of the convection industry in
Sukamulya village is in the medium category. This
conclusion is based on the overall score of
respondents. The best response sequence of labor
when looking at productivity in a row is the first
expectancy with an average score of 299, the second
is valance with an average score of 241, and the last
is an instrumentalit with an average score of 240.66.
The implication of the data shows that the motivation
of industrial convection workers in Sukamulya
Village is highest in expectancy, this is because the
labor of convection industry in Sukamulya Village
has been working hard to make more output and
according to standard.
Based on these opinions can be seen that a highly
motivated workforce will increase labor productivity
because motivation is an impetus in directing labor
and industry to succeed. This is because the high
motivation will increase morale and creativity so that
the output produced by the labor is increased this
means that productivity is also increasing. The results
of this study indicate that the motivation has a
positive effect on labor productivity of convection
Factors which Will Affect The Labor Productivity of Industrial Convection
industry Sukamulya Village District Kutawaringin
Bandung regency. This is also supported by research
conducted by Berta Lestari and Aris Setia Noor
(2013) that motivation is one of the factors that
positively affect the labor productivity.
The description of training in the convection industry
in Sukamulya Village shows that the level of training
is moderate or rarely followed by the workers. The
average employment of the convection industry in
Sukamulya village has less than two years of work
experience. The motivation of convection industry
workers in Sukamulya village is in the medium
criterion because this is because the labor of
convection industry in Sukamulya village has been
working hard to make more output and according to
the standard but less attention in terms of bonus,
facility and work protection.
Motivation is measured through expectancy,
instrumentality and the training has a positive effect
on the labor productivity of the convection industry
in Sukamulya Village, Kutawaringin District,
Bandung Regency. That is, the better the training will
be the better the level of productivity. Experience has
a positive effect on the labor productivity of the
convection industry in Sukamulya Village,
Kutawaringin District, Bandung Regency. That is, the
more experience will be the higher the level of
productivity. Motivation has a positive effect on the
labor productivity of the convection industry in
Sukamulya Village, Kutawaringin District, Bandung
Regency. That is, the higher the motivation will be
the higher the level of productivity.
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ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship