User Centered Design of an Augmented Reality Gaming Platform for
Active Aging in Elderly Institutions
Hugo Simão and Alexandre Bernardino
Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Active Ageing, Human Centred Design, Augmented Reality, Exergames.
Abstract: In this article, we describe the design and development of a gaming platform with augmented reality
components whose purpose is to fight sedentary lifestyle by promoting active aging in elderly institutions.
The augmented reality components project games on the floor where the users can interact by moving
sideways or sitting and playing with the arms. In this work, we target the design of a complete platform that
can be easily transported, configured and deployed in elderly institutions to promote exercise. The concepts
were developed using a user-centered methodology. End-users were motivated to participate in a study where
social, economic and pathological conditions were analysed. The acceptance of the concept, the expectations
generated, and the concerns raised, were assessed through questionnaires formulated both to the elderly users
and to the professionals of the care institutions. Our results show that the elderly can be stimulated to practice
physical exercise with the addition of fun and social interaction.
Modern societies have a growing elderly population
due to the medical advances that increase the life
expectancy of the human being. In developed
countries, there is also social pressure to maintain the
quality of life and optimize the institutions that care
for the elderly. This growing number of people can
benefit from digital technology innovation tailored to
different needs. The aging population represents one
of the major societal problems today with a rising
trend (Nations, 2015). All people born in the
Babyboom era will belong to the elderly population
(Allianz, 2014) in less than a decade and a half,
representing 1.4 billion people by 2030 (Nations,
2015). The fight against sedentarism and the
promotion of active aging are a necessity to provide a
better quality of life and to combat the problems of
the geriatric population (Udayshankar &
Parameaswari, 2014). This aging population will
require infrastructures, professionals and tools
adapted and optimized to respond to the challenges
associated to the elderly age. The existing
infrastructures are insufficient to provide services to
all elderly (Bloom, Jimenez, & Rosenberg, 2011).
Traditional services are sometimes less agile and less
versatile in the response provided. For example,
activities carried out by occupational therapists are
run using mainly paper and pencil, often in group
activities. However, new technologies provide a
much wider range of possibilities to promote active
lifestyles that urge to be exploited by the society and
professionals. Furthermore, many of the institutions
targeted in this work have a short number of
professionals that is clearly insufficient to provide
adequate support in periodic examinations and
revaluations of the physical and cognitive conditions
for all. These facts portray the need to use
technological approaches that allow an optimization
of resources.
In this study, we describe the initial work in
designing and testing a digital interactive platform
that promotes physical exercise in the geriatric sector.
We used an iterative design process to build and user
test the platform to meet the needs, concerns, and
expectations listed by the professionals and elderly of
the institutions. Also, we want to understand how we
can create approaches focused on physical activity to
improve wellbeing in late life. In this way, for the
platform development, we use a process based on
user-centered-design (Abras, Maloney-Krichmar, &
Preece, 2004).The design process is composed of
three stages. The first stage only takes into account
the technological and logistic requisites of the system:
it must include the necessary hardware and software
co H. and Bernardino A.
User Centered Design of an Augmented Reality Gaming Platform for Active Aging in Elderly Institutions.
DOI: 10.5220/0006606601510162
In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2017), pages 151-162
ISBN: 978-989-758-269-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for operating a pre-defined set of games for exercise
and it must be easily transported between and within
the care institutions. A prototype was developed for
early testing. In the second stage the developed
prototype was presented at three care institutions and
a series of interviews allowed the collection of
feedback both from professionals and elderly users.
The interview generated a set of guidelines to
improve the design. In particular the need for suitable
covers and interfaces was pointed out by the
In the third stage, we designed alternative concepts
for the cover and interfaces that were again presented
to the institutions. A final design was selected for
This paper starts with an overview of related work
in Section 2, where the main approaches for
technological devices for the promotion of exercise
among the elderly are outlined. In section 3, 4 and 5
we describe the three aforementioned stages of
design. In Section 6 we discuss the main concerns and
expectations that we could infer from the interviews
with the professionals and users. Finally, in Section 7
we draw the main conclusions of the study and
perspectives for future developments.
The work on this article tries to address the lack of
technological tools in geriatric institutions in
Portuguese context, to promote active aging. It’s
specifically focused on the physical exercise
component allied to cognitive stimulation. Active
aging is seen as a primordial thing in society that
encourages an improvement in the general quality of
life (Mendoza-Ruvalcaba & Arias-Merino, 2015),
specifically in our study, the part of mobility
(Rantanen, 2013). However, sometimes the difficulty
is in eliciting users to opt for a more dynamic and less
sedentary lifestyle. The reasons depart from society
(Rantanen, 2013), motivation issues in older people
(Francis, 2014) and some health professionals may
involuntary discourage older people from exercising
(Hirvensalo, Heikkinen, Lintunen, & Rantanen,
It has been observed in the literature that
traditional methods of activities, if recreated in a
different and stimulating way, guarantee higher levels
of interest and participation when compared to
conventional methods (Cohen, 2006). In particular,
exergames are video games that rely on technology to
promote an active lifestyle (Sinclair, Hingston, &
Masek, 2007) and represent a good alternative to
traditional methods, for potentiating physical
exercise, simultaneously promoting cognitive
stimulation and dialogue (Pasqualotti, Barone, &
Doll, 2012), (Gerling, et. al., 2014), (Mandryk &
Gerling, 2015). Exergames can also be a good
strategy for rehabilitation therapies, as expressed by
some authors (Alankus, et. al., 2014) (Gerling, et. al.,
2015). Additionally, using wearable technologies
allows monitoring of vital signs and efficient
continuous monitoring (Fletcher, Poh, & Eydgahi,
2010), although a search for less intrusive solutions is
currently searched (El-Bendary, Tan, Pivot, & Lam,
2013). Approaches such as those taken by (Maczka,
Parry, & Curry, 2015) measure the effects potentiated
by technology in responding to the needs of
institutions, which increase the effectiveness and
efficiency of professionals. These current approaches
use games as a resource, based on physical exercise
combined with cognitive stimulation, which can bring
health benefits to the elderly (Gonzalez et al., 2008),
(Omholt & Wærstad, 2013). There are also studies
that list some advantages of approaches based on
virtual reality (Ribeiro-Papa, Masseti, Crocetta,
Menezes, & Antunes, 2016), (García-Betances,
Jiminéz-Mixco, Arredondo, & Cabrera-Umpiérrez,
2014), and trough exergaming (Rice et al., 2011)
resulting in a reduction of disability and depression
(Skelton & Dinan-Young, 2008). Also, the game
consoles industry has been developing augmented
reality games for the past 15 years that complement
the virtual gameplay with physical interaction. This
field of entertainment stimulates group activities and
family interaction, while promoting physical exercise
(Nintendo, 2009), (Playstation, 2009). One limitation
of this kind of technology is that it mainly targets
children and young adults and in general, they were
designed for groups of people with full motion
capacity. There are also intergenerational approaches
in this sense as the Age Invaders (Khoo & Cheok,
2006) which has the added value of minimizing the
generational gap through games.
However, the aging population is is prone to to
have a sedentary lifestyle and the one that requires
more external help for encouragement for the practice
of physical exercise (Harvey, Chastin, & Skelton,
2013). In addition, because game consoles do not
spontaneously motivate the beneficiary to the action,
they rely on the user’s proactive behaviour, which is
more likely to happen in the young population.
Another problem worth of attention in the use of
games for elderly people is that they are often too
complex for this population (Mader, Dupire, Natkin,
& Guardiola, 2012). The problems highlighted are
related to game speed, too many visual elements and
lack of feedback (Omholt & Wærstad, 2013).
The importance of user-centered design has been
stressed in the literature by Omholt, Gulliksen and
Rice (Omholt & Wærstad, 2013), (Gulliksen, Lantz,
& Boivie, 1999), (Rice et al., 2011). The primary
objective of the user-centered design is to involve the
public for whom it is developing, generating
customized solutions adapted to them, in an iterative
process with periodic contact points (Baek, Cagiltay,
Boling, & Frick, 2008).
Following similar principles, in this project, we
developed a system that would stimulate a more
active response of the geriatric segment, in which we
included aspects suggested by the professionals and
elderly users in the design, but with added attention
to the requirements on miniaturization and
2.1 Main Contribution
In this work, we proposed an interactive platform for
games. This study is based on user centered design
regarding the platform design and user test in the pre-
defined context. Besides, some design guidelines
were established for the development of exergames
platforms. Our study provided a platform that
combines augmented reality through projections and
simultaneously measure vital signs and manage
parameters such as balance, posture, agility, and
aerobic activity.
The first stage of design relied on the technological
and logistic requirements of the platform. Previous to
this stage, the infrastructure necessary to experience
the games that we had at university could not be
transported easily because of its size.To test the
system with users in real contexts in multiple
institutions, there was a need to reduce the size of the
structure that projects the games, so that it could be
easily transported.
These logistical and size requirements dictated the
birth of the platform that is being developed under the
scientific project AHA (aha.isr.tecnico.
This project aims to use a social robot for the
promotion of physical exercise in a geriatric context.
The robot in question, Vizzy (Moreno et al., 2016),
has two fundamental components:
autonomy/mobility and promotion of physical
exercise. Vizzy, shown in Fig. 1, will elicit people to
do physical activity through verbal instructions and
body language that users will have to imitate. Also,
Vizzy will play the role of mediator and dynamic
element of institution areas, in which he will control
the same games as the platform. At the same time,
Vizzy will monitor the performance of users playing
these games.
Figure 1: The social robot Vizzy to be used as the target of
AHA project.
In this paper, we focus on the execution of a
platform without the robotic components for more
easy validation of the augmented reality games, that
we denote Portable Exergame Platform for Elderly
(PEPE). PEPE will allow to evaluate and validate
some of the components that robot Vizzy might
incorporate, and be himself a provider of game
exercises to the elderly population. It may also be
used independently of Vizzy as a lower cost
standalone product that may share with Vizzy some
common aspects. In this sense, some technological
components were included in the interactive gaming
platform, to test its relevance and future applicability
in Vizzy. In this study, we fit PEPE into a play
product that simultaneously aggregates medical
component, prevention and maintenance of
functionalities. PEPE also has the purpose of studying
mechanisms and strategies of promotion and
motivation to physical exercise. This concept is
shown in Fig. 2, Fig.3 and Fig.4 The initial requisites
of PEPE are to contain all the hardware required for
the interaction (a computer, a 500-lumen projector, a
Kinect™ v2 sensor, a keyboard and one monitor), and
dimensions that allow easy transportation in a normal
city car boot. This last requirement was the first
verified by the researchers, due to the need to deploy
the system in a short time in several nursing homes.
To meet this necessity, the platform got two rotational
points, to bend the structure and make it smaller, as
can be seen in Figs. 5 and 6, that shows real pictures
of the prototype developed for early testing.
Figure 2: Front View of PEPE.
Figure 3: Rear view of PEPE.
Figure 4: Simulation of the interaction to be performed with
This prototype also served to elicit the participants to
give us their feedback with a visual and functional
Figure 5: Unfolded PEPE.
Figure 6: Folded PEPE.
In order to continue the development of PEPE, we
used an exploratory study in which the elderly and
professionals were consulted on the appearance and
functional aspects of the platform. We took three
group sessions in three institutions, in order to
investigate how the elderly and the professionals
perceive PEPE and the general interaction concept.
The three institutions were based on the geographical
area of Lisboa, Portugal. Focus groups are used for
the discovery of topics related to social involvement
and are a good strategy in revealing diverse opinions
on a particular subject (Morgan, Krueger, & King,
1998). The sessions were orchestrated by an
investigator, who watched, took notes and recorded
audio, and by a professional from the visited
institution. The duration of the three sessions lasted
approximately 60 minutes.
One institution is private more focused on daily
occupation (Institution 1), the two others are senior
residences with occupational and care services (a
public centre Institution 2 and a private senior
residence Institution 3). An experiment was also
carried out in each institution with the real platform,
together with the elderly and professionals that will
be deepened at the end of the second stage (see
Section 4.1)
To cover a large heterogeneous number of inputs, the
participants are from multidisciplinary areas that
work with the geriatric sector, being: 2 psychologists
(P1) and (P2), 1 gerontologist (G1), 1 Occupational
Therapist (OT1), 1 Physiotherapist (F1), 1 Technical
Director (DT1). A total of 24 elderly people, ranging
in age from 66 to 94 years, were consulted during the
three sessions (5 in the first, 8 in the second and 11 in
the third). Seven participants were male and 17 are
female. Eleven participants had some type of motor
The three sessions were held in three different
institutions in order to gather different social,
economic and ergonomic points of view. At the
beginning of each session, the researcher presented
and contextualized the purpose of his visit to the
institution and the objectives of the process. Each
session consisted of three steps. In the first step, the
participants were questioned about the current
practices of institutions in promoting physical
exercise. The question asked was "How do you
practice physical exercise here in the institution?"
The second step tried to understand the expectations
of the elderly and the professionals regarding
technological approaches in the promotion of active
aging. The third step was related to the presentation
of the PEPE concept and structure. Interviewees were
asked to comment on their adherence to the concept
and guidelines for building and improving PEPE.
This step also dictated the development of three
different appearances to be adopted by PEPE. The last
step was to use PEPE in real usage, where they
experimented with the platform and some technical
aspects were reviewed.
Field notes and audio files were then analyzed
through thematic analysis and an inductive approach
(Braun & Clarke, 2006). A number of core subjects
were identified that expressed ideas of participants
during the three sessions. Although some divergences
of opinion have been noticed, most points are
common to all three institutions. This methodology
allowed us to cross different ideas and perceptions.
The main objectives of the sessions were to provide
researchers with guidelines and considerations of the
technical development and appearance of PEPE.
The first issue pointed out by the professionals, is
related to the cognitive and motor limitations of the
elderly, for example dementia or reduced mobility,
that may represent a threat to any solution developed.
One of the stated requirements is that the equipment
must be used also by people in wheelchairs or people
with crutches. The professionals recognise the
advantages and benefits in the practice of physical
exercise, as it can delay some problems of aging and
allows a maintenance of physical condition.
However, it is stated that encouraging some seniors to
practice physical activity and balance exercises may
not be easy because of the lack of motivation. The
common practice for physical activity is based on
rehabilitation, when the person already has some
problem. Desirably, the common practice should be
prevention. At present, the elderly people have
activities that promote exercise, usually in the
morning. These are composed of exercises of
repetitive movements, with series of 10 movements
for each member or worked area. Even if they are
motivated to carry out the activity, it is up to them if
they want to participate in the activity. These
activities are practiced in a group, except in cases
requiring individual monitoring by physiotherapists.
Utility and Predisposition to Acceptance
of Technological Concepts
There is currently a technological scarcity, mainly at
the level of logistical optimization and optimization
of human resources. Due to shortage of staff,
exercises are predominantly developed in group,
resulting in lack of time for individual interactions.
For example, in Inst 2, there is 1 Psychologist to
around 200 older adults. These group activities are
made using traditional tools, with almost no use of
technology. Adaptation to each user was one of the
most critical requirements. We were also alerted to
the need of monitoring in real-time the user vital signs
during the activities to alert the caregiver of any
abnormal event, a practice that is currently non-
existing. A gerontologist mentioned that in addition
to the monitor turned to the person operating the
platform, it might also be interesting to have a
elderly-oriented monitor to enrich the visual
experience as a complement to the projection of the
game. This suggested the addition of a front screen in
the platform, that we decided to be touch sensitive to
increase future possibilities of use with the users.
Professionals stated that the platform design should
have an empathic aspect, so that the levels of
acceptance and participation rates were higher.
Another relevant requirement for professionals, is
that the platform needs to be movable inside an
institution, because many older adults have difficulty
in locomotion, so the platform should be easily
transported between several division in the facility.
This necessity is in accordance with the logistics
requirements of easy transportation, already
Socioeconomic Contextualization of the
Institution and of the Elderly
The main reasons for the lack of technology are
economic and the lack of information on the added
values with respect to classical approaches. Thus, the
professionals have difficulty in communicating the
advantage of the new technological solutions to the
administrative board, which is the decisive factor in
its adoption.
Exploration of Acceptance Among the
Elderly were questioned about the general idea of
promoting physical exercise, and about their
willingness to participate in the practice of physical
activity. 19 seniors were receptive to the concept and
willing to perform some activities.
However, 12 affirmed or questioned whether they
could do the activity seated or with some physical
support. The elderly pointed out pain and limitations
in the joints that make it impossible for them to carry
out the activities completely. The remaining nine
subjects mentioned that they would not use the
platform and did not intend to play. The allegations
about this position are related to pain, not liking
physical activity, preference to remain at rest, and the
technology gap (some mentioned that technology is
something not adjusted to the elderly population).
4.1 Interactive Session
PEPE was tested at the Institutions (see Fig. 7 and
Fig. 8). Both elderly and the professionals tested the
different interaction modalities provided by the
platform (playing games while sitting or standing).
This interaction served us mainly to assess the
dynamics of game provided and whether the
specifications of hardware corresponded to the needs
of the elderly.
Figure 7: Demonstration of the platform in Institution 1.
Figure 8: Demonstration of the platform in Institution 2.
5.1 Platform Re-design
Based on feedback from the sessions, there were three
main conclusions taken to improve the platform.
First, there is the need for an empathic aesthetics of
the platform. Second, the platform should have two
monitors, one for the elderly and another for the
professional, with adequate graphical elements and
real-time monitoring. The third requirement is in
relation to the games and the capacity they have to
adapt to each user. The aesthetics of PEPE was one of
the most discussed points among the participants. In
the perspective of private institutions, some
professionals believe that PEPE has to have a more
sophisticated and more sober design, “something
premium” (DT1).
On the other hand, the generality of the
professionals, especially in the public institution, a
more emphatic formal language with brighter colours
is more fitting, and several have mentioned that blue
is the preferred colour among people, which is in
agreement with some researchers (Wolchover, 2012)
The third concept was created based on the
opinion of a psychologist and an occupational
therapist, who reveal that a PEPE in white would
make more sense because it does not create additional
visual stimulation - the projection of games is already
a very present visual stimulus. In this way, since
PEPE isused jointly withVizzyin the AHA project
(Fig. 1), we decided to use some aesthetic lines of the
robot and adapt them to PEPE.
The concepts A, B and C are shown in Fig. 9, Fig.
10 and Fig. 11.
Figure 9: Concept A.
The first concept (Figure 9 - Concept A) was created
to respond to a more wide target audience, mainly
because of its colour and most basic formal
appearance. The left side represents the front of the
platform and the right side the back. The aperture on
the front is used to let the projector light through. The
central concept (Figure 10 – Concept B) tries to
Figure 10: Concept B.
Figure 11: Concept C.
respond aesthetically to a higher economy class due
to its metallic and futuristic aspect that gives it a
premium appearance. This version has no front
opening because its coating is unidirectional mirror
film, which makes the carapace transparent and
allows the passage of light from the inside to the
outside. The third concept (Figure 11 – Concept C)
formally derives from the Vizzy robot. In this
concept, the left part corresponds to the rear view and
the right part corresponds to the front view.
Regarding the information display, three images
have been developed that simulate the graphical
contents that could appear on the screen facing the
user (see screens A, B and C in Figs. 12, 13, and 14,
respectively). Screen A simulates the profile of each
user in which they have access to their physical
provision. Screen B shows the player's previous
score, the current score during the game and the
maximum record reached by any user. This screen is
also based on positive reinforcement, turning green
when the user scores. The last screen (C) was
designed to give the user the opportunity to choose
the game they want to play without a professional.
Figure 12: Screen A. Biometric data.
Figure 13: Screen B. Game scores.
Figure 14: Screen C. Game selection.
5.2 New round of Interviews
After the concepts had been developed upon the
results of the first phase, all institutions were visited
again to carry out questionnaires that quantified the
evaluations. Field notes were also noted for further
analysis. These focused on the appreciation of the
various concepts. Some of the questions asked are
relative to stakeholder preference and what aspects
are relevant to consider.
The results from the first phase (cover designs in Fig.
9, Fig. 10 and Fig. 11 and information display
alternatives in Fig. 12, Fig. 13 and Fig. 14) were
shown to the professionals and users. Additionally,
further concerns on technical, functional and aesthetic
aspects of the platform, as well as the institutions
positioning in the market were made to the
professional. The objectives of this iterative process
were related to perceptions regarding the platform
and needs from the point of view of the elderly. This
option was taken so that both parties could
complement with new observations and feedback the
information provided in the first phase of interviews.
5.3 Evaluation
5.3.1 Cover
We have shown the professionals and the elderly the
different cover designs shown in Fig. 9, 10 and 11.
Each participant voted for the preferred design.
Among the professionals, most votes went to design
A (4 votes), then B (2 votes) and finally C (1 vote).
Empirically, most professionals defended that
concept A is the most empathic and what should
generate greater levels of acceptance, not only due to
the form factor but mainly because blue is more
cheerful and inviting. However, in the opinion of
other interviewees, the elderly has difficulty in
focusing attention, so the platform itself must be an
object that goes unnoticed and does not distract them.
Thus, the white colour of concept C should be more
appropriate. As for the concept B, developed for a
segment of the high class, had the second highest
percentage of votes, however in a chromatic level was
the least empathic and cold-looking. The technical
director of the day care centre (Institution 1) defends
this option is not adjusted to the current older people,
because they are very little technological and this
concept may be too futuristic for the aging population
and be less accepted.
Among the elderly, a sample of 30 seniors with a
mean age of 73.4 years was collected for feedback on
the three concepts. The votes counted correspond to
15 for concept A, 11 for concept B, and 4 votes for
concept C. Analogous to what was pointed out by the
professionals, the elderly users mentioned the most
empathic nature of solution A due to colours and
rounded forms.
5.3.2 Information Display
The first screen, A, was unanimously excluded by the
professionals, who said that elderly people are
already alarmed by heartbeats, and because of this,
this information should only be consulted by the
professional. Screen B was the best accepted, by
professionals and elderly, even because it was said
that there is some healthy competitiveness among the
elderly to play. The last screen was discouraged
because the users had difficulty interpreting its
meaning (selection of the games) and the
professional’s preference in having full control of the
operation of the platform.
In this section, we describe the main ideas, concerns
and expectations inferred from the sessions of the
design phases and the observations taken during the
interactive sessions. The results presented here derive
from the exposure and interaction with PEPE.
However, the guidelines given below are general and
can be used as guiding lines for the development of
augmented reality technology that promotes the
practice of physical exercise and combat the
sedentary lifestyle in elderly institutions.
6.1 Concerns
Cognitive Deficits
One of the major concerns regards the physical/motor
disabilities that several users have. It was stated that
this type of solution must be used by the maximum
number of possible users. The first reason is to avoid
excluding people or accentuate cognitive or motor
differences. The second reason, as stated by a
technical director (DT1) of an institution, "the more
users can serve, the more it will offset the
investment." To address this problem, some software
modifications have been made that allow seniors in
wheelchairs or seniors who use crutches to play as
well. Also, this locomotion problem in some users is
the principal factor that justifies the wheels on the
In any case, the generality of the participants
believes that this type of technological approach is
more adjusted to the more autonomous population or
with few physical and cognitive impairments. The
daycare environment was the most indicated because
it has more independent people who can benefit from
these approaches.
Monetary Cost
One of the major concerns raised by professionals is
the cost of such a device. It was declared that it might
not be a democratic product due to its high cost,
which will make it impossible for most institutions to
acquire it. G1 reveals that it can be a costly
investment for a device that brings together
capabilities that will only be used to the fullest by the
minority of people who have no physical or cognitive
impairment. It has also been mentioned that such a
product type, in addition to providing prevention, can
function as rehabilitation or monitoring, thus opening
its range of use and lifetime.
6.2 Expectations
Technological Acceptance
All the interviewees agreed with the potentialities and
optimization of processes that technology can
generate. First, the professionals can save time in
preparing the occupational games since the platform
is very easy to setup and operate. Second, the games
can stimulate simultaneously both the physical and
cognitive aspects, thus reducing the need of having
separate physical and cognitive rehabilitation
sessions. In addition, a portable gaming platform
allows for increased interaction levels and has a broad
range of gaming/activities options that traditional
tools cannot provide. Besides, it was mentioned that
through this type of technological approach, it would
be easier to encourage and motivate the elderly to
participate in physical activities. In addition to
technological proficiency that will become more
common in the coming generations, it is a response to
a societal challenge, not only in the future but today.
As stated by the technical director (DT1) "it is a
necessity because life expectancy is increasing and
you don't watch a paradigm shift. People do not try to
have a healthy and dynamic aging”.
Visual Elements and Color
In visual terms, several professionals argue that it is
important that an object for this segment of the
population has few visual elements. Some
professionals mentioned that usually, objects for the
geriatric section are simplified because they have
some degrees of technological incapacity. This
argument is supported by the study (Habinteg &
Pocklington Trust, 2010), which defends formal
simplicity and suggests intensified contrasts in
objects. The reasons go beyond the positive and
cheerful load that bright colors have (Unicamp,
2008). According to the professional's experience,
colorful tools can represent a strategy of attention
focus and consequently, capacity to pay attention to
the platform. However other professionals have a
different perspective, reporting that an object with
intense colors may have an overly demarcated
presence and may shift user's attention to the object
rather than the action it should take. These defend that
the platform in white or soft colors may be a good
option in this regard. They claim that although they
are projecting animated content on the floor, it is
already quite captivating and that an overly flashy
object will divide the attention.
An important aspect to be considered when designing
products for the geriatric segment is the need to
develop objects which do not increase the social
stigma surrounding the elderly. These warn of the
child load that the object may possess by having
oversized interfaces and buttons, but especially the
games to be realized and projected.
One of the significant benefits seen in a digital device,
is that it establishes itself with the formal and
multimedia personalization that can be offered.
Personalization creates a sense of belonging and
lowers the rejection rate. Another advantage of
customization is that the platform can represent a
useful personalized stimulation tool already adapted
to each user. This customization is essential not only
for success rates that may be higher (Harriette
Halepis, 2013). It has been suggested by some
professionals that approaches of this kind have to
adapt to the performance and motor and cognitive
capacity of each user. Also, because the geriatric
segment is full of several people with multiple
symptoms that differ from person to person, it was
mentioned that the platform must undergo changes
and mechanical adjustments to fit each case and to
optimize its functionalities depending on the person.
Positive Reinforcement
Some professionals were discouraged when they
realized that the platform did not have any positive
reinforcement that indicated the success rate of the
user. They mentioned that this interaction strategy
might cause users to be motivated for a longer period.
This positive reinforcement can be achieved through
visual or sound cues. It was suggested that part of this
reinforcement could work with verbalizations
indicating the performance of the game. CD1 states
that part of the motivation can also come from a
healthy competition that the game can elicit. It was
expressed that in the ludic activities or traditional
activities, there is a certain competitiveness and even
a collaborative spirit that puts them to carry out the
activity in a more pleasant and motivating form.
Resource Optimization
One of the greatest advantages projected in this kind
of assistive technology approaches is its possible
optimization of data logging. This data can be
accessed by professionals for further analysis. Now,
during the activities, no data is collected regarding the
mobility of the person or physical performance. It was
stated that only rarely these are annotated, typically
on paper, which can give rise to "qualitative
summaries, often information is put as topics". It was
also mentioned that it could be a tool for monitoring
the vital signs of the users and that could contain the
alarm or warning functionality in case of vital signs
anomaly. This kind of process also allows the
development of a history of progress of the various
users, enabling professionals to measure the impact
of their intervention.
It has exposed the need for security measures that
provide real-time control while the user interacts with
the platform. The professionals must have an
interface that allows them to verify the person's
performance and parameters that indicate the vital
signs or issues related to balance.
The evaluation was considered as one of the most
important issues, not only in validating the concept
and its practical applicability at start, but also
continually during the life of the platform. A good
strategy may be small informal daily questionnaires
made to the population about how they felt playing
and how much they like it. It should be noted that DT1
mentioned that this type of validation among users
will be the determining factor that will dictate future
investment by an institution. In future tests, it will be
useful to understand how PEPE has to be used
regularly to effectively promote active aging and to
understand the impact of this type of technology on
an elderly institution. These tests have to be
performed together with physiotherapists and
psychologists who perform periodic tests in order to
obtain the evolution of the health condition of the
elderly users.
Throughout the iterative design process, we discussed
the social panorama among elderly and the possible
conception of a mobile interaction platform. At the
moment, there is some exploitation of technology in
elderly institutions, but in this research, we added
miniaturization and portability in conjunction with
user-centered design. The tendency with this type of
devices is to increase and become more useful with a
great potential to help both the seniors and the
professionals. The proposed technology allows a
more engaging experience in the exercise and
optimization of resources for the institution. Our
findings demonstrate that users can be proactive in
engaging in exercise with the game platform. The
envisaged benefits include captivating the seniors to
physical activity through games, also increasing
levels of communication and social interaction and
joy. It was unanimous among professionals that this
type of approach must be implemented from the
perspective of promoting physical activity as a
preventive measure. In any case, they recognize that
there are multiple examples of people in institutions
that already have some limitations and that platforms
of this type could be a useful rehabilitation tool. The
main gains are motivation and fun while performing
rehab exercises.
This work was supported by the Portuguese Science
Foundation FCT through project AHA – CMUP-
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