Analysis of Students’ Learning Achievement through Learning
Discipline and Learning Habits
Ajang Mulyadi, Heni Mulyani and Merlli Setia Ningsih
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Discipline, Learning Habits, Learning Achievement.
Abstract: This study aim to analyse student’s learning achievement through student’s learning discipline and learning
habits by determine the influence of learning discipline and learning habits on students’ learning achievement
in Accounting Education study program in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The method used is descriptive
verificative, the data obtained by distributing questionnaries to the respondents, that are students’ of
Accounting Education study program in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The sampling technique used is
Proportionate Random Sampling, obtained a sample of 155 students with 255 students as total population.
The analysis prerequisite test includes normality test, linear test, and multicollinearity test. Analysis of the
data that is used is multiple linear regression analysis with F test and t test. Based on the multiple linear
regression = 2,586+0,006X1+0,005X2, it can be seen that learning discipline and learning habits give the
positive influence to the student learning achievement.
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) is one of
higher education that produces educational and non-
educated graduates who are reliable and competent in
their field. One of the existing courses in UPI is
accounting education that is required to produce
graduates of professional educators and experts,
especially in the field of accounting. In the field of
accounting education various learning is done to grow
the soul of educators who can master accounting well
to students. Therefore, in order to be implemented
properly it is necessary to have feedback from
students about the current condition that is whether
the learning in UPI has been done well.
It can be seen from the achievement of learning
obtained by students, one of which is the academic
achievement of learning outcomes obtained from
learning activities on campus or college are
determined through measurement and assessment.
The achievement of learning in universities is
reflected in the student's GPA (Student Achievement
Index). Based on the Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) of
the Faculty of Economics and Business Education
(FPEB) stipulates that "The average student's GPA is
at least 3.36 (on a scale of 4), baseline 3.34". That is,
the expected GPA is greater than 3.34. Here is a
description of the level of learning achievement
obtained by students of Accounting Education
Studies Program.
Table 1: Student Cumulative Achievement Index
Accounting Education Study Program
Source: Academic Division FPEB UPI, data reprocessed
Based on table 1 which contains the Cumulative
Achievement Index shows that there are still students
with the learning achievement under the established
Strategic Plan. From the class of 20102015 the
number of students who get a GPA of 3.34 is 189
students or about 53.24%. But there are still many
students who got a GPA of <3.34 of 166 students or
46.76% of the total number of students. If seen from
Mulyadi, A., Mulyani, H. and Ningsih, M.
Analysis of Students’ Learning Achievement through Learning Discipline and Learning Habits.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship (ICEEE 2017), pages 58-62
ISBN: 978-989-758-308-7
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the average of the overall student's GPA is 3.27 it can
describe the achievement of FPEB strategic plan that
is the average of student's GPA at least 3.34. In fact
there are still many students who got a GPA of less
than 3.34, it is expected that each student can increase
their GPA to fulfil the previously planned Renstra.
Several studies on the influence of learning discipline
and the habit of clashing on learning achievements
have been undertaken by previous researchers such as
Damayanti (2013), Astuti (2014), Rahmawati,
Sudarma and Sulastri (2014), Kesuma (2013),
O'Neale and Harrison (2013).
Learning achievement can be operationalized
through indicators in the form of report cards,
graduation rate, and achievement index and so on. To
achieve a good academic achievement of course there
are various factors that can affect the success or
failure of students in carrying out their education.
This is because basically the learning process
experienced is the result of interaction of several
factors that affect each other. In general, the
achievement of learning obtained by individuals is
influenced by two factors, namely internal factors that
are factors that come from within the individual and
external factors that are factors that come from
outside the individual self.
According to Suryabrata (2002: 249) there are
several factors that play an important role in
achieving learning achievement, such factors include
learning diligence, high achievement motivation,
good learning discipline, and participation in the
implementation of learning. Ahmadi and Supriyono
(2013: 138139) factors that influence learning
achievement are internal and external factors. Internal
factors such as physical factors (physiology) such as
sight, hearing, body structure and so forth.
Psychological factors consist of intelligence factor
which include potential factor that is intelligence and
talent and factor of real skill that is already
achievement. As well as non-intelective factors,
namely the elements of certain personalities such as
attitudes, habits, interests, needs, motivation,
emotions, adjustment. Which include external factors
are social factors such as family environment, school
environment, community environment and group
environment. Cultural factors such as customs,
science, technology, artistry and physical
environmental factors such as home facilities,
learning and climate facilities.
According to Dimyati and Mudjiono (2009: 260)
internal and external factors that enable the learning
process such as (i) attitudes toward learning, (ii)
learning motivation, (iii) learning concentration, (iv)
processing of learning materials, (v) (Vi) ability to
learn achievement, (vii) ability to learn achievement
or show, (viii) student's self-confidence, (ix)
intelligence and learning achievement, (x) learning
habit, (xi) Student ideals.
According to some experts opinion above there
are several factors that affect learning achievement of
internal and external factors such as attitudes, study
habits, interests, discipline, motivation, environment,
and so forth. One of the internal factors that influence
the learning achievement proposed by suryabrata is
the discipline of learning. Learning discipline is an
important thing, without any awareness of the
necessity to implement the rules that have been
predetermined will make learning becomes not
maximal. This is in line with the opinion expressed
by Hamalik (2009: 107) that "Psychological factors
in learning one of them is a matter of discipline".
Learning discipline is one way to train students to
be able to learn on time and manage their own
learning activities, students who study in an orderly,
orderly manner, obey the rules and norms wherever
they are will help improve the potential and
achievements to grow to achieve optimal success in
learn. Students need to have an attitude of discipline
by doing various exercises to strengthen them self to
always be obedient and able to control them self.
Because without a good discipline, the learning
atmosphere can become less conducive in providing
a calm and orderly environment support for the
learning process.
Other internal factors put forward by some of the
expert opinions above are learning habits. Hamalik
(2009: 10) also affirmed "Someone who wants to
succeed in learning should have good attitude and
study habits". This learning habit factor can also
affect learning achievement. Good learning habits
will affect the behavior of individuals in the face of
learning, because by getting used to learning will
make students used to study hard so that learning does
not become a burden. By getting used to study
diligently will help students improve their learning
This study uses a quantitative with Explanatory
Survey Method. This study consisted of a variable
dependent (Y) is the student learning achievement,
Analysis of Students’ Learning Achievement through Learning Discipline and Learning Habits
and the factors that influence the student learning
achievement consisting of two variables, namely
learning discipline (X1) and learning habits (X2).
The unit of analysis is the student of accounting
education program UPI, so that the population in this
study were 355 students. To determine the number of
sample used in this study proportionated random
sampling, so that the sample of this study were 155
Data analysis techniques used in this research is
multiple linear regression analysis. The reason using
this technique is to predict the value of the dependent
variable (Y) if the independent variable is at least two
or more. In this research there are two independent
variables as predictor variable that is Learning
Discipline and Habit of Learning with one dependent
variable that is Student Learning Achievement.
After the data analysis and hypothesis testing, the
influence of learning discipline and learning habits on
student achievement obtained the result that there is a
positive influence of learning discipline and learning
habits on student achievement. It is known from the
result of multiple linear regression calculation Y =
2,586 + 0,006X1 + 0,005X2 and F test and t test. The
explanation of the results of this study as follows:
1. Influence of Learning Discipline on student
learning achievement
Influence of Learning Discipline on student
achievement which is shown from result of
calculation of multiple regression analysis where the
regression coefficient of learning discipline obtained
by 0,006 is positive. The value indicates that the
variable of learning discipline has a direct or positive
relationship with student achievement variable,
meaning is the higher the students' learning discipline
(assuming the variable of learning habit is fix), the
higher the learning achievement. Learning discipline
is the attitude and actions of students arising from the
awareness of them self to obey and obedient in
carrying out his duty to study both on campus and at
Learning discipline in this study has 11 indicators,
the indicators need to be improved so that student
learning achievement also increases, as for ways that
can be done such as improving student obedience to
self-evaluation by evaluating what materials have not
mastered in learning. It can be assisted by external
parties, such as friends or lecturers. Students who are
not aware of the importance of self-evaluation of one
example can be seen if the students often get a score
that is less satisfactory or often have difficulty in
learning. If you experience it, the student can evaluate
where the error occurred in learning through the help
of an external party to find out what he has not
mastered in learning.
From the 11 indicators of learning discipline in
this study there are four indicators of learning
discipline that the percentage of low categories
reaches> 25%, including the level of student
obedience in organizing and changing lesson
materials, the level of obedience of students in
seeking information, the level of observance of
students in practice and remembering, Level of
student obedience in reviewing previous notes,
assignments or tests and textbooks. Therefore it is
expected that students can improve the indicators in
order to improve learning achievement.
In this study proved that one of the factors that
must be considered to improve learning achievement
is by improving student learning discipline. In
accordance with the disclosed by Minarti (2011: 192)
that the factors that affected learning achievement
among them is the discipline of learning, which
includes any kind of influence aimed at helping
students to understand and adjust to the demands that
students may want to address the environment. And
opinion Djamarah (2011: 15) that to achieve success
in learning there are some things that must be
considered, that obey the general guidelines of
learning, one of which is the discipline aspect. Based
on the results of the first hypothesis testing obtained
tcount value for learning discipline of 1.765 and ttable
is 1.65. Since thitung > ttable is 1.765> 1.65, then H0
is rejected and H1 is accepted. This means that the
discipline of learning has a positive effect on student
achievement, which means that if the discipline of
student learning increases then the learning
achievement obtained will increase as well.
2. Influence of learning habits on student learning
In accordance with the results of data analysis and
hypothesis testing conducted by researchers, it can be
seen that learning habits affect student achievement
shown from the calculation of multiple regression
analysis where the regression coefficient of learning
habits obtained by 0.005 is positive. The value
indicates that the learning habit variable has a direct
or positive relationship with student achievement
variable, meaning that the better study habits of
students (assuming variable discipline of learning
remains), the higher the learning achievement
ICEEE 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship
Good learning habits do not come by themselves
but by getting used to have good learning habits. With
good study habits will help the individual in
following the learning and make the individual easy
to understand what will be learned because he already
has good study habits. Good learning habits must be
owned by every student because by having good
study habits students will be accustomed to diligent
learning because learning is an obligation and also
aims to achieve optimal learning achievement. To be
able to achieve the optimal learning achievement
required an improvement effort, that is by way of
improving the indicators of learning habits are still in
the medium category.
Learning habits in this study have six indicators,
the indicators need to be improved so that student
learning achievement also increases, as for ways that
can be done such as improving student habits in
making the schedule and implementation of learning.
Establishment of schedule and implementation of
learning can be done by having a schedule of
learning, have a learning plan and carry out the
schedule regularly. This can help the students in
facilitating the sharing of time for learning and other
activities, the learning process become clearer and
focused because there are already schedules and plans
in advance to learn.
From the six indicators of learning habits in this
study there is one indicator of learning habits that the
percentage of low categories reached the number of>
25%, i.e. the habits of students in how to receive
lessons. It is expected that students can improve the
indicator by knowing what is easy for the student to
understand the lesson.
In this study proved that one of the factors that
must be considered to improve learning achievement
is by improving student learning habits. In
accordance with the theory conveyed by Hamalik
(2009: 10) that "Someone who wants to succeed in
learning should have good attitude and study habits".
Based on the results of the second hypothesis testing
obtained tcount value for learning habits of 1.813 and
ttable is 1.65. Because tcount> ttable is 1.813> 1.65,
then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This means
that learning habits have a positive effect on student
achievement, which means if student learning habits
increase then the learning achievement obtained will
also increase.
The results showed that Learning discipline and
learning habits each have a positive effect on student
learning achievement. Students should be more aware
of their duties and responsibilities as a learner,
learning discipline and learning habits is one of the
factors that must be continuously improved so that
students do not have difficulty in the future. Learning
discipline and high learning habits that have been
held should be maintained, while the discipline of
learning and study habits are still low should continue
to be improved in order to improve learning
achievement as follows: (1) The level of obedience of
students in organizing and changing the subject
matter, can be improved by arranging the material to
be studied and regularly in learning not only when
going to the test course. (2) The level of obedience
of students in finding information, can be improved
by finding various information about the lessons from
the source books and from the explanations described
by the lecturers during the teaching and learning
process. (3) The level of obedience of students in
practice and remembering can be improved by trying
to do problem exercises, practicing getting used to
expressing opinions about their knowledge, and
recalling learning. (4) The level of student obedience
in reviewing previous notes, assignments or tests and
textbooks can be improved by re-examining tasks or
tests to add information, as well as first learning the
material to be taught. (5) Students' habits in how to
receive lessons can be improved by making
summaries to make it easier to repeat lessons,
connecting lessons with real-life or day today life, and
learning groups to share knowledge or by doing self-
made exercise.
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