Physical and Psychophysiological
Profiles of Sub-elite Basketball Players
Novel Approach to Complex Testing
Anna Zakharova, Kamiliia Mekhdieva and Svetlana Kondratovitch
Institute of Physical Education, Sport and Youth Policy, Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia
B.N. Yeltsin, 19 Mira Street, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: Sub-elite Basketball Players, Complex Testing, Physical, Psychological and Physiological Profiles.
Abstract: Basketball is a very demanding sport. Game effectiveness depends on a large number of physical and
psychological abilities, technical competence, etc. Thus appropriate comprehensive complex approach to
laboratory testing and its data interpretation play a considerable role in suggestion the proper training
prescription and schedule. The aim of the proposed study was to choose appropriate and accessible
laboratory testing methods and present their results. Fourteen professional male basketball players aged
24.8±5.4 years underwent bioimpedance analysis of body composition, maximal cycling test,
hemodynamics monitoring, Wingate-test, jump performance analysis and psychophysiologic tests. These
allowed to define the physical and psychophysiologic profiles of athletes. It was revealed, that (i) athletes
had low percentage of fat (10.3±4.7 %) and high level of muscle mass (85.4±4.5 %); (ii) excellent volume
heart parameters (SV – 137.00±19.93 ml) and low RHR – 49.08±6.56 bpm; iii) lowered VO
ml/kg/min, P-VO
– 4.13±0.58 W/kg; (iiii) lower than expected strength abilities – peak power of arms –
6,47 ±0,87 W/kg and relative maximal power of legs – 42,17±4,22 W/kg, respectively. The obtained data
provided with valuable information for further improvement of training process.
Professional basketball is a challenging kind of
sports. It is critically important to consider a wide
range of aspects for its demands evaluation
(Ransone, 2016):
Anthropometric features and body
Strength, power and agility, as they are
valuable predictors of success in team
sports and basketball in particular.
Anaerobic abilities, as basketball is an
intermittent sport with specific significant
anaerobic metabolism.
Aerobic abilities, as a player may run about
three miles during the game.
Success in basketball requires adequate and
appropriate complex control of physical,
physiologic, psychological and specific skills
changes in athletes. Based on mentioned above, the
main objectives of athletes’ complex control in
professional basketball are as follows:
To understand the profile of successful
basketball players (Ostojic et al., 2006) and
reveal the individual strong and weak
points in order to improve the quality of
To obtain the detailed information on
physical and psychophysiological
characteristics of athletes from the tests for
considering during planning athletes’ daily
practice, week schedule or even long-term
programme to improve the quality of
training (Ziv and Lidor, 2009).
To provide appropriate control in order to
promote prevention of overreaching and
overtraining, as minimizing risk factors
significantly impact on higher sports
achievements in basketball.
According to revised data numerous studies of
various research groups worldwide had been
performed to reveal physiological, physical,
psychological etc. features and profiles of
professional basketball players (Ziv and Lidor, 2009;
Thomas and Nelson, 2005; Krustrup et al., 2006;
Zakharova A., Mekhdieva K. and Kondratovitch S.
Physical and Psychophysiological Profiles of Sub-elite Basketball Players - Novel Approach to Complex Testing.
DOI: 10.5220/0006585401320139
In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2017), pages 132-139
ISBN: 978-989-758-269-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Bed Abdelkrim et al., 2007). Meanwhile, according
to existing data, a number of limitations of currently
used control in basketball have been highlighted.
The proposed study was focused on development
of accessible comprehensive control of athletes,
covering most of important aspects in basketball. In
particular, we evaluated anthropometric and body
composition parameters, aerobic and anaerobic
abilities, cardiovascular functional state, strength
and power abilities and psychophysiological
indicators. The obtained complete information
ultimately is extremely important and accessible for
coaches, athletic trainers and sports practitioners in
Professional basketball club “Uralmash”
(Yekaterinburg, Russia) recruited for the study was
renovated in 2016 to take part in Super League of
Russian Basketball. “Uralmash” was a well-known
professional basketball club with more than 50 years
old history with 20 resounding victories in Soviet
and Russian basketball championships. So the
challenging task was set for coaches and players – to
win the Super League 2 Cup 2016/2017 in order to
join Super League 1 and compete for entering
United League VTB (the highest Russian National
Basketball League).
Subjects. Fourteen healthy male professional
basketball players (mean age 24.8±5.4 years, height
198.4±7.9 cm, weight 94.3±13.3 kg) of the team
“Uralmash” were recruited for the study. The
participants of the study had more than 10 years of
sport experience in basketball. Eight athletes
previously played for teams from Super League 1
and VTB United league. During the season
participants of the study practice on a daily basis,
once or twice a day, have 40 games and
approximately 5 to 10 friendly matches, 3 to 5
National Cup games. All tested subjects were free of
cardiovascular or any other chronic disease. The
investigation conforms to the principles of the
Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical
Association. Athletes involved in the study had been
provided with comprehensive information on the
procedures, methods, benefits and possible risks
before their written consent was obtained. The study
was approved by the Ural Federal University Ethics
All laboratory tests were conducted in the
research laboratory “Sports and health technologies”
of the Institute of Physical education, sports and
youth policy, Ural Federal University.
2.1 Anthropometric Measurements
Anthropometric features, body composition, height
and lean muscle mass in particular are commonly
considered in most type of sports, contributing into
success prediction in different sports. Notably
changes in body composition can be achieved
through both adequate training and proper nutrition
strategy (Ransone, 2016).
Weight and segment body composition were
measured with the use of the MC-980MA Plus Multi
Frequency Segmental Body Composition Monitor
(TANITA, Japan) based on the advanced Bioelectric
Impedance Analysis (BIA) technology. The
following parameters were registered: body mass
(kg), body mass index (BMI), muscle mass –
absolute and relative (kg; %), absolute and relative
fat mass (kg; %), fat free mass (kg), bone mass (kg),
separately lean mass of the trunk, upper and lower
extremities (kg).
2.2 Hemodynamics Measurements
The hemodynamic monitor MARG 10-01
"MicroLux" (Chelyabinsk, Russia) functioning is
based on such noninvasive methods of hemo-
dynamic monitoring as impedance cardiography and
spectrophotometry, electro-cardiogram monitoring,
reography and central hemodynamics monitoring.
Before data recording all subjects were at rest in
supine position during 10 minutes. The active
orthostatic test (in the Shellong modification) and
active klinostatic test (Danielopolu test) were carried
out. So the combined orthoklinostatic test included 5
stages:the rest stage (at supine – 2 min); transition to
the vertical position;standing position – 2.5 min;
transition from the vertical position to the supine
position and supine position (2.5 minutes).
All measured indicators of the central
hemodynamics were automatically registered with
beat-to-beat record. To investigate the functional
state of basketball players we chose the most
informative for sport practice hemodynamic
parameters and their indices (Shishkina, 2013): heart
rate (HR, bpm), stroke volume (SV, ml), end-
diastolic volume (EDV, ml), stroke index (SI,
) and end-diastolic index (EDI, ml/m
) which
are the ratio of stroke volume and end-diastolic
volume to the body surface area in square meters
and ejection fraction (EF, %).
2.3 Maximal RAMP Cycling Test
Aerobic performance testing was performed with the
use of a bicycle ergometer ERG 911S (Schiller AG,
Switzerland) and a desktop metabolic monitor
Fitmate PRO (COSMED, Italy). Maximal ramp
protocol was applied according to ACC/AHA 2002
guideline update for exercise testing (2006). The test
started from the load of 0 W during warm-up stage
(1 min) with further load increase (40 W per
minute). It was recommended to keep the cadence
about 80 rpm. The test was considered to have been
performed at a maximal level of effort in case of: (1)
the inability of the subject to maintain the expected
cadence (80 rpm) despite verbal inciting; (2) refusal
to continue the test due to subjective exhaustion of
the muscles; (3) the appearance of absolute medical
The used portable device allowed to record the
following parameters starting with the first 1 min
warm-up stage and continuously during exercise
testing: oxygen uptake (VO
, ml/kg/min), heart rate
(HR, bpm), stated exercise load (P, W), volume of
ventilation (Ve, l/min), and respiration rate
(Rf, 1/min).
Measurements of indices of gas-exchange during
stress test gave an important information on athletes’
aerobic capacity (Vilikus, 2012) and accurate values
of metabolic changes under stress conditions:
, anaerobic threshold (AT) and its relation to
A combination of the obtained physiologic
characteristics during stress test provided with
comprehensive information about integral response
of respiratory apparatus, muscles and cardiovascular
systems to exercise load. In other words, it allowed
estimating not only oxygen uptake, transport and
utilization, but also efficiency of respiration at a
maximal level of effort (Ve
, l/min – maximal
volume of ventilation per minute; Rf
, 1/min –
maximal respiration rate; V
– maximal volume of
one inspiration) and muscle strength of athletes
– the power reached at VO
). These
indicators are considered as maximal individual for
this certain type of test.
2.4 Arm Cycling Wingate Test
Cycling Wingate test was conducted with the use of
the ergometer TOP EXCITE 700 MD (TechnoGym,
Italy). Anaerobic power measures were obtained
using arm cycling Wingate anaerobic test, and
included peak power (PP, W), relative PP (W/kg),
average power (AP
) and its relative value (AP
2.5 Performance Analyses for Vertical
Performance analysis for vertical jumps is widely
used tests in power and sprint sports (Ntai, 2017,
Van Hooren, 2017). There were many ways to
obtain data about the aspects of jumps parameters
(Lara, 2006, Ntai, 2017, Van Hooren, 2017) but
nowadays due to high speed jumping dynamics force
plates are the demandable instruments to describe
fast sport movement quantitatively. Kistler
(Switzerland) - the leader in the field of sport
performance analysis – uses piezoelectric sensors to
measure forces and moments for sports and
performance analysis. The more sensitive the force
plate is, the more precise and reliable data are
The purposes of this part of study were (1) to
obtain descriptive data about maximal anaerobic
power output of the lower extremities with a force
platform from countermovement jump (CMJ) and
squat jump (SJ) performed by basketball players and
(2) to define issues in muscle realization of jumping
that is the important component of basketball.
Professional basketball players made three CMJs
jumps and three SJs and the highest jumps of each
player were analyzed. They were instructed to
perform the jumps with maximum effort. All data
were collected using two Kistler Jump force plates
(type 9269AA3) with 64-channel block for data
processing 5695B. MARS Software was used. We
were interested in the jump height (cm), relative
maximal power (W/kg), push off time (s) and
impulse (Ns) in CMJ and SJ.
2.6 Psychophysiological Tests
The choice of diagnostic methods for the study of
psychophysiological features of the nervous system
was determined by the specifics of sports activities
of basketball players. The
capabilities of the
computer complex "NS-PsycheTest" ("NeuroSoft”,
Russia) were used to identify a simple visual-motor
reaction, reaction to a Moving Object and abilities
for high intensive work.
2.6.1 A Simple Visual-motor Reaction
During testing of a simple visual-motor reaction
(Zimkina, 1978) seventy red light signals were
shown consistently to athletes. The signals appear at
a different time interval, so that the reflex was not
formed. The first 5-7 signals were "trial" and
intended for adaptation of the subject. When a signal
appears, the examinee must press the button as soon
as possible, trying to avoid mistakes such as a
prematurely pressing of the button or a skip of the
The following indicators were determined:
1. Time of visual-motor reaction and subject’s
quality of the reaction to the stimulus (M,
2. Equilibrium of nerve processes and stability
of sensorimotor reactions (SD, ms);
3. Level of functional capabilities (LFC). The
criterion reflects the ability of athletes to
form an adequate functional system and to
maintain it (Mantrova, 2007).
2.6.2 Reaction to a Moving Object
Reaction to a Moving Object is a complex sensor
motor reaction that includes a response to a specific
signal – visual alignment of two moving objects.
On their monitors, the subjects were shown a
circle on which there were two marks at different
intervals, changing the position from presentation to
presentation. The circle was filled in a clockwise
rotation. The athlete had to press the button of the
analyzer at the moment when the fill reached the
second mark.
Processing of the results was made by comparing
of the number of advanced and delayed reactions.
Level of the excitation and inhibition processes of
the nervous system was estimated on the basis of the
diagnostic results.
2.6.3 Express-method "Tapping Test"
Express-method "Tapping test" (Ilyin, 2005) is
reflecting overall performance and strength of the
nervous processes. The test was carried out using
two special instruments: «pencil» and “a rubber
platform”. The athlete was instructed to tap the
platform with the maximum possible frequency for
30 seconds.
Processing of the results was made by counting
the number of movements performed in each of the
five-second intervals of the test. Based on the
obtained results a graph was built which
characterized the overall performance of the subject
and the strength of the nervous processes (Figure 1):
1. Strong nervous system is characterized by
increasing in the rate of movement in the first
15 seconds by more than 10%; then the rate
decreases to the original (± 10%).
2. Nervous system of medium strength:
movement rate is kept at the same level with
fluctuations of ± 10% throughout the test.
3. Weakness of the nervous system is indicated
by the descending type of the line. The
maximum number of movements is
established during the first five-second
interval, then the rate of movement decreases
by more than 10%.
4. If the athlete has a medium-weak nervous
system, the maximum number of movements
is established during the first two to three
five-second intervals, then the rate of
movement falls.
5. Medium-strong nervous system tends to show
a decrease at the beginning of testing, then a
short-term increase in the rate to the initial
level (± 10%).
Figure 1: Graphic representation of the individual-
typological features of the nervous system.
2.7 Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with the use of
statistic software package “SPSS Statistics 17.0”
(IBM). We used descriptive analysis of the obtained
data in order to estimate basic functional status of
athletes. Normality of distribution was assessed by
the Shapiro-Wilk test. Mean value (M), standard
deviation (SD), minimum and maximal values of the
measured parameters were calculated. This enabled
us to describe the physical, physiologic and
psychological profiles of studied athletes.
The detailed descriptive data on body composition
and anthropometric measurements of sub-elite
basketball players (Table 1) show that generally
studied athletes are tall have low percentage of fat
and high index of lean mass. High value of lean
mass in studied athletes is undoubtedly an advantage
and may serve as a proof of appropriate sports
selection as well as proper training and nutrition.
Table 1: Anthropometric and body composition analysis
of sub-elite basketball players.
Parameters M±SD (min-max)
Height, cm 198.4±7.9 185-210
Body mass, kg 93.3±13.3 74.2-123
Body mass index 24±2.1 21.6-28.3
MM, kg 80.3±11.1 57.1-102.4
MM, % 85.4±4.5 75.4-91.3
Fat mass, kg 9.8±5.0 3.1-22.6
Fat mass, % 10.3±4.7 4-20.7
Bone mass, kg 4.1±0.5 3.0-5.2
MM trunk, kg
MM right hand, kg 5.3±1 2.8-7
MM left hand, kg 5.2±1 2.8-7.2
MM right leg, kg 13.4±1.95 10.4-18.4
MM left leg, kg 13.5±2 10.1-18.7
MM – muscle mass.
Notably, all studied athletes had good body
balance (comparison of left and right composition
parameters of upper and lower extremities), as well
as high indices of muscle mass.
Results of hemodynamic monitoring (Table 2)
showed that average heart rate at rest at supine in
professional basketball players is lower than
athletes’ norm for sport games. What was more
surprising is the HR corresponding to that of high
performance endurance sport representatives in 5 of
14 examined basketball players. Excellent heart
volume parameters and indices of basketball players
are the guarantors of good tolerance to high intensity
load in training and competitive activities.
Active orthostatic test revealed higher deviation
of HR while standing up from the initial value at
supine (23.50±6.57 bmp) than it is should be in
athletes (less than 18). HR increase after transition
from supine to the vertical body position estimates
the quality of athlete adaptation to vertical position
and the action of physiological systems regulation.
The less (HR
̶ HR
at supine
), the better
functioning of an athlete vascular system is. It is
worth mentioning that most athletes compete in a
vertical body position, hence it is necessary to take
into account not only RHR
at supine
as the majority of
medical protocols prescribe, but also HR standing
and heart volume parameters and indices in athletes
vertical position (Table 2). We were satisfied with
all hemodynamic parameters except (HR
at supine
). There are several reasons of excessive
heart rate in basketball players while standing: (1)
high body height, (2) poor vascular adaptation to
vertical position, (3) insufficient recovery or fatigue.
Table 2: Hemodynamic parameters and indices in
basketball players (M±SD).
parameters and indices
at supine
, beats/min 49.08±6.56 55
, beats/min 72.58±7.72 65
̶ HR
at supine
23.50±6.57 <18
at supine
, ml 137.00±19.93 >120
, ml 103.42±17.35 >100
at supine 1
, ml/сm
68.7±7.23 >70
at supine position
, ml/сm
108.42±7.39 >100
, ml/сm
HR – heart rate; SV – stroke volume; SI – stroke index; EDI –
end-diastolic index.
We also found that average HR before the
cycling test measured sitting on cycle ergometer was
higher than the sports norm (Table 3).
Table 3: Stress-test parameters of sub-elite basketball
Parameters M±SD (min-max) Athlete
47.52±6.14 (38.4-63.5) 55
HR before the
test, bpm
78±7.48 (64-92) 70
bpm 163±13.8 (143-188) 180-195
, W 383.7±53.1 (310-500) >450
4.13±0.58 (3.3-5.1) >5
, l/min 145.3±36.4 (91-210) 160-180
77.8±7.1 (66-88)
METS 13±1.16 (11-15) >17.5
HR – heart rate; P-VO2max - power reached at VO2max;
P-VO2max/kg – relative maximum power at P-VO2max; VO2 –
oxygen consumption; Vemax – maximal volume of ventilation
per minute; AT – anaerobic threshold.
Obtained from the cycling test data demonstrate
that most of the measured parameters varied within a
wide range in the studied group. Although mean
values of VO
corresponded to physiologic norm
in reference to age and gender for healthy subjects, it
was lower than the one for elite basketball players
(Ziv and Lidor, 2009) reported in most studies as
= 50-60 ml/kg/min (Tavino et al., 1995;
Gosentas et al., 2004).
Strength abilities of basketball player legs were
lower than we expected. Power index (P-VO
) was good but not excellent. HR
was lower
than athletic norm that means predominant heart
development over the muscle system of sub-elite
basketball players.
Meanwhile, some studies (Hoffman, 2003)
revealed that increase in aerobic capacities may not
increase game performance in basketball. However,
it is assumed that anaerobic threshold is the most
sensitive and reliable indicator for basketball
players. According to data from numerous
researches, the average oxygen uptake during the
game is about 64.7% for male basketball players
(Narazaki, 2008). Thus, increase of AT to realistic
70% may benefit in using more aerobic pathways
and eventually result in minimizing fatigue during
games. (Ziv and Lidor, 2009).
The obtained data from stress-test in our study
showed that mean value of AT of basketball players
corresponded to high level of aerobic metabolism.
This fact is critically important in evaluation of
physical profile of sub-players, as it serves as a
proof of appropriate aerobic state, as in professional
basketball impact of AT is significantly higher, than
absolute values of VO
As power and acceleration abilities are of great
importance in sport games and both arms and legs
are involved in specific movement realization we
consider to analyze power abilities in arms and legs
in basketball players. The results of arm cycling
Wingate test (Table 4) reveal the wide range of peak
power in sub-elite basketball players, low relative
PP and high level of fatigue.
Table 4: Arm Wingate-test parameters of sub-elite
basketball players.
Parameters M±SD (min-max)
PP, W 570.5 ± 141.6 (440-780)
PP, w/kg 6.47 ±0.87 (5.5-7.8)
, W 417.16 ± 93.29 (299-528)
, W/kg 4.76 ± 0.64 (3.52-5.28)
Fatigue, % 52.5 ± 15.82 (30-72)
, s 6.67 ± 2.54 (4-10)
PP – peak power; AP – average power; t
, - time of PP
Performance analysis for vertical jumps
(Table 5) revealed lesser CMJ performance than
physical education students (34.6±4.3cm, Lara,
2006) and elite and sub-elite fencers (30.1 ± 7.4 cm,
Ntai, 2017). CNJ performance is almost always
better than SJ performance (Van Hooren, 2017) and
in examined basketball players SJ height is better
than one of CMJ but no significant difference was
found in CMJ and SJ parameters except push off
time. The last peculiarity of vertical jumps
performance in basketball players may root from
specific technique of basketball jumps as well as
insufficient power and strength determined through
maximal cycling testing and arm Wingate-test.
Table 5: Maximal anaerobic power of the lower
extremities of basketball players (M±SD (min-max).
Parameters CMJ SJ
Height jump, cm 28.55 ±4.49
Relative max
power, W/kg
(33.22-49.7 )
Push off time, s 0.326 ±0.037
0.475 ±0.047**
(0.394-0.554 )
Impulse, Ns 225.91±32.75
(175.8-295.2 )
**Significant differences between CMJ and SJ parameters P <
The results of simple visual-motor reaction
(SVMR) of basketball players (Table 6) were in the
upper norm of individuals not engaged in
professional sports.
As we can see from the obtained results,
steadiness of attention concentration differ
significantly from the mean statistical values of not
engaged in professional sports healthy people. The
reaction rate and the functional level capabilities
also indicate the predominance in motor reactions in
professional athletes.
Table 6: SVMR characteristics of sub-elite basketball
Reaction time, ms
Stability of response,
Steadiness of attention
concentration, c.u.
Functional level, c.u.
(4.99 – 2.97)
The SVMR results analysis (Figure 2) reflects
the high reacting speed in 67 % of team members,
25% of the players showed average level of response
reaction and one athlete demonstrated low reaction.
The indicator of functional level of basketball
players is in the mid range and it is optimal for
implementation of sports activity (Zimkina, 1978).
Only 8% of basketball players demonstrate inertia in
gaming and have a low functionality level (2.97 c.u.)
that might lead to an increase in the number of
erroneous actions.
Figure 2: SVMR results of basketball team athletes, %.
The study of response strategies (Park et al.,
2011) pointed out a significance of processes
management in gaming activity.
A balanced version of the inhibitory and
excitatory process is revealed in 50% of basketball
players (Figure 3) 33.3% of the subjects demonstrate
the predominance of excitatory process in their
nervous systems, at the same time 16.7% of the
subjects demonstrate the inhibitory process. The
results indicate the success of the activities in
difficult conditions that require rapid response. So,
athletes engaged in high-intensity game sports have
predominant process of excitation of nervous
systems because intensive, high-speed gaming
activity presupposes actions for anticipation.
Figure 3: The results of reactions to a moving object
(RMO) in basketball players, %.
Success rate of basketball players is higher in
subjects with stable and strong nervous system
types. The results of Tapping test method
(Ilyin, 2005) made it possible to determine nervous
system type of the subjects (Figure 4). The team was
practically homogeneous. 70% have a medium-weak
type of nervous system, which indicates good
tolerance to intensive physical activity. Only 7% of
the subjects are characterized by a weak type of
nervous system.
Figure 4: Types of nervous systems in basketball
players, %.
Such athletes are emotional susceptible and
prone to stress. 23% of the subjects possess the
ability to fulfill the stated tasks under stress
1. Complex testing of sub-elite basketball players
includes high-tech, though accessible methods:
bioimpedance analysis for anthropometric and body
composition evaluation, maximal stress cycling
testing with gas-exchange measurements for
estimation of aerobic capacities, hemodynamics
monitoring for evaluation of cardiovascular
functional state, arm Wingate test and performance
analysis for vertical jumps to define strength output
of upper and lower extremities, psychophysiological
computer tests for estimation of abilities to perform
fast and situational challenging physical actions in
team sport.
2. We found that: (i) generally athletes had low
percentage of fat (10.3±4.7 %) and high index of
muscle mass (85.4±4.5 %); (ii) the following
parameters of aerobic capacity in studied basket-ball
players were obtained: mean value of VO
47.52±6.14 ml/kg/min, Ve – 145.3±36.4 l/min,
– 4.13±0.58 W/kg, AT equal to 77.8±7.1
%VO2max; (iii) lower than expected strength
abilities of athletes – peak power of arms – 6.47
±0.87 W/kg and relative maximal power of legs in
countermovement jumps – 42.17±4.22 W/kg,
3. Monitoring of psychophysiological features of
athletes showed that sub-elite basketball players are
characterized by good reaction time (195.88±8.48
ms), predominance of balance and excitation in their
nervous systems and following nervous system
types: a medium-weak type (70%), medium-strong
type (23%) and weak type (7%).
The work was supported by Act 211 Government of
the Russian Federation, contract 02.A03.21.0006.
Authors thank Kistler company and its
representatives in Russia for productive scientific
cooperation within the walls of Ural Federal
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