New Needs and New Tools for Marine Management
J. M. Miranda
Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera,
Rua C do Aeroporto de Lisboa, 1749 077 Lisboa, Portugal
Huge changes are taking place in the governance of
the oceans. The implementation of the UNCLOS
agreement is creating new rules in what concerns the
national responsibility for large areas of the seafloor.
Maritime transportation is continuously increasing as
the most cost-effective solution for international
trade, creating virtual ocean highways. Growing
energy demands, and the need to decarbonize the
economy are leading to the installation of large power
systems close to the coasts, competing with the
traditional uses of the ocean, like fisheries or leisure.
During the XX Century marine management was
mainly based on a project-by-project or permit-by
permit approach (Douvere, 2008), with no explicit
incorporation of the interplay between the different
values in stake. Marine spatial planning (MSP) is
emerging as a tool to support the implementation of
an ecosystem approach to marine management,
supporting ocean governance. It intends to provide
legal certainty and predictability for the public and
the private use of the ocean and help to quantify the
consequences of alternative management strategies.
The development of GIS-based MSP is growing
fast but it is still strongly constrained by large gaps in
baseline data, time and space heterogeneity between
the different data sources, and the limitation of the
physical, chemical and biological models to reflect
natural processes. Economic and social constraints
are also a major question in the decision process and
its trade-off with the environmental values is
dependent on political strategies. While we are not
able to mathematically model the complexity of
socio-environmental systems, management decisions
cannot be reduced to algorithms to be applied by IT
systems. Nevertheless, there is an increase role for
spatially-explicit systems as the backbone of the
marine management decision systems. The on-going
international initiative to define significant Marine
Protected Areas is the opportunity to put extra
emphasis on the development of spatially explicit
systems as the basic infrastructure for adaptive
management and public participation.
Major differences exist between spatial planning on
land and spatial planning on sea. Differences relate
with the true three-dimensional nature of marine
environment, the different level of scientific
knowledge concerning interrelationships between
ecosystems and between them and the highly variable
ocean environment, the stronger interconnection
between ecosystems forced by the ocean circulation,
the difficulty of maintaining long term monitoring
strategies, and the large time scales of most processes.
The rapid development of satellite platforms to
provide continuous monitoring of the atmosphere and
land areas faces additional difficulties in what
concerns ocean areas where it is mainly limited to
surface observations.
The fast development of spatially-explicit systems
for territorial management was fostered by the
possibility of such systems to visualize the
consequences of alternative management policies,
and the associated uncertainties. Presently they are
the only realistic approach to develop awareness from
the citizens and, ultimately, to enforce public policies.
The use of spatial analysis techniques for territorial
management in land is a well-established approach. It
is expectable that the same approach could be
extended from shore to the coastal areas and,
ultimately, to the deep ocean.
One of the crucial differences between territorial
management on land and in the ocean concerns the
different level of awareness of the consequences of
management decisions. The ocean cannot be directly
visualized by humans as is the case of forests or
coastal areas; actions taken on a specific place have
fast consequences on distant spots. This gives
de Miranda J.
New Needs and New Tools for Marine Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0006805800010001
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Geographical Information Systems Theory, Applications and Management (GISTAM 2017), pages 7-9
ISBN: 978-989-758-252-3
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
increased role to sophisticated spatial representation
that will replace the direct visualization of the marine
One of the advantages of spatially-explicit systems to
support marine spatial planning is the possibility to
analyze alternative management scenarios. Properly
parameterized, such a system can allow a robust
evaluation of the sensitivity of the environment to
pressures, incorporate information concerning the
frequency of their occurrence, and consider multiple
pressures with complex feedbacks acting at the same
time and referring either to space-based concepts (e.g.
habitats) or to moving agents (e.g. populations). We
must also keep in mind that while physical factors are
easily expressed in a quantitative way, the measure of
ecosystem sensitivity is mainly the object of expert
assessment mostly qualitative (Stelzenmüller et al.,
Lets consider for example the three main
pressures identified by Stelzenmüller et al., (2010) for
studies conducted in the North Sea: demersal fishing,
hydrocarbon industry, and aggregate dredging. They
have different spatial and temporal impacts, complex
exploration patterns and large unknowns on the
connection between actions and effects. Fishing has a
wide spreading widespread impact on marine
habitats, while the focus of the activity is focused on
“stocks” this meaning on explorable fish populations,
which move continuously in the water column,
spawning, ageing and interacting with other species
and the physical environment. Hydrocarbon
exploration is a technological intensive operation,
which deeply affects the seafloor in very limited
areas, but has side effects during exploration and
exploitation. Aggregate dredging is a more localized
activity, being its effects essentially related with
sediment plumes driven by oceanographic processes
and the possible destruction of small size but highly
valued habitats.
Habitat mapping is missing in the majority of the
ocean space. Scientific knowledge is focused on a few
“hot spots”, critical species or interactions. Socio-
economic data are lacking even in rich and well
organized countries. Therefore, pragmatism led to the
development of systems with a limited focus or a
specific area (Caldow et al., 2015). Such systems
must be viewed as “preliminary”. Future
developments must be rooted on solid science, dense
baseline data, efficient monitoring strategies and,
most importantly, scrutiny by organizations and
The use of spatially-explicit marine management
tools is seen as a key factor to reduce conflicts
between competing management goals, decrease
incompatibilities between different uses, and ensure
the long-term stability of the marine system (Douvere
and Ehler, 2009; Gimpel et al., 2015). However, its
true implementation asks for significant progresses in
the knowledge of the ocean environment, the capacity
to monitor main environmental deep sea processes,
the resolution of conflicts between incompatible uses
of the ocean and the development of complex
economic and ecological assessment tools to support
the participation of stakeholders in the decision
processes. GIS-like technologies are a core part of
this effort.
Here, there is an important distinction between
technological tools to display observations, scientific
interpretations or regulatory instruments, and
organize public participation, from technological
tools needed to support the action of planners in the
establishment of these regulatory instruments.
Display capabilities must be able to allow
stakeholders a virtual view of the processes taking
place in the deep ocean either obtained from sensors
and mobile platforms, or synthetized from indirect
information. The heterogeneity of the distribution of
environmental values must be described at a proper
scale, and the existence of distant connections
between geochemical and biological processes must
be clearly addressed.
Tools for decision making are often based on the
use of multi-criteria evaluation (MCE) techniques
(Gimpel et al., 2015) that must also take into
consideration data incompleteness and limitations of
available models (Marshall et al., 2014).
Ocean governance must deal with the socio-
ecological system. Even well informed planning
strategies can be ineffective if citizens are not
involved in all phases of understanding, planning and
enforcing. The ‘human dimension’ (Baldwin and
Mahon, 2015) of this process asks for the
development of participatory platforms able to cope
with the scale, the complexity, and the impact of
political decisions. Experts are no longer seen as the
only actors of public policies, but at the most as
moderators of the decision process. A participatory
GIS platform must be able to provide both
understandable and accessible information to
stakeholders, allow easy comparison between
alternative strategies, and so promoting transparency
and collaboration in decision-making (Baldwin and
Mahon, 2015, Strickland-Munro, 2016, Pierre et al.,
This is an area where novelty is needed, which can
contribute for the development of both marine and IT
Baldwin, K. E., & Mahon, R. (2014). A Participatory GIS
for marine spatial planning in the Grenadine Islands.
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in
Developing Countries, 63.
Caldow, C., Monaco, M. E., Pittman, S. J., Kendall, M. S.,
Goedeke, T. L., Menza, C., ... & Costa, B. M. (2015).
Biogeographic assessments: a framework for
information synthesis in marine spatial planning.
Marine Policy, 51, 423-432.
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Spatial Planning, UNESCO, Paris,8–10,
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A GIS modelling framework to evaluate marine spatial
planning scenarios: Co-location of offshore wind farms
and aquaculture in the German EEZ. Marine Policy, 55,
Marshall, C. E., Glegg, G. A., & Howell, K. L. (2014).
Species distribution modelling to support marine
conservation planning: the next steps. Marine Policy,
45, 330-332.
Pierre, L., Vanessa, S., Nicolas, P., Nikolaus, P. W., Annie,
A., Tamatoa, B., ... & Bernard, S. (2017). Exploring
social-ecological dynamics of a coral reef resource
system using participatory modeling and empirical
data. Marine Policy, 78, 90-97.
Stelzenmüller, V., Lee, J., Garnacho, E., & Rogers, S. I.
(2010). Assessment of a Bayesian Belief Network–GIS
framework as a practical tool to support marine
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Strickland-Munro, J., Kobryn, H., Brown, G., & Moore, S.
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dimension for large marine parks. Marine Policy, 73,
Jorge Miguel Alberto de Miranda, President of
IPMA, Full Professor of Geophysics at the University
of Lisbon, former director of Instituto Dom Luiz
(Associate Laboratory) from 2004 to 2011. Member
of the General Council of the University of Lisbon
since 2011. Vice-chairman of the European Center
for Medium Range Weather Forecast. Member of the
Executive Board of WMO RAVI. He studied at the
University of Lisbon, where he graduated in 1981 in
Physics Full Professor since 2011. His research
activity is focused on Marine Geophysics and Natural
Hazards, in particular tsunamis. He is author or co-
author of more than 80 articles published in leading
ISI journals, in particular Journal of Geophysical
Research, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
Geophysical Research Letters and Nature, with more
than 1100 citations. Corresponding member of the
Lisbon Academy of Sciences.